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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 4, Issue 5 5 November 2021

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the fifth issue of my growing many herbs from seed this
newsletter for Volume 4. I hope you year, including the Italian parsley vari-
Newsletter back issues have all had a good week. ety Gigante di Napoli, also from Italian
Seeds Pronto and in the Franchi Seeds
Facebook It has indeed been a very busy week range. I also sowed curly parsley and
in the garden. After the drought and chives. These seedlings are currently in
watering restrictions of last year, I 10cm pots in our nursery. I will plant
Twitter feel incredibly grateful for all the rain them in troughs in our herb garden at
we have been having. The garden is the back of the house. These all grow
Pinterest looking incredibly lush and it is nice very well in the ground but I have
not have the chore of watering the found that they also do incredibly well
garden. The only downside is that in containers. I haven’t sown basil yet
Contact me
weeds grow much more rapidly. I do as I’m waiting for it to be a bit warmer.
 Feedback my best to try and keep on top of This year I am growing two varieties
them but it is a never-ending battle. from Italian Seeds Pronto, Bolloso Na-
 Newsletter input poletano and Italiano Classico, which
(tips, recipes, gar- It has been so wet that I have been are both in the Franchi Seeds range.
den photos etc) deferring lifting our Summer Delight
potatoes. The tops have died down, I also need to start planting out toma-
 To be added to my which is a sign that they are ready. I toes, zucchini and cucumber. I didn’t
mailing list read somewhere that potatoes don’t want to rush to do this over Labour
store very well if it has been raining Weekend as I feel we have had a slow prior to harvesting them so I’m going start to spring after one of the coldest
to wait until there is a long, dry spell. winters I can remember. I am growing
While it has been raining so much I all four tomatoes offered by Italian
Inside this issue: have also deferred liquid feeding and Seeds Pronto this year, Red Pear, Cuor
spraying. di Bue, Principe Borghese and
Costoluto Fiorentino. I am also grow-
Still, there has been plenty to press ing three zucchini varieties in the Fran-
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 on with. I planted the first of our to- chi Seeds range again, Striato d’Italia,
Anita’s Garden matoes in some hanging baskets over Fiorentino and Romanesco, as well as
the weekend (see picture on page the cucumber Beth Alpha. All of these
two). I also planted some lettuce in a can be obtained from Italian Seeds
couple of containers, including the Pronto. My eggplant seedlings are
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 wonderful variety Degli Ortolani from
for the week quite small so I will discuss them later.
Italian Seeds Pronto, which is in the
Franchi Seeds range. I also potted up Have a great weekend.
some kumara slips. Back in May, I
placed about a dozen red kumara in a Useful links
Collaboration news 2
crate filled with some dirt, which I left  Italian Seeds Pronto
in our greenhouse. I closed the crate
with a lid to retain warmth. Once  Awapuni
spring began, they came to life and
Tips for growing sunflow- 3 some of the shoots started getting  Bulbs Direct
ers long enough to pick off and pot up.
The idea is for them to develop roots Kind regards,
before being planted in the garden. Anita Kundu
There is a lot on the agenda. I’m
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 5

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

I planted some tomatoes in hang- Our dianthus has finally flowered!

ing baskets. This variety is called I planted some seedlings in two
Topsy Tom and was grown from containers in our patio back in
seed. If you live in New Zealand, April and they took ages to flower
you can get the seeds from Egmont but it was worth it! Every year I
Seeds. For other countries, please like to have a container or two of
check for your local retailer. To- dianthus as it brings so much
Our Garden Affair lilies and a matoes grow well in containers cheer to the garden once our pan-
very late flowering daffodil. Our and hanging baskets. Look for sies have finished flowering. It
flowers have provided us with so cherry-type tomatoes and the kind makes a great bedding plant and
much cheer during lockdown. that are suitable for container gar- can be grown in containers too.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

If I can I like to do this weekly in
1. Sow beans You can plant corn seedlings now
spring when growth is active. I
or sow seeds direct to where you
You can sow beans direct to where recommend using a seaweed tonic
want them to grow. Remember
you want to grow them. I person- such as Seasol or a water soluble
that corn is pollinated by the wind,
ally raise climbing beans in pun- plant food such as Thrive.
so sow in blocks rather than in
nets first as I find they tend to rot rows. 5. Spray garlic
in the ground or get scratched up
by birds. But I find I have success 3. Plant tomatoes, zucchini If you’re growing garlic don’t forget
in sowing dwarf beans direct to the and cucumbers to continue to spray it to protect it
ground. from rust. Ours did develop some
These can all be planted out now.
but I have been cutting off the af-
2. Plant corn
4. Liquid feed plants fected leaves.

