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‫تجميعة شمنارت الهستو للدفعه ‪)1P( 44‬‬

‫‪ :‬قام بتجميعها كوكبة من طالب الدفعة من كل الجروبات وهم‬

‫‪ A‬جروب‬

‫محمد عبدالرحمن‬

‫هود علي علي‬

‫‪ B‬جروب‬

‫بشار سمير‬

‫بشار محمد حميد‬


‫احمد غازي‬

‫عمر الشعيبي‬


‫ابراهيم عبدالمغني‬

‫‪ D‬جروب‬

‫محمد مقبل‬


‫عبدالرحمن محمد‬

‫طيبة القلب‬


‫جالل عبده العباد ‪F‬‬

‫مبارك صالح‬

‫‪ :‬ماجد عمر‬

‫‪Group A‬‬

‫🔷‪Histology seminar‬‬

‫‪Answer T or F‬‬

‫♦‪Fixation of fresh tissue must be to‬‬

‫‪) ( A) Remove water‬‬

‫‪) ( B) Prevent deterioration‬‬

) ( C) Replace alcohol

) ( D) Cleaning sections





B ‫سمنار جروب‬

‫اوال ً سؤال كان‬

‫صورة الميكرسكوب ونحن نحدد عليها بعض نقاط مثل‬




‫السؤال الثاني كان صل‬

‫في العمود االول‬

Removal the tissue





‫وفي العمود الثاني تعريف لكل واحد واضح جدا ً مثل‬

Removal the water from the speciment

.‫والباقي حاجات واضح‬

‫@بشار سمير‬

Cell & Nucleous



*Histology seminar*🔶

*Group *C

: Which of the following cluse make the different b/w eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells _1

A_presence or absence of inclusion

B_presence or absence of nucleus

C_presence or absence of ribosomes

D_presence or absence of lipid

: Cell membrane composed of_2

A_Protein layer

B_carbohydrate bilayer

C_lipid layer

D_phospolipid bilayer

: if there's defect in lipid bilayer , which of this can repair it_3

A_synthesize of lipid layer by ribosomes

B_synthesize lipid by SER

C_synthesize lipid by RER

D_synthesize lipid by lysosomes

: ‫ ونحدد عليها‬Golgi apparatus ‫والرسمة حق‬

Secretory vacoule_1

transport vesicles_2

MCAU ‫🔴برعاية‬

⁩ O N G O 💛⁨@ from🔴

-----------*****----------**---******-----******------------- :

*Histo seminar Group *F🔶

?..secretory vacules raises from-1

*.Trans mature surface of golgi*

?.which is not an inclusion-2


?.autophahic lysosome is-3

*.primary lysosom fused with dead organelle *

?.contain it's own(DNA/RNA)-4


?membrane of organelles is identical to cell membrane..except -5


By..@Maged Alnahdi

MCAU ‫🔴برعاية‬

‫ ⁩ك‬/ ‫ @⁨ماجد عمر‬from🔴


Histology .......... grouo: A :

) ( Cell membrane is visible at light microscope as thin basophilic line)1

) ( Attached ribosomes on the rough ER synthesize proteins intracellular use )2

What is the type of lysosomes

hetrophagosome (hetropgagic vacuole) )3

autophagosome (autophagic lysosome) )4

....What is the name of this organelle ...Rough ER )5

‫طبعا السؤال حق نوع الليسوسوم ونوع العضية‬

‫جابت لنا صورة ونحن نحدد النوع‬

‫نحن جبنا لكم السؤال مع حله‬



Histology.... Group.. B :

🏻 👇 ‫طبعا ً ما اذكر صياغة االسئلة بالضبط بس بكتب ع حسب مافهمت السؤال‬

‫السؤال االول خيارات‬

the organelle that participate in digestive -1

‫المهم االجابه كانت‬


the cell membrane composed of-2


Phospholipid bilayar

the inclusion include except -3


‫السؤال الثاني رسمه ونحن نحدد عليها التالي‬

organelle participants in the detoxification -1

organelle has two membranes and matrix -2


‫ سمنار هيستولوجي جروب‬:

