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Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263

Computational study of an incident shock wave

into a Helmholtz resonator
Y.-H. Kweon a, T. Aoki a, Y. Miyazato a, H.-D. Kim b,*
, T. Setoguchi c

Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Kyushu University, 6-1, Kasuga kouen, Kasuga, Fukuoka 816-8580, Japan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Andong National University, 388, Songchun-dong, Andong 760-749, Republic of Korea
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saga University, 1, Honjo, Saga 840-8502, Japan

Received 14 July 2004; received in revised form 30 May 2005; accepted 10 September 2005
Available online 23 November 2005


The behavior of an incident shock wave into a Helmholtz resonator is very important from the acoustical point of view as well as
the fundamental researches of shock wave dynamics. When a shock wave propagates into a Helmholtz resonator, complicated wave
phenomena are formed both inside and outside the resonator. Shock wave reflections, shock wave focusing phenomena, and shock–
vortex interactions cause strong pressure fluctuations inside the resonator, consequently leading to powerful sound emission. The
wave phenomena inside the resonator are influenced by detailed configuration of the resonator. It is well known that the gas inside
the resonator strongly oscillates at a resonance frequency, as the incident wavelength is larger, compared with the geometrical length
scale of the resonator, but there are only a few works regarding a shock wave that has an extremely short wavelength. Meanwhile,
the discharge process of the incident shock wave from the resonator is another interest with regard to an impulse wave generation
that is a source of serious noise and vibration problems of the resonator. In the present study, the wave phenomena inside and out-
side the Helmholtz resonator are, in detail, investigated with a help of a computational fluid dynamics method. The incident shock
Mach number is varied below 2.0, and many different types of the resonators are explored to investigate the influence of the reso-
nator geometry on the wave phenomena. A total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme is employed to solve two-dimensional,
unsteady, compressible Euler equations. The computational results are compared with existing experimental data to ensure that
the present computations are valid to predict the resonator wave phenomena. Based upon the results obtained, the shock wave
focusing and discharge processes, which are important in determining the resonator flow characteristics, are discussed in detail.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In general, Helmholtz resonator consists of a body to

contain gas and a hole or a neck, and it has long been
In 1860, Helmholtz [1] first established the mathemat- utilized as an effective acoustic attenuation device at
ical formula to explain the wave phenomenon inside a the low frequencies, which are the resonance dictated
resonator. His theory was strictly applicable only to a by the combination of cavity and neck, and their relative
resonator, which has a circular opening in the resonator orientation. The characteristic frequency of the Helm-
wall, without having a neck. After that, Rayleigh [2,3] holtz resonator corresponds to the sound wave of the
suggested a more simplified theory than the Helmholtz wavelength which greatly exceeds the size of the resona-
work. tor, and is governed by its volume and the mass of the
fluid [4,5]. When the acoustic wavelength notably
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 54 820 5622; fax: +82 54 823
exceeds the resonatorÕs dimension, the gas in and near
5495/1630. the neck moves compressing and expanding the gas vol-
E-mail address: (H.-D. Kim). ume, and the vibration system, which is similar to a

0045-7930/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y.-H. Kweon et al. / Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263 1253


a speed of sound, eigenvalue of flux Jacobian x longitudinal distance in Cartesian co-ordi-

matrix nate
C acoustic compliance y transverse distance in Cartesian co-ordinate
D diameter of resonator c ratio of specific heats
e total energy per unit volume q density
fr resonance frequency of resonator Dt time interval
F numerical flux in the x direction Dx grid space in the x direction
g limiter function w entropy correction function
G flux vectors in the y direction
H neck height of resonator Sub/superscripts
L differential operator, neck length of resonator 1 atmosphere state
M acoustic mass 2 state behind the incident shock wave
Ms Mach number of incident shock wave non-dimensional quantity
p static pressure d discharge
R right eigenvector of the flux Jacobian, radius f focus
of Helmholtz resonator geo geometrical focus
t time gas gas dynamic focus
Tr resonance period h incident shock wave propagated into a reso-
u velocity component in the x direction nator
U vector of conservation variables i space node in the x direction
v velocity component in the y direction j space node in the y direction
V volume of resonator max maximum peak value
W flux vectors on the symmetric axis, neck n time step
width of resonator

