References: Further Findings Concerning The Occurrence of Clefts in Twins

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W, Schwechendiek: Further Findings Concerning the Occurrence of Clefts 109

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@ Georg Thleme Verlag, Stuttgart

Further Findings Concerning the Occurrence of Clefts in Twins

Wolfram Schweckendiek

Dr. Schweckendiek's Clinic, 355 Marburg/Lahn, W. Germany (Head: W. Schweckendiek, M.D.)

Summary ment, are less frequently inherited as clefts of lip,

This paper presents a report on 22 pairs of twins with alveolus and palate.
cleft formation, 6 of which were monozygotes. In two In early investigations, the monozygotic pro m`
cases out of these, both of a pair were involved. The
problem of concordance in twin is discussed. perties of a pair of twins were generally deter-
mined by means of the p o l y - s y m p t o m a t i c similar-
Key-Words: Cleft formation in twins.
ity diagnosis worked out by Siemens (1924). This
Introduction method is today still v e r y important. But it must
In investigating the causes for formation of clefts be complemented by a thorough analysis of blood
in the face, a h e r e d i t a r y factor seems to be the most factors. T h e total nurnber of monozygotic twins
certain. In addition, recent experimental inves~ with clefts reported in the literature is, at present,
tigations have brought to light that various exo- about 130. It can therefore be justified to continue
genous factors also contribute to the formation of the inclusion of twins in order to supplement
clefts. The combined action of exogenous and research in heredity with a large number. The
genetic factors is referred to as a multifactorial p a r t i a l l y incomplete findings in earlier publica-
occurrence. Clefts of the palate which could also tions should now be supplemented through an
occur as a m a l f o r m a t i o n with arrest of develop- exact genetic analysis.
110 W. Schweckendiek

Table 1 Cleft Formation in Twins. In 3 cases, it could not be determined whether the
n Concord- °/o twins were mono- or dizygotic. These were twins
ance of the same sex in which one of each pair died
either ante- or perinatally, so that it was no longer
Monozygotic Twins 6 2 33
Dizygotic Twins 13 0 0 possible to carry out any genetic investigations on
Twins of same sex but 3 0 0 them. The 13 twins considered to be dizygotic,
of unknown zygosis consisted of homo- as well as heterosexual twins,
Total 22 2 - who, on reasons of similarity and blood analysis,
had to be reckoned, without doubt, as dizygotes.
A survey of the type of cleft found in our twins is
Table 2 Classification of our Clinical. Cases of Twins
according to Cleft Formation. given in Table 2.
A m o n g the monozygotic twins who could be
Primipara Bipara reported upon, we found clefts only in two pairs.
t. Monozygotic Twins In each case, it was a unilateral cleft of lip and
1. d bilateral cleft lip, ~ cleft lip, alveolus palate in one pair, and a bilateral total cleft lip,
alveolus and palate (CLA) right alveolus and palate in the other. Of the remaining
(CLAP) 4 cases, only one of eada pair of twins was involved,
2. c~ bilateral CLAP c~ CLA right
although monozygosis was proved with certainty.
3. (3 ~ c~ CLAP right
4. d CLAP left ~ Figs. 1 and 2 show the monozygotic twins referred
5. 9 (7) 9 CLAP left to, in which one partner had cleft of lip and palate
6. d ~b d~ CLAP left
in each case, and the other born with bilateral cleft
If. Dizygotic Twins of lip, alveolus and palate. After surgical repair,
1. 9 C P d@ similarity was very striking, although the facial
2. ~ ~ 9 CL right, CP cleft took different courses of development. The
3. ~ CLAP left ~ 0
4. r i c e ~(~ polysymptomatic similarity diagnosis, as well as
5.6 ~ 2cp blood findings speak for monozygotic twins.
6. d ~b ~ CLAP bilateral Fig. 3 shows female twins at the age of three, in
7. d CLA right ~ q) whom monozygosis could also be established. One
8. d CLAP bilateral c~
of these children had cleft lip, alveolus and palate
9. C~ @ d} CLAP bilateral
10. ~ (l) 9 CLAP right of the left side; the other was free of any mal-
11. d CLAP bilateral d (l) formation. The photographs - both children are
12. _~ CLAP left ~ (~ crying - reveal a remarkable physiognomic simi-
13. 5~ eL left d (~ larity in the children.
III. Unknown
1. d CLAP left d~ Discussion
Partner without In investigating heredity in hmnans, studies of
malformation, died
antenatally twins, and in the first place, in monozygotic twins,
2. d CLAP right rightly attracts special interest. Systematic pre-
Partner without sentations of investigations of cleft formation in
malformation, died twins were made by Birkenfel d (1927), SchrSder
perinatally (1931, 1935), Idelberger and Idelberger (1940),
3. 9 CLAP left 9¢ and in more recent times by ]Srgensen (1967,
Partner without 1969, 1972), and ]6rgensen and Gabka (1971), as
malformation, died
perinatally well as by Hartmann (1972).
Although on basis of many investigations of other
authors and of our own clinical material of over
Clinical Material 1500 cases, inheritance in cleft formation must be
Table 1 shows the pairs of twins in our case looked upon as a very essential factor, many kinds
material who were investigated. The collective of environmental mischance are obviously decisive
embraced a total of 22 pairs of twins, out of which in the development which leads to malformation,
6 were proved to be monozygotic and 13 dizygotic. so that clefts are manifest in a few cases, but show
Further Findings Concerning the Occurrence of Clefts in Twins 1i ]

