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MD Ashikur Rahman

ID 16204098

Ans to the Q no 6

Ans: When downsizing takes place those employees who are staying back or surviving become very
stressed out, narrow-minded, declining to take risks, and always being self-absorbed for thinking about
themselves which are negative effects of downsizing. During this pandemic to maintain the sustainability
of my company I would go for the alternative of downsizing to minimize the cost.

There are 4 things that I can do to minimize the human cost of downsizing in the organization are given

Cutting non-personal costs: In that case, I may cut down the transportation cost of the products by using
fewer shifts or maintain the cost by hiring new subsidiaries who can join us regarding our expected value
of transportation cost. Moreover, I can minimize the utility bills and other small costs during this pandemic
since many things are already stopped. By cutting these cost organization can help to reduce their expenses.
As a result, it would go for downsizing.

Cutting personnel cost: In that case, I might shut down the cost of benefits, employee-related costs because
I need to think about all of those who are working here installed of thinking who deserve more. In this way,
the company can ensure to decrease total expenses.

Providing incentives for voluntary resignation: Organization can also provide some incentives so that if
any employee wants to go for early retirement during this pandemic or voluntary resignation. In that case,
the employees will decrease in number and the cost of the company would also decrease and do not need
to go for downsizing.

Short-term method: In that situation, I can go for a short time work period, can reduce salaries in some
portion, reducing overtime, shut down the facility, and hiring freeze during this pandemic to minimize the
human cost downsizing.

Medium-term: In the case of medium-term I can continue with the reduction of salaries. On the other hand,
I can send the employees on sabbaticals such as leave and holidays. I can also share the employee’s work
hours with other organizations or subsidiaries.

In this way, I can minimize the human cost of downsizing in the organization during this pandemic
2) Ans:
Trend analysis is a quantitative technique and it also used all sorts of forecasting not only in HR forecasting
such as what is the requirements of new materials, but we can also use trend analysis. When an organization
forecasts future requirements of other resources like money, premises, office hours, spaces, everywhere we
can use trend analysis. Trend analysis is a way of looking at past information to predict future queries. By
collecting and evaluating information, identify designs that may affect future requirements-but this is
combined with various elements to create a more comprehensive picture to determine personnel needs.

The steps of the trend analysis are given below

● Operational Index: In that case, we use an organizational index and it could be a business index or
an operational index. For instance, the number of customers and the demand for the products or the
revenue. In that case, suppose a mobile company, where we have subscribers and are using our
SIM. So, the number of customers or the subscriber we have is the business index.

Another example can be, for the analysis of the trends, first, the company has to select the proper
operation where there is the need of the analysis. For example, in the past days in company “y”
there were sales of the product 50million dollars but now they need more so now the company will
analyze the sales line of their production line.

● Track Business Index: The company would try to track the business over time and look at the
business index over a few years of time so that it would be monitored by the authorities properly.
For example, now they can track the sales and the marketing over time, and then the analysis will
be done and hence the decision will be taken.

● Track workforce Size: It will also help to see the workforce size over time, for instance, suppose
we can think about the number of engineers is working in the organization. In that case, how many
people are working as an engineer would track. As the number of subscribers would increase the
number of equipment, engineers who are present to maintain that equipment would also increase.

● Average Ratio calculation: In that case, trend analysis would help to calculate the average ratio of
the business index workforce size. For example, the company has 10 million subscribers and has
1k engineers who work against those subscribers.

● Forecasting demand for labor: In that case, it will also calculate a ratio, and the same as the future
while subscribers increased, they would calculate the ratio of index size and fix how many engineers
would be needed.

In this way, a trend analysis process can be done for the company.
4) Ans:

Management development programs are often used by the organization and that is one form of the
development process. In these programs, the organization actually creates talents for the company. Once
an organization will identify those employees who are capable of taking those important roles of the
company then they would focus on those employees and give them the opportunities to build up their skills
and experiences regarding the job. There are four developmental opportunities for the employees are
describing below:

● Promotions: When promotions are given to the employees, they have placed in a higher position
to perform in a big role where most of the responsibilities they have to maintain. In that case, the
employees are tried to develop their skills to reach the level and that demonstrates the one way of
developing the tablets which are considered as opportunities for them.

