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PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT refers to the logical arrangement of ideas. The patterns help you follow
ideas easily and understand a text better. There are different patterns of development by which ideas
are developed. IN DETERMINING THE pattern of development used, note or look into the signal words
used. These signal words (the rhetorical devices) may help you identify the pattern of development.
However, it is more important that you understand the MEANING OF THE TEXT.

1. DEFINITION-helps clarify and explain concepts by answering the question "What does it mean?" This
pattern explains the idea/concept. This may include one or more different pattern.

SIGNAL WORDS: is defined as, as defined, means, refers to, to define, to illustrate

2. EXEMPLIFICATION-presents the general statement and then provides specific and concrete examples
to expound on the main idea. This pattern is used to provide examples of something.

SIGNAL WORDS: after all, as an example, consider the following, for example, for instance , in other
words, in particular, in short, namely, put another way, specifically, to clarify, to be specific

3. DESCRIPTION- uses sensory details/descriptions to explain an idea

Rhetorical devices/signal words: above, across, along, amidst, around, away from, back of, behind,
below, beneath, here, in, in front of, inside, into, on, outside, throughout, to the right, under, etc.

4. CHRONOLOGY/PROCEDURE- organizes ideas or events according to time, which could either be in the
form of narration or a process(based on the stages or steps)

RHETORICAL DEVICES/signal words: about, after, afterwards, at before, later, meanwhile, next,
presently, prior to, second, soon, then, till, today, tomorrow, until, when, yesterday

5. LISTING-organizes ideas using enumeration. Unlike a chronological pattern, listing does not require
the items to be in sequence or chronological pattern because it does not have the element of time. It
basically presents a series of items(facts, examples, features, reasons, etc.)

Signal words: additionally, again, along with, also, and, and then another, as well, besides, furthee, in
addition, in the same way, likewise, moreover, next, together with, etc.)

6. COMPARISON-CONTRAST--organizes ideas based on how events, places, people, things, and concepts
are similar to or different from one another. There are two ways to present ideas in this pattern:

a. SEPARATELY-which means an idea is decribed first followed by the second idea/item

b. SIDE-BY-SIDE--both items are discussed based on each point od comparison

Signal words: COMPARING: also, as, both, equally, in the same way, in comparison, like, likewise,

CONTRASTING: although, and yet, as opposed to, but, counter to, despite, even so, even though, in
contrast, inspite of, in the meantime, instead, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, on the other
hand, still, unlike, whereas, yet

7. CLASSIFICATION AND DIVISION- organizes ideas into categories or divisions based on criteria and
standards. This pattern can be used when classifying people, objects, events, things, places, and other
items. Take note of the superordinate ideas (name of the larger group), the subordinate ideas
(subcategories of a larger group), and the relationship between them since these are the most
important parts of this pattern

Signal words: another, classified as, final type, one kind, the first category, the last group, the next part

8. CAUSE AND EFFECT- organizes details based on a cuase, the reason, and the result or consequence of
a certain phenomenon. This pattern may discuss both the cause and effects, the causes only, or the
effects only

Signal words: because (of the fact), being that, due to (the fact that) for, for the reason that, in that, in
view of (the fact) in as much as, one reason, seeing that, since, accordingly, as a consequence, as a
result, consequently, for this reason, hence, so, therefore, thus

9. PROBLEM-SOLUTION-- organizes ideas into problems and proposed solutions. It includes what, who,
when, where, why, and how, then presents the major effects of the problem and the possible solutions
to address including the steps to solve the problem.

Signal words: but, first, second, nonetheless, one reason for the, one solution is, one way is, the
problem, the solution

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