Understanding Assessment For Learning - Glossary

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rs to see
rners? • To encourage learne
Why do we assess lea what they need to lea
rn next.
k to learners for schools.
• To provide feedbac • To provide records
on progress. on for parents.
k to learners • To provide informati
• To provide feedbac help us plan
Assessment is a tool to
on achievement. rtant to
how teaching. It is also impo
• To get information on recognise assessmen
t as a measure
learners are us ing an d w much
language. of progress, not just ho
understanding target someone knows – i.e.
a learner
how y still have
• To get information on getting a low score ma
ve loping even though
well learne rs are de made good progress,
languag e ski lls. their level is not at the
• To see if learning ob
jectives they need to be at.
are being achieved.

and testing
Assessment is
a broad term
and defined as
an ongoing
process that ch
ecks how
learning is go
g is used ing and
ss m e n t for learnin d provides inform
A ss e f teaching an ation, for
im p ro ve the quality o rs to ta ke both teachers
to arne and learners,
ar n in g . It e ncourages le n in g th rough on progressio
le e ir own lear n. It is an
in th
an active p ar t often, even interactive pr
n t. It is carried out ocess and
self-assess m e outcomes not necessarily
o n , by sh ar ing learning graded.
every less serving Testing is just
rs , m o n it o ring and ob one way of
with learn e ack and formally assess
iv e te acher feedb ing learning
learners, e ff e ct emselves. and tends to be
g le ar n e rs to assess th an end
encourag in examination or
g is generally series of
t of learnin questions/tas
Assessmen ct informatio
n about ks that check
t to co lle what has been
carried o u learners. learned.
m ent or certify
learne rs ’ at ta in of a course, It of ten provid
es an overall
d o n e at the end score or grad
It is ge n e ra lly ally carried e.
r sc h o o l ye ar, and is usu
term o s the form
acher. It take
out by the te and is sed
u to assign
r te st s, .
of exam s o ent or failure
s an d re p o rt achievem

Understanding assessment for learning – Assessing learning | © British Council 2015

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