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Ultraviolet-absorption photometer for

measurement of ozone on a rocket-boosted


B. Sen, W. R. Sheldon, and J. R. Benbrook

We developed a rocket payload to perform in situ measurements of atmospheric ozone at the University
of Houston. The ozone detector is a dual-beam UV-absorption photometer that uses the 253.7-nm
radiation from a low-pressure mercury-vapor lamp to illuminate two identical absorption chambers. We
describe the design features and the operation of the instrument. The fundamental resolution of the
photometer is shown to be 2.7 � 1015 molecules m�3. We present the ozone profile measured during
parachute descent following boosted ascent to 60 km by a Nike–Orion rocket. The uncertainty in the
measurement of this ozone profile is estimated to be 8.2%. © 1996 Optical Society of America
Key words: UV-absorption photometer, rocket instrument, stratospheric ozone.

1. Introduction can determine the ozone concentration by measuring

Ozone �O3� is a vital constituent of the middle and the transmittance at 253.7 nm in an air sample that
lower atmosphere, even though it is present in only flows through a chamber. Because the absorption
trace quantities. Almost all solar UV radiation with cross section of ozone at this wavelength has been
wavelengths �320 nm is absorbed by ozone in the accurately measured,6 the UV-absorption photome-
stratosphere �12–55 km�, thus providing protection ter can make an absolute determination of the ozone
from this biologically harmful radiation. Also, the concentration, which is a major advantage over other
absorption of infrared radiation from the Earth’s sur- techniques.
face by ozone plays an important role in the global We describe the design, construction, and flight
temperature balance. As a consequence of its im- performance of the University of Houston �UH� dual-
portance to conditions at the Earth’s surface, global chamber UV-absorption photometer. The design
ozone monitoring has been conducted continuously uses two folded 1.122-m columns as the absorption
for a number of decades.1 chambers and UV-sensitive solid-state photodiodes
The total column density of ozone has been moni- as light detectors to accomplish high-sensitivity
tored by both ground-based instruments and detec- ozone absorption measurements. The UV-absorption
tors on Earth-orbiting satellites. High-resolution photometer was designed as the primary instrument
altitude profiles of atmospheric ozone have been mea- of a rocket-boosted payload. The payload was test
sured in situ by balloon-2,3 and aircraft-borne instru- flown at the Wallops Island Flight Facility, Virginia,
ments.4 in August 1992.
The UV-absorption technique has been used exten-
sively to make in situ ozone measurements.5 One
2. UV-Absorption Photometer
Ozone measurement with the photometer technique
is based on straightforward principles of physics.
When this research was performed the authors were with the
The relationship between the light intensity mea-
Department of Physics, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun
Road, Houston, Texas 77204-5506. B. Sen is now with the Jet
sured by a photometer instrument and the concen-
Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Califor- tration of ozone in an absorption chamber is derived
nia 91109-8099. from the Beer–Bouguer–Lambert law for the absorp-
Received 16 October 1995; revised manuscript received 10 June tion of radiation7:
© 1996 Optical Society of America I � I0 exp����O3�cL� (1)

6010 APPLIED OPTICS � Vol. 35, No. 30 � 20 October 1996

tronics. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the lamp output is
directed down the length of the folded absorption
chamber to the detectors. Ozone partially absorbs
the radiation at 253.7 nm so that changes in the
molecular concentration of ozone in the chamber pro-
duce changes in the light intensity measured by the
detectors. With the use of a chemical scrubber �cop-
per screens impregnated with magnesium dioxide
and metallic copper and passivated at 800 °C� to pro-
duce ozone-free air and a four-port valve to alternate
this scrubbed air between the two chambers, one can
take measurements of ozone concentration for each
chamber in one cycle of the valve.
The absorption chambers are made from four alu-
minum tubes of 0.457-m length each. Two tubes
held between the mirror and lamp blocks, as shown in
Fig. 1, make each of the two 1.122-m path lengths.
The chambers are held in the blocks using aluminum
face plates and O rings compressed around the tube
ends. We used coated mirrors to maximize their UV
reflectance and aligned them so that the lamp illu-
minates the detectors at the end of each absorption
chamber. We mounted the lamp and the photo-
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the UH dual-column UV-absorption pho-
diodes using similar techniques �aluminum face
plates and O rings� to provide ease of assembly and
structural rigidity. This configuration allows quick
or disassembly of the absorption chambers, lamp, and
mirror systems for cleaning and replacement. We