● Job rotation: It actually places the employees in a different position at the same level of
responsibility. In that case, they are able to collect or gather more experience by expanding their
scope and ability through implementing job rotation skills. When an employee rotates from
department to department then it would help them to learn different things at a time such as team-
building skills will be increased. It also can modify a person’s strengths and weaknesses that
demonstrate the actual competencies of that employee. Lastly, it gives a wider experience and helps
to discover more insights into the job.

● Special assignments: In that case, the organization gives the employees different types of
assignments with other business industries or maybe other countries as well. In that case, they can
gather more knowledge about worldwide business and use their experience in a wide range.
● Formal training and development: In that case, they provide the employees formal training and
development to the employees. For example, mentoring and coaching, by this process an
organization can appoint a mentor or coach for the employees to help them build their skills and

In this way, those developmental opportunities and experiences can help the employees for having a better
experience and make them extraordinary and more qualified for the organization.
3) Ans:

Succession management is the process of selecting or ensuring that a pool of qualified employees is trained
and meets the company's needs and goals when needed. This is an update process to ensure that the
organization is replaced and prepared under any foreseeable or unforeseen circumstances. For example, a
company should consider changing its CEO while considering its sales. In order to deal with this situation,
they need to implement it to improve the business or organization. To do this, the manager needs to look
at the list of developing employees who can be selected in the future to achieve the company's goals. The
process is work-related and based on skills and abilities.

Differences between work-based approach and competency-based approaches are given below:

Job-based approach:

● It refers to look forward to having potential people who are capable of doing the job having proper
skills. In that case, those people are identified as potential successors and their work experience is
considered whether having experience or not.
● In the work-based approach, the first impression is the job roles, responsibilities, and
responsibilities of a specific work item.
● The greater the responsibility, the more experienced managers, and those with skills in motivation,
marketing, and corporate financial management, the better they can become managers.

Competency-based method:

● In that case, the company looks at the competencies such as knowledge, skills, and abilities that are
required to do the job and companies also look at those people who are more capable of carrying
out those duties. In this process, they also consider the experiences and capabilities regarding the
job field.
● On the other hand, competency-based methods have a set of related behaviors required for
successful performance. Competence is an important measurable characteristic that distinguishes
successful managers from others. It is a person's skills and abilities to promote business
● On the other hand, work-based focus on professional skills and tasks, and ability-based focus on
the necessity of tasks, such as working in a team with skills. For example, efficiency in PowerPoint
is a skill that can be used for a specific job. It has a narrow scope and only applies to one job, but
the ability is the ability to work in a team with creative thinking, which is a broader term

I think both of them are important but competency-based is more important as emphasizing competency
rather than job skills that help to be more flexible for an individual and adopt the change of the company
needs which will be supporting them to success.
Ans to the Q no 1

Linkage to the macro business forecasting process: It means forecasting the requirement of the overall
business such as how many products will be in demand or demand of the services during this pandemic.
Basically, it stands from the top so the organization’s objectives are set and they are actually scanning or
revealing the market condition by looking at external markets, competitors and analyzing the policies of
the government. Based on that we are analyzing different conditions such as market ratio, profitability, and
different functions of the business such as operation, marketing. From there we are also analyzing personnel
recruitment or human resource management. Since we are filling these types of processes so it ensures the
close linkage because whatever happened in the macro business environment and overall business plan,
according to that we will do our HR plan forecasting to maintain the situation.

Example: During this pandemic situation the business plan would be to minimize the expenditure, decrease
the cost of the business. In that case, the HR plan would be done in a way that they would go for hiring
part-time workers instead of full-time workers or outsource some of the jobs with low cost.

Ensure organization requirements take precedence: Basically, we have some organizational requirements
such as achieving some targets, quarterly or yearly what revenues want to generate, what customer base it
wants to create. Now if we are doing forecasting on that pattern then we are doing more important to those
targets because based on the targets we create our HR plan.

Example: During this pandemic, our target is to e-commerce all the products and increase the revenue by
10% during the year. Based on that we are going to make our HR plan. So over that, we create our human
resource plan that will ensure that our business plan to be fulfilled. For instance, resources constrain,
shortage of delivery in a particular area then somehow it would address the situation filled by outsourcing
the job, changing the internal employees to ensure the gap.

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