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Continuing education

Heat Stress Management Program Improving

Worker Health and Operational Effectiveness
A Case Study
by Rosalyn G. Huss, RN, COHN-S, Scott B. Skelton, MS, CIH, Kimberly L. Alvis, RN, COHN, and
Leigh A. Shane, RN, BSN, CHC

Heat stress monitoring is a vital component of an effective health and safety program when employees work in excep-
tionally warm environments. Workers at hazardous waste sites often wear personal protective equipment (PPE), which
increases the body heat stress load. No specific Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations
address heat stress; however, OSHA does provide several guidance documents to assist employers in addressing this
serious workplace health hazard. This article describes a heat stress and surveillance plan implemented at a hazard-
ous waste site as part of the overall health and safety program. The PPE requirement for work at this site, coupled with
extreme environmental temperatures, made heat stress a significant concern. Occupational health nurses and industrial
hygienists developed a monitoring program for heat stress designed to prevent the occurrence of significant heat-related
illness in site workers. The program included worker education on the signs of heat-related illness and continuous physi-
ologic monitoring to detect early signs of heat-related health problems. Biological monitoring data were collected before
workers entered the exclusion zone and on exiting the zone following decontamination. Sixty-six site workers were moni-
tored throughout site remediation. More than 1,700 biological monitoring data points were recorded. Outcomes included
improved worker health and safety, and increased operational effectiveness.

he Occupational Safety and Health Administration Clause to hold an employer responsible to “furnish to
(OSHA) does not have specific regulations regard- each of his employees employment and a place of em-
ing heat stress hazards but cites the General Duty ployment which are free from recognized hazards that
are causing or likely to cause death or serious physi-
ABOUT THE AUTHORS cal harm” (Henshaw, 2001, p. 1). OSHA, the Ameri-
Ms. Huss is Senior Medical Specialist, Mr. Skelton is Director of Toxicol-
ogy Emergency Response Program, and Ms. Alvis is Project Medical Spe- can Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
cialist, Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health, LLC, North Little (ACGIH), and other agencies and organizations pro-
Rock, AR. Ms. Shane is Occupational Health Nurse, J. P. Morgan Chase
& Co., Dallas, TX.
vide various guidance documents to assist employers in
The authors disclose that they have no significant financial interests in any developing methods to reduce occupational heat stress
product or class of products discussed directly or indirectly in this activity, hazards. OSHA recommends (1) permitting workers to
including research support.
Address correspondence to Rosalyn G. Huss, RN, COHN-S, Senior Medi- drink water liberally; (2) establishing provisions for a
cal Specialist, Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health, LLC, 5120 work/rest regimen to decrease exposure time to extreme
North Shore Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72118. E-mail: temperatures and work rate; and (3) developing a heat
Received: May 30, 2012; Accepted: January 31, 2013; Posted: February
25, 2013. stress program that incorporates training, screening of
health conditions aggravated by heat, an acclimatization

