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Thesis Statement: Scientists investigate the reasons why some humans want to be famous while some

wants to be rich.
I. People who desires to be famous
A. Desire for social acceptance
B. Difficult to make friends when they were younger
C. Demand attention from others
D. Didn’t use to receive praise or recognition from their parents
II. People who want to be rich
A. Focused on the future than the past
B. Learned from their parents about success
C. Friends and family encouraged them

Thesis Statement: Learning styles describe the ways people learn and each uses different parts of the brain.
I. Types of classroom learning styles
A. Visual
1. Learners prefer to sit somewhere in the classroom where no obstructions
hinder their view of the lesson
2. Learners rely on the teacher’s facial expression and body language
3. Learners think in pictures and may even close their eyes to visualize and
remember something
4. Learners lack confidence in their room discussions and lecture
5. Learners learn best from a blend of visual displays and presentation
a. colorful videos
b. diagrams
c. flipcharts
B. Auditory
1. Learners sit where they can hear well
2. Learners enjoy listening and talking, so discussions and verbal lectures
stimulate them.
3. Learners listen to whatever other have to say then talking the subjects
through helps them process new information
4. Learners are heard to be reading to themselves out loud as they can absorb
written materials in that way
5. Learners improve their understanding through activities
a. Sounding out spelling words
b. Reciting mathematical theories
c. Talking their way across a map
C. Kinesthetic
1. Learners find it difficult to sit still in a conversational classroom
2. Learners need to be physically active and take frequent break
3. Learners prefer to sit someplace where there is a room to move about as
they also fidget when they are bored
4. Learners benefit from manipulating materials and learn best through hands-
on experience of classroom subjects
a. Math
b. Science
c. Reading
5. Learners help process new information through incorporation of activities
a. Arts-and-crafts activities
b. building projects
c. sports
6. Learners appreciate physical expressions of encouragement

D. Verbal
1. Learners enjoy using words, both written and spoken
E. Logical
1. Learners are strong in the area of logic and reasoning
F. Social

1. Learners do best when working in groups

G. Solitary
1. Learners prefer to work alone

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