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Hello! My name is (name) and I am a/the (job title) at (organization). I will be your host

I’d like to welcome everyone to (location), and to our first-time rider safety program!

The first-time rider safety program is presented by (consortium name) in partnership with
its member school boards and school bus operators.

The program is an education and awareness program designed to familiarize young children
and their parents and caregivers with school buses and school bus safety.

*Additional introductions may be required (additional staff present etcetera).

Introduce those people here.


Let’s review today’s agenda.

We will begin by watching a 15 minute school bus safety video called, “Buzzy the Bee’s School
Bus Safety Certificate”. Produced by Intertrain and OECM, with funding from the Province of
Ontario, the video stars the loveable “Buzzy the Bee!”

The video contains information for both students as well as for parents, guardians and
caregivers so everyone please pay close attention.

Following the video we will have a question and answer period.

After that we will take a short bathroom break and then head outside for a ride on a real
school bus!
Are you excited for the bus ride?! It’s a lot of fun for the whole family!

Parents, guardians and caregivers, if you have not yet visited our reception desk located
(location), please be sure to do so during the break.

Before I start the video I wanted to remind the parents, guardians and caregivers to please
complete the feedback form provided to you at the reception area. A feedback return box is
also located at reception. Following the bus ride please be sure to drop the completed form
into this box.

Let’s get started!


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Does anyone have any questions about the information in the video?

*be prepared to answer questions from the audience*

Thank you for all of your questions. If you think of any questions after you have left today’s
event please do not hesitate to contact the consortium. They will be happy to help you.

Let’s all head outside for the next part of the program. If you need to use the bathroom please
do so quickly!

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*It is suggested that the inside speaker accompany the students and adults as
they go outside, directing them to the bus loading area and introducing the
next speaker.


*Aside from the bus driver, who will host the next section of the program, you
may have additional speakers to introduce (e.g. police officer, crossing guard).
The inside portion host should remain nearby while the speakers provide their
information in order to facilitate introductions.

I would like to introduce (name) from (organization e.g. police officer).

They will be providing you with information about how to safely walk to your school bus stop.

*Additional Speaker #2 speaks. If they do not have their own age-appropriate

script, they can use the talking points below to speak about walking to the bus

 Some of you get picked up by the school bus in front of your house, and some of you
must walk to your stop.

 Parents, all kindergarten students must be accompanied to and from the bus stop by an
adult, guardian, or another responsible person.

 You must be 5 to 10 minutes early arriving to your bus stop. The school bus driver has
a lot of students to pick up and can't wait for you if you are late. Remember, we wait
for the bus, the bus does not wait for us!

 Remember that the road is dangerous, and everyone should walk on the sidewalk.

 If there is no sidewalk, walk SINGLE FILE on the shoulder of the road, staying as far
away from the road as possible.

 Watch for cars or trucks pulling out of driveways. Wait for them to leave before you
walk past.

 Parents and guardians should familiarize their child(ren) with their surroundings as they
walk to school and their bus stop location.

Thank you (name)!

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I would like to introduce our next speaker from (organization e.g. crossing guard). They
will be speaking to you about crossing the road on your way to your bus stop, or on your way
home after getting off the school bus.

*Additional Speaker #2 speaks. If they do not have their own age-

appropriate script, they can use the talking points below to speak about
crossing the road safely.

 If you need to cross the road during your walk to your school bus stop, you should
cross at an intersection or designated cross-walk.

 Before you cross, look in all directions to make sure traffic has stopped.

 Parents and guardians, don’t be a distracted pedestrian! Keep your electronic device in
your backpack or pocket.

 Remember that during the morning and late afternoon, drivers are sometimes
struggling with the bright sunlight making it difficult for them to see you.

Thank you (name)!


I would like to introduce our bus driver. This is (name) from (organization). They will be
driving you on your first school bus ride today! Remember that the bus will be stopping at
(location) before it returns. We expect the bus to return here in about 15 minutes.

*School bus driver speaks. If they do not have their own age-appropriate
script, they can use the talking points below to speak about the danger zone
and how to board the school bus safely:


 The danger zone is an imaginary rectangle that shows you the dangerous areas around
the school bus.

