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The song ‘Salampating Guminaro’ entails about a man who felt depressed because
the dove that he tamed flew away from him. After a while, an untamed dove came and it
settled on the sacristy. Using the Semiotics Theory, the song symbolizes and pictured out the
fade of one’s physical beauty. Just like what the man did to the dove, we do everything to
take care, maintain our beauty. We even buy skincare products just to maintain the fresh,
moisturized and glowing skin particularly on our face. But as we grow old, our skin starts to
develop wrinkles (kulubot na balat). The fresh face that we have will leave and disappear.
But we must always remember that God is there, He loves us no matter what our physical
appearance is, also there will be someone who will disregard our physical appearance, loves
and accepts our flaws, just like when the untamed dove came. From what we’ve heard, the
song was delivered soulfully, the singer sang it will full emotions. The man as a sign
represents humans. Like the man in the song who tamed the dove, humans take good care,
give time, efforts, spend money just to maintain a fresh and glowing face. The dove as a sign
represents our physical appearance particularly our face. Just like the dove our face has
beauty that only some recognizes.

The song ‘Punay’ entails about a man who caught a bird on the branches of Balete Tree;
but after a few days, the bird left the man. The song maybe identical with the song above, but
there is a difference. This song narrates that the man was worried because maybe someone
will own the bird. He wished that he imprisoned the bird, so that it can’t go back to the Balete
Tree that has snake on it. Using the Semiotics Theory, the song symbolizes the purpose on
why God do things (where they will realize the importance of hijab) to convince Muslim
women to wear hijab. Since God wants to protect the women from sins, temptations, He used
hijab as a protection and cover for the women to possess modesty. From what we’ve heard,
the song was delivered in a slow beat, where lyrics were emphasized. Since the man wants to
protect the bird from the snake, the snake as a sign represents temptation. The temptation, a
form of sin in Islam, which a person can commit if women won’t wear hijab. One will be
exposed and vulnerable on commiting sins. The Balete Tree as a sign represents the darkness
and mystery when someone have sinned. The chains as a sign represent the hijab, because it
will hold the women’s faith in Islam together and support our intentions on praising God.
The song ‘Ang Harong Mi’ entails about the speaker describing his/her house even
though it is small, it is clean. Also he said they can’t afford eating in restaurants and that their
dish is always vegetables. In other words, the song talks about a man having a difficulty in
living because there are things he can’t afford. Using the semiotics theory, the song
symbolizes and pictured out the life of a blind man. Though he is living, he only sees
darkness in her surroundings. Ability to witness with his own eyes the beauty and loveliness
of our environment is one of the things that he can never afford. The house as a sign
represents the eyes of a blind man. Though he has his eyes, but he can’t open and use his eyes
to see the world. The vegetables as a sign represent the darkness that he witnesses everyday.
It is the only thing he can afford/have. The restaurants as a sign represent the ability to see the
world, he can’t afford/have it like the speaker do.

“Isipin mo sana” is the tagalog translation of Isipon mo sana. This folk song is about
“love”. As for us, this song is about the love of mother to her child, who’s far away from her.
Before she sleeps, she pray that her son/daughter always remember that their mother is
always there for them for everything and no matter what happened, she always love her child.

Sarung Banggui or Sarung Banggi, translated as “Isang gabi”. AS for us, the guy is
serenading his lover because they had a fight. The girl didn’t know that he has a nice voice
and he love to sing until that Sarung Bangui/One night came. The guy also proposed on that


Ay Kalisud is a western visayan folk song, which talks about longing of one’s love
for another, how the girl feels the sorrow and lonely life of missing someone. AS for us, this
song depicts a woman’s feelings towards a man, where this man has left her in great sorrow.
A relationship with the one you love, however can't respond your reverence, it can be
remarkably difficult to explore that relationship in a way that is not devouring for you. It's
hard not to feel as though you are losing yourself. It feels unpleasant when somebody you
cherish, miss, or care doesn't feel same about you. It's difficult to acknowledge this reality
however nobody can compel anybody to love others. The best thing one can do is be pleasant
to them with no desire, you never know whether he/she may even yield to you at some point
or another. It is difficult to be solid and not look for your medication when the withdrawal
influences you to guarantee things that show exactly the amount you are losing yourself. You
endeavor to persuade yourself that you approve of less consequently, just to keep the
relationship. You may imagine it is not in this way, but rather this experience levels you and
smashes you again and again. For the time being, simply grow your mindfulness because this
might be your experience and realize that you are not the only one.

Matud Nila, translated as “sabi nila” is a western visayan folk love song which
expresses an unconditional love from a man to a woman. With all the trials and obstacle this
man faces, he still managed to fight for his feelings for the girl. According to the translated
lyrics, as for us, he doesn’t care about what others say, because all he cares about is his
unconditional love for the girl. This kind of love isn't a perfect thing that we have to
accomplish. As a matter of fact, making progress toward it leaves us from the experience we
did. It's constantly present as the unconditioned piece of us. Love can give a way to opening
the solidified places in our souls. Love can soften a shut heart. For us, we believe that,
relationships aren’t that perfect, some fight, some experience bad things in life. We believe
that, if you don’t have the will or the want to fight for someone you love the most, then you
clearly didn’t love that person after all. In a relationship, if you aren't willing to battle for the
one you love, you aren't willing to do anything, to make a special effort, at that point you
simply don't need them enough. The song simply shows true love from a boy, who is willing
to fight for what he thinks is right and for what he love.

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