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Article No : a26_023

GERT-WOLFHARD VON RYMON LIPINSKI, Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt/Main,
Federal Republic of Germany

1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544 6.4. Saccharin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554

2. Sensory Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544 6.4.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
2.1. Structural Requirements for Sweetness . . . 544 6.4.2. Physical and Chemical Properties . . . . . . . . . 554
2.2. Sweetness Intensity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 6.4.3. Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
2.3. Taste Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546 6.4.4. Specifications and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
2.4. Synergism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546 6.4.5. Toxicology and Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
3. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 6.4.6. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
3.1. Foods and Beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 7. Sweeteners of Lesser Importance. . . . . . . . 556
3.2. Table-Top Sweeteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 7.1. Glycyrrhizin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
3.3. Cosmetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 7.1.1. General Information and Properties . . . . . . . 556
3.4. Pharmaceuticals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 7.1.2. Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
3.5. Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 7.1.3. Toxicology and Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
3.6. Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 7.1.4. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
4. General Toxicology and Physiology . . . . . . 548 7.2. Neohesperidin Dihydrochalcone. . . . . . . . . 556
4.1. Toxicology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 7.2.1. General Information and Properties . . . . . . . 556
4.2. Metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 7.2.2. Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
4.3. Suitability for Diabetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 7.2.3. Toxicology and Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
4.4. Dental Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 7.2.4. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
5. Food Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 7.3. Stevioside and Rebaudioside . . . . . . . . . . . 557
5.1. International Regulations and Assessments 549 7.3.1. General Information and Properties . . . . . . . 557
5.2. National Food Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 7.3.2. Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
6. Substances Commonly Used as Sweeteners 549 7.3.3. Toxicology and Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
6.1. Acesulfame K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 7.3.4. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
6.1.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 7.4. Sucralose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
6.1.2. Physical and Chemical Properties . . . . . . . . . 549 7.4.1. General Information and Properties . . . . . . . 559
6.1.3. Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 7.4.2. Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
6.1.4. Specifications and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 7.4.3. Toxicology and Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
6.1.5. Toxicology and Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 7.4.4. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
6.1.6. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 7.5. Thaumatin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
6.2. Aspartame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551 7.5.1. General Information and Properties . . . . . . . 560
6.2.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551 7.5.2. Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
6.2.2. Physical and Chemical Properties . . . . . . . . . 551 7.5.3. Toxicology and Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
6.2.3. Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551 7.5.4. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
6.2.4. Specifications and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 8. New Developments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
6.2.5. Toxicology and Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 8.1. Alitame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
6.2.6. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 8.2. Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
6.3. Cyclamate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 9. Substances Formerly Used as Sweeteners . 561
6.3.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 9.1. Dulcin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
6.3.2. Physical and Chemical Properties . . . . . . . . . 553 9.2. Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
6.3.3. Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
6.3.4. Specifications and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
6.3.5. Toxicology and Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
6.3.6. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554

 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

DOI: 10.1002/14356007.a26_023
544 Sweeteners Vol. 35

1. Introduction The increasing demands on safety of food

additives in general, and sweeteners in particular,
The term ‘‘intense sweeteners’’ is commonly resulted in a reevaluation and reassessment of
used for substances that are much sweeter than the intense sweeteners commonly used until the
sucrose, and which are either not metabolized in 1960s. The results provoked an international
the human body or do not significantly contribute discussion of their safety, which, in turn, stimu-
to the energy content of foods and beverages. lated an intensive search for alternative com-
Intense sweeteners may be produced synthetical- pounds with improved properties. Two of the
ly or isolated from plants. Sucrose, related car- sweeteners developed, acesulfame K and aspar-
bohydrates, and sugar alcohols should be clearly tame, have found widespread international ap-
distinguished from intense sweeteners. proval, and others, such as thaumatin and neo-
Plants containing sweet compounds have hesperidin dihydrochalcone are approved and
been used for centuries to sweeten foods and used in some countries. More products are under
beverages, particularly in tropical countries, e.g., evaluation (e.g., alitame) or about to enter the
the thaumatin- containing plant, Thaumatococ- market (e.g., sucralose). There continues to be
cus daniellii Benth [1]. promising market opportunities for sweeteners
The history of intense sweeteners began with with good taste, stability, and handling charac-
the discovery of saccharin by C. FAHLBERG and teristics, but above all, a clean safety record.
I. REMSEN [2] in 1878. FAHLBERG recognized the
scientific and commercial importance of saccha-
rin and took steps to market it; production com- 2. Sensory Properties
menced in 1884. Since then, many other sweet
compounds have been discovered, mostly by 2.1. Structural Requirements
chance. Only a very few of these compounds for Sweetness
have been used as sweeteners in foods and bev-
erages. Several substances have been withdrawn, The generally accepted theory for the phenome-
owing to the emergence of toxicological pro- non of sweetness was developed by SHALLEN-
blems or unsatisfactory properties. BERGER and ACREE [3]. According to this theory,
Saccharin enjoyed great commercial success a molecular system of a proton donor and proton
in periods of short sugar supply, e.g., during acceptor is necessary, with a distance of ca.
World Wars I and II. As a consequence, saccha- 0.3 nm between the groups. It is assumed that
rin was considered a cheap and inferior sugar a component has a sweet taste whenever this so-
substitute. Taxes were imposed on saccharin to called AH – B-system can interact with a com-
protect the sugar industry. Diabetics were the plementary system located in the membrane of
main consumers. taste receptor cells.
In the last three decades, the general percep- Changes in the distance between groups, as
tion of intense sweeteners has changed. The well as changes in electronic structure influence
incidence of obesity, and increasing health- the occurrence of the sweet taste, and may change
consciousness have paved the way for a more the general taste perception, sometimes eliminat-
favorable attitude. The increasing importance ing sweetness totally, or changing it to bitterness.
of industrial food production, the need for sys- The AH – B-system (Fig. 1) is a necessary
tematic recipe development, and the resulting but not sufficient structural requirement for
possibilities for large-scale production of pro- sweetness, and is therefore not a reliable indica-
ducts containing intense sweeteners has led to tor for its occurrence or absence. Accordingly,
widespread availability of these products. Their the molecular theory was extended to include a
main applications are no longer products espe- third binding site that interacts with the sweet
cially intended for consumption by diabetics receptor by hydrophobic contact; this model
or people suffering from other metabolic dis- allows better correlation between molecular
orders. Intense sweeteners are now rather used structure and sweetness [4].
in products aimed at consumers interested in On the basis of intensive research on very
body weight management and a calorie- sweet molecules, the number of potential interac-
controlled diet. tion sites of sweetness receptors with sweetening
Vol. 35 Sweeteners 545

sity factor, or sweetness power, is most frequent-

ly used. It is the factor by which an equisweet
sucrose concentration is more concentrated than
a solution of the sweetener. Commonly used
values are often based on comparison with
0.1 mol/L sucrose solutions, or solutions of sim-
ilar concentration. Sweetness intensity factors
compared with sucrose are given below:

Figure 1. Interaction of sweeteners and taste receptors [3]

through the AH – B-system of saccharin Sweetener Sweetness intensity
sucrose 1
agents has been extended to eight, two of which sodium cyclamate 35
glycyrrhizin 50
must be in contact with sweet molecules to elicit stevioside 160
sweetness, and four have to be in contact for acesulfame K 200
extremely intense sweetness [5]. aspartame 200
More systematic approaches have sought to rebaudioside A 250
neohesperidin dihydro-
reveal the molecular structure of sweetness chalcone 330
receptor molecules. These included structure – sodium saccharin 450
activity investigations in homologous series saccharin 550
of sweet substances [6], [7]. Investigations on alitame 2500
thaumatin 3500
nitroanilines, sulfamates, oximes, isocumarins,
dipeptides, saccharins, acesulfames, chlorosu-
gars, tryptophans, and ureas showed that, for
certain substituents, an increase in chain length Sweetness intensities generally depend on the
results in increased sweetness, but a sharp de- sweetener concentration and the sucrose concen-
crease to complete absence of sweetness was tration used for comparison. Therefore, values
observed above the optimum. Similar observa- other than those given above may apply at lower
tions were made for amino acid amides [8]. or higher concentrations. A demonstration of this
Superposition of different sweet compounds concentration dependence is given in Figure 2
was used to identify structural requirements for for some commonly used sweeteners. Estimates
the sweetness receptor molecules [9]. Assuming of use levels in foods and beverages are often
a peptide-based structure, interaction with the possible on the basis of comparison tables of
L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester with a sweetness intensities [12].
helical peptide could be demonstrated, whereas Much higher sweetness intensity factors are
the nonsweet D – D isomer was unable to form observed at the taste threshold [12]. These values
hydrogen bonds with this peptide [10]. are sometimes reported, but are of no practical
It is still uncertain whether there is just one significance.
sweetness receptor with different binding sites, Apparently, maximal sweetness intensities
or several types of sweetness receptor with dif- exist for all sweet substances, above which an
ferent response characteristics. It seems probable, increase in concentration does not induce a high-
however, that specific binding characteristics for er sweetness perception. This property is well
different sweet tasting structures have to be as- illustrated by graphs of equisweet solutions of
sumed. A sweetness receptor model with binding sweeteners and sucrose (Fig. 3).
sites for these structures has been suggested [11]. Determination of sweetness intensities re-
quires sensory tests; panelists have to be used
according to their sensory abilities, and to be
2.2. Sweetness Intensity adapted to the test procedures. Owing to individ-
ual variations in sweetness perception, results
The sweetness intensity of a substance can be have to be evaluated on a statistical basis [13],
expressed in several ways. The sweetness inten- [14].
546 Sweeteners Vol. 35

quality as well as the occurrence of side-tastes

and aftertastes.
Temporal sweetness perception characteris-
tics can be studied with modern sensory techni-
ques [15–17]. As sucrose is not only the standard
for sweetness intensity assessments, but also the
ideal to be matched in other sensory character-
istics, the time – intensity profile of sucrose is
often considered the target. Lasting sweetness or
delayed sweetness onset may impair the applica-
bility of sweeteners. Time – intensity perception
of sweetness is influenced by several substrate
factors, e.g., viscosity, temperature, and the pres-
ence of taste-modifying compounds. Blending of
sweeteners with different time – intensity pro-
files often results in a mixed profile, closer to that
of sucrose.
The bitter aftertaste of saccharin is well
known. As sweetness and bitterness are structur-
ally closely related [9], bitter aftertastes are
observed not only in some intense sweeteners,
but also in a number of sweet carbohydrates.
Individual susceptibilities for bitterness percep-
tion and taste thresholds vary. Off-taste thresh-
olds as reported in water [18], however, give
general information on taste characteristics of
sweeteners rather than information on limita-
Figure 2. Sweetness intensity of saccharin (a), sodium tions of practical use, as interactions with food
saccharin (b), acesulfame K (c), and sodium cyclamate constituents may change taste perception sub-
(d) compared with sucrose stantially. Other off-tastes occurring in some
intense sweeteners are menthol- or licorice-like
2.3. Taste Characteristics tastes.
Taste modification of intense sweeteners
The taste quality of sweeteners depends on sev- has been widely studied in order to improve
eral characteristics in addition to sweetness. their sensory characteristics, especially time –
Time – intensity profiles of sweetness percep- intensity profiles, and reduce aftertastes. A wide
tion are important for the assessment of taste variety of substances is claimed to have taste-
modifying properties [19].

2.4. Synergism

In sweetener blends, synergistic sweetness en-

hancement is often observed (Fig. 4). Common-
ly used synergistic sweetener blends are acesul-
fame – aspartame, aspartame – saccharin, and
cyclamate – saccharin. The apparent intensifica-
tion of sweetness compared with single sweet-
eners is not fully understood. Even definitions of
the term ‘‘synergism’’ and methods for deter-
Figure 3. Equisweet concentrations of acesulfame (– – – ),
aspartame (–   –), sweetener blends and sucrose mination of synergistic effects vary [20–22].
Blend ratio: ( — ) 2 : 1; (  ) 1 : 2; (–  –) 1 : 1 For a number of combinations, calculation of
Vol. 35 Sweeteners 547

used in diabetic foods and beverages; depending

on the type of product, either as single sweeten-
ing agents or combined with bulk sugar substi-
tutes suitable for diabetic consumption (isomalt,
lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, etc.).
Whenever sugar and other sweet carbohy-
drates are used for their sweet taste, and not for
functional reasons, replacement by intense
sweeteners is generally simple. Functional sug-
ar uses, such as viscosity enhancement, reduc-
tion of water activity, providing bulk, assistance
in gelling, and others, cannot be provided by
Figure 4. Equisweet concentrations of different levels of intense sweeteners owing to the minute con-
sucrose and acesulfame – aspartame blends centrations used for normal sweetness levels.
Sweetener blend, mg/L: (– –) 100; (  ) 200; ( — ) 300; For foods requiring such functional properties,
(–  –) 400; (–   –) 500
combinations of intense sweeteners and bulk
sugar substitutes are an appropriate alternative
equisweet concentrations on the basis of sweet-
whenever sugar or sweet carbohydrates are not
ness intensity data for single sweeteners seems
to be used.
possible [12]. In these cases synergism has to be
Beverage uses of intense sweeteners account
regarded as the consequence of nonlinear sweet-
for more than 50 % of human consumption; sugar
ness response functions. For certain examples,
replacement by intense sweeteners is simple, as
e.g., acesulfame – aspartame blends, sweetness
carbohydrates do not play any important func-
intensities calculated on the basis of the single
tional role in beverages, and the special taste
sweetener response curves are below the ob-
characteristic commonly referred to as ‘‘body’’
served values.
can be achieved by addition of small quantities of
As time – intensity profiles of sweeteners are
sweet carbohydrates or viscosity-enhancing
different, and often differ from the generally
agents, such as certain polysaccharides.
accepted standard sucrose, taste modifications
Other important applications are fruit-
can be achieved by blending; the resulting taste
flavored dairy products, desserts, etc.
improvement is sometimes referred to as ‘‘quali-
In products such as pickles, marinated fish,
tative synergism’’ [22].
and delicatessen salads, intense sweeteners not
When saccharin and cyclamate were gener-
only round out the taste and balance the acidity,
ally available, blends of these two sweeteners
but also reduce the risk of spoilage (in contrast to
were widely used. With the availability of ace-
sweet carbohydrates, they do not promote the
sulfame, aspartame, etc., synergism has at-
growth of microorganisms).
tracted renewed interest, and blends of acesul-
In a number of applications, functional sweet
fame – aspartame, aspartame – saccharin, and
carbohydrates are required for the specific prod-
even tertiary or quaternary blends of sweeteners
uct characteristics. For these applications, e.g.,
are increasingly used in order to exploit both
baked goods, confectionery products, and chew-
types of synergism.
ing gum, combinations of intense sweeteners
with bulk sugar substitutes or bulking agents are
3. Uses an alternative.
General information on applications is given
3.1. Foods and Beverages in product-related brochures and some surveys
Foods and beverages are the most important
fields of application of intense sweeteners, with
calorie reduction being the main goal. Single 3.2. Table-Top Sweeteners
sweeteners or combinations with other sweet
substances, e.g., carbohydrates, or sugar substi- For household use, intense sweeteners are for-
tutes may be used. Intense sweeteners can be mulated into table-top sweeteners, such as
548 Sweeteners Vol. 35

