The Prescription Database

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The Prescription Database

General Description

This is short description of the project under consideration. We have to design a database for the
pharmacy now keeping manual records of prescriptions and serving about 4000 prescriptions per year.

Normally patients come to pharmacy with prescriptions from their physicians. Prescriptions contain
information about physicians, patients and required drugs. Normally physician name and address
printed on the prescription and also name of patients their address and D.O.B. is written on the

Pharmacy offer services like home delivery, insurance claim and family reports, a patient interested in
these services have to fill a form provided by pharmacy. This form will be used as a toll to get
information about patient, his family and insurance details.

A prescription can be refilled any number of times, unlimited number of times or cannot be refilled as
directed by physician but any prescription that contains controlled substance cannot be refilled.
Pharmacy must take care of control substances to prevent abuse.

Pharmacy also wants to keep information about suppliers to prepare Drug Inventory Report.

Information Needs

Information needs is divided into two parts input and output.

This is information required by system and will be provided by patients in the form of prescriptions,
service forms and receipts from suppliers.

Prescription: Physician Name, Physician Address, Patient Name, Patient Address, Patient D.O.B., Drug
Name, Form, Strength, Quantity, Number of Refills, Date.

Service Form: Patient Name, Patient Address, Information about Family Members, Insurance Company,

Supplier Receipt: Supplier Name, Supplier Address, Drug Name, Generic Name, Quantity, Cost, Date.

This is the information which will be produced by pharmacy in the form of reports, following are the
Label: Rx Number, Doctor Name, Patient Name, Patient Address, Drug Name, Form, Strength, Quantity,
Pharmacist’s Initials, Date Filled, Original Date, Previous Date, Number of Refills Remaining.

Receipt: All the information on the label, plus Price, Amount Due.

Here Price is entire cost of prescription and Amount Due is what the patient should pay the drugstore in
case of third party billing (insurance). For patients who don’t use third-party billing these are identical.

Insurance Claim: Patient Name, Patient Address, Insurance Company, Policy Number, Insured Name,
Relationship to Insured, Patient Date of Birth, Rx Number, Drug, Form, Strength, Quantity, Date Filled,
Price, Amount Paid.

Amount paid here is same as the Amount due on receipt. Insured Name may be different from Patient
Name. For example, a child might have coverage under a parent’s policy. The pharmacist could submit
the claim in batches at any time period.

Family Report: Report Date, Start Date. For each member of family, it shows Last Name, First Name,
Patient Address, Date of Birth. For each prescription for that family member, it lists Rx Number, Date,
Drug, Form, Strength, Quantity, Date Filled, Price, Amount Paid.

Controlled Substance Report: It contains: Report Date, Starting Date. For each physician who has
written prescriptions for controlled substances, it shows Physician Name, Physician Address. For each
prescription from that physician, it lists: Rx Number, Patient Name, Patient Address, Drug, Form
Strength, Quantity, Date Filled.

Note that this is only report that contains both address of physician and patient and filed monthly or
quarterly with agencies that supervise distribution of controlled substances.

Drug Inventory Report: Drug Name, Generic Name, Form, Strength, Controlled Substance, Quantity on
Hand, Quantity on Order, Reorder Point, Supplier Name, Supplier Address, Unit Cost.

We assume that there is only one supplier for each drug. Controlled Substance is a flag that displays a
value of “true” for drugs that are controlled substance.

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