Unit 4-Great Minds Vocabulary: Do vs. Make: Past Simple Tense

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Unit 4- Great Minds

Vocabulary: Do vs. Make

 Use DO for actions, obligations, and repetitive tasks. DO generally refers to the action itself.

For example, if you “do” your HW,” you are referring to the action of doing the HW itself.

 Use MAKE for creating or producing something, and for actions you choose to do. MAKE
usually refers to the result.

For example, if you “make breakfast,” the result is an omelet!


 Past Simple Tense:

The Simple Past Tense is used to express an action which took place in the past and is
completed by the time of speaking. Action can not be a repeated action. Action had a SPECIFIC
IN 1975/1980(any past dates)- In my boyhood days- Last
Keywords: week/year…etc - ago-Once-Yesterday

General Form :

Subject (I / He / She / It / We / You / They) + Verb in Past tense form

Examples :

 Our school started last week.

 We bought a new car yesterday.
 Did you meet her two days ago? (Use Did +verb in affirmative form when
asking questions in past)
 People didn’t travel in trains a hundred years ago. (Use did not +verb in
affirmative form when the phrase is in negative form)

 Present Perfect Tense:

It is used, if an action happened in the past and there is a connection to the present.
Action could be repeated.There's no exact time expressed when the action happened.

General Form

+ has / have + Past Participle

Subject (He / She / It ) +has + Past Participle

Subject (I / We / You / They )+ have + Past Participle

already, just , yet(use Not in negative sentences) ever ,never ,

for ,since ,so far, up to now ,not yet , lately , before, recently

Examples :

 He has just gone out.

 We have just started our breakfast. Do please join us.
 I have not eaten anything for five hours.
 Have you ever walked into a long tunnel?
Present Perfect with Since and For:
Examples :

 My brother hasn’t come home since 1997.

 There has been no rain here for six months.

 I have not met my grandmother since June.

 The owner of the shop has been ill for ten days.


1) Obligation
1) Ability
I must do my homework.
I can drive
2) For an opinion that you think has a good
2) Possibility
possibility of being true.
She can sing
Look at his uniform. He must be a policeman.

1) In the affirmative: HAVE TO has a meaning similar to MUST.
I have to go to the school.

2) In the negative: HAVE TO has a different meaning: "you don't need to dot that"
It's Sunday! I don't have to go to school.

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