sweetener tablets, powders and spoon-by-spoon intense sweeteners balance the palatability, and
products, and liquids. avoid decreased feed consumption immediately
Sweetener tablets may be produced as after weaning.
effervescent tablets containing a CO2-releasing
ingredient and an acid, such as sodium hydrogen
carbonate and tartaric acid. Owing to the small 3.6. Others
amounts equivalent to a teaspoonful of sugar or
a sugar cube, excipients, e.g., lactose or sugar Among other applications, tobacco and tobacco-
alcohols, are often used for noneffervescent related products are most important. In chewing
tablets. tobacco, intense sweeteners are added to the
For granular sweeteners, the same excipients flavoring systems. A further application is in
or, if they are not intended for diabetics, glucose cigarette tips, the palatability of which is im-
or sucrose are often used. proved by addition of intense sweeteners.
For spoon-by-spoon products, the bulk den-
sity of the granular product has to be reduced
substantially; maltodextrins are most common- 4. General Toxicology and Physiology
ly used. To facilitate application of table-top
sweeteners and to bring them close to standard 4.1. Toxicology
sugar formulations, sugar-reduced cubes con-
taining intense sweeteners with the same sweet- Intense sweeteners have to undergo the safety
ness level as normal sugar cubes, and aqueous tests generally required for food additives,
solutions of intense sweeteners, are also with long-term studies in at least two species,
available. including a carcinogenicity study, mutagenicity
studies in different test systems, studies on
reproductive toxicity, pharmacokinetics, and
3.3. Cosmetics metabolism.
Guidelines for these studies are available on
Several types of cosmetics, especially oral hy- an international and, in some countries, a national
giene products, are sweetened to make them basis [27], [28].
more pleasant for consumers. For oral hygiene
products, noncariogenic ingredients have to be
used. In dentifrices, polyols, such as glycerol or 4.2. Metabolism
sorbitol, are used as humectants, and also provide
some basic sweetness. The desired sweetness Most available intense sweeteners are not me-
level is adjusted with an additional quantity of tabolized in the human body or they are excreted
intense sweetener [26]. without metabolic utilization; they are therefore
noncalorific. Some, especially peptide-based
sweeteners, are digested and metabolized. In
3.4. Pharmaceuticals
spite of this, these sweeteners are virtually non-
calorific, as normal use levels are extremely low
Intense sweeteners are used to mask undesired
and the contribution to the nutritive value of
flavors and tastes of active pharmaceutical in-
foods and beverages is insignificant compared
gredients, e.g., bitterness, whenever the pharma-
with nutritive bulk sweeteners.
ceuticals are intended for use by diabetics.
Sweeteners are used in syrups, and soluble tablets
and powders.
4.3. Suitability for Diabetics

3.5. Feed Intense sweeteners are metabolized independent-

ly of insulin, and therefore suitable for diabetics.
Intense sweeteners are used in animal feed to Consumption of intense sweeteners in doses
secure balanced nutrition. The main application equivalent to a normal soft drink serving neither
is in starter feed for early weaning, in which
Vol. 35 Sweeteners 549

stimulates insulin secretion nor influences blood 6. Substances Commonly Used as

glucose levels [29]. Sweeteners
6.1. Acesulfame K
4.4. Dental Effects
6.1.1. General Information
The commonly used intense sweeteners are not
metabolized, or at least not into acids, by the Acesulfame K was discovered by CLAUSS and
bacteria of the oral cavity. They are therefore JENSEN during investigations on oxathiazinone
noncariogenic. Inhibitory effects on Streptococ- dioxides. The sweet taste was found by chance
cus mutans, a caries- causing bacterium, have [37], [38]. Several other oxathiazinone dioxides
been demonstrated at sweetener concentrations taste sweet, but have less favorable characteristics.
above normal use levels. Synergistic enhance-
ment of these effects in sweetener blends or
blends of sweeteners and fluoride have also been
demonstrated [30–32]. 6.1.2. Physical and Chemical Properties

Acesulfame K is the potassium salt of 6-methyl-

5. Food Legislation 1,2,3-oxathiazin-4(3H )-one-2,2-dioxide (also
5.1. International Regulations and 2-dioxide) [55589-62-3], C4H4KNO4S, Mr
Assessments 201.2.

On the basis of available safety data, acceptabil-

ity of intense sweeteners is assessed by several
international authorities, especially the Joint Ex-
pert Committee on Food Additives of the WHO
and FAO (JECFA), and the Scientific Committee
for Food of the EU (SCF). JECFA bases a general
evaluation on the available safety data. Accep- Acesulfame K does not have a well-defined
tance for food use is demonstrated by allocation melting point, and starts decomposing at ca.
of an acceptable daily intake (ADI) value. The 225  C. It is soluble in water (ca. 270 g/L at
results of the evaluation are published as a toxi- 20  C and ca. 1300 g/L at 100  C). Solubility in
cological monograph. In parallel, specifications most organic solvents is low. Aqueous solutions
are recommended which are normally used as of acesulfame K are neutral [39].
guidelines for national food legislation. The SCF At pH 3 – 7, the common range for most
performs a similar evaluation, having produced a foods and beverages, acesulfame K is virtually
report on sweeteners in foods, and several sub- stable. Losses of a few percent were reported
sequent publications [33]. only after prolonged exposure to lower pH [39],
Beyond national legislation, an EU directive [40]. Acesulfame K does not decompose during
on sweeteners harmonizes sweetener legislation normal processing conditions of foods and bev-
in the Community, listing approved sweeteners, erages. No decomposition was observed during
fields of application, and maximum use levels. baking [41], ultra-high-temperature treatment
[42], and microwave heating [43]. Hydrolysis in
strong acids yields acetone, CO2, and ammonium
5.2. National Food Legislation sulfate [44].
Compared with 3 % sucrose solution, the
Under the food legislation of most countries, in- sweetness intensity of acesulfame K is ap-
tense sweeteners are food additives, requiring proximately 200 [12]. An off-taste may become
approval for food use. Approvals are listed in perceptible at elevated concentrations [18].
national regulations, e.g., in the United States Acesulfame K is often synergistic with other
[34], the United Kingdom [35], and Germany [36]. sweeteners [45].
550 Sweeteners Vol. 35