spring-mass system is formed inside the resonator. Con- imentally the effects of a periodic array of Helmholtz
sequently, the mass of the gas oscillates both back and resonators on forced longitudinal oscillations of an air
forth in the neck, and inside the resonator with a reso- column in a closed tube. According to the results of their
nance frequency. experiments, the array reduces the resonance frequency
Until now, a great deal of experimental and theoreti- and the peak value, while its dispersive effect (i.e., the
cal researches has been carried out to investigate the dependence of sound speed on frequency) can effectively
acoustic characteristics of the Helmholtz resonator. Cha- annihilate the shock wave. They also developed the non-
naud [6] investigated the effects of geometry on the reso- linear cubic theory to obtain a frequency response of
nator frequency of Helmholtz resonators with a cavity shock-free, forced oscillations of an air column in a
that is a rectangular parallel-piped and bounded by closed tube with an array of Helmholtz resonators [10].
either a circular, rectangular, and cross-shaped orifice, Moreover, the Helmholtz resonator is being employed
and developed mathematical formulae for the internal as a means of noise control strategy, the wave phenom-
and external ‘‘end corrections’’ of Helmholtz resonator. ena generated in high-speed railway train, automobile
He also developed theoretical equations for the internal and aerospace technologies, MEMS (micro-electro-
end correction of a resonator with a cylindrical cavity [7]. mechanical systems) technologies, etc. In the high-speed
Selamet and Lee [8] investigated theoretically and railway train/tunnel systems, the Helmholtz resonator
experimentally the acoustic performance of a concentric has been employed as the noise control means of the
circular Helmholtz resonator with an extended neck, impulse noise which is generated by the discharge of a
and showed that the resonance frequency can be con- compression wave from the tunnel exit [11].
trolled by the length, shape, and perforation porosity Vardy and Brown [12] investigated theoretically the
of the extended neck without changing the cavity. influence of air pockets in ballast track that is linked
For the engineering applications of Helmholtz reso- to a series of Helmholtz resonators. Nagaya et al. [13]
nator, it is known that a periodic array of Helmholtz investigated a new type of silencer to reduce the high-
resonator is very effective to annihilate a shock wave frequency noise generated in a blower, and suggested
in propagation of nonlinear acoustic waves in an air- a two-stage Helmholtz resonator with automatically
filled tube. Recently, Sugimoto et al. [9] examined exper- tuning control.
1254 Y.-H. Kweon et al. / Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263

