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There are 3 sections to a successful pitch and each section has its objective.

Introduction (5 mins)
a) Introducing yourself
b) Rapport Building
c) Probe on the intent of registering to identify relevant discussion points

Pitch (15-25 mins)

a) Make the case for coding
b) Highlight the value of the module - projects, class outcomes etc.
c) Showcase successful examples

Objection Handling and Closure (~10 mins)

a) Answer any concerns that they may have
b) Inform parents of the benefits of closing early

● Introduce yourself
● Rapport Building
● Probe on the intent of registering to identify the reason for buy and attack relevant discussion points

Establish credibility/authority by introducing yourself. Hi, am I talking to <child name>’s Mother/ Father,
Miss/Mr. XYZ,. Good morning/evening Mr/Miss XYZ. This is <your name> and I'm calling from White Hat Jr,
where <child name> took his/ her coding trial class. I am an academic counsellor for <child name> and wanted to
check about his/ her class experience.

If bad

“Apologies! Such instances are very rare in WhiteHat Jr. and will try to rectify and give you the best possible
experience going forward. Let me reschedule the class for you. When would you like to do it?”

If good, continue the pitch

Rapport Building
Wonderful, infact, just before this call, I had a word with the teacher ABC to get a quick update on Child's Name.
He/She was very positive about your child’s performance. Child's Name scored 3 hats for trial class completion.
Each hat signifies an important attribute that we value in students:

Pause for the reaction and make it a conversation

Did you know that as per a BBC report, in 2030, 800 Million Jobs will be impacted by Artificial Intelligence
and ~ 85% of the jobs that exist today won’t exist? The future belongs to those who will be creators rather
than consumers of technology. Child’s name has the potential to be among the creators of our world
tomorrow, to be among the 5% who give orders to a machine versus the 95% who would take orders from it
in the future. Our curriculum is designed to guide students to develop a creator mindset vs consumer
mindset from the very beginning.

Even the New Education Policy requires students to learn coding from class 6th onwards. Just imagine if Child's
Name starts now, how much ahead will he/she be compared to her classmates? Children who learn English at a
young age are much more fluent in the language compared to others. A similar scenario is going to happen with
coding. Coding is the new English, the new Universal Language. Those who learn it first will have a big
head-start, landing them way ahead of the competition.

<Give a small pause, check if parent wants to respond>

The current pandemic has also highlighted the importance of coding. While the stock prices fell by 6% on
average during the pandemic, the market capitalization of top tech companies like Facebook, Amazon,
Apple, Microsoft, Google increased by 37%. Coding is the only 100% recession-proof skill.

Probe on the intent of registering to identify relevant discussion points

The main intent of probing and prospecting is to ask questions whose answers will help you gain insights to pitch
the product/offering in a better way - understand parent inclination towards making their child learn coding, their
own understanding of coding and related terminologies, etc.

If I may ask, what was your reason behind enrolling for the trial class?
Hear the answer, form implication based on bullets below

Most of our parents who do the trials are referred to us through our current students? How did you get to know
about us?
It’s very important to know the source of the lead. Take the conversation forward and build rapport.

● Highlight the value of the module - Projects, class outcomes etc.
● Showcase successful examples

The purpose of this call is to provide you with details on the courses offered by WhiteHat

Let me give you a quick summary of what <Child Name> will be learning in the course. Our Course follows a
Project based learning philosophy where <Child Name> will be applying the concepts he/she learns to build
apps throughout the course. Creating apps makes his/her learning practical instead of just theoretical,
setting <Child Name> to be a major creator, entrepreneur or artist in the future.

Our first 48 classes are split into 4 modules

In the first 8 classes, (child name) will learn about Fundamentals of Logic through Sequence, Structure,
Command, Algorithms, and loops. After the completion of this module, you will see a massive improvement in
<child name>’s concentration level and logical thinking.

In Module 2 which is till class 20, <child name> will learn design thinking. He/she will learn to code front-end with
UI(User Interface) and UX(User Experience) design. Children learn design thinking concepts - symmetry, design
balance, design dominance, using color palettes, in addition to the basic principles of design.

In this module, the single biggest difference that you'll see is that child name will become a creator for life.
There'll be a fundamental psychological shift that will occur wherein he/she will start thinking that
everything in the world is an object created by someone and he/she can be a creator too. The earlier the shift
happens in children, the earlier they’ll make a massive impact in the world. For example
1) Elon Musk, best known for founding Tesla, SpaceX, and PayPal now, programmed his first video game
Blastar in 1984 when he was just 12 years old!
2) Jan Koum (pronunciation - Yan Kum), the founder of Whatsapp, was born in a poor household in Ukraine
where his mother worked as a household cleaning lady. He built WhatsApp which was sold to Facebook
for $16 Billion
3) In fact most popular tech companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Pixar, Microsoft and even Apple (Steve
Wozniak) had founders who started coding early.

Does <Child Name> play games on your mobile currently?