6.1.3. Production

Several synthesis routes for acesulfame K have

been described. Potential synthesis starts from
halogen sulfonyl isocyanates and keto com-
pounds. Depending on the ketone, oxathiazinone
dioxides with different substituents can be pro-
duced, some of which are also sweet, but inferior
to acesulfame K in taste quality.
One production route (Fig. 5) starts from
fluorosulfonyl isocyanate reacted with acetoace-
tic acid tert-butyl ester to a labile addition com-
pound. On heating, this intermediate releases
CO2 and isobutene to form N-(fluorosulfonyl)
acetoacetic acid amide; in the presence of bases,
this compound cyclizes to the oxathiazinone
Figure 6. Synthesis of acesulfame K: alternative route [41],
dioxide ring [37], [46]. [48]
An alternative synthesis route (Fig. 6) has
been described in which diketene and amidosul-
Although several analytical methods for the
fonic acid are reacted to acetoacetamide-N-
quantitative determination of acesulfame K in
sulfonic acid. In the presence of suitable dehy-
foods and other products are available, HPLC
drating agents, acesulfame acid is formed, which
analysis, allowing simultaneous determination of
can be neutralized with potassium hydroxide to
acesulfame K and other sweeteners, is often
acesulfame K [47], [48].
preferred [51], [52].

6.1.4. Specifications and Analysis

6.1.5. Toxicology and Legislation
For food use, acesulfame K has to conform to
specifications laid down in national food legisla- Acesulfame K has been subjected to the toxico-
tion; these are often based on the suggestions logical studies required for food additives. It is
made by JECFA [49], in which a purity > 99 % is devoid of carcinogenicity, chronic toxicity, tera-
required. Specific methods for the analysis of togenicity, and pharmacological side effects. It is
pure acesulfame K are given in these suggestions, absorbed quickly, and excreted at a similar rate,
and general methods are listed in a guide to the completely unmetabolized. Owing to the rapid
specifications [50]. excretion, accumulation in the body seems
impossible. JECFA allocated an ADI of 0 –
15 mg/kg [53], as did the FDA [54].
Acesulfame K is approved for food use in
most countries where intense sweeteners are
used in foods and beverages, and is also ap-
proved for use in oral hygiene products and

6.1.6. Uses

Acesulfame K is used in all fields of applications

of intense sweeteners. Common applications are:
table-top sweeteners; beverages; foods, such as
dairy products, desserts, bakery products, con-
Figure 5. Synthesis of acesulfame K [37], [46] fectionery, chewing gum, pickles, and marinated
Vol. 35 Sweeteners 551

fish; oral hygiene products, such as tooth paste Aspartame stability studies have been carried
and mouthwash; and pharmaceuticals. Owing to out, e.g., in aqueous solutions [61], [62], beverages
its synergistic characteristics, acesulfame K is [63], [64], fruit preparations, yoghurt [65], [66],
often used in sweetener blends, and in combina- and under conditions favoring Maillard reactions
tion with bulk sweeteners in products requiring [67]. Coating or encapsulation by cyclodextrins
good stability, e.g., confectionery or bakery pro- has been suggested to improve its stability [68].
ducts [23], [40], [55]. Compared with 3 wt % aqueous sucrose solu-
tion, aspartame has a sweetness intensity of ca.
180 – 200 [12]. Its taste characteristics are gen-
6.2. Aspartame erally assessed as good [18]. The sweetness per-
ception can be slightly delayed and lasting [17].
6.2.1. General Information

The sweet taste of aspartame, N-L-a-aspartyl-L- 6.2.3. Production

phenylalanine methyl ester, was discovered by
SCHLATTER [56], [57] in 1965, although the com- Production of aspartame normally starts from
pound had been synthesized earlier. Systematic L-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine or L-phenyl-

research on the sensory properties of dipeptide alanine methyl ester. The production follows
derivatives has revealed many sweet substances common routes of peptide synthesis, as the
[58], [59]. L- configuration of amino acids has to be retained
(essential for sweetness).
Common production routes require protective
6.2.2. Physical and Chemical Properties groups for aspartic acid. The protective groups
commonly used in peptide synthesis have been
Aspartame, [22839-47-0], C14H18N2O5, Mr suggested for aspartame synthesis, but simple
294.3 is a white crystalline powder virtually free protection for large-scale production can be
from odor, with no well-defined melting point. At obtained by use of formylaspartic acid anhy-
196  C it reacts to 5-benzyl-3,6-dioxo-2-piper- dride. It can be reacted with phenylalanine
azineacetic acid [55102-13-1] [60]. methyl ester to N-formylaspartame [69], from
which the protective group has to be removed
[70]. Especially simple production (Fig. 7) is
possible from N-formylaspartic acid anhydride
and L-phenylalanine. The resulting N-formylas-
partylphenylalanine is treated with hydrochloric
acid and methanol. The aspartame hydrochloride
obtained can be crystallized for purification and
Solubility of aspartame in water depends on transformed into aspartame after addition of a
pH. At pH 5.2, the isoelectric point, solubility in stoichiometric amount of a neutralizing agent
water is approximately 1 g in 100 mL. With [71], [72]. Adjustment of the solvent increases the
decreasing pH, solubility increases to a maxi- yield by improving the ratio of a- to b-isomers
mum value at pH 2.2. Water solubility also [73]. Crystallization of a-aspartame hydrohalides
increases with temperature. In most organic sol- is a suitable purification step, as b-hydrohalides are
vents, the solubility is lower than in water [60]. more soluble [74], [75].
At elevated temperature, solid aspartame A commercially used alternative to chemical
slowly releases methanol to form aspartylpheny- peptide synthesis is enzymatic formation of the
lalanine and the dioxopiperazine. In aqueous peptide bond. Some proteinases, e.g., thermoly-
solutions aspartame slowly hydrolyzes to amino sin, are able to catalyze peptide bond formation.
acids and methanol; the dioxopiperazine can also Protected or nonprotected aspartic acid anhy-
be formed. The maximum stability in aqueous dride can be used. In contrast to chemical peptide
solution is at ca. pH 4. The rate of hydrolytic bond formation, L-phenylalanine is selectively
decomposition increases steeply with both in- used from a racemic phenylalanine, and the
crease and decrease of pH [60]. remaining D-isomer can be racemized again [76].
552 Sweeteners Vol. 35