‫كان السؤال األول خيارات‬

Cytoplasm- jelly like within the plasma membrane -1

Lysosome - organelle that has digestive enzyme -2

Ribosomes -... That synthesize protein-3

Golgi apparatus - receive immature vesicle -4

Centriole - control the motion of chromosomes-5

:‫والسؤال الثاني رسمه وفيها إشارات الى‬

Plasma membrane-1





*mcau* 🔴


🔥Histo A🔥 :


Cytokinesis is a process in which the cell

A. Forms chromosomes

B. Divides into two daughter cells

C. Forms two nuclei

D. Replicates its DNA


During G1 phase of cell cycle .2

A. The cell grows and prepare for DNA replication

B. The cell grows and check mistakes in DNA

C. The cell rests and stop dividing

D. DNA replication occurs


Which happens in prophase of mitosis .3

A. Chromosomes align

B. Chromosomes separate

C. DNA is replicated

D. Chromosomes are formed


In G0 phase of cell cycle, the cell .4

A. Rests and stop dividing

B. Replicates the DNA

C. Forms chromosomes

D. Forms two nuclei


In S phase of the cell cycle .5

A. The cytoplasm divides

B. The DNA is replicated

C. The organells are copied

D. The cell stop divisions

🍃🌸🍃 ❀ ━ ┅ ┉ ┈

*mcau* 🌀

o111eR_klavio48 🌀


*Histology seminar*🔥

🔥*Group *C


: Fibrous proteins associated with inner nuclear membrane _1🔹

*Nuclear lamina*

: Its stained light and diffused within the nucleus_2🔹


: Consist of DNA and histones proteins_3🔹


: ‫والرسمة حق النواة ونحدد عليها‬



*mcau* 🔴

⁩ O N G O 💛⁨@ 🔴


*Histo seminar Group *F💥


) ( nucleus is dark body found in nucleus-1

) ( mononucleated cells contain a single nucleus-2

) ( nuclear lamina is a meshwork associated with outer membrane of nucleus -3

) ( nucleolus is dense membranous structure found in nucleus -4

) ( chromatid is consist of chromatin-5

..‫طبعا كتبت االسئلة ع ما اذكر‬

🌸❤ ‫مش بالنص‬

*mcau* 🔴

‫ ⁩ك‬/ ‫🔴@⁨ماجد عمر‬


-: Seminar histo, group D💥

: Correct the following statements😆

. .............*The phase that occupied the half of m-phase is *the metaphase -1😆

. ..........*Riplecation of DNA occur in *prophase -2😆

. ............*Euchromatin found in *lymphocytes -3😆

. ...........*Chromosomes appear as condense chromatin in *metaphase -4😆

‫ ذا السؤال فيه رسمة نأشر فيها على طور االنقسام المتساوي‬Put array to m-phase-5😆


⁩~‫🔴@⁨شاعر بدون قصيدة‬



🔴B ‫ 🔴سمنار هستو جروب‬:

Histo B

The centromer divided in🔶


The chromosomes be visible as chromatides in 🔶


The cytokenisis is🔶

*division of the cytoplasm*

The spindle filement attached to the centromer in 🔶


The DNA duplicate in🔶

*s phase*

‫طبعا ً االسئلة ع حسب ما اذكر‬

‫ يعني مش بالنص‬...‫منهم‬

🔴from @⁨‫بشار سمير‬

*mcau* 🔴


🔥‫ سمنار جروب‬: 1

🔥 ‫ هيستو‬E

✨‫ ال‬euokaryotic cell ‫تمر بأي من المراحل التالية لالنقسام‬:

*Interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis*

: Mitotic division include ✨

*prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase *

✨‫عندما الخلية تكون قد كبرت وضاعفت ال‬DNA ‫حقها وتجهزت لالنقسام نقول ع هذه المرحلة‬:


✨‫في مرحلة ال‬G2 ‫يحصل‬:

*Rearrangement and get ready for tha division *

😅‫✨باقي سؤال نسيته‬

‫النه سمنارنا كان االحد ما اذكر الصيغة بالضبط بس هذا كان مفهوم السؤال طبعا ً كان اختر االجابة الصحيحة‬


*Histology seminar*🔥 :

🔥*Group *C


: Fibrous proteins associated with inner nuclear membrane _1🔹

*Nuclear lamina*

: Its stained light and diffused within the nucleus_2🔹


: Consist of DNA and histones proteins_3🔹


‫ والرسمة حق النواة ونحدد عليها‬:



*mcau* 🔴


*seminar Group *F


) ( nucleus is dark body found in nucleus-1

) ( mononucleated cells contain a single nucleus-2

) ( nuclear lamina is ameshwork associated with outer membrane of nucleus -3

) ( nucleolus is dense membranous structure found in nucleus -4

) ( chromatid is consist of chromatin-5

‫طبعا كتبت االسئلة ع ما اذكر‬..

