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Joe Kehoe

For our second speaker we had artist Anthony Montuori. While I did enjoy

his work more than the last speaker, I still did not really enjoy his work. Most of

his work was centered around video games as a medium, a point which I

definitely found interesting. However all but one of his games technically could

not be considered games as they have no end point or goal.

Of his projects the only one that I enjoyed was Debtris, and I only liked that

because I like Tetris. While I liked that his pieces were interactive, most of his

games just seemed like the stereotypical hipster definition of art. All of it had a

bleak message and took something really fun, like video games, and made it

purposely not fun.

That is not to say that his art is not good. He has been showing his games

for over six years now. This just shows the point that not all art has to be for

everyone, and just because it is not does not detract from the quality of the art.

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