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The Absence of Emily

By Angel Daniel Sabata Fonseca

Unknow words
• Quiet: [person, animal] Who is relaxed or does not have excited nerves.
• hurried: What is done in a hurry
• standing: Part of the human body that goes from the ankle to the fingertips, and is used mainly for walking and supporting the
• luggage: Equipment or set of things that a person carries with them when traveling or moving from one place to another.
• drank: perfect simple indicative of drinking or drinking.
• counting: Refer or narrate [an event]. intr. Make, form accounts according to arithmetic rules.
• suddenly: suddenly (‖ suddenly, without preparation).
• dug: Remove from a solid thing part of its mass or thickness
• buried: Put something or someone under the ground. 2. tr. Burying a corpse.
• jealous: (person]) Who feels jealous of something or someone.
Milcent and emily

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4 weeks ago

Northen california

Millicent is tall and rather thin. She is very strong-minded and likes to control everyone around her, including Emily. She wasn't too pleased
when I came and took Emily away from her influence. But at that time I already knew how to solve the problem. In spite of her difficult nature
Millicent is still one of the closest people to my Emily. So it's necessary for me to get along with her. That is what I have decided. Unfortunately
a third person comes into action and ruins my plans.
The principal is milicent

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