Collaboration news
Italian Seeds Pronto have four Bulbs Direct still have Pacific Awapuni has a great special on
wonderful tomato varieties availa- Challenge asparagus crowns on salad vege bundle options this
ble this season—Red Pear, sale. Grab 5 crowns for $6.50 or week.
Costoluto Fiorentino, Cuor di Bue 10 crowns for $10.50. They pro-
of Liguria and Principe Borghese. duce medium to large (17-23cm) Grab any regular bundle of lettuce
I am growing all of them and look spears with purple bracts. Once (9 seedlings), spring onions (20
forward to sharing their progress established, the asparagus bed seedlings) and spinach (9 seed-
over the summer. Note that these should last for 10-15 years. Start- lings) for just $4.
varieties are heirloom and have ing with established crowns means
that you will only have to wait two Deal ends 8/11/21 or while stocks
been around for generations. They
years before you can harvest them. last. Available online only!
are renowned for their flavour.
V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 5 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Tips for growing sunflowers

Sunflowers are one of my favourite  Like all plants, sunflowers
summer flowers to grow and they benefit from weekly liquid
feature prominently in the garden feeding. I recommend using
every year. This year I have had a a seaweed tonic such as Sea-
bit of trouble getting them started sol or a water based soluble
so I thought I would share my ex- plant food such as Thrive
perience and some tips for growing
them successfully.  Stake giant sunflowers to
protect them from being
Last year was very dry. It hardly damaged by the wind. You
rained in spring. Infact, the coun- might want to insert a few
cil imposed watering restrictions stakes at the time of plant-
in Auckland. When I sowed seeds ing to avoid damaging the
in spring, I simply left them to it. roots later on.
I didn’t even think to protect Vincent’s Choice (Egmont Seeds
young seedlings from slugs and  You’ll probably find that
Commercial Catalogue)
snails as it wasn’t an issue. By some varieties have a better
contrast, this year has been very  It is possible to start sowing vase life than others. The
wet and we have seen a lot of rain sunflowers in September. best is called Sunbright Su-
in spring. The first lot of seeds Beware that not all varieties preme from the Egmont
that I sowed around the third are suitable for sowing this Seeds Commercial Cata-
week of September got decimated early in spring. One excep- logue
because I forgot to protect them tion is the variety Vincent’s
 Depending on what varieties
from slugs and snails. The second Choice, which I grew last
you sow, you might want to
time round I was a bit wiser. I year (see picture above). It
save seeds from your plants
sprinkled snail pellets over the is available from the Eg-
for next year. Because the
area. Every morning I check on my mont Seeds Commercial
varieties that are bred for
patch and remove them by hand. Catalogue
the cut flower market are
I’m pleased to say they are doing
 I find that sunflowers actu- hybrids and won’t necessari-
well (so far). If you haven’t al-
ally do best in poor soil and ly come true to type, I don’t
ready sown sunflowers now is the
that adding compost can be bother saving seeds. But if
perfect time to do it. This year I’m
more harmful than good, so you are growing heirloom
focusing on growing the type that
I don’t do a lot of soil prepa- varieties, this is worth do-
are bred for the cut flower market
ration. I like to mix a little ing, especially as the process
rather than giant ones. Most can
general purpose fertiliser of importing seeds has be-
be obtained from the Egmont
into the soil come more difficult during
Seeds Commercial Catalogue,
and dig it over Covid and supplies are not
which you have to request. “”I find that
prior to sowing guaranteed anymore.
They’re not cheap but the seeds sunflowers
come in big packets so they should seeds actually do best  The time to flower-
last a few seasons. I find that they in poor soil and ing depends on the varie-
are perfect for putting in a vase.  Dwarf a nd
that adding ties that you are growing.
The only downside (apart from the medium sized
compost can be Dwarf varieties can flower
cost) is that they are pollenless so sunflowers
more harmful as soon as 60 days. The
if you want to attract bees, make (including
than good” cut flower varieties I grow
sure you plant some giant ones too. those bred for
the cut flower take between 60-90 days.
We have a lot of other bee- I find giant sunflowers take
attracting plants in the garden market like the ones I’m
growing) can be sown closer around 90 days to flower.
which is why I didn’t bother with One of the advantages to
sowing giant sunflowers this year. together. Space giant sun-
flowers further apart sowing early is that they
Tips for growing sunflowers flower earlier, leaving
 Once seedlings emerge I enough time in the season
 Sunflowers do best when highly recommend protect- for me to plant zinnias after,
sown direct to the ground ing them from slugs and which are more an autumn
rather than raised in pun- snails. You can use snail rather than summer flower-
nets, as they resent being pellets or make beer traps to ing annual in NZ.
transplanted catch them.
Happy Gardening!

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