Fig. 1 Monozygotic pair of

twins: Ralph and Bernd G. atthe
age of 6 months.
a) Ralph: Cleft Lip and Palate of
the right side.
b) Bernd: Bilateral Cleft Lip,
Alveolus and Palate.

Fig. 2 Monozygofic pair of

twins: Michael and Thomas S.
a) Michael: formerly unilateral
Cleft Lip and Palate of right side.
b) Thomas: formerly bilateral
Cleft of Lip, Alveolus and Patate.

Fig. 3 Monozygoticpair of
twins: Anja and Simone K.,
a) Simone: No Cleft formation.
b) Anja: formerly Cleft of Lip,
Alveolus and Palate of left side.
112 W. Schweckendiek: Further Findings Concerning to Occurrence of Clefts in Twins

no penetrance in others. The cases in which the type in which both twins are affected by cleft defect
of cleft is similar, but with different grade of often show varied grades of manifestation, so that
development, prove that the manifestation of cleft one is prone to refer to it as conditional con-
formation in individual cases could be diverse, in cordance. Only in a few cases is there a complete
spite of a surely equivalent hereditary predisposi- conformity in cleft formation, whereby, however,
tion. the affected side m a y be different (Table 3). It
The number of monozygotic twins with cleft for- will be the duty of this our brave future era to
mation is naturally small, so that I had to revert to further enlighten us on the nature of the causative
the results of other investigators. Stellmach and factors that might be active here.
Frenkel (1970) reported of siamese twins in whom
a completely similar and symmetric unilateral Table 3 Possibility of Cleft Formation in Monozygotic
total cleft of lip, alveolus and palate was present. Twins.
A similar anomaly (bieipital Child with cleft 1. Cleft Formation only in a partner.
formation) was described by Schorr (1909), who
2. Similar type of Cleft formation in various degrees.
also found a symmetric cleft defect in a double
3.a) Equivalent degree of cleft formation: homolateral
malformation. Birkenfeld (1927) has also called side.
attention to it that the cleft formation in mono- 3.b) Equivalent degree of cleft formation: mirror image
zygotic twins could be symmetrical. On the other (different sides).
hand, Idelberger and Idelberger (1940) found a
pair of monozygotic twins in which cleft formation
It is remarkable that the extent of cleft defect in
on the same side in each was involved. But Idel-
Stellmach's siamese twins and the double mal-
berger and Idelberger's number of actual con-
formation mentioned by Schorr should conform,
cordance is strikingly small.
even though a symmetrical and not an equilateral
deformity was present. W e consider it possible
Conclusion that the moment of separation of both twins is of
This paper seeks to establish that complete con- importance. If separation takes place at a very
cordance in relation to cleft formation in mono- early stage - perhaps shortly after fertilisation -
zygotic twins is rare. The greater number of the both of the pair will seldom be involved. But if
cases are discordant, that is, cleft formation is separation occurs at a later stage, or is completely
present only in one of a pair in twins. The cases absent, both of the twins will show malformation.

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