 The danger zone goes 10 steps away from the bus all the way around the bus.

 The most dangerous areas are in front of the bus, and behind the bus, because the
driver can’t see you.

 Never go behind, directly in front of the school bus or get anything that has fallen
under the bus (this is one of the highest incidents for students that ride the bus).

 The bus tires are also dangerous so make sure to always stay away from them.

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 Get on the bus one at a time. There is only room for one student in the doorway.

 Hold the handrail as you climb up the stairs. The handrail will help you keep your
balance. Holding the handrail is extra important in wet or snowy weather when the
steps might be slippery.

 You may say hello to the bus driver as you get on, but do not stop to talk because the
driver needs to stay on time.

 The driver is in charge of the school bus. Always show respect and do what they ask
right away.

 Go right to your seat, sit down, and get settled. The bus can't leave until you are sitting

*Once students and parents/caregivers are on the bus, the driver can speak
about how to sit properly:

 Once you sit down, you must stay seated for the whole bus ride. Even if the bus stops,
do not change seats.

 You must always sit with your back in the seat, facing forward.

 Do not turn around in your seat. You must be seated properly in case the bus has to
stop quickly.

 Keep your legs out of the aisle. This lets others get on without tripping.


*Driver shows students how to get off the bus safely. Students and parents
exit the school bus. The bus driver provides a basic safety review and optional
evacuation training. Students board the bus again and head back to the
departure point. The driver can speak to the following points:


 Never touch the school bus because it is big, heavy, and it moves.

 Use your quiet speaking voice when you are on your school bus. The driver must be
able to hear.

 Do not snack on the bus. We want to keep the bus clean and other riders may have
food allergies.

 Do not open the school bus windows without permission from the driver. If your
window is open do not throw anything out of the bus. Keep everything, including your

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arms and head, inside the bus. There are things like telephone poles, trees, cars, and
trucks that could hurt you.


 If your bus has to stop because of an emergency during the ride, please listen to your
bus driver. They will tell you what to do and keep you safe.

 They will tell you to get off the bus at the front door, rear emergency door, or both.
 The first thing you must do is leave your school bag and belongings on your seat. There
isn’t time to carry all of your things.

 Once you are out of the front door, you will see an older student. They will tell you to
go to a safe area nearby.


*The bus driver will direct students and parents/caregivers off the bus. The
driver will speak about crossing in front of the school bus:

 Some of you must cross in front of your school bus to get to your home. You will
always be crossing the road with the person responsible for bringing you to the school
bus stop.

 First, you must take 10 steps forward so the bus driver can see you.

 Next, you must turn and look at the driver.

 The driver will give you a signal to tell you it is safe to cross almost to the middle of the
road. The signal is a straight arm, open palm wave, just like this.

 When you get the signal from the driver, cross to almost the middle of the road and
then STOP.

 You must stop, look, and listen for cars or trucks that might not have stopped for the
school bus.

 You must look left, right, and back to your left again.

 If you don’t see any danger, you can cross to the other side and go home.


Welcome back everyone! Does anyone have any questions about the information provided
during the bus ride?

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On behalf of myself, (consortium name), and (operators) I would like to thank you for
coming to our first-time rider safety program today. We hope you found the program
informative and fun!

Please be sure to complete your feedback form and either hand it to me or drop it into the
feedback box located at reception.

Please see me to receive your first-time rider safety program completion certificate!

Please remember that if you have any questions following the session, do not hesitate to
contact the consortium directly!

** Consider adding:

Parents/students must have an emergency plan - what to do if buses are cancelled after the
parent leaves for work. (contact mom/dad, go to neighbours house, etc.)

Students who are given a key should practice using it and know how to get in the house after
school if that is in the emergency plan. (having a key but not knowing how to use it doesn't

On the bus we have two people, the trainer (who demonstrates and answers questions - no
seat belts, medical kit, safety windows, procedures at railway tracks, etc.) and the driver, who
drives the bus.

Providing a sample back pack, and speaking about it - so that parents get an idea how it will
fit on the bus and what is required (lunch, spare clothes, shoes, etc. should fit but it should
not be travel luggage on wheels, or be too big or heavy).

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