With regard to the development of high-impulse where

momentum sources for application to micro-propulsion 2 3 2 3
q qu
and flow control, such as micro-electro-mechanical sys- 6 qu 7 6 qu2 þ p 7
tems (MEMS) fabrication technique, the resonator is U ¼6 7 6
4 qv 5; F ¼ 4 quv 5;
applied at the walls inside the nozzle, leading to a better
thrust performance [14]. Yoda and Konishi [15] have e ðe þ pÞu
2 3 2 3
improved the Helmholtz resonator performance by qv qv
6 quv 7 16 7
modifying the geometrical parameters to obtain effective G¼6 7 6 quv 7
noise reduction. They also tried to develop a compact 4 qv2 þ p 5; W ¼ y 4 qv2 5;
and adaptive passive noise control system for the ðe þ pÞv ðe þ pÞv
MEMS technologies, and suggested the noise control
and x is the longitudinal distance, y is the transverse dis-
system, being effective to control the acoustics in a duct.
tance, q is the density and u and v are the velocity com-
Unfortunately, most of these works associated with the
ponents for the x and y directions, respectively. The
Helmholtz resonator are mainly limited to sound waves or
total energy e per unit volume of the gas is expressed
compression waves, which have a comparatively long
as e = p/(c  1) + q(u2 + v2)/2.
wavelength. There are only a few works with regard to
In computations, Eq. (1) is rewritten in non-dimen-
shock waves, in which, the Helmholtz resonator gas
sional form by referring the quantities to atmospheric
dynamics can be different from that of the sound waves.
conditions, as follows:
In case that a shock wave propagates into the Helmholtz
p q
resonator, the wave characteristics are influenced by very p0 ¼ ; q0 ¼ ;
complicated shock wave dynamics, such as shock wave p1 q1
reflection and discharge [16–22], shock wave focusing u v t x y
u ¼ pffiffiffi ; v ¼ pffiffiffi ; t0 ¼
0 0
pffiffiffi ; x0 ¼ ; y 0 ¼ ;
[23,24], shock–vortex interaction [25], etc. At present, a1 c a1 c ðD=a1 Þ c D D
the associated wave phenomena are not known well. ð2Þ
Very recently, Matsuura et al. [26] carried out exper-
where the subscript 1 indicates the atmospheric condi-
imental work to investigate the behavior of a shock
tion, D the diameter of Helmholtz resonator and a the
wave propagating into a Helmholtz resonator. Their
speed of sound. If the symbol ( 0 ), indicating the non-
research was limited to a shock wave with a specific
dimensional quantities, is omitted for the sake of sim-
Mach number. Further study is needed to understand
plicity, then the equation system is exactly equivalent
the wave characteristics of the shock wave into a Helm-
to Eq. (1). For the present computational analysis, the
holtz resonator.
total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme is applied to
The objective of the current work is numerically to
solve the governing equations.
investigate the propagation characteristics of a shock
wave into a Helmholtz resonator in detail. Computa-
2.2. Numerical scheme
tions were carried out to solve the unsteady, two-dimen-
sional, compressible, Euler equations. The total
The TVD scheme has been known to be very effective
variation diminishing (TVD) scheme of Yee–Roe–Davis
for computing the phenomena of shock waves without
[27] was used to discretize the governing equations. For
presenting the spurious oscillations, which were often
several configurations of the Helmholtz resonator, the
encountered in the presence of strong discontinuities in
Mach number of the incident shock wave is varied in
conventional second-order schemes. The concept of
the range from 1.1 to 2.0. The results obtained from
the TVD scheme was first introduced by Harten [28],
the present computations are validated with the previ-
and has its origin in an important property of a scalar
ous experimental ones [23,26].
conservation law ut + fx = 0: the total variation (TV)
of any physically admissible solution
2. Computational analysis ou
TV ¼  dx;
2.1. Governing equations does not increase in time. The total variation in x (TVD)
of a discrete solution to a scalar conservation law is
In order to analyze the wave phenomena generated in defined by
the Helmholtz resonator, two-dimensional, unsteady, X
compressible, Euler equations are used in the present TVðuÞ ¼ ðuiþ1  ui Þ. ð3Þ
study. The governing conservation equations are given by,
A numerical solution is considered as a bounded total
oU oF oG variation or a total variation if the total variation is
þ þ þ W ¼ 0; ð1Þ
ot ox oy uniformly bounded in t and Dx.
Y.-H. Kweon et al. / Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263 1255

