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Colegio Tecnológico Profesor Justo

González Carrasco

Teacher name:
Katherine Eunice Carranza Recinos.
Student name:

Keren Ester Pérez Chévez.

Class: English
Grade: 11th

What country would you like to travel to?
The country I would like to travel to is Israel
Why would I like to travel to Israel?
because it is to take a walk through history, through its archeology, discover ethnic
mosaics with several years old, visit Jerusalem also known as the golden city, walk
in the dead sea that is at the lowest point on earth and finally visit the city of eliat
which is located on the shores of the red sea.

How are the people in Israel?

With a population of nearly 9 million, the majority of whom are Jews, Israel is the
only Jewish state in the world. It is also home to Muslim Arabs, Christians, Druze
and Samaritans, as well as other religious and ethnic groups. minority.

Typical dishes of Israel

 Hummus
means "chickpea", it is one of the first typical meals of Israel. It consists of a
delicious chickpea cream cooked with
lemon juice, garlic, sesame paste and

 Falafel
Its meaning is "pepper" and its origin is
totally uncertain, although it is believed to have something to do with biblical
teachings. It is a combination of lima
beans and chickpeas. The faláfel is
consumed as a starter and is served with
yogurt or pita bread.
 Shakshuka
It is a staple of typical Israeli food that
was introduced by Tunisian Jews. It is
made with poached eggs in a tomato,
garlic and onion sauce.

 Israeli salad
It is called salat katzutz and is Israel's
best-known national dish. The Israeli
salad is consumed as an independent
garnish and some legends locate its
origin in Russia. What is this typical
Israeli food made of? It is made with pepper, parsley, carrot, unpeeled cucumber,
green leafy vegetables, tomato, olive oil and lemon juice. Also, in some cases it is
seasoned with yogurt or za'atar.

 Sabich

It cannot be missing in every Israeli home,

it is possibly the typical food of Israel with
the highest consumption. Its provenance
is attributed to Iraqi Jews. A good sabich
is one that has fried aubergine and hard-
boiled egg wrapped in pita bread.

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