🌸❤ ‫مش بالنص‬

*mcau* 🔴

🔴@⁨‫ك‬/ ‫ماجد عمر‬


Histology .......... grouo: A

) ( Cell membrane is visible at light microscope as thin basophilic line)1

( Attached ribosomes on the rough ER synthesize proteins intracellular use )2

What is the type of lysosomes

hetrophagosome (hetropgagic vacuole) )3

autophagosome (autophagic lysosome) )4

....What is the name of this organelle ...Rough ER )5

‫طبعا السؤال حق نوع الليسوسوم ونوع العضية‬

‫جابت لنا صورة ونحن نحدد النوع‬

‫نحن جبنا لكم السؤال مع حله‬



Histology.... Group.. B :2

🏻 👇 ‫طبعا ً ما اذكر صياغة االسئلة بالضبط بس بكتب ع حسب مافهمت السؤال‬

‫السؤال االول خيارات‬

the organelle that participate in digest food -1



the cell membrane composed of-2


Phospholipid bilayar

the inclusion include except -3



‫السؤال الثاني رسمه ونحن نحدد عليها التالي‬

organelle participants in the detoxification -1

organelle has two membranes and matrix -2


E ‫ سمنار هيستولوجي جروب‬:2

‫كان السؤال األول خيارات‬

Cytoplasm- jelly like within the plasma membrane -1

Lysosome - organelle that has digestive enzyme -2

Ribosomes -... That synthesize protein-3

Golgi apparatus - receive immature vesicle -4

Centriole - control the motion of chromosomes-5

‫والسؤال الثاني رسمه وفيها إشارات الى‬:

Plasma membrane-1






*Histology seminar*🔶

*Group *C

: Which of the following cluse make the different b/w eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells _1

A_presence or absence of inclusion

B_presence or absence of nucleus

C_presence or absence of ribosomes

D_presence or absence of lipid

: Cell membrane composed of_2

A_Protein layer

B_carbohydrate bilayer

C_lipid layer

D_phospolipid bilayer

: if there's defect in lipid bilayer , which of this can repair it_3

A_synthesize of lipid layer by ribosomes

B_synthesize lipid by SER

C_synthesize lipid by RER

D_synthesize lipid by lysosomes

‫ والرسمة حق‬Golgi apparatus ‫ ونحدد عليها‬:

Secretory vacoule_1

transport vesicles_2

MCAU ‫🔴برعاية‬


*seminar Group *F

?..secretory vacules raises from-1

*.Trans mature surface of golgi*

?.which is not an inclusion-2


?.autophahic lysosome is-3

*.primary lysosom fused with dead organelle *

?.contain it's own(DNA/RNA)-4


?membrane of organelles is identical to cell membrane..except -5



By..@Maged Alnahdi

MCAU ‫🔴برعاية‬

🔴from @⁨‫ك‬/ ‫ماجد عمر‬

Glandular epithelial
🔥Seminar histology🔥

❤Group: A❤

( ‫) موجودة في آخر صفحة من الشبتر‬gland(‫جابت لنا رسمة ل‬

) ( This gland is classified as endocrine )1

.............................. ?Why )2

) (salivary gland is an example of this type of gland )3

‫السؤال االخير طلبت نأشر لها على حاجتين في الرسمة وهم‬

Capsule -

Secretory acini -



Seminar histology🔴

Group: E

🏻👆 ‫هذه كانت رسمتنا‬


: Gland in the pictures classified -1

according to the mode of secretions -1


According to presence or absence of duct -2


according to the nature of secretion -3


‫حدد على الرسمة‬-2


duct -2



-:Seminar histo, group D🔥

. .............Human mammary gland belong on the type of the following _1

.A_ compound tubular

.B_ simple branched alveolar

.c_compound alveolar

.d_simple branched tubulo-alveolar

:the merocrine gland release thier secretion by_2

.a_endosytosis. b_ exocytosis. c_ameoboid movment. d_ receptor radiate

:the gland of the external ear secrete_2

.a_ watery secretion

b_fatty cecretion

.c_waxy secretion

.d_cellular secretion


:the gland that use thier secretion _5

.a_merocrine. b_autocrine. c_ paracrine. d_ endocrine

‫ المهم مافيش‬،‫ نسيته‬4 ‫باقي سؤال‬

✌😁 ‫رسمة‬


🌺🌺 ⁩~‫🔴 @⁨شاعر بدون قصيدة‬



🌸Semenar- histo - G:F🌸🔥

:About picture🌀

) ( it is serous acini-1

) ( It secrete sebaceous gland -2

) ( It is an exocrine gland -3

) ( It has flat and peripheral nucleus -4

) ( It has central rounded nucleus -5



⁩ ‫🔶@⁨جالل عبده‬



Histology Seminar🔥

*Group *C


Simple tubular gland

Secretes proteins , lipids and carbohydrates

Has spherical nucleus near the base

Simple coiled tubular

Intestine glands

Parotid glands
Sweat glands

Mammary glands

: ‫والرسمة نحدد عليها‬

Intralobular duct



.⁩T O N G O 💛⁨@🔶

junction ‫السؤال االخير كان صورة لنوع من انواع ال‬

🏻👇‫ونحن نكتب اسمه ونحدد موقعه‬

adhering junction(desmosome) )4

at the middle part of the lateral surface )5

Epithelial tissue

Group: A

Which tissue lines )1

:most ducts

.A) simple squamous epith

.B) simple cuboidal epith

.C) stratified squamous

.D) transitional epith

.E) stratified columnar epith

:which form brush border )2

A) microvilli

B) cilia

C) sterocilia

D) keratinization

:Which tissue lines blood vessles )3

.A) simple squamous epith

B) simple cuboidal epith

C) stratified squamous epith

.D) stratified columnar epith




‫ هستو‬E ‫ سمنار‬:

:All of these are features of epithelium except-1

.they are packed and have a lot of intercellular substance -

🏻 (the excepted one)👆

: Tissue seem like that they have layers but they don't have -2


:Tissues that are found in urinary bladder, and change in shape during distension -3

.Tarnstional epithelium

‫ورسمتين مش واضحات‬


HISTOLOGY :‫] بشار سمير‬


‫ سؤال واحد فقط‬...‫السؤال االول اختر االجابة‬

Stratified squamous found in

*skin and esophagus*

🏻👇 ‫السؤال الثاني تسمية الصور‬

*Simple squamous epith -1*

*stratified squamous non-keratinized -2*

*Simple columnar non-ciliated -3*

*simple cuboidal -4*


)‫ 🔥سمنارنا اليوم (هستو‬:.

:: tissue that have a cells vary in highest)1

☘☘☘☘ psedustratifed🌸

;: the tissue that has only keratin is-2

☘☘☘☘stratified squamous🌸

:: which the tissue will injured if there is a bladder stone -3


.. a single layer his cell is tall more than wide is -4

......simple culomnar🌸

)‫ (رسمة‬what we can call this tissue -5

simple cuboidal🌸


*mcau_o111eR* 🔴



🌸Semenar 🌸histology🌸G:F🌸

: 1⃣Cell that is taller than wide

.Simple cuboidal epith-1

🌹 .Simple columnar epith-2

.Transitional epith-3

.Stratified epith-4

:2⃣The basement membrane located b/w

🌹 Epithelial and concetive tisse-1

Nervous and muscular tissue-2

Epithelial and muscular tissue-3

Muscular and conective tissur-4

: pseudostratified epithelial is 3⃣


Goblet cell -2

Cilia -3
🌹 All of them -4

: 4⃣Endocrine gland secrete hormon into

Lymph stream -1

🌹 Blood stream -2

Gland stream -3

Luman -4

‫السؤال الخامس كان عباره عن رسمه‬5⃣

simple squamous epith ‫لـ‬



⁩ ‫@جالل عبده‬


-:Seminar histo, group D⬇


:What do you call the simple squamous epithelium lines the serous mwmbrane -1

..._A_ endothelium. b_ mesothelium. c_endodermal. d


:what are call the finger-like projections that covers the surface of some epithelial cells _2