�O3�c �
, (2)
coated all the metal surfaces in direct contact with
the air samples with polytetrafluoroethylene �Du-
Pont Teflon� to minimize wall losses of ozone in the
where I is the 253.7-nm intensity after attenuation by photometer.
ambient ozone in the absorption chamber, I0 is the The light source for the UH photometer is a low-
same measurement with ozone removed by the chem- pressure mercury-vapor lamp driven by a 5-kHz,
ical action of a scrubber, L is the path length of the 800-V �peak� square wave. Potentially, there is a
absorption chamber, � is the molecular-absorption problem when a mercury-vapor lamp is used for this
cross section of ozone at 253.7 nm, and �O3�c is the purpose because mercury has an emission line at 185
mean molecular concentration of ozone in the absorp- nm that is capable of dissociating O2 and thus creat-
tion chamber when I is measured. The chamber ing O3 within the instrument. However, the lamp
ozone concentration �O3�c and the ambient ozone den- has a special quartz jacket to block the 185-nm emis-
sity �O3�amb are related by the expression sion line; it emits approximately 80% of its radiant
energy at 253.7 nm. For measurement of the
PcTamb 253.7-nm light, the UH instrument uses three silicon
�O3�amb � �O3�c , (3) photodiodes, one at the end of each absorption cham-
ber and one immediately adjacent to the lamp as a
where Pamb, Pc, Tamb, and Tc are the ambient and monitor. The solid-state detectors have high sensi-
chamber pressures and temperatures. The ozone tivity in the UV at the expense of reduced perfor-
volume mixing ratio f�O3�amb is expressed as mance in the long-wavelength region. This reduced
sensitivity at longer wavelengths results in less ther-
�O3�amb kTc mal noise. Although the peak efficiency of the pho-
f�O3�amb � � �O3�c , (4) todiodes occurs at 720 nm, where they are four times
�M� Pc
more sensitive than at 253.7 nm, the use of narrow-
where k is the Boltzmann constant and �M� is the band UV filters ensures that all photometric mea-
ambient air density. surements are made at 253.7 nm. The narrow-band
Described in detail in Ref. 8, the UH dual-chamber UV filter has a peak transmission of approximately
UV-absorption instrument is illustrated in Fig. 1. It 18% at 253.7 nm, a bandwidth of 10 nm at half-
is an outgrowth of an instrument developed by Rob- intensity and less than 0.01% transmission outside
bins9 and is similar to one assembled at NOAA.5 the passband; the resulting ratio of UV signal to
The photometer has three basic components: the background noise contributes significantly to the
two absorption chambers with a pump and valve, the quality of the photometer measurements. One of
UV light source for the 253.7-nm radiation and asso- these narrow-band UV filters is located at the en-
ciated optics, and the solid-state detectors and elec- trance aperture of each photodiode.