Figure 7. Synthesis of aspartame

6.2.4. Specifications and Analysis tame- containing products is required in many

National food legislation, for the use of aspar- Aspartame is approved for food use in most
tame in foods, is often based on the suggestions countries where intense sweeteners are used.
made by JECFA [77] in which a purity > 98 % is
required. Specific methods for the analysis of
pure aspartame are given in these suggestions, 6.2.6. Uses
and general methods are listed in a guide to the
specifications [50]. Aspartame is also listed in the The sensory characteristics of aspartame allow
Food Chemicals Codex [78]. its use in all common sweetener applications.
Although several analytical methods for the Limitations are imposed by its susceptibility
quantitative determination of aspartame in foods to hydrolytic decomposition, and limited tem-
and other products are available, HPLC analysis, perature stability. The shelf life of aspartame-
allowing simultaneous determination of aspar- sweetened products with high water content has
tame and other sweeteners, is often preferred to be limited to periods in which no decrease in
[51], [52]. sweetness can be observed. No limitations exist
Methods allowing determination of aspartame for low-humidity products, unless they are ex-
and its breakdown products are available [61], posed to high temperatures. Owing to the limited
[63]. solubility of aspartame, preparations have been
developed to facilitate dissolution [81].
In addition to single-sweetener applications,
6.2.5. Toxicology and Legislation the synergistic properties of aspartame are used
in a variety of blends.
Aspartame is devoid of carcinogenicity, chronic Applications of aspartame in foods, bev-
toxicity, and teratogenicity. erages, and other products are described in sur-
Being a dipeptide ester, aspartame is metabo- veys [24], [82].
lized, with a nutritive value of 17 kJ/g (4 kcal/g);
at normal use levels of several hundred milli-
grams per kilogram, this nutritive value has no 6.3. Cyclamate
practical importance.
JECFA allocated an ADI of 0 – 40 mg/kg 6.3.1. General Information
[79], whereas the FDA value is 50 mg/kg [80].
Owing to its phenylalanine content, aspar- The sweet taste of salts of cyclohexylaminosul-
tame should be avoided by persons suffering fonic acid was discovered accidentally by SVEDA
from phenylketonuria, and a warning on aspar- in 1937 [83].
Vol. 35 Sweeteners 553

6.3.2. Physical and Chemical Properties cyclohexyl-N- cyclohexylammonium sulfamate.

Reaction with sodium or calcium hydroxide
Cyclamates are salts of cyclohexylaminosulfonic yields cyclamates and free cyclohexylamine. In
acid (cyclohexylsulfamic acid) [100-88-9], a corresponding way, equimolar amounts of
C6H13NO3S, Mr 179.2. Cyclohexylsulfamic acid cyclohexylamine and tertiary amines react to
melts at 169 – 170  C, but its salts do not have trialkylammonium-N- cyclohexyl sulfamates,
well-defined melting points and decompose at the respective cyclamates being formed after
elevated temperature. Cyclohexylaminosulfonic reaction with sodium or calcium hydroxide.
acid is less suitable for food use but is approved, Further possibilities are reactions of cyclohexyl-
like its sodium, potassium, and calcium salts amine with sodium methylthiosulfate or sulfamic
[84], [85]. acid metal salts. Reactions of cyclohexyl com-
pounds with SO3 or sulfuric acid, or of cyclo-
hexylhydroxylamine and SO2 or sulfites, produc-
ing cyclamates or cyclohexylsulfamic acid have
also been described [87], [88].

Sodium cyclamate, C6H12NNaO3S, Mr 201.2

[139-05-9], is the most important cyclamate 6.3.4. Specifications and Analysis
sweetener. It forms white crystals, decomposing
at ca. 260  C. Its solubility is 20 wt % in water at The suggestions made by JECFA for cyclamates
room temperature, whereas in most organic sol- in foods [89] require a purity > 98 %. Specific
vents solubility is low or extremely low [84], methods for the analysis of pure cyclamate are
[85]. given in these suggestions, and general methods
Calcium cyclamate [5897-16-5], C12H24Ca are listed in a guide to the specifications [50].
N2O6S2  2 H2O, Mr 432.6, is of less importance. Owing to the absence of a chromophore for
At pH 2 – 10, the stability of cyclamates to UV detection, analytical methods for cyclamates
hydrolytic decomposition is high, so they are not have to be based on either color changes or other
affected by common food processing conditions properties. A suitable HPLC method with post-
[84], [85]. column derivatization for easy detection has been
Compared with 0.1 mol/L sucrose solutions, described [90].
the sweetness intensity of sodium cyclamate is
ca. 35 [12]. Aftertastes become perceptible at
elevated concentrations only, rendering cycla- 6.3.5. Toxicology and Legislation
mate generally superior to saccharin [18].
Reevaluations of toxicological data have con-
cluded that cyclamates are devoid of carcinoge-
6.3.3. Production nicity. Discussion focused on the toxicity of
cyclohexylamine, a potential metabolite formed
The starting material for cyclamate production is by intestinal bacteria [91]. Current ADI values
cyclohexylamine, which is reacted with sulfonat- are based on the toxicity data for cyclohexyl-
ing agents (Fig. 8) [86]. The originally used amine, and the assumption of a fairly high meta-
chlorosulfonic acid has been replaced by other bolic rate in the human body. Both JECFA and
compounds. In high-boiling-point solvents, cy- SCF allocated ADI values of 0 – 11 mg per
clohexylamine reacts with sulfamic acid to N- kilogram body weight [33], [92].

Figure 8. Synthesis of cyclamates

554 Sweeteners Vol. 35

Whereas some countries approve cyclamate preparations, however, may not contain the stoi-
use in a variety of applications, some important chiometric water content, but a slightly lower
sweetener markets, such as the United States, still value. In contrast to saccharin itself, sodium
ban them. saccharin is soluble in water. At room tempera-
ture, ca. 1000 g can be dissolved in 1 L of water,
and more than 3000 g dissolve in 1 L of water at
6.3.6. Uses 100  C [93].
Calcium saccharin, C14H8CaN2O6S2  31/2s
Owing to their good stability, cyclamates are H2O, Mr 467.5 [6381-91-5], is of less importance
suitable for all applications of intense sweet- than sodium saccharin. At 20  C, ca. 370 g can
eners. They can be used in acid products, e.g., be dissolved in 1 L of water, but at 100  C
soft drinks and pickles, and withstand exposure solubility is almost as high as for sodium saccha-
to elevated temperature as used in the production rin [93].
of canned fruit [85].
The main application of cyclamates, however,
is in blends with saccharin in a 10 : 1 ratio by
weight. In these blends, quantitative and qualita-
tive synergistic effects can be used to advantage,
rendering them an important sweetener system in
countries approving the use of both sweetenes [85]. Compared with dilute sucrose solutions, the
sweetness intensity of saccharin is ca. 550,
whereas the values for its salts are ca. 450
6.4. Saccharin [12]. At medium or elevated use levels, saccharin
sweetness is accompanied by a metallic or bitter
6.4.1. General Information aftertaste [18]. Several masking agents for this
side-taste have been suggested, and sweetener
Saccharin was the first intense sweetener ever blends, especially a blend of 1 part sodium
introduced. It was discovered in 1878 [2]. Small- saccharin to 9 – 10 parts sodium cyclamate, are
scale production commenced in 1884, and it has often used [94].
been available since. For decades, saccharin was
the most important intense sweetener.
6.4.3. Production

6.4.2. Physical and Chemical Properties In most countries, commercial saccharin is pro-
duced by the Remsen – Fahlberg process
Saccharin, often referred to as o-benzoic acid (Fig. 9), which basically follows the synthesis
sulfimide, or o-sulfobenzoic acid imide, is 1,2-
benzisothiazol-3(2H )-one-1,1-dioxide [128-44-
9], C7H5NO3S, Mr 183.2. Solid saccharin is a
white, crystalline, odorless powder, melting at
228 – 230  C. Solubility in water at 20  C is ca.
2 g/L and increases to ca. 40 g/L at 100  C.
Aqueous solutions of saccharin are acidic, pH
ca. 2 for a saturated solution at room temperature.
In aqueous solutions of alkali hydroxides or
carbonates, saccharin is easily soluble, forming
salts [93].
The sodium salt is more important than sac-
charin itself. Sodium saccharin [6155-57-3],
C7H4NNaO3S  2 H2O, Mr 241.2, crystallizes
with water of crystallization. Commercial Figure 9. Remsen – Fahlberg synthesis of saccharin [96]
Vol. 35 Sweeteners 555

Although several analytical methods for the

quantitative determination of saccharin and so-
dium saccharin in foods and other products are
available, HPLC analysis, allowing simulta-
neous determination of saccharin, sodium sac-
charin, and other sweeteners, is often preferred
[51], [52].

