Lesson 2 Term 1 Science

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Nefertari International Schools Science Department

Fifth primary

Unit one
Lesson (2) Seeing Colored Objects
Colored transparent & semi- Colored opaque objects
transparent objects
1. They absorb all the light colors. 1. They absorb all the light
2. And allow only its color to pass colors.
through it. 2. And reflect its own color.

G.R.F. G.R.F.
• You see the glass sheet • The banana seems
green. yellow.

Answer: Answer:
Because: Because:
1-colored transparent objects 1-colored opaque objects
2-absorb all the light colors 2-absorb all the light colors
3-and allow only it’s color to pass. 3- and reflect its own color.
Black objects White objects

• They absorb all the light colors • They reflect all the light
and don’t reflect any color. colors.

G.R.F. G.R.F.
• Your shoes seem black. • The paper seems white.

Answer: Because it is a black opaque Answer: Because it is a white

object that absorbs all the light colors opaque object that reflect all the
and don’t reflect any color. light colors.
Colors of light are classified (divided) into

Primary light Secondary

colors light colors

Red- Green-Blue
Magenta- Yellow- Cyan
Mixing the three primary light colors gives
Mixing two of the primary light
the white light color.
colors produce secondary light
Red+ Green+ Blue White Blue+ Red Magenta
Green+ Blue Cyan
Green+ Red Yellow

• It’s formed by mixing the three primary colors. (White light color)
Nefertari International Schools Science Department
Fifth primary

work sheet [2]

A) Write the scientific term for the following: -

1- The color produced by mixing two primary colors.
[…Secondary light colors……]

2- It absorbs all light colors and allows only its own color to pass through it.
[…Colored transparent or Colored semi-transparent…].

3- The seven light colors that forms the white light.

[…Seven spectrum colors…..]

B) Complete the following: -

1- Red + green + blue ……White light color…. .

2- The opaque colored objects have the same color of light that …reflects….

3- Red + green …Yellow…. .

4- The transparent colored objects have the same color of the light that
…Pass through it……. .

5- The prism separates sunlight into … 7-spectrum colors…. .

C) Put ( ) or (x) and correct the wrong ones:-

1- An object seems white since it reflects all the colors forming the white
light. ( True ) [……………..…………].

2- Yellow, magenta and cyan are called primary colors. ( False ).

[…Secondary light colors..].

3-Red light + green light + Blue light = White light color ( True )
[……………………………. ].

D) Give reasons for the following: -

1- The apple appears red.

…Because red apple is opaque colored object that absorbs all light colors
and reflect its own color which is red………

2- The board seems white.

…Because white absorbs all light colors and reflects all light colors….

3- The blue transparent glass seems blue.

……Because blue transparent absorbs all the light colors and allow its own
color to pass……

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