20 October 1996 � Vol. 35, No. 30 � APPLIED OPTICS 6011

The weak UV intensity at the chamber end results tor is small. In practice, all three oscillators drift
in a very small current ��7 nA� at the photodiode slowly, but their relative rates of change are approx-
outputs. Consequently, signal-to-noise performance imately equal. The algorithm used to compute the
is an important design consideration for the photom- ozone concentration actually uses the counts from the
eter electronics. The preamplifier is a precision two previous measurement cycles to do a first-order
transconductance amplifier with field-effect transis- linear correction to remove drifts. Thus the result is
tor inputs. The drift current in this amplifier ��3 that the telemetered ozone values are actually for the
pA� is far less than the nominal photodiode output, so preceding measurement cycle rather than for the one
the total noise is dominated by the signal-to-noise just completed. At the end of the ozone measure-
performance of the solid-state detectors �see Ref. 8, ment cycle the four-port valve is switched to alternate
Appendix 1�. The outputs of the current-to-voltage the gas mode �ambient air or scrubbed air� in each
converters are amplified further by a factor of 10, absorption chamber.
inverted, and fed to voltage-to-frequency converters. The frequency measurements can also be used to
The linear converters produce a 1-MHz output for an calculate the ozone concentration after suitable nor-
input signal of 10 V. malization corrections. If this determination of �O3�
The electronics system of the ozone payload is de- were significantly different from that obtained during
signed around the Motorola 68000 microprocessor. the ozone measurement cycle, it would indicate that
Three sets of 24-bit scalers connected to the micro- the flush time is probably set too low. The up-link
processor bus were used to count the pulses produced command unit allows the cycle to be adjusted to the
by the voltage-to-frequency converters. We used a shortest interval that will produce reliable results so
precision time-delay unit controlled by the micropro- that the maximum measurement rate can be main-
cessor to produce the time intervals that constitute a tained as the parachuted payload descends through
measurement cycle for the instrument. The time- the upper regions of interest. Laboratory tests indi-
delay unit consists of a presettable 8-bit scaler that is cate that the columns flush to the 90% level in less
driven by a prescaled input signal. Overflow of the than 1 s at sea level. Comparison of the �O3� com-
8-bit scaler signals the end of the delay period. The puted from the frequency cycle and the measurement
control word sent to the time-delay unit by the mi- cycle for the test flight discussed below indicate that
croprocessor consists of 8 bits to preset the counter the 1-s flush time is adequate for altitudes to at least
and 3 bits to select one of eight prescaler channels.
40 km.
The input signal to the prescaler is selected by the
Photometer engineering information �such as volt-
microprocessor to be either the 10-MHz crystal clock
ages, currents, temperatures, and pressures� are dig-
that drives the microprocessor or the output of the
itized by an analog-to-digital converter circuit that is
voltage-to-frequency converter driven by the lamp
connected to the microprocessor data bus. The
monitor. The eight prescaler channels cover the
range from divide-by-2 to divide-by-214, so a very pulsed-code modulation data that are sent to the te-
wide range of possible measurement time intervals is lemetry system were generated by the microproces-
available for the instrument. sor and then telemetered on a single subcarrier
The computer algorithm in the photometer pro- �adequate to handle the 9.77-kbit s�1 data rate�.
duces a measurement cycle that is composed of three The signal is stored and decoded at the ground sta-
segments: �1� absorption chamber flush delay, �2� tion for real-time display of ozone measurements and
frequency measurement, and �3� ozone measure- photometer operation status.
ment. For the flush delay and frequency measure- The path length in the UH photometer’s absorption
ment segments, the input to the time-delay unit is the chamber L is 1.122 � 0.005 m, and the accepted value
10-MHz clock signal. We used the computer to se- of � for ozone at 253.7 nm is 1.14 � 10�21 m2 mole-
lect one of five delay times ranging from 1 to 15 s cules�1 �see Ref. 6�. With a counting error of �1 in
under the control of an up-link telemetry command. the digital circuitry computing the measurement �I0
After the flush delay is complete, we initiated a 1-s � I� and a maximum count I0 of 290,816 counts, we
delay during which the three sets of scalers accumu- obtained the theoretical instrumental resolution of
late the counts from the three voltage-to-frequency the photometer as 2.7 � 1015 molecules m�3 �or
converters. These counts are telemetered as part of �0.07% at 26 km, the peak in the mid-latitude ozone
the 64-word data frame so that the frequencies of the distribution; �12% at 55 km, the maximum measure-
three oscillators can be monitored. After the com- ment height of the UH photometer on its maiden
pletion of the frequency measurement, the input to rocket-boosted flight�.
the time-delay unit is changed to the lamp monitor Experimentally, the statistical uncertainty in the
output and a delay interval corresponding to 290,816 measured counts is much larger than �1. To deter-
counts from the monitor is begun. The counts from mine the uncertainty in ozone measurements made
the two chambers accumulated during this period are by the UH dual-chamber UV-absorption photometer,
then used to compute the ozone concentration in each we calculated the standard deviations about the
channel. Because the same number of lamp monitor mean of laboratory measurements for a wide range of
counts are accumulated on successive cycles of mea- ozone concentrations. The standard deviation in the
surement, the integrated light intensity is expected measurement of ozone concentration increased from
to be the same if the drift rate of the monitor oscilla- 3.1 � 1016 molecules m�3 for scrubbed ambient air to

