Portofolio 3 Josue Gaspar

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 NAME: Josue Gaspar Pizarro

 TEACHER: Juan Ñavincopa


 SCHEDULE: 9:15pm – 10:45pm

Vocabulary Unit 6:
1) Proudly: splendidly.
 She proudly displayed her newest creations
2) Passion: A very intense emotion.
 Jackson possessed a true passion for music.
3) Challenge: an objective to achieve.
 There was challenge and defiance in her gaze.
4) Thrilled: extremely happy.
 He shocks of alarm thrilled through her.
5) Satisfaction: an amusing feeling when you received something that
you were hoping.
 Her only satisfaction was that he had failed
6) Determined: when you have a strong decision to do something.
 I was determined to know beans
7) Proposal: a suggestion.
 She refused his proposal.
8) Inspired: Mentally you are stimulated to do or feel something.
 hey had to thank the goalie for some inspired save.
9) Managed: to control or direct.
 She managed a nod at the eyes that had grown darker than
the sky.
10) Admiring: warm approval.
 I admire the effort and sacrifice you put into it.

I honestly don't think I can change or make a difference in my

country or my city, but I can start to be different on my part. It would
make a difference not to throw the garbage on the street, always say
thank you, please forgive me, excuse me and always say hello. I
would also teach this to my future children, because I know that with
these manners we can be a better country and it is the best we can
do, teach the children of now, because they are the future of our
country, investing in their education so that we can have more
professionals who contribute and help the country.
Graphic Organizer:

Pros Cons

You can be with your pajama without Some teachers don’t know how to
incommode anybody use the apps of the classes.

It's more comfortable because we It does not allow you to have social
can enter class anywhere. contact and meet close friends

It can be accommodated to our Can't have direct contact with the

schedule. teacher, he doesn't know you

You don’t have to lose 1 or 2 hours You can't ask the teacher if you have
on traffic, so you have more time to some question, you have to wait until
study the end of the class.

You have more time to do the It is difficult to do group work,

homework and exams. because many virtual tools are

Some exams are solved after class. There are Wi-Fi problems, for
we don't have to present in class. teachers and students that makes it
difficult to do a class

You can be more comfortable when The virtual book is uncomfortable.

you are studying at home. because you have to enter on the
computer to read outside the class.

You feel more confident, you don’t You don't have experience, it’s not
have pressure the same to see it in real life than to
see it on internet
1) Introduction:
a) Hook: Have you felt that you don't learn by studying at home? Don't you
realize that you prefer online classes because of the little attention they
give you?
b) Background information:
 The students who have started studying in these years do not
know the university.
 You do not gain experience in online classes, it is a waste of time.
2) Body
a) Paragraph 1: C. argument + argument (Comfort)
Although there are students who prefer online classes for various reasons
(most for convenience), there are others who prefer to learn better and
acquire more knowledge through face to face experience. Apart from stress,
you have to spend a lot of time on the computer.
I. Supporting ideas:
 When studying some subjects like chemistry, physics, etc. The
greatest learning is learned through experiments, doing it
virtually is a waste of time
 Sometimes we need to get out of the routine to have our mind
clear, so online classes don’t help us.
b) Paragraph 2: Topic sentence (direct):
The face-to-face classes are efficient and has better quality.
I. Supporting ideas:
 Face to face communication between teacher and student is
 We are supervised in case we get distracted, in class we can turn
off the camera and do other activities.
c) Paragraph 3: C. argument + argument:
While some people find easy to access classes online, others don’t, others don’t
have the opportunity to access one.
I. Supporting ideas:
 Not everyone has a good computer or a good cell phone to enter
 Others live in poor conditions, and do not have to pay for
internet at home.
 In universities they provide you with the resources that you can
study well.
3) Conclusion:
In summary, virtual classes can help you with your schedule and your time, however, I
think that face-to-face classes are better because you gain experience and learn
better, without distractions and all people can access them.

Have you felt that you don't learn by studying at home? Do you think that
everyone has the same comfort to enter an online class? Students now do
not know the services that the university gives you, they do not get
experience through practice, so virtual classes are a waste of time.

Although there are students who prefer online classes for various reasons
(most for convenience), there are others who prefer to learn better and
acquire more knowledge through face to face experience. For example, when
you study chemistry, physics and different subjects, the best way to learn is
through experiments, apart from theory. Apart from sitting in front of a
computer, sometimes we need to go out to clear our mind, because by sitting
for many hours we get stressed and that makes learning difficult.

The face-to-face classes are efficient and of better quality. Being in an online
class, we are tempted to turn off the camera and go to another activity.
Which does not happen in face-to-face classes since we are always being
supervised by the teacher and he makes sure that we pay attention. We can
also learn better because communication with the teacher is better, we can
solve a question that we have instantly.

While some people find it easy to access classes online, others do not, others
do not have the opportunity to access one. There are people who do not
have a good computer and a good cell phone or tablet, so they cannot do
their jobs at home, other people are poor who cannot even pay for the
electricity in their home, however the universities have the necessary
resources so you can study and do your jobs without problem at the
university. Which does not happen because there is no face to face classes.

In conclusion, virtual classes can help you with your schedule and your time,
however, I think that face-to-face classes are better because you gain
experience and learn better, without distractions and all people can access
Official Writing:
Summary Essay

Have you felt that you don't learn by studying at home? Do you think that
everyone has the same comfort to enter an online class? Students now do
not know the services that the university gives you, they do not get
experience through practice, so virtual classes are a waste of time.

Although there are students who prefer online classes for various reasons
(most for convenience), there are others who prefer to learn better and
acquire more knowledge through face to face experience. For example, when
you study chemistry, physics and different subjects, the best way to learn is
through experiments, apart from theory. Apart from sitting in front of a
computer, sometimes we need to go out to clear our mind, because by sitting
for many hours we get stressed and that makes learning difficult.

The face-to-face classes are efficient and of better quality. Being in an online
class, we are tempted to turn off the camera and go to another activity.
Which does not happen in face-to-face classes since we are always being
supervised by the teacher and he makes sure that we pay attention. We can
also learn better because communication with the teacher is better, we can
solve a question that we have instantly.

While some people find it easy to access classes online, others do not, others
do not have the opportunity to access one. There are people who do not
have a good computer and a good cell phone or tablet, so they cannot do
their jobs at home, other people are poor who cannot even pay for the
electricity in their home, however the universities have the necessary
resources so you can study and do your jobs without problem at the
university. Which does not happen because there are no face to face classes.

In conclusion, virtual classes can help you with your schedule and your time,
however, I think that face-to-face classes are better because you gain
experience and learn better, without distractions and all people can access

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