Zoo Burst Pop-Up Book Trailer Breanna Gutierrez Spring 2011 7 Grade Reading Class

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Zoo Burst Pop-Up Book Trailer

Breanna Gutierrez
Spring 2011
7 Grade Reading Class

Library Context
Standards for the 21st –Century Learner Goals
Multiple lessons in a Standard: 4-Pursue Personal and Aesthetic Growth
unit Benchmarks:
4.1.1 Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth
Full Collaboration
4.1.4 Seek information for personal learning in a variety of formats and genres
Content Topic
4.1.7 Use social networks and information tools to gather and share information
Book Trailer
Presentation using
technology tools 4.2.4 Show an appreciation for literature by electing to read for pleasure and expressing an interest in a various literary genres.
covering story .
elements and a Responsibilities:
variety of genres 4.3.1 Participate in the social exchange of ideas, both electronically and in person.
Estimated Lesson 4.3.3 Seek opportunities for pursuing personal and aesthetic growth.
Time: 4.3.4 Practice safe and ethical behaviors in personal electronic communication and interaction.

Four Library Sessions: Self-Assessment Strategies:

50 minutes each 4.4.6 Evaluate own ability to select resources that are engaging and appropriate for personal interests and needs.

Followed by class time

to present. Content standards for 7th Grade Literature:
2.1.3-The student identifies major and minor elements of the plot (e.g., problem or conflict, climax, resolution, rising action,
falling action, subplots, parallel episodes) and explains how these elements relate to one another.

Content Standards for 7th Grade Library and Media Technology:

12.2.3 The student uses productivity tools to produce other creative works.


Final Product: The student will create a book trailer that is engaging and excites readers about their chosen book using the web 2.0 tool,
www.Zooburst.com. They will be graded with an evaluation rubric. They will have access to the rubric the entire unit which helps students make
sure they include all of the minimum criteria and to push them to add more.

Library Lesson(s): Students will visit the library prior to the lesson with their classroom teacher and choose a narrative book of their choice. They
will fill out their Story Elements planner while they read their book and have it completed in a two weeks length. Next, students will have four- 50
minutes library sessions to plan and create a book trailer online that they will present to their fellow classmates in small group settings with the
classroom teacher.

Assessment: The final product will assessed through a rubric and participation in the project. The classroom teacher then award a final grade
based on her own observations and the students’ rubric score. The class is designed to excite students about reading and is set up as a Pass/Fail
system, so there is flexibility in grading.

Instructional Plan:
Resources the student will use:
• www.zooburst.com
• Creative Commons Images
• Power point Presentation
• Story Board Planner
• Narrative Book of their choice
• Story Elements Planner
• Image Citation Slips
• Instructions Handout
Direct Instruction: I will begin the class by having students Think Pair Share about what they know about movie trailers. We will then discuss
Book Trailers and together with Mrs. Culver and Mrs. Jaeger we will present our instructional power point.

Modeling and guided practice: Together with the students we will create a model storyboard. Making sure we talk about key word searches
and different planning techniques. Next, I will model to students how the website works, how to locate the creative commons picture, how to
retrieve their book covers on the student O drive, and the self-reflection rubric.
Independent Practice: Once we have gone through each step together, students will begin their own planning storyboards. After they have
finished, their work will be reviewed by a teacher before they may log-in and begin their book trailer. They will independently create their book
trailers on the library computers. Teachers will monitor students as they work and be available for guidance and questions.

Sharing and reflecting: Students’ final projects will be posted on the class website in order to be available for community viewing. Students
will participate in small group book talks where they will present their book trailers to each other.

Mrs. Jaeger is a huge fan of the library and wanted her students to present a book presentation using technology tools to excite them about
different genres. We met along with Mrs. Culver during a morning plan period and discussed several different ideas. Mrs. Culver and I then
showed Mrs. Jaeger some examples of different web 2.0 tools and as a group we chose www.zooburst.com. The application was a great choice
for many reasons. It was a new application to all of the students, it had a cheap education license, it was secure, and it was easy to manipulate
without much instruction. Following the planning meeting, the three of us collaborated through email and finalized final documents online. The
collaboration worked great and the only change I would make for next time would be use googledocs to help with editing.