Harten [28] proposed the total variation diminishing The function W(ai+1/2), called an entropy correction
condition as a monotonicity condition to be satisfied by function, is defined as,
TVðunþ1 Þ 6 TVðun Þ. ð4Þ (
jaiþ1=2 j if jaiþ1=2 j P e;
A scheme satisfying the above condition is called a TVD Wðaiþ1=2 Þ ¼ ð12Þ
ða2iþ1=2 þ e2 Þ=ð2eÞ if jaiþ1=2 j < e;
For the present computational analysis, the Yee–
where e is a small positive number. This function cor-
Roe–Davis total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme
rects the entropy to prevent it from violating solutions,
[27], as will be described later, is applied to discretize
such as expansion shock waves.
the governing equations. For computation of the time-
dependent flows, an operator splitting technique, which
2.3. Computational domain and boundary conditions
was suggested by Sod [29], is employed for temporal and
spatial derivatives. Then Eq. (1) can be given by a set of
Fig. 1 shows the schematic description of the compu-
one-dimensional equations:
tational domain, boundary conditions and initial condi-
oU oF tions applied to the present computations. The
Lx : þ ¼ 0;
ot ox computational domain consists of the regions inside
oU oG and outside the Helmholtz resonator. The upstream
Ly : þ ¼ 0; ð5Þ domain of the resonator is extended up to 3D from
ot oy
the inlet of the resonator neck, where D and H mean
oU the resonator diameter and the neck height of the reso-
Lw : þ W ¼ 0;
ot nator, respectively. The computation was carried out
nþ2 only in the half domain of the resonator because the
U i;j ¼ Lw Lx Ly Ly Lx Lw U nn;j ; ð6Þ
flow field is assumed to be axisymmetric.
Dt b n n An incident shock wave with Mach number Ms is ini-
Lx U ni;j ¼ U i;j
¼ U nj;j  ðF  Fb i1=2 Þ; ð7Þ
Dx iþ1=2 tially located at x/D = 0.5 away from the inlet of the
where subscripts i, j and superscript n indicate the space resonator neck, and at the instant of the start of compu-
nodes and time step, respectively, and Lx and Ly the dif- tation, it is assumed to propagate into the resonator. As
ferential operators for the x and y directions, respec- shown in Fig. 1(b), p1 and p2 indicate the atmospheric
tively. In Eq. (7), Dt and Dx indicate the time interval
and the grid space in the x direction, respectively, and
Fb denotes the numerical flux in the x direction, which
is expressed as, L D
D= 2R

Fb iþ1=2 ¼ 12ðF ni þ F niþ1 þ Rniþ1=2  Uniþ1=2 Þ;

H =D


where Rniþ1=2 is a matrix whose column vectors are the

right eigenvectors of the flux Jacobian oF/oU, evaluated
with a symmetric average of Ui,j and Ui+1,j. The last term
Rniþ1=2  Uniþ1=2 represents the anti-diffusive flux contribu-
(Helmholtz resonator) (Half circular reflector)
tion that corrects the excessive dissipation of first-order
numerical flux in a non-linear way. The numerical flux (a) Helmholtz resonator and half circular reflector
G in the y direction can be similarly expressed.
For the Yee–Roe–Davis second-order TVD scheme, y /D
the vector Uniþ1=2 is given as, Slip-wall conditions
Dt 2
Uiþ1=2 ¼  ðaiþ1=2 Þ giþ1=2 þ Wðaiþ1=2 Þðaiþ1=2  giþ1=2 Þ ; Inflow/outflow

where ai+1/2 is the eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix, -3 0 x/D

ai+1/2 is the spatial difference of local characteristic vari- Incident Symmetric conditions
p2 shock wave
ables, and gi+1/2 is the limiter function. ai+1/2 and gi+1/2 p1
are defined respectively, as follows: Initial conditions
aiþ1=2 ¼ R1iþ1=2 U iþ1;j  U i;j ; ð10Þ (b) Boundary conditions and initial conditions
giþ1=2 ¼ min modðai1=2 ; aiþ1=2 ; aiþ3=2 Þ. ð11Þ Fig. 1. Computational domain and boundary conditions.
1256 Y.-H. Kweon et al. / Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263

13.0 is based upon acoustic mass and acoustic compliance,

Δx=Δy=R/n where the acoustic mass M can be expressed by
M ¼ qSL; ð13Þ
where S is the cross sectional area of the neck and is given
as S = HW, q is the density of the gas inside the resona-
pmax /p1