128 Copyright © American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc.

program for return to work or absence of more than 3 vital organs, particularly the brain and heart. Core body
days, procedures for heat-related emergencies, and im- temperature rises and workers experience fatigue, head-
mediate first aid provisions for workers with symptoms ache, nausea, clammy skin, rapid heart rate, slightly
of heat-related illness (Henshaw, 2001). elevated body temperature, and fainting. Although the
In this article, the heat stress monitoring program condition need not be life-threatening, if workers faint
developed and provided by occupational health nurses, while engaged in hazardous work, injury could be seri-
in collaboration with industrial hygienists and safety per- ous. Heat exhaustion should be treated immediately to
sonnel, for workers remediating a hazardous waste site prevent progression and the occurrence of heat stroke.
following a warehouse fire in a facility housing bulk pool Workers should be moved to a cooler area, excess cloth-
chemicals is described. ing or PPE removed, and frequent sips of cool water
Heat stress is defined as the net heat load, includ- given.
ing metabolic heat; environmental factors such as tem-
perature, humidity, air currents/movement, and radiant Heat Stroke
heat; and the clothing or personal protective equipment Heat stroke is a life-threatening heat stress disorder
(PPE) required for specific hazards to which workers may resulting from the body’s inability to regulate core body
be exposed. Heat strain refers to the body’s physiologic temperature. Heat stroke occurs with sustained exertion
response to the heat stress load (ACGIH, 2012). Heat in hot environments, usually coupled with other predis-
stress is dependent on the ambient temperature, humidity, posing factors. Workers experiencing heat stroke stop
type of PPE or ensemble, exertion required to perform sweating and exhibit hot, dry skin that may be reddish,
assigned tasks, and individuals’ physical conditioning, mottled, or bluish. Workers will also have elevated body
level of acclimation, existing health problems, and age. temperature (in excess of 104°F), mental confusion, loss
Because ambient temperatures during the initial remedia- of consciousness, seizures, and coma. Heat stroke should
tion activities were expected to be in excess of 90°F, heat- be treated as an emergency with transport to an emer-
related illness was a significant concern. Although it was gency department. Heat stroke can be fatal if not treated
not possible to control all factors that contribute to heat promptly.
stress, several actions reduced the effects of heat stress on Rapid cooling is essential while awaiting transport.
site personnel. Workers should be moved to a cool, shaded area, im-
mersed in cool water using a tub, hose, or wetted material
Heat Rash such as towels, and vigorously fanned to promote cool-
Heat rash, also called prickly heat, is caused by con- ing. Prompt first aid can prevent permanent injury to the
tinuous exposure to heat and/or humidity. Profuse sweat- brain and other vital organs.
ing while wearing impermeable clothing causes moisture
to remain on the skin, leading to plugged sweat pores, Prevention of heat stress
retained sweat, and thus inflammation. Signs and symp- Hydration refers to providing water to the body cells.
toms of heat rash include multiple tiny, raised, red blis- Drinking water must always be available to workers, and
ters on affected areas with pricking sensations during heat they must drink water frequently. It is possible to lose
exposure. Heat rash is usually mild and transitory. The 1 liter of fluid each hour by sweating (Lugo-Amador,
condition can be prevented by resting in a cool area dur- Rothenhaus, & Moyer, 2004). Because the body’s total
ing break times to allow skin to dry. Frequent showers can fluid volume is only about 40 liters, it is apparent why
provide relief. fluid must be replaced (Sherwood, 2007). Because the
feeling of thirst is not an adequate guide for water re-
Heat Cramps placement, employees working in warm environments
Heat cramps are caused by depletion of body electro- should be encouraged to drink water every 15 to 20 min-
lytes when sweating. If lost fluid is replaced with water utes (Spear, 2009). Sports drinks should not be used as
only, body electrolyte levels are diluted. This loss of elec- a substitute for water but rather used as a supplement to
trolytes results in painful cramping of the large muscle maintain proper electrolyte balance (OSHA, 2011).
groups such as the arms, legs, and abdomen, during or Acclimatization refers to gradual human adaptation
after work hours. to tolerate heat stress (ACGIH, 2012). Acclimatization
Cramps may be relieved or prevented by replacing to hot conditions has been found to be effective in pre-
lost fluids with fortified drinks such as Gatorade and eat- venting heat-related illnesses. The process takes 5 to 7
ing a well-balanced diet with foods containing sodium days, during which work hours in the hot environment
and potassium. The use of cooling devices reduces sweat- are gradually increased. During 7 days of acclimatization,
ing and the need for fluid and electrolyte replacement. heart rate and body temperature become lower while per-
forming the same work.
Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion, or heat fatigue, occurs with sus- METHODS
tained work in hot environments when workers have not Prior to the arrival of site remediation workers, air
acclimated to the warm environment and do not replace monitoring was completed and chemical and environ-
lost fluids. Dehydration and pooling of blood in the pe- mental hazards were identified. Airborne chlorinated
riphery causes decreased circulating blood volume to compounds were identified as potential respiratory and

WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY • Vol. 61, No. 3, 2013 129

Table 1
Estimating Energy Cost
Body Position and Type of Work: Light
Movement: Standing Work With Both Arms Basal Metabolism Total Energy Cost
(kcal/min) (kcal/min) (kcal/min) (kcal/min)
0.6 3.5 1.0a 5.1
Note. aReference value.

dermal hazards for site workers. Based on the hazards The WBGT was used to calculate cumulative heat
identified, it was determined that all personnel enter- stress based on readings collected using the natural wet
ing the exclusion zone and decontamination personnel bulb thermometer (humidity), globe thermometer (radi-
would require Level C PPE, which included a full face ant heat load), and dry bulb thermometer (ambient tem-
negative pressure air purifying respirator, a chemical-re- perature). The WBGT was placed in a location similar to
sistant one-piece hooded suit, inner and outer chemical- the conditions experienced by workers performing tasks
resistant gloves, chemical-resistant safety boots, a hard wearing CPC. On August 27, 2011, the WBGT was set to
hat, and two-way radio communication. Site workers in data log for 1 hour, resulting in a 1-hour time-weighted
the support zone wore Level D protection, consisting of average value of 38.6°C.
normal work clothing, steel-toed boots or shoes, safety “Thermal balance is achieved when heat gained from
glasses, and a hard hat. work demands and the environment is balanced by heat
In addition to the chemical hazards identified, heat losses to the environment from sweat evaporation and
stress was determined to be a significant potential hazard dry heat exchange (convection and radiation)” (Bernard
for all site workers, especially those wearing chemical & Dukes-Dubos, 2003, p. 479). Convective heat is the
protective clothing (CPC). During the initial response heat exchanged from moving air. Radiant heat is the loss
and subsequent remediation of the site, the ambient or gain of heat between the body and the environment.
temperatures in the area averaged 100°F, with humidity CPC reduces the body’s ability to reach homeostasis be-
ranging from 30% to 60%. A heat stress exposure as- cause of the inhibition of evaporative heat loss and the
sessment was conducted to account for the contribution contribution of convective heat. Ambient temperatures
of PPE to workers’ heat stress. Many of the site laborers exceeding 100°F require a higher evaporative cooling
were from Florida with prior experience working in hot rate if the body is to maintain homeostasis. For the pur-
and humid conditions wearing PPE. Therefore, for the pose of applying the total metabolic heat value to the
purposes of this heat exposure program, workers per- NIOSH occupational exposure to hot environments rec-
forming job tasks in CPC were considered acclimatized ommended alert level (RAL) (NIOSH, 1986), a clothing
based on accounts of their recent outdoor work activity factor of 11°C was added to the WBGT value of 38.6°C,
under similar environmental conditions. resulting in a total metabolic heat value of 49.6°C. It was
The heat stress exposure assessment was performed determined that the total metabolic heat value for these
using the Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Oc- conditions, including the heat contribution of the CPC,
cupational Exposure to Hot Environments (Revised Cri- exceeded the RAL ceiling limits.
teria 1986) (National Institute for Occupational Safety Based on the evaluation of metabolic heat, heat con-
and Health [NIOSH], 1986). Three types of data were tribution by CPC, and WBGT data collected, it was de-
used to measure heat stress: (1) estimated energy cost termined that the heat stress likely to be encountered by
of work by task, (2) basal metabolism, and (3) ambient workers exceeded the NIOSH RAL guidance values. As
conditions measured by a wet bulb globe thermometer recommended by NIOSH, surveillance was then initiated
(WBGT). Energy cost was estimated using body posi- for all workers performing similar job tasks while wear-
tion and movement, type of work, and basal metabolism ing CPC.
data. Energy cost data are represented in kilocalorie/ As noted above, PPE materials, although designed
minute, or 1,000 calories burned each minute. The basal to shield workers from chemical hazards, also limit the
metabolism listed in Table 1 is based on the reference evaporation of body heat and moisture, creating a po-
weight of 70 kilograms. Workers evaluated during this tentially hazardous condition. Heat stress was identified
work activity were estimated to weigh an average of as a primary hazard for workers performing tasks while
200 pounds, or 90.7 kilograms. A body weight correc- clothed in chemical protective suits and wearing respi-
tion factor was derived using the ratio of actual worker ratory protection. With increased exertion levels, longer
weight to reference worker weight, resulting in a cor- rest periods were necessary and work duties were also
rection factor of 1.3 for metabolic heat. Once applied, adjusted by rotating personnel to limit heat stress.
the total energy cost per worker was 6.63 kcal/min for Physiologic heat stress monitoring was provided on-
workers performing tasks in chemical protective equip- site by experienced occupational health nurses working
ment. rotating shifts. In addition to the physiologic monitoring,

