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Original Article

Advancing Lean Implementation for Improving

Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa:
A Literature Review
Evelyn Lami Ashelo Allu and Fidelis Emuze

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This article aims to synthesize relevant literature underpinning the implementation of lean principles in the Architec-
ture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector. The focus is on the challenges and benefits to promoting lean ap-
plication and sustainability efforts within the AEC sector in the sub-Saharan African region. The discourse centers on a
descriptive analysis of the selected articles that specifically relate to the challenges and prospects of lean implementation
in the AEC sector within the last six years. Findings from the literature review suggest that the prospects of lean ap-
plications by far surpass the challenging barriers. The limitations are mainly due to lack of appropriate knowledge on
the specific application techniques for the construction tasks/processes. Furthermore, findings suggest that the imple-
mentation of lean principles promotes environmental sustainability, allows for refining construction processes to suit
peculiarities, and encourages continuous improvements of processes, services, products, and stakeholders’ development.
Specific contextual adaptations to address regional-based requirements for lean implementation are recommended.
Keywords: AEC sector; lean implementation; lean principles; sub-Saharan Africa; sustainability

Introduction the implementation of lean princi- tivities. Although this innovation

ples in sub-Saharan African countries. has not always been common practice
Sub-Saharan Africa comprises devel- Thus, an agenda to transform lean within the AEC sector,5 in recent
oping countries whose Architecture, implementation in the African re- times, its success in the sector has been
Engineering, and Construction (AEC) gion was formed.4 Due to this im- acknowledged in some studies. Suc-
sector is known for its fast growth and plementation, it is necessary to know cesses within the AEC sector include
significant share of the economy. Yet, what the challenges are in order to promoting environmental sustain-
from a sustainability lens, the sector is address them; knowledge of the ben- ability,6–8 reduction in construction
saddled with many challenges, such efits will help to advance the im- waste and time,9 strategies for re-
as inadequate knowledge and/or slow plementation of lean and sustainable source control,9 and continuous im-
implementation of sustainable inno- construction in the AEC sector in provement in the overall efficiency of
vations in the field. This article pres- this African region. the processes.10
ents an overview of the challenges and
benefits of the applications of lean The main objective of lean in con-
principles to the AEC sector via a lit- Theoretical Background struction is to meet the needs of the
erature review. Literature abound on client and to simultaneously improve
the applications of lean principles1 The application of lean principles in the products and processes of de-
but are limited for the AEC sector.2,3 the AEC sector allows the sector’s velopment within the AEC sector.11
Furthermore, not much is known professionals to implement and im- By this objective, the management
about the challenges and prospects for prove on their project delivery ac- and the application of innovations in

Department of Built Environment, Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa.

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Allu and Emuze

construction is significant for the de- ping of relevant work pro- tion sector, also has some challenges
velopmental growth and efficiency of cesses and the execution of loss for its applications or implementa-
the AEC sector. In some countries, and waste analyses to deter- tions.21,22 Another important chal-
particularly in developed economies, mine technical limits and im- lenge is how to channel the strategies
lean applications have advanced in this provement targets. During all in the AEC sector toward sustainable
sector in order to improve productivity these phases, site personnel actions.23,24 Additionally, the lack of
and efficiency12 while also promoting are actively involved and en- measurement tools is also seen as a
environmental sustainability.13,14 gaged to create buy in during missing link.25,26 Despite the ac-
the implementation phase. knowledgement of some of these
Sustainable construction has been • Implementation: A number challenges, research is still ongoing
defined and summarized by the In- of basic Lean construction regarding how best to tackle these
ternational Council for Research and tools are implemented such challenges27 with particular refer-
Innovation in Building and Con- as visual boards, toolbox talks, ences to regional suitability.4,28
struction (CIB), by Vieira de Car- performance management
valho et al.15 as: “The conception and dashboards, etc. Site personnel, Consequently, this study investigates
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development of a healthy construc- including the site manager, are the global regional attempts by coun-
tion process based on resource effi- coached to recognize the dif- tries that have adopted and applied the
ciency and ecological design.” (p. 2) ferent kinds of waste and the lean principles into the processes in
corrective actions to eliminate their construction sector. Revelations
Given this definition, there is a strong them via problem solving ses- from the investigations provide in-
correlation between lean construc- sions and techniques. A num- sights into the potentials and the
tion and environmental sustainability. ber of frequent wastes factors challenges therein and recommenda-
Elsewhere, as aforementioned, the identified include: Waiting tions for the AEC sector in the sub-
efforts toward environmental sustain- Periods, Over Processing, Ma- Saharan Africa are suggested.
ability through lean applications have terial Movement (lag times),
been widely acknowledged. However, Period of Inventory and Mo-
Literature Review
in the sub-Saharan African countries, tion (time wasted to correcting
little is known about strategies adopted omissions).
For the purposes of this article,
by the AEC sector toward the reduc- • Sustainability: The produc-
search terms were limited to barriers
tion of environmental waste and the tion output is monitored and
or challenges and the prospects or
promotion of environmental sustain- necessary ad hoc assistance is
benefits of lean application within the
ability.16 given to site management if
AEC or the construction sector. The
required. Regular site assess-
literature review was sought from
Due to the advantages offered by ments versus a list of best articles published in construction-
lean principles/concepts, the AEC practices take place and im-
related or lean construction journals
sector is expected to adopt, advance, provement actions are un- and conferences. Only articles writ-
and implement these concepts into dertaken. (p. 260)
ten in English within the last six
its processes.2,17 In this regard, the
years were selected for meta-analysis
AEC sector has been identified to have However, the challenges for im- with the sub-Saharan context. Meta-
the potential for sustainable innova- plementation have also been recog- analysis allows for a profile overview
tions through lean principles strate- nized by some researchers to include: or a landscape assessment of a specific
gized applications.18 lack of adequate understanding, com- research domain in order to identify
munication problems, lack of mana- the different perspectives for a nar-
Roelandt19 recognized three main gerial commitments, lack of lean rative summary.29
approaches as phases to implement- culture, and the misapplication of
ing lean as: tools.20
• Diagnostic: The main activ- Relevance of the
ities are communication to On the other hand, the application Sub-Saharan African Region
site management and person- of innovations, particularly the lean
nel describing the purpose and concept for improving the efficiency The sub-Saharan African region lies
process of the program, map- of project delivery in the construc- south of the Sahara in the African