12.0 n=200 n=250 n=300 tor, L and H are the neck length and neck height of the
resonator, respectively, and W is the neck width of the
resonator. In the present study, W is equal to 2.27D for
11.5 the purpose of comparison with Matsuura et al.Õs exper-
iment (D = 22 mm, H = 10 mm, L = 5 mm, and W =
50 mm) [26]. The acoustic compliance C is related to
11.0 the volume of the resonator and the speed of sound, as
0x105 1x105 2x105 3x105 4x105 5x105 6x105
Grid number
C ¼ V =qa2 ; ð14Þ
Fig. 2. Dependence of the numerical grid density on the predicted
maximum peak pressure (H/D = 0.46, Ms = 1.7). where V means the volume of the resonator, and a is the
speed of sound. From two equations above, the reso-
nance period Tr and frequency fr are obtained as
pressure and the pressure just behind the incident shock pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
T r ¼ 2p MC ; ð15Þ
wave, respectively, in which its Mach number Ms is var-
fr ¼ 1=T r . ð16Þ
ied between 1.1 and 2.0 in the present computations.
As the inflow and outflow boundary conditions, the For instance, the resonance frequency of the resonator,
zeroth-order extrapolation is used for the conservative which is H/D = 0.46, is calculated to be 3.89 kHz. This
variables. The symmetric conditions are applied on the resonance frequency increases with an increase in H/D,
centre-line of the resonator. The boundary conditions as shown in Fig. 3.
on all the surfaces inside and outside of the resonator According to the linear acoustic theories which are
are the slip-wall conditions. given in Eqs. (13)–(16), the resonance frequency of a
A square grid system is employed in the present com- resonator is derived using the assumption that for
putation. The fineness of computational grid required to
obtain grid independent solutions was first examined
with the experimental data [23]. A grid density over 1.00
Dx = Dy = R/200 seemed to no longer change the accu- L/D=0.23
racy of the obtained solutions, as can be seen in Fig. 2. A 0.75
grid size of Dx = Dy = R/250 was employed so that the
Tr (ms)

solutions obtained were independent of the grid density. 0.50

The dependence of the numerical solutions on the grid
density employed is found in Fig. 2, where the maximum 0.25
peak pressure pmax is defined as the peak value achieved
by the shock wave focusing. The maximum peak pres- 0.00
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
sure is no longer changed, when the number of the H/D
numerical grid n is larger than 250.
(a) Resonance period
Several different types of the resonator are employed
in the present study. In order to change the configura- 5.0
tion of the resonator, the value of H/D is varied between L/D=0.23
0.1 and 0.6 at fixed D. The length of the resonator neck 4.0
fr (kHz)

L is held constant at 0.23D. In addition, computations

are carried out for the half circular reflector whose H 3.0
is the same as the resonator diameter (i.e., H/D = 1.0),
as schematically shown in Fig. 1(a). 2.0

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
3. Acoustic theory of Helmholtz resonator H/D
(b) Resonance frequency
The resonance frequency of the Helmholtz resonator
is obtainable using the acoustic theory of sound wave. It Fig. 3. Relationship between resonance frequency and H/D.
Y.-H. Kweon et al. / Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263 1257

oscillation, mass is concentrated on the neck of the res-

onator, and that spring constant is given by the resona-
tor volume. The present study is related to the shock
waves that are strong nonlinear phenomenon with high
frequency. When a shock wave propagates into the res-
onator, very complicated wave phenomenon take place
inside outside of the resonator, such as shock reflection,
shock wave focusing, shock–vortex interaction, and the
shock wave discharge from the resonator. Due to the
complicated shock wave reflections that occur inside
the resonator, the pressure continues to fluctuate after
the wave discharge. Such wave phenomena are different
from the simple sinuous wave-motion of mass-spring
The resonance frequency, as given in Eq. (16), is not
adequate for the shock wave discharge from the resona-
tor. The present study yields the shock focusing time,
which is associated with the mean-velocity of shock
wave in the resonator. Thus, the shock wave focusing
time can be an important parameter in predicting the
shock wave discharge, as will be described later.