130 Copyright © American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc.

Table 2
Site Personnel
Job Position at Site Number of Employees
Contractors responsible for site remediation oversight, including site safety 12
Laborers, decontamination team, dust suppression, site housekeeping, site control 20
Rapid Intervention Team, emergency medical technicians 11
Insurance investigators, fire investigators, engineers 3
Contaminated water removal 4
Site environmental monitoring–—environmental scientists, industrial hygienists, 16
chemists, occupational health nurses
Total site personnel 66

the occupational health nurses provided education about General work/rest schedules have been developed
the signs of heat stress, importance of early evaluation by various organizations to address potential heat
for symptomatic individuals, methods of prevention, and stress risks. Site workers were offered breaks in the
general treatment to site supervisors and workers during cooling station at least every hour. Workers were ad-
safety briefings. Physiologic monitoring included com- vised to notify their supervisor immediately if they felt
paring vital signs to baseline data for evidence of heat symptomatic or needed an earlier break. Rather than
stress, as described below. a mandatory work/rest schedule, physiologic and en-
The frequency of monitoring depended on environ- vironmental monitoring were used to adjust work/rest
mental conditions and work activities. At a minimum, schedules as needed. Vital sign monitoring was used as
workers who were performing general site work such as a valuable indicator of the heat stress prevention pro-
cleaning, dust suppression, and air monitoring were evalu- gram’s effectiveness and provided additional flexibility
ated at least twice during the shift. Workers who entered for addressing workers’ individual tolerances for heat
the exclusion or hot zone were monitored pre- and post- stress.
entry. Monitoring was also required immediately for any Physiologic monitoring included body temperature,
individuals who became symptomatic or exhibited signs blood pressure, and pulse rate, as described below. The
of significant heat stress. More frequent monitoring was frequency of physiologic monitoring was dependent on
employed when indicated by workers’ general physical air temperature and humidity, or heat index, and was de-
condition, age, or history of previous heat-related illness. termined by assigned health care personnel. The proto-
Vital signs (i.e., blood pressure, temperature, pulse, oxy- col that was developed and implemented for physiologic
gen saturation) were monitored by on-site occupational monitoring of site workers was as follows:
health nurses and recorded in logbooks. Nurses were also 1. Workers will not be allowed to re-enter the exclu-
available to evaluate any workers who were symptomatic. sion zone in impermeable PPE when oral body tempera-
Nurses were equipped with first aid supplies, an automated ture exceeds 100.6°F.
external defibrillator, and instruments for minor first aid 2. If oral body temperature exceeds 99.6°F, the next
evaluation and treatment. work period will be shortened by one third for the em-
If signs of severe heat stress or early heat stroke be- ployee.
came evident, workers were referred immediately to the 3. If the worker’s heart rate exceeds 110 beats per
local hospital emergency department for additional evalu- minute at the beginning of the rest period, the following
ation and treatment. work period will be shortened by one third but the rest
A cooling station, equipped with several misting period will remain the same.
fans, bottled water iced down in coolers, cooled fresh 4. Workers may re-enter the exclusion zone once
fruits (e.g., bananas, oranges, peaches, and plums), cold vital signs normalize.
gel neck scarves (purchased at a local discount store), 5. If a worker appears to be disoriented or confused
and electrolyte replacement drinks, was created at the or suffers irritability, malaise, or chills, the worker should
site for workers during breaks and rest periods. Physi- be moved for rest in a cool location with rapidly circulat-
ologic monitoring was conducted in the cooling station ing air and kept under skilled observation. If any work-
by occupational health nurses who encouraged workers ers display any of the described symptoms while on duty,
to maintain hydration and provided education and sup- they shall be relieved of their duties and given appropriate
port. Daily safety briefings reinforced the importance of treatment. In the case of heat cramps, if the employees are
adequate hydration at the work site and protective mea- able to return to work, they shall be assigned less stren-
sures to employ both on and off the job (e.g., avoiding uous duties for the remainder of their shifts to prevent
caffeinated and alcoholic beverages). more severe heat stress injuries.

WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY • Vol. 61, No. 3, 2013 131

project directors, and managers (Table 2). On arrival at
Table 3 the site, all workers participated in safety briefings that
Physiologic Monitoring included educational information on heat stress signs
and symptoms provided by occupational health nurses
Number and safety personnel. In addition, safety briefings were
of provided daily at the beginning of the shift and before
Workers all entries into the exclusion zone.
Pre-work period 871 Physiologic monitoring of site workers began on
Post-work period 854
August 2, 2011, and continued for 54 days until Level C
PPE was no longer required and weather conditions had
Random screening 31 significantly improved in the area. Initially, oral tem-
Other 5 peratures were taken. However, during the post-work
testing it was noted that most workers had consumed
Total 1,761
cold water immediately on entering the rest area; thus,
an accurate oral temperature was not available. Subse-
quent temperatures were then taken using an ear ther-
With increased exertion, longer rest periods were mometer. A total of 1,761 physiologic readings were
implemented and supervisors adjusted work duties by taken during the heat stress monitoring program at the
rotating personnel to different job activities as a method site (Table 3); 126 (7%) of the total worker biological
to limit heat stress. Work/rest schedules were flexible readings revealed some initial signs of potential heat
based on the type of work to be performed, level of PPE stress and these workers were monitored in the cooling
required, and individuals’ general fitness, acclimatiza- station until their vital signs normalized. One worker re-
tion, and vital signs. With sustained ambient tempera- quired removal by the Rapid Intervention Team and as-
tures over 100°F for several days, the work schedule sessment, application of cooling measures, and rehydra-
was altered to allow exclusion zone entries only at night, tion by the occupational health nurse. This worker, who
generally after 9:00 p.m. when environmental tempera- was approximately 50 years old, exhibited more severe
tures were somewhat cooler and no radiant heat was de- signs of heat stress during a night exclusion zone entry.
rived from the sun. Although his vital signs normalized within 15 minutes,
In addition to the presence of occupational health this worker was precluded from re-entry into the exclu-
nurses at the site, a Rapid Intervention Team was es- sion zone for the remainder of the site work and was
tablished to respond if site workers became ill or inca- given other, less strenuous duties.
pacitated while working in the exclusion zone. Para- Most site personnel were from Florida and were
graph 1910.120(q)(3)(vi) of the HAZWOPER Standard previously acclimatized to work in warm environments.
(OSHA, n.d.) states that “back up personnel shall stand Further, most were young and physically fit and did not
by with equipment ready to provide assistance or res- show significant signs of heat-related stress during re-
cue.” This part of the HAZWOPER Standard means that, mediation activities. Older and less physically fit work-
as a minimum, the buddy system must be used within ers occasionally showed evidence of minor change in
the hazardous area (entry by at least two persons) and biological monitoring points but recovered quickly.
at least two additional personnel shall stand by outside
the hazardous area. At this site, staff opted for a Rapid DISCUSSION
Intervention Team whenever workers entered the exclu- The close collaboration of site health and safety
sion zone. The site plan required that, for each worker personnel, appropriate environmental assessments, de-
entering the exclusion zone, a Rapid Intervention Team tailed planning, ongoing worker education and training,
member would be available to respond if an entrant and physiologic monitoring resulted in no significant
needed assistance. As each worker entered the exclusion heat-related illnesses in a work situation with significant
area, Rapid Intervention Team members donned proper risk for heat stress and stroke. The workers who showed
PPE and self-contained breathing apparatus, stood at the evidence of some initial signs or symptoms of potential
edge of the exclusion zone, and monitored work activi- heat stress were identified early and mitigation measures
ties and worker behaviors. All Rapid Intervention Team were promptly initiated, with resolution of symptoms
members were trained emergency responders as well as and return to baseline in a reasonable time frame. Site
emergency medical technicians. management officials were cooperative and supportive of
all health and safety efforts, including instituting flexible
RESULTS work/rest schedules and restricting exclusion zone entries
A total of 66 workers were involved in site opera- until evening hours. The flexibility in staffing and hours
tions at any one time. All site workers, regardless of job of operation protected workers and still allowed timely
classification, were included in the heat stress monitor- project completion.
ing program. Site workers included laborers, machine
operators, environmental scientists, site control person- SUMMARY
nel, site health and safety personnel, the Rapid Interven- OSHA does not have a regulation covering heat
tion Team, chemists, industrial hygienists, engineers, stress hazards but does hold employers responsible for

