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NOTE: McKenzie, you only need to practice what is written in black.

The blue font is just letting you know what to expect from those

individuals that are a part of the ceremony.

Ladies and gentlemen the ceremony will begin in two minutes. At this

time please turn off all cell phones and pagers. (Pause)

I am McKenzie Ward, niece to our honoree. I will serve as your

moderator for today’s celebration. We know that many of you have

traveled great distances to share in today’s celebration and we thank

you very much for your attendance. (Pause)

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of our hosts, Mr. and Mrs Henry

Poindexter, parents to our honoree, welcome to the Retirement

Ceremony honoring CAPTAIN Edward Poindexter, United States Public

Health Service Commissioned Corps. (Pause)

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the entrance

of the official party and remain standing for the singing of the National

Anthem by Valeria Dalton and the invocation which will be given by


Pastor, Doctor, Lucius Dalton. (Pat and Ed take their place in front of

two chairs placed on porch that can be seen by all.) (***Anthem is sung

followed by a prayer) (Valerie & Lucius returns to their seats.)

Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. (Pause)

Please welcome today’s officiator, Chief Master Sergeant, retired,

Patricia Streeter and today’s honoree, CAPTAIN Edward Poindexter,

United States Public Health Services Commissioned Corps. (clap)

At this time, Chief Streeter will recognize CAPTAIN Poindexter’s career

highlights.. (Pat gives highlights of Ed’s career and returns to her chair

when done).

At this time, we will have remarks from Rear Admiral Aisha Mix, Chief

Nurse of the United States Public Health. (Rear Admiral Mix comes

forward, gives her remarks and returns to her seat when done.)

We will now have remarks from CAPTAIN Poindexter’s lifelong friend,

Minister Ethel Reeves. (Minister Reeves comes forward, speaks, ad

returns to her seat.)

CAPTAIN Poindexter will make a special presentation and provide


At this time, CAPTAIN Demetrius Culbreath will read Old Glory.

Members representing the American Legion, Post 16, will conduct a flag

folding ceremony. This flag was flown over our Nation’s Capital. (The

flag will be presented to Ed after it is folded.)

CAPTAIN Demetrius Culbreath will read the WATCH RELEASE. (Release

is read and CAPTAIN Culbreath returns to his seat)

At this time we will have the benediction. (Lucius gives the benediction

and blesses the food. (Continue with the script after he finishes.)

Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today’s ceremony honoring

CAPTAIN Poindexter. We would like to thank everyone that had a part

in making this event a success. Please stand for the departure of the

official party and the immediate family of CAPTAIN Poindexter. (Pat

leads followed by Ed escorting Monica and the kids) Our reception will

begin shortly. We thank you all for coming. Before you leave, please

take an opportunity to congratulate the Poindexter family on this

momentous occasion.

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