4. Results and discussion

Figs. 4 and 5 show the behavior of the shock wave

propagating into a Helmholtz resonator, where Ms =
1.7 and H/D = 0.46, and non-dimensional time t 0 is
assumed to be zero for the instant that the incident
shock wave arrives at the inlet of the resonator neck
(x/D = 0). At t 0 = 0.18, just after the incident shock
wave entered the inlet of the resonator neck, a part of
the shock wave propagates into the resonator through
the neck while the other part reflects from the wall of
the resonator neck and propagates back toward the inlet
of the resonator. The expansion waves are generated
behind the reflected shock waves, causing shock wave Fig. 4. Experimental and computed Schlieren images (H/D = 0.46,
diffractions near the edges of the resonator neck. It is Ms = 1.7).
also found that the vortices are formed at the inlet of
the resonator neck. At t 0 = 0.37, the shock wave propa-
gates into the resonator and the resulting wave patterns by the two reflected shock waves and the compression
are changed from a normal to a curved shock wave. As waves. Fig. 5 shows the formation and movement of the
time increases, the curved shock wave propagates triple point and the symbol T indicates the triple point.
toward the vertex of the resonator, and in this case, The triple point moves toward the centre-line of the reso-
the regular reflections are formed on the upper and nator, consequently coalescing at a certain location on the
lower walls of the resonator (see Fig. 4(c)). Due to the centre-line. Shock wave focusing is obtained at this loca-
pressure difference in the region between the curved tion, where the location pressure reaches a maximum
shock wave and the expansion waves generated from value. After the shock wave focusing, the reflected shock
the edges of the resonator neck, a secondary shock wave waves are crossed and propagate toward the neck of the
is formed and interacting with two vortices, as seen in resonator with time. As the reflected shock waves strongly
Fig. 4(c) and (d). interact with the vortices and the secondary shock waves,
When the curved shock wave completely reflects from the complicated wave structures are formed, and dis-
the vertex of the resonator, the resulting shock wave is charged from the resonator, as shown in Fig. 4(e). From
converging. The reflected shock wave is convex to the res- a comparison of the present computations and the previ-
onator. Thus, the compression waves are formed along ous experimental results [26], it is found that there is qual-
the resonator wall surface. The triple point is generated itative agreement.
1258 Y.-H. Kweon et al. / Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263

of the resonator, compared with the case of H/D = 0.46

in Fig. 4. With an increase in time, the vortices generated
near the edges of the resonator neck grow gradually
and move into the resonator. At t 0 = 1.59, the shock
wave focusing is formed. The shock waves reflected
inside the resonator are discharged through the neck of
the resonator as an impulse wave, as shown in Fig. 6(g)
and (h).
For Ms = 1.5, Fig. 7 shows the detailed pressure
distributions before and after shock wave focusing at
H/D = 0.6. For reference, the pressure distributions
along the centre-line of the resonator are also presented.
Fig. 7(a) shows the pressure distribution before the
shock wave focusing, and the triple points and the vor-
tices are obviously found inside the resonator. Outside
the resonator, the shock waves reflected from the wall
Fig. 5. Formation and movement of triple point (H/D = 0.46, Ms = 1.7). of the resonator neck propagate back toward the
upstream boundary, and the regular reflection is formed
on the centre-line. With an increase in time, the regular
reflection is changed to the Mach reflection, as can be
seen in Fig. 7(c). At the instant of the shock wave focus-
ing, as shown in Fig. 7(b), the local pressure reaches a
maximum value at x/D = about 0.9. After the shock
wave focusing, the shock wave propagates toward the
neck of the resonator, and strongly interacts with the
vortices. This gives rise to the complicated wave struc-
tures inside the resonator, causing large pressure
At the same conditions, the shock waves discharged
from the resonator are shown in Fig. 8. At t 0 = 2.19,
the strong vortices are observed inside the resonator,
and the shock waves propagate toward the neck of the
resonator, interacting with the vortices. At t 0 = 2.78,
the shock waves begin to discharge from the neck of
the resonator, leading to the impulse waves. The strong
vortices are indicated as the concave parts in the pre-
dicted pressure contours. The wave phenomenon, which
is generated outside the Helmholtz resonator, at the
vicinity of resonance condition, can be important with
regard to such engineering applications as mentioned
previously. In order to make clear such wave phenom-
ena, a tremendous computing time would be required.
The present study is concentrated on the flow phenom-
ena inside the Helmholtz resonator.
Fig. 9 shows the pressure-time histories at the inlet A
of the resonator and its gas-dynamic focus [24], where
xgas indicates the distance between the gas dynamic
focus B and the vertex C of the resonator. At the loca-
Fig. 6. Computed iso-pressure contours (H/D = 0.1, Ms = 1.7).
tion A, the pressure sharply rises up to a certain over
pressure level (p2/p1 = 3.2), as the incident shock wave
with Ms = 1.7 reaches the point A at t 0 = 0.28, and it
Fig. 6 shows the propagation process of the shock maintains constant for a short time. Then the pressure
wave inside the resonator, where the Mach number Ms suddenly decreases, as the expansion waves generated
of the incident shock wave is 1.7, and H/D is 0.1. At from the edges of the resonator neck reaches the point
t 0 = 0.51, the shock wave inside the resonator is dif- A. At t 0 = 2.5, the pressure rises again due to the inci-
fracted more significantly due to the smaller neck height dent shock waves reflected back from the resonator.
Y.-H. Kweon et al. / Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263 1259

Fig. 7. Iso-pressure contours before and after shock wave focusing (H/D = 0.6, Ms = 1.5).