6012 APPLIED OPTICS � Vol. 35, No. 30 � 20 October 1996

3.9 � 1016 molecules m�3 for an ozone concentration
of approximately 9 � 1018 molecules m�3.
3. Results and Discussion
The engineering test flight of the rocket-boosted UH
UV-absorption photometer was conducted on 21 Au-
gust 1992. The vertical profile of atmospheric ozone
concentration was measured during parachute de-
scent by the photometer following launch from the
Wallops Island Flight Facility, Virginia �38 °N,
75 °W�, an area of typical mid-latitude ozone distri-
bution. Measurements obtained during this flight
provided details that have been used to modify and
improve the UH dual-chamber UV-absorption pho-
The payload reached a maximum altitude of 82 km
��0.008 hPa� prior to parachute deployment and de-
scent. The photometer was powered on prior to
rocket launch and an onboard countdown timer
Fig. 2. Profile of ozone volume mixing ratio measured by the
maintained the instrument in a sleep state for safety
rocket-boosted photometer during a 1-h parachute descent. Mea-
reasons. Ozone measurements commenced on sep- surement was made over Wallops Island Flight Facility, Virginia,
aration of the payload from the launch vehicle and �38 °N, 75 °W�.
continued to as low as 4 km. The photometer was
switched off prior to an air-snatch recovery of payload
and parachute.
Postflight examination of the payload revealed the and losses within the photometer. The length of the
complete destruction of the ambient-air temperature absorption chamber L is known to a high degree of
probes. The engineering data indicated that the accuracy. Although the absolute cross section � at
very high acceleration imparted to the photometer 253.7 nm is also well known, its dependence on tem-
during separation from the rocket at apoapsis was perature and pressure is a source of error. However,
the probable cause. Coupled with an unfortunate the largest contributors to measurement error during
electronic mishap that caused loss of radar lock, the the engineering flight of the payload were noise in the
altitude of the payload could be determined only be- lamp–photodiode system, wall losses, and lack of data
low 55 km. on ambient pressure and temperature.
To determine the ambient ozone concentration The measurement of ambient pressure and tem-
�O3�amb from the measurements made by the UV- perature is a large source of error only in the engi-
absorption photometer, a climatological temperature neering flight of the UV-absorption photometer. An
profile based on CIRA10 was used from ground to 0.2 appropriate choice of pressure and temperature sen-
hPa ��60 km�. From previous experience, the dif- sors for reliable performance under flight conditions
ference in the climatological and measured tempera- have since rectified this source of error. Prior expe-
ture can be as large as 10 K and constitutes a source rience with these temperature and pressure sensors8
of error of 5%; however, the ozone volume mixing have allowed measurements to be made with signif-
ratio �VMR� does not require accurate measurements icantly better accuracy �3%�.
of ambient pressures and temperatures. Figure 2 Loss of ozone to the walls of the photometer is
illustrates the VMR profile obtained by the UV- probably the largest source of error during measure-
absorption photometer during parachute descent. ments made at altitudes of 40 km or higher. As
The profile was acquired with the measurement cycle previously stated, the UH UV-absorption photometer
set at 4 s. The ozone VMR reached a peak value of walls were coated with polytetrafluroethylene to min-
7 parts in 106 by volume at approximately 30 km. imize such losses. Ozone measurements made with
The figure also demonstrates the high vertical reso- balloon-borne UV photometers3,5,11 indicate negligi-
lution achieved by the UH UV-absorption photometer ble loss below 22 km and �5% below 40 km. The
in capturing the sharp, narrow structures in the level of agreement between simultaneous balloon-
ozone profile in the lower stratosphere and tropo-
sphere. These structures in the ozone VMR profile
have been observed and discussed for other in situ Table 1. UH UV-Photometer Accuracy
detectors5 and are not noise in the UH UV photom- Contributor Estimated %
eter measurements.
The sources of error that limit the overall accuracy Lamp and photodiode 4
of the UH UV-absorption photometer are summa- � and L 1
rized in Table 1. The main contribution to the ab- P and T 5–8
Absolute accuracy 8.2
solute accuracy arises from the uncertainty in the
Wall loss 2–20
chamber length, the absorption cross section of ozone,