Tentative Schedule:
• Prior to Library Visit- Students will choose their genre book and fill out their story elements sheet during class time.
• Class One- Students will be introduced to assignment and finish their planning template before leaving. Students who finish early will
begin familiarizing themselves with the website.
• Class Two and Three- Students will be supervised as they continue their project by Mrs. Jaeger and Mrs. Culver. These two class periods
will be work time.
• Class Four- Students will finalize their book trailers and review them with a teacher or peer for constructive criticism. Any students who do
not finish their project will be required to finish outside of class either at home or during ICE study hall.
• Class Five- Students will share their book trailers in their classrooms with Mrs. Jaegar in small groups.

According to Mrs. Jaeger, each student in the class has the ability level to complete the project without any official modifications. Since the class
is made up of 18 boys and 3 girls, it will be necessary to make sure students are seated at computers where they can focus and be productive.
Prairie Trail Middle School has a high economic status. Each student has access to the internet at home, so if they do not finish in class they will
be required to complete the project as homework. If a student is experiencing internet issues at home, they may sign up for a pass to use the
library computers before or after school, or during ICE study hall. A modified planning template was prepared in case, but it was not needed by
any students. Mrs. Culver also pulled a few students who had not used creative commons before while I was teaching, to explain how to find the
images and record their citation information.

Each student did a great job. I could tell by their eagerness to come back to the library and complete another project, that the goal of exciting
them about reading was met. Since, the grading and presenting took place after my time at the school I was unable to assess each student.
However, Mrs. Jaeger sent me a range in scores and students scored between: 11/15 to 15/15. The mean being: 14/15, which is a successful
lesson. Since the class is an appreciation course, grading is not as intense. Attached you will find an example of a student’s final product and a
student’s rubric evaluation by Mrs. Jaeger.
Personal Reflection:
This was my first time working with 7th graders in an educational setting. I was pleased with how eager they were to participate, which left me
more time to focus on instruction instead of behavior issues. One strength of the unit was the involvement from all teachers in not only planning,
but also in teaching. In my own setting, I can plan with teachers, however, I have not had any teacher’s willing to “give-up” their plan time and co-
teach with me. I think it is a stronger lesson for the students when teachers are working together to help their students’ meet their goals.

I also, think the technology tool was appropriate for 7th graders. It was easy enough to manipulate with very few confusion. It was also structured
enough that students did not get off task from the assignment. I also like the website because it had the educational package which helped in
monitoring student work progress even when I was not physically at the school.

A third strength of the product was the planning and hand-outs for the students. I noticed many students referring to the instructions I created
during the lesson. I have not gone into so much detail in the past when creating instructions, but I really saw the students using them, so I plan on
doing that more in the future.

I am fortunate that everything ran smoothly, but there are a few changes I would like to do differently in the future. First, I forgot to pass out the
rubric on our first meeting. I think it is important to know what the expectations are upfront. It was not a huge problem, because Mrs. Jaeger was
able to pass them out the second day. Second, I would like to create a student survey or self-reflection piece. I had planned on creating one, but
time got in the way and I was unable to. I think that would be a great way to really see what the students thought of the project and be useful data
for the importance of libraries. Last, I wish I could have been present for the entire unit. I would have liked to been able to take part in the small
group sharing and grading process. I know in my own school library that will not be an issue, but I would have liked to have been there for the
entire unit. Since I was not there, I think the use of google docs would really help in communication and collaboration with planning.

Luckily there were not any formal modifications I had to implement for this project. However, I am already planning on using this same lesson for a
class of fourth graders, and I have modified the story element planner to fit their needs and I’m sure I will have to make adaptations based on skill
level in that classroom. I did have some issues with comments, so next time depending on the class-I may disable them.

Reading levels were not a huge part of the lesson. When students chose the books they based it off their Good Fit Criteria- Interest, Purpose,
Comprehension, and Knowledge of words. They were able to choose freely a book, which I think helped motivation in the project.

