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Do you think you can learn a language on your own/ without a

dictionary? How

I think you can learn a language without a dictionary.

Well, you can learn a language by listening to music in English, watching

movies and series in English, and watching a grammar tutorial in English.

2. Do you think it’s possible to learn a language in a month?

I do not think it is possible to learn a language in a month, because in a

language you must learn grammar, pronunciation, new words, you must not
only understand it but speak and write it and you need time and a month is
very little.

3. Do you think it’s possible to learn two languages at the same time?

I think it is possible, is the case of babies who are children of parents with
different nationalities, the parents speak in their own language and the child
learns both languages. In my case, I think it would not be possible because I
like to do one thing at a time.

4. What do you find easy/ difficult about learning English?

It is not easy for me to learn English, everything I learn requires dedication

and effort, because it is a new language for me.

5. Do you feel motivated to improve your English? Why (not)? What’s your
main motivation for learning English?

Yes, I am motivated to learn English. My biggest motivation is to have better

job opportunities once I graduate.

6. Would you like to live/ study in a different country and learn their
language? Which one?

I would like to live in a different country and learn its language. The country I
would like to live in is the United States to learn English well.
7. Describe the opposite of an ideal partner.

The opposite of the ideal couple is:

When they don't trust you, when they cheat on you, they lie to you,
physically and verbally mistreat you, when they don't give importance to
special dates like your birthday or anniversary and when they only think of

8. What do you think is the most interesting thing to do for a visitor to your

I think that the most interesting thing in Santa Marta are the beaches, the
historic center and the Quinta de San Pedro.

9. What do you have to/ must - mustn’t you/ don’t you have to do in the
university/ at home/ at work/…?

At home I have to do the dishes, tidy up my room, do the laundry and

sometimes cook.

At home you shouldn't shout, you shouldn't sing out loud, you shouldn't
leave the dirty dishes and you shouldn't be late.

At university I must attend classes, do my homework, read and study for


At university you shouldn't be late for classes, you shouldn't throw trash, you
shouldn't offend your classmates.

At work I have to be on time, serve people with kindness and I have to do

things well.

At work I must not be late, I must not sleep, I must not mistreat people.

10. I have a problem: I am sick, I am cold, I am tired, …. What should I do?

If he was sick, he would go to the doctor, take the medicine, and rest.
If I was cold, I would have hot chocolate, wrap myself up and put my hands
close to the fireplace.

If I was tired, I would have tea and go to sleep for hours.

11.How do you normally get to work / school? How long does it normally
take you to get to work / school? What do you usually/ What’s the first
thing you do when you get home from work / school?

It came by bus or in my father's car.

When I get to college the first thing I do is go to class

When I get home the first thing I do is wash my hands and change my clothes
and shoes.

I do not work.

12.What do you do to get fit?

I don't eat flour or sugar, I don't eat dinner and I exercise.

13.Have you got better at English recently?

Yes, I learned new words listening to music and watching series in English
and in English classes I learned gramar.

14.Do you ever get angry? What about?

Yes, I got mad.

I remember being angry once because a teacher didn't want to give me a

grade that I deserved, so I spoke to him with respect and he acknowledged
that he was right.

15.Have you ever got lost/ a ticket/ nervous/ a job/…? What happened?

I have never lost a ticket.

Yes I have been nervous. Oral exams make me nervous.

I have never worked so I still haven't lost a job.

16. How many texts/ calls do you get a day? Who are they from?

I receive many text messages a day, from colleagues and university

professors, especially in WhatsApp groups.

I hardly ever receive phone calls, it is very rare that they call me.

17.What happens if you arrive late to class/ if you don’t study/…

If I am late to class, they take me and that can make me miss the course.

If I don't study I will be ignorant and I will lose the class material in addition
to the time and money.

18.Do you know Murphy’s law? What happens if you change queues at the
supermarket/ you’re late for something important/ you stop waiting for
a bus and start walking/….

If I know what this law is about, it says that what will go wrong, even if you
try to change it, will go wrong.

If you change the queue at the supermarket, the one that changed will

19.Use one of these confusing verb: What’s the president’s wages (salary) –
earn vs win? What do you do when you go on holiday – take vs bring?
You don’t find your keys, what happened – miss vs lose? What do you
do in a bus station – wait vs hope? Are you honest – say lies vs tell lies?
Do your friends give you things when you need them – borrow vs

The teacher said that this question would not arise, because we have
not seen this topic.

20.Whose marker/ pen / exam / bag/ …. is this?

21.What would you do if a dog/ a bull/ a jellyfish/ a snake/ a shark attacked

if he attacked me, I would run, would scream and hit him.

22.What would you do if you saw a spider in the bath/ if your neighbour’s
dog barked at night/ if you saw a mouse/ if you failed an exam?

If I saw a spider in my bath, I would scream and jump.

if my neighbor's dog barks , I would do nothing.

If I don't pass an exam, I would study to win the next one.

23.How long have you studied English?

Since school, I studied English, but not in a disciplinary way, so I still don't
learn it well.

24.What do you do? How long have you worked / studied there?

I have been studying Law for 4 years and 6 months and this year I finish
the subjects.

25.Where do you live? How long have you lived there?

I currently live in aracataca, 3 months ago.

26.Who’s your best friend/ your English teacher/…? How long have you
known him / her?

My best friend is my mother. I've known him since I was born.

My English teacher is Ivan Jiménez and I met him a few weeks ago.

27.Are you afraid/ scared of anything? How long have you been afraid/
scared of that?

If I fear the banks of the heights, always. I feel like I'm going to fall.

28.What’s your favourite hobby? How long have you done that?
I like to sing in my spare time, I sing since childhood.

29.Give me a short biography of your father/mother/ yourself.

Biography of my mother:

My mother was born in Astrea, in 1969, but at 6 years old she moved to
Barranquilla. After finishing college, she studied executive secretariat,
worked for a time, and then she married my father at 23 and had three
children, of whom I am the second.

Due to my father's work, she has lived in various places, including the
Dominican Republic and Santa Marta. Currently lives in Aracataca. My
parents are pastors of the United Pentecostal Church in Colombia.

Biography of my father

My father was born in Codazzi Cesar, in 1966, he studied his secondary

school in Cartagena de Indias, once he finished his studies he tried to enter
the public university, but it was not possible. He worked as a dental mechanic
for several years, then God called him to be a pastor at age 27 and from
there he began his ministerial career that he exercises to this day in an
admirable way.

My biography.

I was born on December 10, 1996 in Codazzi Cesar Colombia. I have lived in
various places due to my father's work, including the Dominican Republic and
Santa Marta, I currently live in Aracataca.

I finished my high school studies in Santa Marta and I am studying Law 4

years and 6 months ago at Sergio Arboleda University.

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