Pause for the answer


After this program, he/she will never ask you to play a game on your mobile. He/shewill want to create
his/her own games. He/she’ll never ask you to see a video on the TV Screen. He/she’ll
want to create video games

In Module 3, which is till class 32, you children learn Free - standing syntax through Javascript or Python
and <child Name> will combine both back-end and front-end concepts in syntax.

In Module 4, <child name> will prepare a fully functional app or a game which will be ready to publish on
the play store and the app store. Our students’ apps have been widely published in the media. For example
Following student success stories should be communicated in LOCK Format with 4 sentences
1) 1 sentence on the LEAD (student who generates sympathy) and OBJECTIVE (Big and selfless)
2) 1 on CONFLICT (Hard difficult problem being faced)
3) 1 on KNOCKOUT (Deeply satisfying result)

[for Indian customers]

● 9 year old Garvit Sood suffered from astigmatism because his parents couldn’t ascertain his eye
condition quickly enough. To prevent other people from similar undiagnosed eye problems, he
created an eye testing app called “Dristhi” which detects eye-related disorders by using the
phone camera as a sensor to measure the focal length of the eye. Isn't that incredible? He has
been selected as one of our finalists in the Silicon Valley program where he will get a chance to
be groomed by leading tech entrepreneurs and investors of the US.
● Another student, 9 year old Mae Mae, was being bullied at school and saw many other such
incidents go unreported. After learning how to code with WhiteHat Jr, she built an anti-bullying
app which allows children to report bullying cases directly to authority quickly. She was
facilitated by Mr. Ramesh Pokhriyal, the Head of Ministry of Education for her effort to bring a
meaningful change in the society. Her story was published in leading newspapers across the
country. She credited WhiteHat Jr. for being able to create this app, that too in a couple of
months. Isn't it remarkable what 9 yr olds can build !

Seeing <child name>’s potential and teacher’s recommendation, I’ll recommend that you take the
48/144/300 class course.

Shall I walk you through our different courses?

Use one of the below courses to pitch

● 8 Class (BASIC course) (This is used at the closure of the pitch if parent is not convinced to buy more
classes, never pitch this module to begin with)
○ Introduction to Coding. In this course, child name will become a certified Game Developer. We

will ship the certificate to you. He/she’ll build games using core coding logic concepts like
sequences, commands, and loops. This dramatically improves their logic and concentration.

● 48 Class (Standard course): (Focus in 1st 48 classes is game design and basic app development; child
gets app developer certificate at the end of 32nd class)
○ This is a full, comprehensive course where <child Name> will go from learning the basics of
coding to a fully functional app downloadable on the app store. In the 48 classes, <child
name> will become among the youngest in the world to be a certified App Developer.
<Child name> will learn to think like users and design apps that allow users to move through
these apps easily. In addition, child name will also learn design discipline - concepts like
symmetry, design balance, design dominance, using color palettes while building
professional level games: like the popular angry birds game, a multi-player car racing game
and others which he/she can publish on the play store/ app store.


Objection Handling
a) Answer any concerns that they may have

Answer questions that they may raise,.


a) Inform the parent about benefits of closing early

1) Same Teacher benefit

a) Since we're a mission-driven platform rather than a money-driven platform, we don't want
parents to ever have a dissonance that their trial teacher was different from the paid teacher.
Hence we only map your trial class teacher to be your final teacher. Since you really liked the
teacher and <child name> was able to form a bond with her, I would want <child name>
to get the same teacher. We value the bond between teacher and students that form from the
first class. Students are more comfortable and give best results when the trial teacher continues
the paid classes. I won’t be able to hold her longer in case the slots get filled up.
b) Children form a very strong emotional bond with the teacher so we’d love to have them continue

with the same teacher for the entire 48 or 144 classes. As the slots keep filling on a first come first
serve basis, we can’t assure the same teacher if you upgrade later.
2) Refund policy/ Only blocking special rate and current teacher through immediate
a) We have a No Questions Asked, Same Day, 100% refund policy. As you can see on our website,
we’ve taken a legal indemnity to refund on the same day. So the decision that you are making
currently is not a FULL COURSE PRICE eg Rs 30,000 decision but a SINGLE CLASS PRICE
eg Rs 625 decision. If you’re not happy with the course at any point, we’ll refund the remaining
classes back immediately on the same day. So, if you’re not happy after the 1st class, we’ll refund the
remaining 47 classes back on the same day (if the parent bought 48 classes).
b) However, I must tell you this is extremely unlikely to happen. Our refunds rates are very low.
Yet, we will offer it anytime 100% REFUND, ZERO QUESTIONS ASKED, SAME-DAY.
c) We would love to get your child the opportunity to enjoy the special rate and continue with the
same teacher. Paying in full actually saves you money owing to the current special rate, as you can
opt out anytime and get full refund for further classes. Like I said, you are only paying for the classes
<Child name> will eventually take.
To close, This was xyz from WhiteHat Jr. and I will be calling you back again as discussed.

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