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9: Wednesday, September 22nd 2021

Elementary French I

 French tutor
 Krista Entwistle
 Wednesdays at 11 a.m. in Library room 127
 Zoom appointments available: e-mail for an appointment

 TEST no.1 feedback

Grades Section 1: Section 2:
14 students 8 students
A 2 1
B 5 1
C 1 4
D 1 1
F 5 1
Highest score 98 94
Class average 74% 74%
Average time spent 27:36 30:21
doing the test
Test no.2 incentive: 5 BONUS POINTS for everyone if the class
average moves up from a C to a B
 Did you check the correct answers ? Did you understand your
mistakes ?
 Confusion between E and U
 Accents: cedille, enchante, chouette, genial, presente, merci,
epelle, demain, zero
 Say the French words before you write them, read them after you
wrote them: duex, donze, ca, trémar, cedilla, ouze, treize, sixante
 Complete your notes and upload them on Canvas!
 Quizlet: LEARN (to learn vocabulary) & WRITE (learn how to
 NEW: 5 minute Spelling test at the beginning of the class (worth
10 points)
 TEST no.2 → next class, Monday, October 18th
1. Greetings: saying hello/good-bye to various people
2. Asking how one is
3. The French alphabet
4. French characters: les accents, le tréma, la cédille
5. Asking the name
6. Spelling the name
7. Introducing people
8. Expressions of courtesy
9. Numbers 0-69
10. Expressing the age
11. …

 PROJECT: DO slides 1-5

 details: pp.5-7 in the syllabus
 assessment rubric: p.16 in the syllabus
 deadline: upload it on CANVAS on/before Friday, October 29th @ 11:00 a.m.

SECTION 1 only: previous WRITING / SPEAKING ACTIVITY: With your partner no.2, act out
the dialogue below:
 say “hello” / “hi” + Mr./Ms. + first French name
 ask the name and the spelling of the name (back and forth; mention that it is nice to meet each
 ask how he/she is (back and forth)
 introduce a new friend
 say a good-bye formula except AU REVOIR

SECTION 2 only: previous WRITING / SPEAKING ACTIVITY (with partner no.1) Act out the
dialogue below.
1. excuse yourself, ask the name (add please at the end) and the spelling of the name (back and
2. ask how things are (back and forth)
3. wish a good day + Mr./Ms. + French name
4. respond by Thanks a lot
5. respond by You are welcome

previous WRITING /SPEAKING ACTIVITY : With your partner no.2 count from 36 to 69.

previous WRITING / SPEAKING ACTIVITY (with partner no.2): Act out the dialogue below.
1. greet without mentioning the name: hello/hi + Mr. / Ms.
2. ask the name and the spelling of the name (back and forth; mention that it is nice to meet each other)
3. ask how things are going (back and forth)
4. ask the age (back and forth)
5. say a good-bye formula (except “au revoir”) + Mr./Ms. + first French name

 no notes to upload 

 5 ex (Essayez ; Logique ; Les mathémathiques  ; La solution ; Complétez) from LEÇON 1A/
STRUCTURE 1A.2 / Numbers 0-60
 deadline: Thursday night, 9/23 @ 11:59 p.m.
 study numbers with your notes, the HW tutorial and/or Quizlet before you start doing
your HW
 look up any unknown words in the dictionary
 follow the Modèle, if any
 feel free to pause and play a recording as many times as needed


 Greetings: hello and good-bye
 Identifying people
 Asking how one is
 The French alphabet
 Les accents, le tréma et la cédille
 Asking the name
 Asking to spell
 Introducing people
 Expressions of courtesy
 Numbers 0-69
 Expressing the age

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