132 Copyright © American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc.

heat-related illnesses under the General Duty Clause. Oc-
cupational health nurses, in collaboration with industrial IN SUMMARY
hygienists and safety professionals, can take a proactive
role in establishing work site-specific heat stress moni-
toring plans to prevent or reduce the risk of heat-related Heat Stress Management
illnesses in exposed workers, which will lead to improved Program Improving Worker
worker health and safety and increased operational effec-
tiveness. Health and Operational
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. (2012). A Case Study
ACGIH documentation of the TLVs and BEIs with other world- Huss, R. G., Skelton, S. B., Alvis, K. L., &
wide occupational exposure values [CD-ROM]. Cincinnati, OH:
Author. Shane, L. A.
Bernard, T. E., & Dukes-Dubos, F. N. (2003). Managing heat stress.
In D. H. Anna (Ed.), Chemical protective clothing (2nd ed., pp.
Workplace Health & Safety 2013; 61(3), 128-133.
475-491). Fairfax, VA: American Industrial Hygiene Associa-
Henshaw, J. L. (2001). OSHA interpretation letter to Chip Terhorst: Ac-
ceptable methods to reduce heat stress hazards in the workplace
1 The Occupational Safety and Health Adminis-
tration does not have a specific regulation to
address heat stress but does hold employers
[OSHAct 5(a)(1)]. Cincinnati, OH: Occupational Safety and Health
Administration. responsible to provide a safe working environ-
Lugo-Amador, N. M., Rothenhaus, T., & Moyer, P. (2004). Heat-related ment under the General Duty Clause.
illness. Emergency Medical Clinics of North America, 22(2), 315-
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (1986). Criteria
for a recommended standard: Occupational exposure to hot envi-
ronments (revised criteria 1986) [DHHS (NIOSH) Publication no.
2 Heat stress monitoring is vital to an effective
health and safety program when employees
work in hot environments.
86-113]. Cincinnati, OH: Author.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (2011). Protecting
workers from the effects of heat. Retrieved from
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). Hazardous waste
3 Hazardous waste sites in hot environmental
conditions can pose additional heat stress risk
for workers depending on the amount and type
operations and emergency response. 29CFR 1910.120. Retrieved from of personal protective equipment required for conditions. Establishing a flexible and site-specif-
Sherwood, L. (2007). Human physiology: From cells to systems (6th ic heat stress monitoring program is paramount
ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole. to ensuring worker safety.
Spear, J. E. (2009). Heat stress management: Assessment and control

strategies. Retrieved from Operational effectiveness can be maintained
with close collaboration of site management and
occupational health and safety professionals to
establish site-specific heat stress monitoring.

WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY • Vol. 61, No. 3, 2013 133

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