6.4.5. Toxicology and Legislation

Saccharin is not metabolized in the human

Figure 10. Maumee synthesis of saccharin [98] body. It is without influence on diabetics. Safety
studies on saccharin have been repeatedly per-
formed. In long-term feeding studies in rats an
described by its discoverers [95], [96]. Toluene is increased bladder tumor rate was observed after
used as the starting material and reacted with prolonged ingestion of high doses. This was
chlorosulfonic acid to a mixture of isomeric attributed to a nongenotoxic action of saccharin,
toluene sulfochlorides. In the presence of am- or to a co- carcinogenic effect. On the basis of
monia, 2-toluene sulfochloride forms 2-toluene further studies, the relevance of these observa-
sulfonic acid amide which is oxidized under tions for humans has been questioned. Informa-
appropriate conditions to saccharin. Potential tion on saccharin toxicology has been reviewed
oxidizing agents are potassium permanganate or [100]. JECFA allocated an ADI of 0 – 5 mg/kg
chromic acid; syntheses not involving oxidizing [101].
agents have also been described [97]. Saccharin use is restricted in several coun-
In the United States, the Maumee process is tries, although in most countries it is still avail-
used (Fig. 10). This starts from either anthranilic able as an intense sweetener. In the United States,
acid or its methyl ester, which can be obtained a special label is required for saccharin-sweet-
from phthalic acid anhydride. With sodium ni- ened products [102].
trite, anthranilic acid forms a diazonium com-
pound, which is reacted with sulfur dioxide or
sulfites, and chlorinated to 2- chlorosulfonylben- 6.4.6. Uses
zoic acid methyl ester. In the presence of ammo-
nia, this ester yields the respective amide, from Saccharin is most frequently used as its sodium
which, after de-esterification, saccharin is ob- salt. Important fields of application are soft
tained. Reaction with sodium hydroxide or cal- drinks, table-top sweeteners, and desserts. For
cium hydroxide forms the respective saccharin taste reasons, blends with other intense sweet-
salts [98]. eners, or combinations with reduced sugar levels
are preferred wherever such blends are approved.
In oral hygiene products, e.g., toothpastes and
6.4.4. Specifications and Analysis mouthwashes, saccharin masks undesired tastes
of other ingredients [93].
The suggestions made by JECFA [99] for sac- In starter feed for livestock, saccharin is used
charin in foods require a purity > 99 %. Specific to avoid reduced feed intake after weaning.
methods for the analysis of saccharin and sac- Beside its applications as an intense sweeten-
charin salts are given in these suggestions, and er, saccharin is used in electrolytic nickel depo-
general methods are listed in a guide to the sition. Addition of saccharin to the nickel salt
specifications [50]. Saccharin and its sodium and solutions increases the hardness and brightness
calcium salts are also listed in the Food Chemi- of the nickel plate. This effect is apparently
cals Codex [98]. specific to saccharin [93].
556 Sweeteners Vol. 35

7. Sweeteners of Lesser Importance 7.1.2. Production

7.1. Glycyrrhizin The starting material for the production of gly-

cyrrhizin is dried, cut licorice root, with a glycyr-
7.1.1. General Information and Properties rhizin content of 2 – 7wt %, depending on its
origin. A crude extract is obtained by counter-
Glycyrrhizin is the name for mixed calcium and current extraction with water. After removal of
potassium salts of glycyrrhizic acid which are polysaccharides, glycyrrhizic acid can be precip-
found in licorice root, Glycyrrhiza glabra L., itated from the crude extract with sulfuric acid.
grown in Southern Europe and Asia. Ammonium glycyrrhizinate is produced by dis-
Glycyrrhizic acid [1405-86-3], C42H62O16, solving crude glycyrrhizic acid in aqueous am-
Mr 823.0, is a glycoside, consisting of glycyr- monia, and subsequent drying or precipitation
rhetic acid, a triterpene of the b-amyrine type, with ethanol. Repeated recrystallization yields
and two b-1,2-glycosidic-linked glucuronic monoammonium glycyrrhizinate which, in con-
acids. Extracts containing 6 – 14 % glycyrrhizi- trast to the dark colored ammonium glycyrrhizi-
nates are available as licorice. It is used as a nate, is almost colorless [103].
flavoring ingredient in confectionery and phar-
maceuticals [103].
7.1.3. Toxicology and Legislation

Glycyrrhizin is characterized by a variety of

physiological activities, which discourage the
use of large quantities for sweetening purposes.
Accordingly, it is not approved as a sweetener in
many countries, but can be used as a licorice
flavoring agent.

7.1.4. Uses

In addition to their flavoring properties, glycyr-

rhizin and ammonium glycyrrhizinate have fla-
vor-enhancing effects in certain products. Impor-
In addition to calcium and potassium glycyr- tant fields of application are confectionery, soft
rhizinates, crude ammonium glycyrrhizinate and drinks with higher pH levels, tobacco products,
monoammonium glycyrrhizinate are available. and oral hygiene products [103].
Ammonium glycyrrhizinate dissolves in water Extracts of licorice root, glycyrrhizin, and
above pH 4.5, and in aqueous ethanol, but the glycyrrhizic acid have been suggested for treat-
solubility of monoammonium glycyrrhizinate in ment of a number of diseases, e.g., gastric ulcer
water is fairly low. At elevated temperature, [104].
glycyrrhinates are not fully stable to hydrolytic
decomposition [103].
7.2. Neohesperidin Dihydrochalcone
Glycyrrhizin is claimed to be 50 – 100 times
sweeter than sucrose in dilute aqueous solution, 7.2.1. General Information and Properties
whereas for ammonium glycyrrhizinate the
sweetness intensity is ca. 50. Glycyrrhizinates Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, 20 ,3,40 ,60 -tetra-
are characterized by a delayed sweetness onset, a hydroxy-4-methoxydihydrochalcone-40 -b-neo-
lingering sweetness, and a pronounced licorice hesperidoside [20702-77-6], C28H36O15, Mr
taste; they are therefore considered to be flavor- 612.6 is the important compound among the
ings rather than sweeteners [103]. sweet dihydrochalcones. A number of related
Vol. 35 Sweeteners 557

dihydrochalcones, e.g., naringin dihydrochal-

cone, are without practical importance.

Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone has a melting

range of 152 – 154  C. In water only ca. 0.5 g/L Figure 11. Synthesis of neohesperidin dihydrochalcone,
dissolves at room temperature, but much higher starting from naringin
quantities can be dissolved at high temperature
and in ethanol (ca. 20 g/L). In alkaline solution, 7.2.3. Toxicology and Legislation
dissolution is favored owing to salt formation
[105]. Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone has been tested in
Despite the possibility of hydrolytic cleavage a full range of safety studies, and an acceptable
of the glycosidic bond, the stability of neohesper- daily intake value of 0 – 5 mg per kilogram body
idin dihydrochalcone is acceptable under food weight was allocated by SCF [109]. Approval of
processing and storage conditions [105]. this sweetener is limited to few countries, e.g.,
Compared with dilute sucrose solutions, the those in which it can be produced from the skin of
sweetness intensity of neohesperidin dihydro- citrus fruits. Extension of approval seems possible.
chalcone is ca. 330. The much higher values
sometimes reported were determined at the taste
threshold. Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone is 7.2.4. Uses
characterized by a pronounced menthol-like af-
tertaste which limits its applicability and allows it The specific taste characteristics of neohesper-
to make only a partial contribution to the total idin dihydrochalcone limit its use to few applica-
sweetness of most products [105]. tions, or low use levels. It acts synergistically
Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone can be ana- with a number of other sweeteners, e.g., acesul-
lyzed by HPLC [106]. fame and aspartame, and can be used in fairly
small quantities in blends with these sweeteners.
The main fields of application are certain con-
fectionery products and chewing gum, but small
7.2.2. Production concentrations are suitable for use in beverages
and dairy products. In addition to sweetness,
Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone is obtained by neohesperidin dihydrochalcone has flavor-en-
hydration of neohesperidin under alkaline con- hancing properties in a variety of foods and other
ditions. This compound can be isolated from the products [105].
skins of Seville oranges. A further production
route starts from naringin (Fig. 11), found in the
skins of several other citrus species. Treatment 7.3. Stevioside and Rebaudioside
of naringin with alkali produces phloroaceto-
phenone-40 -b-neohesperidoside which is con- 7.3.1. General Information and Properties
densed with isovanillin to neohesperidin chal-
cone. Hydrogenation under alkaline conditions Stevioside and other steviol glycosides are con-
yields neohesperidin dihydrochalcone [107], stituents of the South American plant Stevia
[108]. rebaudiana Bertoni. It is claimed that the leaves
558 Sweeteners Vol. 35

of the plant have been used for centuries to drinks. At elevated temperature, the stability
sweeten foods and beverages. decreases with decreasing pH [111].
Stevioside is a glycoside consisting of the Compared with dilute sucrose solution, ste-
aglycone steviol, ent-13-hydroxykaur-16-en- vioside is ca. 160 – 170 times sweeter. The high-
19-oic acid, and three glucose molecules, two er sweetness intensity values often reported were
of which are linked to the disaccharide sophor- determined at the taste threshold. The sweetness
ose. Stevioside is therefore named as 13-O-b-so- of stevioside is accompanied by a licorice-like
phorosylsteviol-18-O-b-glucosyl ester [57817- aftertaste. Side-tastes and other sensory charac-
89-7], C38H60O18, Mr 804.9. teristics depend on the decomposition of stevio-
side products which are often purified extracts
containing other plant constituents in addition to
stevioside [112].
Rebaudioside A melts in the range 242 –
244  C. In water, it is more soluble than stevioside.
Although the stabilities of steviosides and rebau-
dioside A are similar, rebaudioside A has been
found to decompose on exposure to light [111].
The sweetness intensity of rebaudioside A is
approximately one-third higher than that of stevio-
side, and its taste characteristics are superior [110].

7.3.2. Production

Stevioside can be isolated from the leaves of

Stevia by extraction with water or water – etha-
nol mixtures. Crude Stevia extracts are more or
less purified, e.g., by treatment with calcium or
magnesium hydroxides or carbonates. Further
purification by ion-exchangers, or absorption of
undesired ingredients is possible. Stevioside can
be obtained from the extracts by precipitation
with methanol [112].
Beside steviol, the leaves of Stevia rebaudi-
Depending on the processing conditions, ste-
ana contain a number of other sweet glycosides,
vioside products may contain other sweet steviol
the most important of which is rebaudioside A.
glycosides, and other constituents. Accordingly,
Rebaudioside A is 13-O-b-glycopyranosylste-
the properties of commercially available stevio-
side products vary.
ester [58543-16-1], C44H70O23, Mr 967.0. Fur-
Rebaudioside A is isolated from Stevia leaves in
ther sweet constituents of Stevia leaves are other
a similar way to stevioside. The ratio of rebaudio-
steviol glycosides, such as other rebaudiosides,
side A to stevioside can be increased by extraction
dulcoside, and steviolbioside.
with methanol, and further purification with col-
Stevia originates in South America, but is also
umn chromatography yields rebaudioside-A-rich
grown in several Asian countries. Dried Stevia
products. Stevioside can, in addition, be trans-
leaves contain 2 – 22 wt % of stevioside with a
formed enzymatically to rebaudioside A [110].
mean of ca. 7 %. Rebaudioside levels are in the
Commercial production routes often fail to
range 1.5 – 10 % [110].
yield pure stevioside or rebaudioside A.
Stevioside melts in the range 196 – 198  C.
The solubility in water is approximately 1.2 –
1.3 g/L, only slightly higher than the concentra- 7.3.3. Toxicology and Legislation
tions necessary for medium or high sweetness.
Stevioside is of acceptable stability for food Although safety studies on stevioside and rebau-
production and storage, e.g., for use in soft dioside have been performed, they have not been
Vol. 35 Sweeteners 559

accepted internationally, owing to the lack of creases the sweetness of carbohydrates substan-
generally accepted specifications. Accordingly, tially, several chlorinated and brominated mono-
no ADI has been allocated for these compounds and disaccharides of intense sweetness were
on an international basis. Stevia extracts are found.
approved for food use in several South American Sucralose [56038-13-2], C12H19O8Cl3, Mr
and Asian countries, but lack approval in Europe 397.6. The solubility in water is ca. 283 g/L at
and North America [110], [111]. 20  C and ca. 90 g/L in ethanol [114]. Sucralose
melts at 125  C with decomposition.
Solid sucralose is not fully stable, and slowly
7.3.4. Uses
releases HCl, with discoloration. In contrast,
aqueous solutions are highly stable, and it is
Stevioside, the more important product, is used
marketed in this form. Owing to its stability over
in table-top sweeteners, confectionery, certain
the normal pH range of foods and beverages, it is
soft drinks, fruit products, and Japanese-style
suitable for all liquid sweetener applications
vegetable products in countries approving the
sweeteners, generally as stevioside-rich Stevia
Compared with dilute sucrose solution, sucra-
lose is ca. 600 times sweeter. The sweetness is
perceived with a slight delay and a lasting effect,
7.4. Sucralose similar to aspartame, and generally considered of
good quality.
7.4.1. General Information and Properties

Sucralose is the common name for 10 ,60 -dichloro- 7.4.2. Production

10 ,6-dideoxy-b-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-
deoxy-a-D-galactopyranoside, sometimes re- The starting material for the synthesis of sucralose
ferred to as trichlorogalactosucrose. (see Fig. 12) is sucrose. The production route
commonly described blocks the three primary
hydroxyl groups as trityl ethers, and transforms
the secondary hydroxyl groups to acetates to yield
6,10 ,60 -tritrityl-2,3,4,30 ,40 -pentaacetylsucrose. By
deblocking the primary hydroxyl groups,
2,3,4,30 ,40 -pentaacetylsucrose is obtained. Under
appropriate conditions, this compound can be
The sweetener was discovered in 1976 [113]. transformed to 2,3,6,30 ,40 -pentaacetylsucrose.
Following the discovery that halogenation in- Chlorination at the exposed hydroxyl groups

Figure 12. Synthesis of sucralose

Trt ¼ Ph3C ¼ trityl group
560 Sweeteners Vol. 35

gives 4,10 ,60 -trichloro-4,10 ,60 -tridesoxygalactosu- Compared with dilute sucrose solutions, thau-
crose on conversion of the glucose moiety to matin is approximately 3500 times sweeter. The
galactose. Removal of the acetate groups by sweetness shows a delayed onset and long per-
hydrolysis yields sucralose. Other blocking sistence, accompanied by a licorice-like side-
agents have also been described [116]. taste. Thaumatin is often used as a flavor enhanc-
er rather than as a sweetener [120].

