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International Geology Review

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Re-Os-Isotope Systematics of Sulfides

from Base-Metal Porphyry and Manto-
Type Mineralization in Chile
a a a a
Joaquin Ruiz , Claire Freydier , Tom Mccandless , John Chesley
& Francisco Munizaga
Department of Geosciences , University of Arizona, Tucson,
Arizona, 85721
Departamento de Geologia , Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Version of record first published: 06 Jul 2010.

To cite this article: Joaquin Ruiz , Claire Freydier , Tom Mccandless , John Chesley & Francisco
Munizaga (1997): Re-Os-Isotope Systematics of Sulfides from Base-Metal Porphyry and Manto-Type
Mineralization in Chile, International Geology Review, 39:4, 317-324

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international Geology Review, Vol. 39, 1997, p. 317-324.
Copyright © 1997 by V. H. Winston & Son, Inc. All rights reserved.

Re-Os-Isotope Systematics of Sulfides from Base-Metal Porphyry

and Manto-Type Mineralization in Chile1
Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Chile is a major world producer of copper, most of which occurs in base-metal porphyry and in
manto deposits. A fundamental difference between these two types of deposits is the relative
importance of intrusions spatially associated with the mineralization. The porphyry deposits are
set within Mesozoic to Tertiary intrusive complexes. The manto-type deposits are restricted to
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volcanic and volcano-sedimentary sequences of Middle-Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous, Late

Cretaceous, and Early Tertiary times. Large intrusive centers are not spatially associated with
these deposits, although minor intrusions are common. A central question in the metallogenesis
of these deposits is the source of ore-forming components, in particular the ore metals. Initial
Os/ 188 Os isotopic data from sulfides from the El Teniente, La Disputada, and Andacollo base-
metal porphyry deposits range from 0.19 to 1. These data indicate that the Os (and, by inference,
Cu) is mostly crustally derived, since it is more radiogenic than that of the mantle, which has a
Os/ 186 Os ratio of —0.12. The isotopie data for El Soldado, which is an important example of
manto-type mineralization, are significantly more radiogenic, with 187 Os/ 188 Os ratios greater
than 3. These radiogenic values require that the Os come from a crustal reservoir with a high R e /
Os ratio, such as black shales. The Os-isotopic data indicate that the source for these two types of
base-metal deposits is different, but that both Os reservoirs reside in the crust.

Introduction measured in gangue minerals, because they are

A FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION in metallogenesis is
lithophile elements, requiring further assump­
the source of ore-forming components, in par­ tions about the relationship between ore and
ticular the ore metals. The relative importance associated minerals. In contrast, Re and Os are
of associated magmas, country rocks, and chalcophile and therefore are concentrated in
underlying basement have been discussed by sulfides (Drake and Jones, 1983; Fleet and
many (e.g., Norton, 1979; Ruiz et al., 1980; Stone, 1991). If one assumes that Os is a good
Kesler et al., 1983; Cumming et al., 1979) but proxy for the major ore-forming metals, Os
the overall constraints on the question are few. becomes a significant tracer for the source of
In addition to physical and chemical models the base-metal sulfides.
(e.g., Norton, 1977), previous studies have Chile is a major world producer of copper,
addressed source rocks and source paths with most of which occurs in base-metal porphyry
stable and radiogenic isotopes, specifically Sr, and in manto deposits. A fundamental dif­
Nd, and Pb isotopes. Of these isotopie systems, ference between these two types of deposits is
Pb is the only one that is an ore-forming ele­ the relative importance of intrusions spatially
ment in sulfide deposits. However, Pb-isotope associated with the mineralization. The por­
data in many cases do not yield uniquely con­
phyry deposits are set within Mesozoic to
strained results. Sr and Nd isotopes usually are
Tertiary intrusive complexes where large hydro-
thermal systems with prolonged interaction
between fluids in the intrusive magmas and
'This paper is one of a series of contributions (Marcos
Zentilli, compiler) to Project No. 342, Age and Isotopes of
country rocks concentrated metals at well
South American Ores, of the International Geological Cor­ above average crustal values. The Chilean
relation Program. manto-type deposits are restricted to volcanic

0020-6814/97/257/317-8 $10.00 317


FIG. 1. Location of deposits.

