Health and Illness

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Health and illness

To keep in good health you must try to lead a healthy life. You have to eat
healthy food, that is, little fat and sugar and lots of vegetables and fruit. You
must do some sports regularly.

In Hungary perhaps influenza is the most common disease but there are a lot
of people who suffer from different kinds of allergies. The most common
causes of death are cancer and heart attack.

Every school-year I am absent from school for a week or so because of some

illness. I usually have flu, a bad cold or a light epidemic. I was last ill about a
month ago/ half a year ago. I had flu. It began with high temperature and a
terrible headache. I had sore throat and my nose was running. I coughed all day
and night. I felt weak and tired. So I had to see our GP (General Practitioner).
The doctor examined me. He looked at my tongue and throat, felt my pulse and
listened to my heart and lungs. He prescribed some medicine for me,
antibiotics and vitamins. He said I had to take the medicine twice a day after
meals. He told me to stay in bed for some days and drink a lot of tea. I went to
the chemist’s to get the pills, went home and went to bed. It took me a week to

I think people should go to the dentist twice a year, and of course whenever
there is problem with their teeth. The dentist fills the tooth or pulls it out. Our
school has a school dentist and all students go to see him twice a year. He
examines our teeth and gives advice on what to do with them. Some students
need braces to correct the position of their teeth.

Smoking is very harmful. It’s bad for your lungs and teeth. In Hungary it is
forbidden to smoke in public places. There are separate rooms for smokers and
non-smokers in most restaurants. Second hand smoking is also dangerous
because non-smokers breathe in smoke from smokers’ cigarettes.

More and more young people try drugs. They think that if they don’t try it, they
will become outsiders. They don’t have enough information about the dangers.
But giving up drugs is very difficult because they are addictive. It’s enough to
try drugs only once or twice to get addicted.
What do you have to do to keep in good health?
To keep in good health you must try to lead a healthy life. You have to eat healthy food, that
is, little fat and sugar and lots of vegetables and fruit. You must do some sports regularly.
What are the most common illnesses nowadays?
Perhaps influenza is the most common disease but there are a lot of people who suffer from
different kinds of allergies. The most common causes of death are cancer and heart attack.
When were you last ill?
I was last ill about a month ago/ half a year ago. I had flu.

What was the matter with you?

It began with high temperature and a terrible headache. I had sore throat and my nose was
running. I coughed all day and night. I felt weak and tired. So I had to see our GP (General

How did the doctor examine you?

The doctor examined me. He looked at my tongue and throat, felt my pulse and listened to
my heart and lungs. He prescribed some medicine for me, antibiotics and vitamins. He said I
had to take the medicine twice a day after meals. He told me to stay in bed for some days
and drink a lot of tea.

How often is it advisable to see a dentist?

I think people should go to the dentist twice a year, and of course whenever there is
problem with their teeth. Our school has a school dentist and all students go to see him
twice a year.

What does a dentist do?

He examines our teeth and gives advice on what to do with them. The dentist fills the tooth
or pulls it out. Some people need braces to correct the position of their teeth.

What’s your opinion about smoking?

Smoking is very harmful. It’s bad for your lungs and teeth. In Hungary it is forbidden to
smoke in public places. There are separate rooms for smokers and non-smokers in most
restaurants. Second hand smoking is also dangerous because non-smokers breathe in smoke
from smokers’ cigarettes.

What do you think about taking drugs?

More and more young people try drugs. They think that if they don’t try it, they will become
outsiders. They don’t have enough information about the dangers. But giving up drugs is
very difficult because they are addictive. It’s enough to try drugs only once or twice to get

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