7.4.3. Toxicology and Legislation

7.5.2. Production
Sucralose has been studied in the test systems
Thaumatins are extracted from the arils of Thau-
commonly used for the evaluation of food ad-
matococcus with water; removal of solids is by
ditives. JECFA allocated an ADI of 0 – 15 mg/kg
centrifugation and ultrafiltration. Further purifi-
[117]. Sucralose has not yet been endorsed by
cation is possible by ion-exchange chromatogra-
other international authorities, and still lacks
phy [120].
approval in most countries.
As production of thaumatin in countries grow-
ing Thaumatococcus is difficult, attempts have
been made to produce thaumatin by means of
7.4.4. Uses
genetically engineered microorganisms. Expres-
sion of the thaumatin genes in several microor-
Owing to the lack of approval, sucralose uses are
ganisms has been achieved, but no biotechnolog-
limited. Its good stability is considered an incen-
ical production has yet been established [121],
tive for single sweetener use, which appears
feasible on the basis of its sensory characteristics,
but its synergistic characteristics probably favor
its use in blends. 7.5.3. Toxicology and Legislation

Thaumatin is digested like other peptide food

7.5. Thaumatin constituents. No effects of toxicological signifi-
cance have been observed in safety studies on
7.5.1. General Information and Properties thaumatin. It has been accepted internationally as
a food additive by JECFA [123], with ADI ‘‘not
Thaumatin is a mixture of structurally related specified’’. It is approved as a sweetener and
proteins found in the arils of the fruits of Thau- flavor enhancer in a number of countries.
matococcus daniellii Benth, a plant originating in
West Africa, where it is grown on plantations. 7.5.4. Uses
The sweet taste of Thaumatococcus fruits, locally
called Katemfe and traditionally used for sweet- Although thaumatin was primarily introduced as
ening purposes, was first described in the scien- a sweetener, the temporal sweetness characteris-
tific literature in 1855 [1]. tics do not favor its use as a single sweetener, and
Thaumatin consists of several structurally limit blend use to fractions of the total sweetness.
related polypeptides with approximate Mr Flavor-enhancing properties, in contrast, are
21 000 [53850-34-3]. Normally, thaumatin I and of some importance; thaumatin is used as a flavor
II are the major components, but other similar enhancer in confectionery, chewing gum, and
peptides may be present in thaumatin products. similar products [120].
The amino acid composition and tertiary struc-
ture are known [118], [119].
Thaumatin is highly soluble in water, and solu- 8. New Developments
tions containing more than 1000 g of thaumatin in
1 L of water can be prepared [120]. Thaumatin 8.1. Alitame
stability data in the literature are not consistent.
Good stability below pH 5.5 has been claimed, but Alitame, L-a-aspartyl-N-(2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-3-
limited stability is also reported [120]. thietanyl)-D-alanine [80863-62-3], C14H24O4N3S
Vol. 35 Sweeteners 561

 21/2s H2O, Mr 375.3, is an intensely sweet dipeptide ener use. As monellin is intensely sweet, and has
derivative [124]. a pleasant taste, studies have been initiated to
improve the stability by structural changes, with-
out impairing the good sensory characteristics.

9. Substances Formerly Used as

Alitame melts at 100  C, solidifies at 102  C, 9.1. Dulcin
and starts decomposing at 136 – 137  C. At
room temperature, ca. 130 g/L can be dissolved Dulcin is the common name of N-(4-ethoxyphe-
in water at pH 5.0, with increasing solubility at nyl)urea [150-69-6], C9H12N2O2, Mr 180.2. Dul-
higher and lower pH, and higher temperature cin melts at 173  C and is sparingly soluble in
[125]. water (ca. 1.25 g/L). Compared with dilute su-
Being a dipeptide, alitame is not completely crose solutions, it is approximately 250 times
stable, but superior to aspartame at all important sweeter. Sweetness characteristics are good.
pH levels, especially in the neutral range.
Compared with dilute sucrose solutions, its
sweetness intensity is > 2500. Sensory proper-
ties are similar to aspartame.
Alitame is under safety evaluation and has not
been endorsed as a food additive by international Dulcin was synthesized by reaction of phene-
authorities, nor yet approved in most countries tidine hydrochloride with sodium cyanate or
[125]. urea, and by reaction of 4-phenetidine with phos-
gene and ammonia [132], [133]. Dulcin achieved
some practical importance as a sweetener, de-
8.2. Others spite safety concerns. It was blended with sac-
charin or sodium saccharin in order to mask the
Systematic investigations into structure – aftertaste of saccharin. As some dulcin metabo-
activity relationships of sweeteners have led to lites were considered potentially hazardous, it is
a variety of products with sweetness intensities now banned in most countries.
comparable to the sweetest products already
known, or even higher. A number of products
have been described, e.g., derivatives of N- 9.2. Others
phenylguanidinoacetic acid and N-phenyletha-
namidinoacetic acid [126], [127], tetrazole Suosan is the common name for the sodium salt of
derivatives [128], or amide-, glycine- and b- N-(ethyl)-N-(4-nitrophenyl)urea, C10H10N3NaO5,
alanine-based sweeteners with heterocyclic Mr 275.2 [134]. Pure suosan is a yellow crystalline
substituents [129]. These products are still far substance ca. 300 times sweeter than sucrose in
from being marketed, although some are appar- dilute solutions. It can be obtained by reacting 4-
ently under safety investigation for human nitrophenyl isocyanate and b-alanine.
consumption. For some time, the sodium salt of 2-(4-meth-
oxybenzoyl)benzoic acid, C15H11NaO4, Mr 278.3
Monellin is a polypeptide constituent of the [135], was offered as the product S 23/46. This
fruits of Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii Stapf substance is ca. 150 times sweeter than sucrose,
Diels, with approximate Mr 11 500. The yield but is bitter at elevated concentrations. Low
from 1 kg of fruit is ca. 3 – 5 g [130], [131]. Its solubility of the corresponding acid, which is
sweetness intensity is ca. 2000. Owing to its released in acid foods and beverages, limited the
structure, monellin is sensitive to conformational applicability. The compound was synthesized
changes caused by heat or hydrolytic decompo- from phthalic acid anhydride and anisole in the
sition, rendering it unsuitable for normal sweet- presence of aluminum chloride.
562 Sweeteners Vol. 35

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