20 October 1996 � Vol. 35, No. 30 � APPLIED OPTICS 6013

borne measurements of ozone profiles below 32 km in vations between 20 and 40 km,” Planet. Space Sci. 31, 801– 807
the Arctic12 and below 40 km at mid-latitudes by the �1983�.
UH photometers and Centre National de la Re- 3. E. Hilsenrath, W. Attmannspacher, A. Bass, W. Evans, R.
cherche Scientifique, Service d’Aéronomie chemilu- Hagemeyer, R. A. Barnes, W. Komhyr, K. Mauersberger, J.
Mentall, M. Proffitt, D. Robbins, S. Taylor, A. Torres, and E.
minescence detector also indicate that wall losses in
Weinstock, “Results from the Balloon Ozone Intercomparison
the UH instrument are �5%. However, measure-
Campaign �BOIC�,” J. Geophys. Res. 91, 3137–3152 �1986�.
ments have not established the extent of ozone losses
4. M. H. Proffitt, M. J. Steinkamp, J. A. Powell, R. J. McLaughlin,
on surfaces at the higher altitudes traversed by the O. A. Mills, A. L. Schmeltekopf, T. L. Thompson, A. F. Tuck, T.
rocket-boosted payload. Estimates from model and Tyler, R. H. Winkler, and K. R. Chan, “In-situ ozone measure-
laboratory simulations provide the 2–20% value pre- ments within the 1987 Antarctic ozone hole from a high-altitude
sented in Table 1. ER-2 aircraft,” J. Geophys. Res. 94, 16547–16555 �1989�.
We used the UH dual-chamber UV-absorption pho- 5. M. H. Proffitt and R. J. McLaughlin, “Fast response dual beam
tometer to demonstrate that a laboratory-quality, UV absorption photometer for use on stratospheric balloons,”
high-sensitivity instrument can be operated in ad- Rev. Sci. Instrum. 54, 1719 –1728 �1983�.
verse field environments. The rapid response time 6. W. B. DeMore, S. P. Sander, D. M. Golden, C. J. Howard, A. R.
makes the UH photometer an ideal detector for the Ravishankara, C. E. Kolb, and M. J. Molina, Chemical Kinetics
determination of detailed vertical profiles of atmo- and Photochemical Data for use in Stratospheric Modelling
spheric ozone—measurements that are of particular JPL pub. 94-26 �Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.,
importance in stratospheric chemistry. 1994�.
7. F. C. Strong, “Theoretical basis of Bouguer-Beer law of radia-
The research we described in this paper was pre- tion absorption,” Anal. Chem. 24, 338 –340 �1952�.
sented to the University of Houston as a part of a 8. B. Sen, “Development of ultraviolet absorption photometer for
Doctor of Philosophy dissertation.8 This research atmospheric ozone measurement and results from mid-
was partially supported by NASA grant NAG9-213 latitude investigations,” Ph.D. dissertation �University of
and by the Texas Advanced Research Program. Houston, Houston, Texas, 1992�.
Field operations at the Wallops Island Flight Facility 9. D. E. Robbins, “NASA-JSC measurements during ’la Cam-
were supported by NASA headquarters and by the paigne d’Intercomparison d’Ozonometres’, Gap, France, June
UH Institute for Space System Operations. Partial 1981,” Planet. Space Sci. 31, 761–765 �1983�.
support for the data analysis was provided by the 10. CIRA, COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere �Akad-
U.S. Air Force. emie, Berlin, 1972�.
11. J. E. Ainsworth, J. R. Hagemeyer, and E. I. Reed, “Error in
References Dasibi flight measurements of atmospheric ozone due to in-
1. World Meteorological Organisation, Scientific Assessment of strument wall-loss,” Geophys. Res. Lett. 8, 1071–1074 �1981�.
Ozone Depletion: 1991, Report 25 �World Meteorological Or- 12. D. J. Hofmann, T. L. Deshler, P. Aimedieu, W. A. Matthews,
ganisation, 1991�. P. V. Johnston, Y. Kondo, W. R. Sheldon, G. J. Byrne, and J. R.
2. P. Aimedieu, A. J. Krueger, D. E. Robbins, and P. C. Simon, Benbrook, “Stratospheric clouds and ozone depletion in Arctic
“Ozone profile intercomparison based on simultaneous obser- during January 1989,” Nature �London� 340, 117–121 �1989�.

6014 APPLIED OPTICS � Vol. 35, No. 30 � 20 October 1996

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