.a_ microvilli b_stereocilia. c_cillia. d_keratinzations


:the simple squamous epithelum is classified according to -3

.a_ shape and size of cells

.b_ size and number of cells

.c_ shape and number of cell layers

.d_ shape and size of nuclei


‫ نحدد فيها االتي‬junctions‫ رسمة الحد أنواع ال‬-4

.a_ type of junction....... gap junction

b_determine the direction of the junction......Lateral


.⁩~‫🔴@⁨شاعر بدون قصيدة‬

Conective tissue
E ‫سمنار هستو‬

?What kind of connective tissue beneath the epithelium -1

?what type of connective cell that is concerned with allergy-2

?what is the cell that is called hitiocyte-3

?What type of fibers that form fibrous network

.mast cel ‫وفي رسمه بتكون‬


🔥D ‫🔥سمنار هستو جروب‬


:cell has segnet ring apearance-1

fibroblast -

Mast cell-

Unilocular fat cell-


:About macrophage all regarding false except -2

Has cart wheel apearance-

Secret histamin-

Has nemurous lysosmes-

Its origin mesenchymal cell-


:cell develope from B lymphocyte -3

macrophage -

fat cell-

Plasma cell

:fiber is stained with orcen dye -4





‫ رسمه تبع‬5 ‫السؤال‬

White adipose c.t


🔴‫ هستو‬E ‫🔴سمنار‬


:All of these are features of epithelium except-1

.they are packed and have a lot of intercellular substance -

🏻 (the excepted one)👆


: Tissue seem like that they have layers but they don't have -2



:Tissues that are found in urinary bladder, and change in shape during distension -3

.Tarnstional epithelium


‫ورسمتين مش واضحات‬



⁩ ‫🔶@⁨عبدالرحمن‬


‫ت‬/ ‫ م] عمر الشعيبي‬12:18 2018/11/29[

)‫ 🔥سمنارنا اليوم (هستو‬:


:: tissue that have a cells vary in highest)1



;: the tissue that has only keratin is-2

stratified squamous🌸

:: which the tissue will injured if there is a bladder stone -3



.. a single layer his cell is tall more than wide is -4

simple culomna🌸


)‫ (رسمة‬what we can call this tissue -5

simple cuboidal🌸


*mcau_o111eR* 🔴



🌸Semenar 🌸histology🌸G:F🌸 :‫ت‬

: 1⃣Cell that is taller than wide

.Simple cuboidal epith-1

🌹 .Simple columnar epith-2

.Transitional epith-3

.Stratified epith-4

:2⃣The basement membrane located b/w

🌹 Epithelial and concetive tisse-1

Nervous and muscular tissue-2

Epithelial and muscular tissue-3

Muscular and conective tissur-4

: pseudostratified epithelial is 3⃣


Goblet cell -2

Cilia -3

🌹 All of them -4
: 4⃣Endocrine gland secrete hormon into

Lymph stream -1

🌹 Blood stream -2

Gland stream -3

Luman -4

‫السؤال الخامس كان عباره عن رسمه‬5⃣

simple squamous epith ‫لـ‬



⁩ ‫@جالل عبده‬


-:Seminar histo, group D⬇🔥🔥


:What do you call the simple squamous epithelium lines the serous mwmbrane -1

..._A_ endothelium. b_ mesothelium. c_endodermal. d


:what are call the finger-like projections that covers the surface of some epithelial cells _2