128 Sustainability MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. • Vol. 11 No. 3 • June 2018 • DOI: 10.1089/sus.2018.0003
Lean in Sub-Saharan Africa: Literature Review

continent and is made up of 46 of the poor infrastructural, unsustainable searchers have suggested that the im-
54 countries in Africa, as shown in development, poor workflow, poor plementation of lean techniques are
Figure 1. This region is important to performance of people in construction, through the identified lean princi-
this study for many reasons. The region and cost of construction are recognized ples.11 Table 1 presents each of the five
has a rapid population growth and is as some of the region’s biggest chal- principles, explains the expectations
expected to reach 1.2 billion people by lenges.35,36 to be derived from the principles, and
2025.30 The region’s high population offers descriptive summaries on how
drives the increasing demand for in- Given the relevance of the AEC to the the principles can be applied to the
frastructure and construction activi- sub-Sahara region, it is increasingly AEC sector.
ties,22,31 thus, making the AEC sector important to apply best international
a very busy one. Arif et al.31 further practices for its continued growth. For implementation of lean princi-
observed that the rapid population ples for the improvement of the AEC
growth and increased construction sector, there must some consider-
activities in these developing coun- Lean Principles ation of technique for implementa-
tries raise much concern for envi- and Implementation tion. Although the client’s role drives
to the AEC Sector the entire construction process,39
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ronmental sustainability.
the onus lies with practitioners who
Additionally, the construction sector The concept of lean principles has are to ensure the implementation of
of the sub-Sahara region contributes provided practical ways for imple- every process leading to the desired
a significant 7 to 10 percent of their mentation into the AEC or construc- product delivery.40,41 It is therefore
GNP growth.22 The sector’s growth tion sector,37 and the implementation important for practitioners to have
rate has been on the incline.32 In has had a positive impact on envi- basic knowledge of the expecta-
addition, the construction sector con- ronmental sustainability.6 As such, the tions and how to apply the lean
tributes significantly more than other successes of lean are conceptualized principles in order to meet these
sectors to employment and develop- in lean strategies via the application expectations.
ment in the region33 and beyond.34 Yet, of the five basic lean principles. Re-
Table 1 enumerates the basic lean
principles, describes the expectations
in a question format, and highlights
the many ways to implement their
applications in the AEC sector.

Prospects of Lean
Implementation and Drivers

The benefits of lean implementation

have been the focus of attention by
many researchers in the AEC sector, as
indicated by numerous studies.26,42–44
The prospects for lean implementation
in the AEC sector are targeted toward
improvement of labor efficiency and
production processes45,46 and the pro-
motion of environmental sustainabili-
ty.8,47 In addition, the implementation
of lean principles has a positive impact
on safety concerns.48,49 Thus, when
lean principles are implemented in
the AEC sector, it is a win-win strategy
Figure 1. Shaded areas are “Sub-Sahara Africa” as used in the statistics of many UN institutions, because it incorporates improve-
with the exception of Sudan, which is often classified as North Africa. ment for both human and production

