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B Level

TASK 2 Writing – Write a website entry about your work/life balance (2.4)
Imagine that you have one of the jobs below. Choose one of them and write an entry for
www.worklife247.nett answering the questions given.

chef plumber TV presenter architect

vet scientist rescue worker zoo keeper
Formula 1 (F1) driver fortune teller lawyer astronaut

1. What are the requirements of your job?

2. What are the good and bad things about your job?
3. What keeps you motivated to do this job?
4. What can you tell us about your social life?
- What do you do in your free time?
- How much time do you spend with your family/friends?
5. Are you happy with your work/life balance? Why/Why not?

Your text should be about 110-130 words.

Outcomes - Can write simple informal emails/letters and online postings giving news or opinions (46)
- Can use very basic connectors like and, but, so and then (32)

Task - Simple present tense

requirements - Vocabulary (Unit 1&2)
- Linking words: and / so / but / because
- Writing a website entry (2.4)

Note to
Students and Mergen > Assignments/Ödevler > Task 2 Writing – Writing a Website Entry
the Teacher
1. Students will write their tasks on an empty Word document (.doc or .docx) and upload them on
Mergen by 28.10.2021/ 23:59.
2. The teacher will get a Turnitin report on the students’ papers.
3. The teacher will grade the papers and give feedback within five days.
If the classes have to be held online:
- The same procedure above will be followed.
Writing Criteria
Components Descriptors Grades

Addresses the topic with a wide range of details (explanations and/or

Has some components of 3 and some components of 5 4

Addresses the topic with moderate details with a few repetitions and/or some points
Content 3
are considered irrelevant.
Has some components of 1 and some components of 3 2

Is unable to include most of the details; and/or most details are irrelevant and/or
mostly repeated.

Establishes an effective organisation of ideas with a wide variety of cohesive devices

(transitions, sequencers, linking devices, referring expressions and 5
Has some components of 3 and some components of 5 4
Establishes a moderate organisation of ideas with a moderate variety of cohesive
devices (transitions, sequencers, linking devices, referring expressions and 3
Has some components of 1 and some components of 3 2
Is unable to establish any organisation; no variety of cohesive devices (transitions,
sequencers, linking devices, referring expressions and punctuation)

Uses a wide variety of language forms appropriately and accurately. 5

Has some components of 3 and some components of 5 4
Uses a moderate variety of language forms; and/or there are a few inaccuracies. 3
Has some components of 1 and some components of 3 2

Uses almost all language forms inaccurately; and shows no variety. 1

Uses a wide variety of vocabulary appropriately and accurately; and/or shows a

good control over spelling and capitalisation.
Has some components of 3 and some components of 5 4
Lexical Uses a moderate variety of vocabulary; and/or there are a few inaccuracies; and/or
Competence shows a moderate control over spelling and capitalisation.
Has some components of 1 and some components of 3 2

Uses almost all vocabulary items inaccurately and shows no variety; and/or shows
no control over spelling and capitalisation.


A student will be given 1 out of 20 if

1) it is a totally memorized response (i.e. the content/topic has no relevance to the question and/or does
not deal with the task at all).
2) it has only too few sentences (i.e. the student does not attempt the task within the requirements of the
3) s/he submits a blank answer sheet (i.e. the student writes his/her name or just brainstorms in phrases
and/or fragments).

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