.a_ microvilli b_stereocilia. c_cillia. d_keratinzations


:the simple squamous epithelum is classified according to -3

.a_ shape and size of cells

.b_ size and number of cells

.c_ shape and number of cell layers

.d_ shape and size of nuclei


‫ نحدد فيها االتي‬junctions‫ رسمة الحد أنواع ال‬-4

.a_ type of junction....... gap junction

b_determine the direction of the junction......Lateral


.⁩~‫🔴@⁨شاعر بدون قصيدة‬



🔶 @⁨‫محمد مقبل‬


E ‫سمنار‬


?what type of cartilage -1

?give a reason about your answer -2

?draw an arrow to the perichondrium -3

?give an example about where it's found -4


*🌹Seminar HISTOLOGY🌹*

*Group: B*

*fill the blank*

? Which tissue is found in larynx )1


? Which cartilage cell secret collagen to perchondrium👴🏽✌🏻 )2


which type of cartilage is highly vascularized )3


Ossification is replace cartilage by )4


*‫*رسمة وطلبت نحدد‬

. cell nest -1

.type of this tissue -2



Group: A

fill the blank

? Which tissue is found in eustachian tube )1


? Which cartilage cell maintains cartilage matrix )2


.....................................defect in cartilage is replaced by )3

‍ ‫) رسمة من حق ام الجن‬4

‫وطلبت نحدد عليها‬


.the type of this tissue



‫ سمنار جروب‬c‫هستو‬

‫ صل‬...

defects in cartilage are usually replaced by➡conactive tissue)1

cell is present to ghe inmer aspect of perichondrium where secrete matrix around ghemselves )2

cells are maintains the matrix ➡chondrocyte )3

perichondrium➡ ‫نسيت الباقي‬... layer of conactive tisse)4

the nearer layer surounded the chondrocyte and nest cell ➡capsule )5

tissue‫سوال الثاني رسمه اش نوع ال‬

hyaline cartilage ‫بيكون ال‬



*🌹Seminar HISTOLOGY🌹*

*Group: B*

*fill the blank*

? Which tissue is found in larynx )1

*Hyaline cartilage*
? Which cartilage cell secret collagen to perchondrium👴🏽✌🏻 )2


which type of cartilage is highly vascularized )3

*no one of them*

Ossification is replace cartilage by )4


*‫*رسمة وطلبت نحدد‬

. cell nest -1

.type of this tissue -2


*Group F* 🍁


? the type of cartilage which is high vascular -1

*no one of cartilage*


? the type of cartilage which found in larynx -2

*hyaline cartilage*

? the ineer layer of perichonderium -3
*chondrogenic layer*

the layer which cover the cartilage -4


cell nest ‫الرسمه حدد‬



*Group D*

*?Fill the blank*

..........chondrocyt is feed by-1


......when the chondrocyt divided ,formation-2


.....cartilage that found in desc vertibra is-3


......... hyalin cartilage is classifed to-4


5-‫جابت رسمه حددعليها‬

chondrocyt in lacunae_1

intertirrater matrix-2




cell nest-2





A ‫🍁جروب‬

☘‫سمنار هستو‬

) (hyaline cartilage contain dense collagene fiber arrangment in bundl alterant in rows _1


) (fibroblast fund in intervertabral disc and pubic symphysis _2


) (the elastic cartilage is rich in elastic fibers and demonstrated by orcein _3


) (territorial is stain found deeply aroun the chondrocyte _4


‫الرسمه سهله تحديد‬

Perichondrum and chondrocyt


*Seminar of *HISTOLOGY ☘ :

*Cartilage Tissue*

*Group : *E


:Choose the correct answer

?Which type of cartilage is found in the external ear .1

a. Hyaline cartilage

*b. *Elastic cartilage

c. Fibrocartilage

d. All of the above


?Costal cartilage is composed of what type of cartilage .2

*a. *Hyaline cartilage

b. Elastic cartilage

c. Fibrocartilage

d. All of the above


?How many types of cartilage are there .3

*a. *3

b. 2

c. 4

d. 1


?What stain would be best to demonstrate the elastic fiber in elastic cartilage .4

a. Silver impregnation

b. Hematoxylin and eosin

c. Sudan stain

*d. *Orcein

?write the name of cartilage -5

.*LM for fibrocartilage*



*histology about cartilage* 🍁 :

*.old matrix which present between lacuna >>>> *interterritorial matrix _1


*cartilage has glass in shape >>>>> *hyaline cartilage _2


*.development mainly in newborn skeleton >>>> *hyaline cartilage _3


*.Elastic fibers include in >>> *Elastic cartilage _4


.chondrocyte ‫ الى‬indicator ‫ و ال‬Elastic cartilage ‫الرسمه كانت عن ال‬



*cartilage* ☘ :