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Allu and Emuze

Table 1. Lean Principles—Expectations and Implementations

No. Principles Expectations/Questions Associate Principles and Implementation Techniques

1 Specify or Define • What is the perception of value? • Reduce the uncertainty through the clear understanding of the client’s
Value • What does the client expect or want to expectations from the start
accomplish? • Reduce the production task
• Minimize the cost of all tasks
• Minimize resource consumption
• Remove non-value adding activities

2 Identify and Map • How to implement the principles into • Compress lead time
the Value Stream the AEC sector • Reduce variability
• At what stage do you implement? • Simplify
• Increase transparency
• Increase variability
• Ensure every task or process is compliant to value adding

3 Allow value Flows • How to ensure continuous flow from • Ensure requirements are captured
processes, services, and products • Ensure customer requirements are met
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• How to eliminate or reduce wasteful • Take requirements for all deliverables into account
tasks in the AEC processes • Ensure production system capacity
• Measure value

4 Pull value • In what ways do you allow AEC • Allow transparency in all production process activities
practitioners to pull knowledge at the • Provide information anytime for all employees and participants
right time and for better understanding • Apply holistic monitoring and controlling of the production process
of application of lean principles to • Ensure real-time feedback of the process
construction processes?

5 Perfection • What are the adoptions for continuous • Improve both flow and conversion of activities
refining of tasks/processes for • Ensure a well-defined sequence of events and allow for stock taking
continuous improvement of the • Study and set standards based on contextual and global best practices
AEC sector’s activities? • Set up self-evaluation mechanisms for construction

Adopted and modified from Biton and Howell38 (p. 126), and Khodeir and Othman2 (p. 2).

efficiency, environmental sustainabil- Challenges for Lean and Sukumar54 support Liker51 and
ity, and construction safety. Accord- Implementation Abdullah52 by going further to sug-
ingly, the drivers for implementing in the AEC Sector gest that addressing the causes for
lean principles in construction, enu- the barriers in the implementation of
merated by McGraw,48 are as follows: Lack of understanding of the un- lean are surmountable when identi-
fied. As such, the discourse of this
• Client’s needs and influence derpinning challenges or barriers for
article and its attempt to uncover the
• Reduced project schedule implementation of lean poses a great
sub-Saharan peculiarities makes it
• Increased profit margins and obstacle to implementation in the
construction sector.50 The question relevant.
decreased costs
• Promotion of sustainability of what constitutes the underpins
Challenges and barriers for im-
• Work safety and the way forward for the sub-
plementing lean principles have been
• Competition concerns Saharan countries are discussed in
acknowledged in research. Accord-
• Leadership concerns the following section in order to
ing to McGraw48 and supported by
• Work force concerns advance the implementation of lean
later research conducted by Smith
within the AEC sector in the sub-
and Ngo,44 there are 13 broad areas
These drivers provide the basis Saharan region. Liker51 notes that
that constitute challenges, which also
for pursuing the successful im- there are differences in the appli-
serve as barriers to the implementa-
plementation of lean principles in cations of lean from different per-
tion of lean principles in the AEC
order to improve the gains in the spectives, while Abdullah et al. 52
sector, as follows:
AEC industry. However, the road opined that the implementation of
to actualizing these is not without lean principles should be tailored 1. Lack of industry support due
some challenges. to suit contextual needs. Radhika to fragmentation

130 Sustainability MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. • Vol. 11 No. 3 • June 2018 • DOI: 10.1089/sus.2018.0003
Lean in Sub-Saharan Africa: Literature Review

2. Lack of proper competence/ 11. Tendency to apply based on primary research findings
knowledge or educational issues traditional management using the same identified challenges
3. Lack of commitment from top 12. Lack of planning/long-term cited in Table 2. Although the arti-
management/non- philosophy cles cited for selecting the four sub-
participative management 13. Overall lack of support/ Saharan countries identified more
style for workforce government support than 13 challenges, the related items
4. Lack of exposure on the need were merged and grouped into the 13
for lean construction/ groups identified in Table 2, with the
experience Contextualization exception of cost-related barriers.
5. Lack of measurement tools/ of the Challenges
6. Lack of client and supplier Based on the selection criteria for the Discussion
involvement literature sought, as identified and
7. Difficulties in understanding discussed in the Literature Review Table 2 suggests that fragmentation of
the concept of lean section, only five countries outside the construction sector is a common
barrier to all five countries. The next-
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construction the sub-Saharan region and only four

