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Date 23 APR 2021

Time 8:20

So its the time of Corona penedemic and its the second strain we have experienced
our first lockdown last year when this virus first enter in our nation so we have
to strictly follow the
lockdown and we have done that and that's why we have crossed that time but this
year the second strain is seem to be more dangerous because this time the death
rate is more than the last
year . But between all this one thing is happpened with me which is that it
reuined my two birthday's because tommorow is my birthday ! yes 24 April is my
birthday and last year there was
lockdown and this year its not totally lockdown but weekend lockdown is there and
yes tommorow is saturday ...

OK so tommorow I'm goona be 16 and due to this penedmic I have lost my one year of
school life and so many things like Interhouse school tournament , class bunking ,
time in class which we
spent with our friends and so on . OK so lets start with the last year so 2019 was
an ordinary year things happen according to us only like what we have planned . Ya
i was in class 8 and
yes what a year was that full of fun excitement and there were so many matter was
happened with me . So first I will recall the good thing that happned with me at
2018 ...

So we all friends have meet after our final exams of class 7 and we all are so
happy as we are in new class new teacher new acadmic year . Things are normal we
have our own friends group
in class we are happy and like this 3 months have passed and we have our 1 UT and
we are quite excited because its 20 marks paper and especially it will going to
happen in our class
with friends . And test are started they are going well and now exams are over but
the exam of SANSCRIT is still left and everyone knows the sanscrit of icsc students
it was like useless
for them but we live in India so we have to study sanscrit for 3 years from class
6 to 8 and seriously men our hindi and sanscrit teacher is like whaooo she was one
of the wonder of our
school like she was so irritating men and yes we are more annoying from her LOL .
So the time she enters in our class everyone shouts and she always stuck on 3 of
the students ANSH , AYAAN
and SARTHAK the three most annoying boys according to her {but trust me bro our
whole class is full of legends} . If i'm goona describe them it will never end so
leave it and yes our sanscrit
paper is here and beleive me guys it seems like whole class is ready for cheating
everyone has their own sources someone's topper friend id there and rest have their
books under the table
. But she played a game she calls out all the backbenchers at front and first
benchers at back but still we have cheated alot and paper was awsome for us and yes
like this the paper's are
end now . And

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