*Group D* 🍁

☘☘☘☘☘☘ ..... *chondrocyt feed from.... *PERICHONDRIUM-1🍁

☘☘☘☘☘☘.....*chondrocyte divided inside lacunae to form. .. *CELL NEST -2🍁

☘☘☘☘☘☘ ......*the type of tissue that form intervertebral disc.... *FIBROCARTILAG -3🍁

☘☘☘☘☘☘....*hyaline cartilage classified...... *Basophilic -4🍁

🍁‫بالباور تبع هيالين كرتيليج‬9 ‫وجابت رسمه اللي بصفحة‬

‫نصا ً وطلبت تحدد‬

Cell nest with territorial matrix

Interterritorial matrix


*o111eR_klavio48 * 🍁

*MCAU* ☘

🔶‫ 🔶سمنار هستو‬:

🔴 C ‫🔴جروب‬

‫ صل‬...


defects in cartilage are usually replaced by➡conactive tissue)1


cell is present to ghe inmer aspect of perichondrium where secrete matrix around ghemselves )2


cells are maintains the matrix ➡chondrocyte )3


layer of conactive tisse that covers the cartilage ➡perichondrium)4


the nearer layer surounded the chondrocyte and nest cell ➡capsule )5


tissue‫سوال الثاني رسمه اش نوع ال‬

hyaline cartilage ‫بيكون ال‬



⁩ ⁨@ 🔶



Seminar histology group F :


Epiglottis is a ➡ ELASTIC CARTILAGE-1

cartilage that doesn't have pericondrium ➡ FIBRO CARTILAGE -2


Growth of cartilage from with in ➡ INTERSTITIAL GROWTH -4

5- ‫رسمه فيها ايالستيك و نحدد و نسوي سهم الى ايالستيك فايبرز‬

‫االسئله مش نصا و انما كالفكره و المعنى بالضبط‬

Bone and blood:

*Seminar Histo* 🔥

*Group A* 🌹

*BONE* ☘

?What is non-lamellar bone .1

A. Woven bone

B. Dense bone

C. Cancellous bone

D. Compact bone


?What is unmineralized matrix .2

A. Osteoclast

B. Osteon

C. Octeocyte

D. Osteoid


?Name the structures that are indicated in the draw

The draw will be sent below with the indicators



*Put T Or F*

Regarding eosinophils

) ( They have segmented horseshoe nuclie .1


) ( They are granular leukocytes .2


) ( They are larger in diameter than monocytes .3

) ( They are concerned with removal of histamine .4


) ( Their concentrations in blood is 3-8% .5

*MCAU* 🔥

*Hodhoody* 🌹

*o111eR_klavio48 * ☘


seminar histo🔥 :

group E🔥


:What is that kind of leukocyte that help in infection firstly -1


:which of the following that has no granules-2


: Osteocyte is found in-3

.interstitial lamellae. 2-inner circumferential. 3-cocentric lamellae -1

❗.all of them-4*

‫❗وفي سؤال رابع نسيته‬

monocyte, eosinophil ‫وفي رسمتين‬


🔹 @⁨‫عبد الرحمان محمد‬



*Histology*🔥 :

Group : C🔥


: True or false *🔥


) (.😴endosteum consists of fibrous and cellularlayer 1

osteogenic cells are present in endosteum 2

) (.😴layer

interstitial lamellae surround blood vessel 3

.) (😴canal

: indicate the following structures *

a sharpey

b periosteum


*o111eR_klavio48 * 🔶



*Histo seminar* 🔥 :

*Group B*

?Name the structure shown below


?What are the components of this structure


*MCAU* 🔥

*o111eR_klavio48 * ☘


: 🔥‫" " سمنار هستو‬


Which is the most common numerous w 1͡

? hite blood cell in healthy human

.😴 il


?constitutes 2040% about 2͡


☘☘☘☘😴 ?contain haemoglobin 3͡

blood cells are direct macrophage precur 4͡

.? sors

A 10 years old boy has sever alergic to p 5͡

lant pollens.which type of peripheral blood c

.😴? ell is most likely to be increase



*o111eR_klavio48 * 🔶



: ☘‫سمنار الهستو‬

B ‫🌹جروب‬

*True or false* 🔷

Endosteum consist of from two layers _1



Osteocytes are present in lacuna_2



Alkaline phosphatase stimulate deposition _3

of calcium



calconin of the thyroids gland seem to direct the differentiation of osteoblast to Osteocyte _4