8. Negative attitudes and countries within the sub-Sahara re- most common barrier is the lack of
inability to work in group gion met the conditions. The chal- commitment from top management,
9. Cultural differences and lenges posed by lean implementation followed by the lack of proper com-
human attitudinal issues are presented in contextual specifics petence/knowledge or educational is-
(mind-set issues) in Table 2. sues. Table 2 also reveals that for
10. Uncertainty in the supply developed countries (United States
chain/procurement/contract- Table 3 presents the challenges to and United Kingdom), items 4, 5, 11,
related issues countries in the sub-Saharan region 12, and 13 (lack of exposure to the lean

Table 2. Challenges for Lean Implementation in the Selected Global Regions (2013–2017)
Challenges or Barriers Source and Country/Region

Gao and Hussain et al.53 Limon26 Smith and Sarhan and

Low42 Ngo44 Fox50

China India Norway USA UK

1 Fragmentation and subcontracting X X XX XX

2 Lack of proper competence/knowledge/ or educational issues X X X X X

3 Lack of commitment from top management/non-participative XX XX XX X XX

management style for workforce

4 Lack of exposure on the need for lean construction/experience X XX

5 Lack of measurement tools/standards X XX

6 Lack of client and supplier involvement X X X

7 Difficulties in understanding the concept of lean construction X X X

8 Attitude and inability to work in group X X X

9 Culture & human attitudinal issues (mind-set issues) XX X X XX

10 Uncertainty in the supply chain/procurement/ X XX X

contract-related issues

11 Tendency to apply traditional management X XX X

12 Lack of planning/long-term philosophy XX X

13 Overall lack of support/government support X

Note: X represents an identified challenge or barrier from each country.

XX represents top-three barrier with strong influence from each country.

MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. • Vol. 11 No. 3 • June 2018 • DOI: 10.1089/sus.2018.0003 Sustainability 131
Allu and Emuze

Table 3. Challenges for Lean Implementation in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries (2013–2017)
S/N Challenges or Barriers Source and Country/Region
Ayalew et al. Djokoto et al.22 Adegbembo et al.57 Emuze58

Ethiopia Ghana Nigeria South Africa

1 Fragmentation and subcontracting X X X

2 Lack of proper competence/knowledge or educational issues XX XX XX XX

3 Lack of commitment from top management/non-participative XX X X XX

management style for workforce/industry

4 Lack of exposure on the need for lean construction/experience XX XX XX X

5 Lack of measurement tools/standards X X X X

6 Lack of client and supplier involvement X X X X

7 Difficulties in understanding the concept of lean construction X X XX X

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8 Negative attitude and inability to work in group X X X X

9 Culture & human attitudinal issues (mind-set issues) X X X X

10 Uncertainty in the supply chain/procurement/ contract-related issues X X X XX

11 The tendency to apply traditional management X X X X

12 Lack of planning/long-term philosophy X X X X

13 Overall lack of support/government support X X X X

14 Cost related (higher investment cost and final cost of implementation) X XX X X

Note: X represents an identified challenge for a particular problem.

XX represents top-three barrier with strong influence from each country.

concept, lack of measurement tools, • Item 3: Lack of commitment sub-Saharan countries. This also val-
application of traditional methods, lack from top management/non- idates the Mina study,35 which found
of planning, and lack of government participative management style cost to be a very significant factor in
support, respectively) are not listed as for workforce/industry the construction activities of the sub-
barriers. This is perhaps due to the fact Saharan countries.
that the implementation of lean prin- The following were found to be strong
ciples within the AEC sector started impeding factors: Given the many benefits of im-
earlier in some Western countries.55 • Item 7: Difficulties in under- plementing lean principles in con-
struction, it is a worthwhile strategy
In the sub-Saharan countries pre- standing the concept of lean
that should be considered within the
sented in Table 3, more than 90 construction
sub-Saharan region. The way forward
percent of the possible barriers were • Item 10: Uncertainty in the
for the AEC sector in this context calls
recorded for all four countries. The supply chain/procurement/
for industry and government to col-
following factors were found to pose contract-related issues
laborate in order to advance the im-
the greatest obstacles to influencing • Item 14: Cost related (higher
plementation of lean principles, not
implementation of lean principles in investment cost and final cost
just for infrastructural development
the AEC sector, in order of strength of implementation)
but for positive sustainable impact
from strongest to weakest: on the environment, continuous im-
The overview of impeding factors
• Item 2: Lack of proper com- shown in Table 3 validates all 13 provement of its practitioners, the
petence/knowledge or educa- barriers that pose a challenge to the sector in general, and the safety of its
tional issues implementation of lean principles workers.
• Item 4: Lack of exposure to in the AEC sector as identified by
the need for lean construc- McGraw.48 The additional barrier In summary, commitments by the
tion/experience noted, cost, is a common factor to the regional governments would well be

132 Sustainability MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. • Vol. 11 No. 3 • June 2018 • DOI: 10.1089/sus.2018.0003
Lean in Sub-Saharan Africa: Literature Review

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