Overall, I enjoyed teaching this unit, and was grateful for the collaboration.
Class Visit Planning Form

Course Title: Zoo Burst Pop-Up Book Trailer_________________ Teacher Mrs. Jaeger__________________

Today’s Date March 28________ Visit Date(s) April 11-14______ Period(s) 3rd Period____________________

Grade 7th Grade_____________ Level Reading Appreciation___ Number Assigned Sections 1_____________

1. Briefly describe the project/activity Match story element paper with a technology tool to present as an alternative to a Book Talk- possible ideas:
Avatar, Zooburst, Bookr. (already completed animoto and glogster-need something new)

2. Content goals/Standards Find a genre to appreciate using technology tools__________________________

3. Information skill goal(s)/standard(s): Circle all that apply:

Defining problem Locating/Searching Analyzing Documenting/Ethical Use
Organizing/Synthesis Communicating Evaluating/Reflecting

4. Assignment begins March Students will select book_ Assignment is due April 18______________________

5. What types of materials will students be using?

❒ Free Web ❒ Online Subscription Databases Specify______________________
❒ Periodicals ❒ Books ❒ CD-ROMs ❒ Audiovisual DVD, Video, etc.
List any specific or major resources you’d like the students to use:
Just a technology tool/ Images from a creative commons source

6. Expected product(s) Informative book trailer or book presentation using a technology tool. Cover creativity, organization and clear that they read the
book! So some analyzation of the book.______________________________________________________

7. How will the final product be assessed? No “REAL” grades, appreciation course- maybe a rubric??

8. Would you like the teacher-librarian to help you prepare a Web guide page or pathfinder
to guide students to resources?
❒ Yes ❒ No ❒ Let’s work on it together!
Suggestions Or at least directions for the kids-maybe on the website or handouts?____________________

11. Do your students require any special technology preparation or presentation? (e.g., Software
loaded, Web sites created, bookmarks gathered, or software introduced?) Just a new Web 2.0 tool and passwords/logins

12. Are there learning differences that may need to be addressed for this assignment?
Please share here or stop in to chat. 22 students-18 boys!! All capable of assignment. Some have more experience in the library using creative
commons pictures (might have to pull some kids to go over it)

13. Would you recommend we notify the public library of this assignment?
❒ Yes ❒ No
Any specific advice:
13. Notes, suggestions, plans, stuff we should discuss? Discuss/collaborate through email. Have everything ready by the Wednesday before.

Power Point
Online Po

Today you will be creating an online po

complete your project, so make sure y
points, please make sure you follow ea

Step 1
• Create your sequence outline. Be
outline of your presentation. On t
Type here to search for pictures.
Always Save!!!

Customize your color here.

Choose to add pictures to

the book or background. Type your narrative text here!

Add, Duplicate or Delete pages here.

Move from page to page here.
Click here to learn more instructions.

Click on the picture

and customize
individually here.

Type character thoughts here.

Zooburst Book Trailer Planning Sheet Name ___________________ Date _________________________

Page 1-Book Cover Page 2 Page 3

___________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________

___________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________
___________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
Page 4 Page 5 Page 6-Remember not to give away the ending!!

___________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________

___________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________
___________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________
Don’t forget to plan
your character text!

Write your Page

Narration on the lines.

You may use sketches

with search words or just
search words to map out
the pictures you will use.

The line helps show which

pictures go on the “Book” and
which pictures go on the
Remember, this is your plan! Your plan may not look like your neighbors. It is important to make it clear
and organized so that you can understand it. Make sure to include the Search Words you will use to
search for your pictures. It is alright to change and edit your plan as you work. If you need more pages,
ask for an extra copy from a teacher. When you finish, ask for your log-in information and you may
Zooburst Book Trailer Rubric Example
5 3 1
Content It is evident the student has It is evident the student has It is not evident the student has
4 read and analyzed the book. read the book. There are a few and analyzed the book. There
There are several clear examples of plot events used in are 1 to 0 examples of plot
examples of plot events used in the presentation. events used in the presentation.
the presentation
Organization The student has a clear The student has an organization The student does not have a
5 organization pattern in his pattern in his presentation. It clear organization pattern in his
presentation. It is very easy to can be difficult to follow at presentation.
follow. times.
Creativity The student uses 6 or more The student uses 6 pages in The student uses less than 6
5 pages in their presentation. He their presentation. He has pages in their presentation. He
has included a variety of included some images and has included a few images and
images and other features to other features in his features in his presentation.
enhance his presentation. presentation.
TOTAL: 14/15

Comments: You did an excellent job on your book trailer. You did a great job of finding images that fit your story.
Did you use Creative Commons? The sound you added in was a nice touch. Make sure add some story elements
to your plot. Overall a good job, I encourage you to find a new genre for our next project.

To View an Example Open the Link Below:

Gregor the Overlander Book Trailer

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