At t 0 = 3.0, the pressure rise is due to the discharge of for the resonator of H/D = 0.6 and Ms = 2.0, the maxi-
the complicated wave structures from the resonator. mum peak pressure is about 150% higher than that of
At point B, the pressure rises to a certain value ph/p1, H/D = 0.10. From a comparison of a half-circular
which corresponds to the incident shock wave propa- reflector and the Helmholtz resonator, it is found that
gated into the resonator. At t 0 = 1.4, the pressure shar- pmax,f/p1 for the half circular reflector is much higher,
ply rises to a maximum peak value (pmax,f/p1), which is compared with the Helmholtz resonator.
due to the shock wave focusing. This peak pressure is The variation of the maximum peak pressure with the
extremely high and very sharp, being about 12 times neck height of the resonator is shown in Fig. 11. For a
atmospheric pressure. After the shock wave focusing, weak incident shock wave (Ms 6 1.3), the value of
the pressure decreases with time, and fluctuating due (pmax,f  ph)/p1 increases slightly with an increase in
to the complicated wave structures inside the resonator. H/D. However, for strong shock waves, it increases with
Fig. 10 represents the relationship between the maxi- H/D and becomes almost constant for further increase
mum peak pressure achieved by the shock wave focusing in H/D. It is, thus, believed that for strong incident
and the Mach number of the incident shock wave, where shock waves, the value of (pmax,f  ph)/p1 is not influ-
pmax,f/p1 means the maximum peak pressure due to the enced by the neck height of the resonator which has
shock wave focusing, divided by atmospheric pressure. H/D larger than a certain value.
At fixed values of L/D and H/D, pmax,f/p1 increases with Fig. 12 shows the relationship between ph/p2 and Ms, for
an increase in Ms. This tendency seems remarkable as various values of H/D, where p2 is the pressure just behind
H/D increases. It is also found that for a given Ms, the incident shock wave and ph the pressure of the incident
pmax,f/p1 increases with an increase in H/D. For instance, shock wave passing through the point B (see Fig. 9). For a
1260 Y.-H. Kweon et al. / Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263

Fig. 8. Shock wave discharged from Helmholtz resonator (H/D = 0.6, Ms = 1.5).

given H/D, the value of ph/p2 decreases with an increase in very big computational domain enough to contain the
Ms. This tendency is rather weak as H/D increases. waves discharged from the resonator. In the present
For various values of H/D, the relationship between study, the wave phenomena inside the Helmholtz reso-
pd/p1 and Ms is represented in Fig. 13, where pd is the nator are analyzed using the shock wave focusing time
peak pressure at the point A, which is due to the shock and the shock wave discharge time.
wave discharged from the resonator (see Fig. 9). The Fig. 14 shows the shock wave focusing and discharge
value of pd/p1 increases with an increase in Ms. It is time, where t0f is the shock wave focusing time, and t0d the
interesting to note that for H/D > 0.1, the value of shock wave discharge time in which both are taken from
pd/p1 has an inflection point at Ms = about 1.5, while the instant that the incident shock wave arrives at the
for H/D = 0.1, it increases monotonously with Ms. This inlet of the resonator neck (see Fig. 9). It is found that
may be because the shock wave propagated into the t0f and t0d slightly decrease with an increase in both
resonator is diffracted more significantly due to the H/D and Ms. From a comparison with the previous
smaller neck height of the resonator and its strength experimental data [26], the present computation predict
becomes very weak, compared with a larger neck height. well the experimental results of t0f and t0d .
It is difficult to obtain the resonance frequency for the Fig. 15 shows the relationship between Ms and xgas,
shock wave propagating into the Helmholtz resonator, where the geometrical focus of the resonator is given
because the complicated wave structures are formed by xgeo, and defined as a location where linear acoustic
inside the resonator due to the shock wave reflection, waves reflected from the concave solid wall are focused,
shock–vortex interaction, etc. However, it may be and for a circular reflector it is 0.25D, regardless of H/D
obtained if the computing time is not limited, under a and Ms. All of the present computational data show that
Y.-H. Kweon et al. / Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263 1261

