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TO BE GOING TO TASK 1. Complete the sentences with going to + a verb.

1. Use be going to + infinitive to talk about future be - cook - do - get - not go - learn - not listen – see - stay
plans or intentions.
Ex. What film are you going to see tonight?
EXAMPLE: He’s going to meet me at the airport. 1. Are your sister going to learn Chinese?
2. You are going to be in class 3 next year.
2. We use be going to + infinitive to make a 3. We are not going to go camping next summer. We are going to
prediction when we know or can see that stay.
something is going to happen. in a hotel.
4. We are going to get a taxi to the airport.
EXAMPLE: Look at that car! It’s going to crash. 5. I am going to cook a wonderful meal tonight.
6. You can talk, but I am not going to listen to you.
7. What are you going to do when you leave school?

PRESENT CONTINUOUS TASK 2. Complete the dialogue between two flatmates.

Use the present continuous.
We often use the present continuous with a future
meaning, especially for plans we have made at a fixed A: What are you doing tonight? (do)
time or place in the future (future arrangements). B: I (1) am packing (pack) my suitcase.
A: Why?
Don’t use the present simple: I see some friends
B: Because I (2) am flying (fly) to Madrid at
tonight. 8’clock tomorrow morning.
A: Oh, I didn’t know. Why (3) are you going (go) to Madrid?
EXAMPLES: B: I (4) am seeing (see) the boss of Vtech
Solutions tomorrow.
I’m seeing a friend tonight. A: Why (5) are you meeting (meet) him?
She’s arriving at lunchtime B: I (6) am working (work) on a project for him this weekend
and I need to discuss it with him.
A: Oh, well have a good trip!

TASK 3 . Complete the dialogue with be going to or present


We can often use either with no difference in meaning.

EXAMPLE: I’m going to see Anna on Tuesday / I’m

seeing Anna on Tuesday.

It’s very common to use the present continuous with

the expressions tonight, tomorrow, this weekend, etc.,
and with verbs describing travel arrangements (go,
come, meet, see, leave and arrive).

EXAMPLE: I’m leaving on Monday is more common

than I’m going to leave on Monday.
continuous. Use the verbs in brackets.

Mike: "Hey Nick, what (1) are you going to do (you / do /?) after
school today?"
Nick: "Well, first, I (2) am meeting (meet) Karen at the train station
at 4:30 p.m. After that, we (3) are eating (eat) with her parents
at 7 p.m.."
Mike: "Wow, it sounds like you have a busy evening!"
Nick: "How about you?"
Mike: "Oh, after school, I (4) am walking (walk) home and then I
(5) am going to do (do) my homework. I don’t like to make any
Nick: "Well, I'm really happy, because I (6) am going to tell (tell)
Karen that we (7) are flying (fly) to Jamaica in December! I bought
the tickets yesterday! We (8) are staying (stay) at a hotel right on
the beach. It (9) will be/ is going to be (be) amazing!
Mike: I also have some plans. I (10) am going to sail (sail) to Jamaica
someday too, but I have to learn to sail first. During my next
vacation, I (11) am going to learn (learn) Spanish."
Nick: (12) are you going to take (you / take /?) Spanish lessons or
(13) are you going to learn (you / learn /?) with a book?
Mike: "I (14) am going to take (take) lessons, but I don’t know which
school I want to go to yet."
Nick: "Good for you! I think we should hurry up and go to the
station now because the weather is getting worse and it looks like it
(15) is going to rain (rain) soon!"
Mike: "You're right. Let's go!"


Look at the pictures below.

Put the letters in the right order to make the name of a school subject.
Then match the subjects with what you might study for them.

0. 1. 2. 3. 6. 7.
4. 5.

0. scimu Music a. what happened in the past.

1. lygoibo biology b. how to play an instrument.
2. sicshyp physics c. what salt is made of
3. pygagrohe geography d. mountains and rivers
4. mythreics chemistry e. how people speak in other countries
5. soithyr history f. animal and plant life
6. agluagnse languagge g. electricity and space
7. hetmascaimt mathematics h. how to add number


Read the following text.

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
Staff – primary school – pupils – learn – start – terms – play-school - compulsory – mixed

Bobby’s parents decide to send him to a (1) play school when he was three. They
wanted him to (2) learn to play with other children. In Britain children must, by
law, (3) start school at the age of five. Education is (4) compulsory from then.
Bobby’s first real school was the (5) Staff. There are three (6)
terms a year and holidays at Christmas Easter and in summer. The (7)
pupils are boys and girls together, so it’s a (8) mixed school. The teachers on the (9) primary school
are young and friendly. Bobby likes the school.

Secondary school – take – specialize – state school – pass – private school – fail – subjects - marks

Sally started her new school at the age of 11. There are different kinds of
schools from this age, but the general term for them is a (1) secondary school.
Sally’s school is a government school, usually called a (2) state school. Some
parents pay to send their children to a (3) private school. At first Sally will
take a lot of different (4) subjects (history, English, chemistry, etc.) but, after
a few years, she’ll begin to (5) specialize in things she is good at and
interested in. then
she’ll (6) take some exams. If she can (7) pass a numbers of exams with good (8) marks
(A, B, C), it will help her to get a good job. Of course she hopes she doesn’t (9) fail.

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