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21: Monday, October 25th 2021

Elementary French I

 French tutor
 Krista Entwistle
 Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m. in Library room 127
 e-mail for an appointment:

 PROJECT: DO slides 1-9, 10

 10th slide: The nationality and the heritage
- state your nationality and your origins
- find a classmate that has the same nationality as you
- find a classmate that has the same origins as you
personne n’est = nobody is
 details: pp.5-7 in the syllabus
 assessment rubric: p.16 in the syllabus
 deadline: upload it on CANVAS on/before Friday, November 12th @ 11:00 a.m.

 HW feedback → HW 1B grades have been copied to Canvas

Grades Section 1: 14 Section 2: 8 students
A 9 (highest: 100) 7 (highest: 98.2)
B 1 0
C 2 0
D 1 0
F 1 1
Class average 85.6 % 81.4 %

 complete pronunciation rules: 24-26

24. gn is pronounced like a [nee]: Espagnol

25. The nasals are voided by a double -n or a vowel.
Algérien – Algérienne

Américain – Américaine
un livre BUT un ami; un ordinateur; un étudiant

All letters in a nasal must be in the same syllable in order to be pronounced as a nasal.
pa-ti-ent na-tio-na-li-té A-mé-ri-cain
26. tion : t → s
 TEST no.3 → Friday, November 19th
1. Greetings: saying hello/good-bye to various people
2. Asking how one is
3. The French alphabet
4. French characters: les accents, le tréma, la cédille
5. Asking the name
6. Spelling the name
7. Introducing people
8. Expressions of courtesy
9. Numbers 0-69
10. Expressing the age
11. Nouns and articles
12. Identifying objects and people with C’EST and CE SONT
13. IL Y A (= there is; there are)
14. COMBIEN DE / D’ ( = how many ?)
15. DE / D’ (= any)
16. The verb ÊTRE (= to be)
17. The school environment
18. Adjective agreement
19. Place of adjectives
20. Cognate adjectives
21. Adjectives of nationality
22. Asking the nationality and heritage
23. …

SPELLING QUIZ: Adjectives of nationality

previous WRITING / SPEAKING ACTIVITY (individual): State the following in French:

1. your nationality and origins
2. the nationality and origins of your 2 partners

previous WRITING / SPEAKING ACTIVITY (with partner no.1): Act out the dialogue below.
1. greet without mentioning the name: hello/hi + Mr. / Ms.
2. ask the name and the spelling of the name (back and forth; mention that it is nice to meet each other)
3. ask the age
4. ask how things are going (back and forth)
5. ask the nationality (back and forth)
6. ask the origins (back and forth)
7. point to an object and ask: Is this a sheet of paper?
8. point to 2 similar objects and ask: Are these watches?
9. ask how many doors are there in the French class
10. say that you are smart; ask if your partner is smart also
11. say a good-bye formula (except “au revoir”) + Mr./Ms. + first French name


 no notes to complete or upload on CANVAS

 Greetings: hello and good-bye
 Identifying people
 Asking how one is
 The French alphabet
 Les accents, le tréma et la cédille
 Asking the name
 Asking to spell
 Introducing people
 Expressions of courtesy
 Numbers 0-69
 Expressing the age
 Nouns and articles
 Combien de
 The verb ÊTRE
 The school environment → SPELLING QUIZ
 Cognate adjectives → SPELLING QUIZ
 Adjectives of nationality
 Asking the nationality and heritage

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