]F [


osteogenic cell responsible fore destructio _5

n the bone

.]F [


😴‫الرسمةحق نظام هافرس و مكوناتة‬

*MCAU* 🔥

*o111eR_klavio48 * ☘


semnar histo G:c :


T or F⚪

..... about neutrophils⚪

) ( it's cytoplasm with specific and azurophilic granules)1

) ( they have phaocytosis materials with relase protieolytic enzyme)2

) ( They increas rapidly in number in present acute inflamation)3

) ( have horse shoe nuclei)4

) ( % they have larg number range b/w 60-85

Muscle tissue

_*Histo seminar*_ 🔴

_*Group A*_☘

When skeletal muscle contracts 🔷

) ( The dark band A will show the same lengh .1🔸


) ( The space occupied by H band will not change .2🔸


) ( The light bands I become shortened .3🔸


?Name the structures indicated in this draw🔷



*o111eR_klavio48 * 🔸


🔥*Seminar Histo* 🔥 :

*Group B* 🌹

*Muscle* ☘

🔥 *True or false* 🔥



) ( Skeletal muscles have the same structure of cardiac muscles -1▶

) ( Smooth muscles are non striated muscle due to lack of actine and myosine -2▶

) ( T system are present in smooth muscle -3▶

) ( Myofibriles of skeletal muscles are surrounded by sarcoplasmic reticulum -4▶

) ( All types of muscles contain actin and myosin -5▶



: ‫ سمنار‬E ‫هستو‬

: Which is correct During contraction

.z lines become close-1

a band contains actin only-2

I band contains myosin only-3

myocyte ،‫ و‬,sacromere ‫ورسمة تحديد ال‬


🔥Semenar histo🔥 :

🔵 Muscle tissue ➖ G:F🌸

Put true or false*⃣

: About T tubule➖

.) ( It consedeid as sarcolemma -1

.) ( It allow for Ca ion to pass into myosin filament -2

.) ( invagination b/w the A & I band twice in every sarcomere -3

.) ( It Openinig into cisternae of sarcosome -4

.) ( Extend from sarcolemma to myofibril -5



🛑semnar group c

: put trur or false♻

:during the contraction⚜

) ( 1⃣the sarcomere has 2 actin and 1 myosin filament

) ( 2⃣the H and M bands are obliterated

) ( 3⃣shortening of individual thick and thin myofilament

) ( 4⃣stimulation of T tube and enter the ca+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

) ( 5⃣A band remains constant

Nervous tissue

🌸Semenar🌸 histo🌸 G:F🌸

????? Metion the layer that found in cerebellum & cerebrum -1

.. ………………-1

.. ………………-2

) ‫(المطلوب الطبقات المشترركه وليس الكل‬

?? Mention the component of blood brain barrier :-2

. ……………… -1


.. …. …………-3

‫@جالل عبده العباد‬


🔥*Seminar Histo* 🔥

*Group B* 🌹

*Nerve tissue* ☘

🔥 *select* 🔥


is supporting cell in CNS....... -1➡


.........⁩The gray matter present in -2➡

*Outer surface of cerebrum, cerebellum and inner surface of spinal cord *

..........The white matter is -3➡

*Myelinated nerve fiber*

........Dura mater is -4➡

*Dense C.T*

.....the cell participate in blood_brain_barrier is -5➡

:..........? 🛑 why




Seminar: Histology🔥

G: A🔥


) ( Neuron can transmitt single kind of information )1

Pseodounipolar neurons characterized by single common process extends from its cell body )2
☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘) ( that branched into two axons

) ( Unmyelinated nerve fibers surrounded by neurolimmae )3


) ( Fibrous astrocyte found in white matter of brain )4


:Put an arrow on the following structures )5

A) oligodendrocyte

B) neuron


*o111eR_klavio* 🔥


‫جالل عبده العباد‬: ‫ٱعداد‬

‫بالتعاون مع قناة‬


@ *o111eR


‫تم بحمد الله‬

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