Vertex of Helmholtz
resonator Ms=2.0
A (Gasdynamic focus) B C 5
(Inlet of Helmholtz resonator) x gas

(pmax, f - ph) /p1

14 4 Ms=1.5
at B Ms=1.3
at A
2 Ms=1.1


pmax, f /p1 1
4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
pd /p1 H/D
2 p2 /p1 ph /p1
Fig. 11. Variation of maximum peak pressure with H/D.

0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 9. Pressure-time histories (H/D = 0.6, Ms = 1.7).


L/D=0.23 0.9
ph /p2

25 H/D=0.20
20 H/D=0.60 H/D=0.20
Half circular H/D=0.10
pmax, f /p1

1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Fig. 12. Magnitude of the incident shock wave propagated into
Helmholtz resonator.

1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 predicts the location of the gas dynamic focus, compared
Ms with the experimental data [26]. The shock wave focusing
is a typical nonlinear phenomenon, and the present
Fig. 10. Variation of maximum peak pressure with Ms.
computational analysis was made using unsteady, com-
pressible Euler equations. The discrepancy between the
experimental and computed results can be due to the vis-
xgas decreases, as Ms increases, and that it is considerably cous effects which are essentially involved in the shock
different from the geometrical focus of the resonator. For reflection and shock/shock interaction phenomena.
the same Mach number Ms, xgas becomes shorter as H/D However, for the half circular reflector (i.e., H/D =
increases. For instance, in the case of Ms = 1.7 and 1.0), the present computation predicts the experimental
H/D = 0.46, the present computation somewhat over- results [23] with quite good accuracy.
1262 Y.-H. Kweon et al. / Computers & Fluids 35 (2006) 1252–1263

8.0 5. Conclusion
7.0 H/D=0.10
H/D=0.20 In the present study, the wave phenomena inside the
H/D=0.30 Helmholtz resonator are analyzed with a help of compu-
tational method. Two-dimensional, unsteady, compress-
5.0 ible, Euler equations are numerically solved using the
pd /p1

Yee–Roe–Davis total variation diminishing (TVD)

4.0 scheme. Several kinds of resonators are employed to
investigate the effect of the resonator configuration on
the complicated wave phenomena inside the Helmholtz
2.0 resonator. The present computational results are vali-
dated with the previous experimental data available.
1.0 The obtained results show that the maximum peak pres-
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
sure at the shock wave focusing location increases and
the focusing location is closer to the resonator wall, as
Fig. 13. Peak pressure of the shock wave discharged from Helmholtz the Mach number of the incident shock wave and the
resonator. neck height of the resonator increase. For a given inci-
dent shock wave, an increase in the neck height of the
L/D=0.23 tf′ Experiment - Ref.26 resonator leads to a stronger shock wave, which is prop-
td′ (Ms =1.7, H/D=0.46)
agated into the Helmholtz resonator, resulting in a
Present CFD stronger wave discharge from the resonator. It is also
1.5 td′
found that an increase in the neck height of the resona-
Ms=1.1 Ms =1.3 Ms=1.5 Ms =1.7
tor decreases the shock wave focusing and discharge
time. Because the complicated wave structures are
t′f, td′

formed inside the resonator due to the shock wave
reflection and discharge, shock–vortex interaction, etc.,
the wave phenomena inside the Helmholtz resonator
0.5 can more effectively analyzed using the shock wave
Ms=2.0 Ms=1.7 Ms=1.5
focusing time and discharge time than theoretical reso-
Ms=1.3 Ms=1.1 nance frequency of the resonator.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
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