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FIG. 2. Re-Os isochrons for different samples from the

Andacollo deposit (from Freydier et al., submitted).
and volcano-sedimentary sequences of Middle-
Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous, Late Creta­
ceous, and Early Tertiary times. Large intrusive few years has this potential begun to be realized.
centers are not spatially associated with these Several features make the Re-Os-isotope sys­
deposits, although minor intrusions of dioritic tem uniquely suitable for metallogenetic stud­
composition are common. Here we study the ies. Re and Os are chalcophile (Hart and
Ravizza, 1993; Martin et al., 1993); therefore
Andacollo and El Teniente deposits as examples
the Re-Os system can be applied directly to
of porphyry-related deposits and El Soldado as
sulfide mineralization in base-metal porphyry
an example of a manto (Fig. 1).
deposits, rather than to associated silicate
Information on the source of ore-forming phases.
elements in these two types of ore deposits
would provide constraints on the processes that Re-Os-isotopic dating of molybdenite has
form the ore. For example, ore-forming metals been shown to be very robust (McCandless et
may originate from associated magmas or from al., 1993; McCandless and Ruiz, 1993; Yin et
al., 1993), but few studies have attempted to
country rocks. In the case of those deposits
analyze other sulfides from felsic igneous rocks
whose metals come from associated magmas,
because of their low Os and Re concentrations
determining the proportion of mantle and
(Morgan et al., 1968; Schindler, 1975; Stein et
crustal components in the magma would estab­
al., 1993). Recent work by Freydier et al. (sub­
lish which reservoir played the greatest role in
mitted) shows that isochrons can be obtained
the ore formation. These constraints are of
from common sulfides such as chalcopyrite,
academic as well as economic importance, since
bornite, and pyrite. That study yielded Re-Os
identifying source rocks and source paths of the
isochrons with ages for the Andacollo deposit
metals can be useful in exploration. It should be
(Fig. 2) that are consistent with K-Ar ages for
emphasized that there is a paucity of data that
magmatic and alteration minerals (Munizaga et
constrain the source of metals in porphyry
al., 1985), indicating that the Re-Os isotopic
deposits. This study attempts to address these system can be used to date common sulfides in
questions with respect to the Re-Os-isotope ore deposits associated with intermediate and
system. felsic rocks.
An important aspect of the Re-Os isotopic
system for tracer studies of magmas and ore-
Re-Os Isotopes in Ore Deposits forming solutions is that Os is compatible to
The potential applicability of Re-Os isotopes highly compatible relative to Re in partial melt­
to geological problems has been recognized for ing of the mantle (Walker, 1988; Walker et al.,
decades (Herr and Merz, 1955; Herr et al., 1989). The high Re/Os ratios in the products of
1967; Schindler, 1975; Allègre and Luck, 1980; mantle melting evolve to greatly elevated
Luck and Allègre, 1982), but only in the past Os/ 188 Os ratios over time, because of the
Downloaded by [Brown University] at 03:20 27 April 2013

FIG. 3. Osmium-isotope evolution of the mantle (bold line) and possible evolution paths for Proterozoic and
Mesozoic oceanic lithosphere (diagonal lines). The upper boundary of each envelope is a path for oceanic crust with
Re/ 1 8 8 Os ratios of 500; the lower boundary is for 187
Re/ 188 Os ratios of 100.

decay of 187Re to l87 Os (Fig. 3). Thus, Re-Os reduced hexachloride or bromide form before
isotopes are a potentially powerful tool for doc­ drying the sample. The residue was brought
umenting interactions between the crust and back into solution in 0.1M HCl and loaded
mantle. The results presented here demonstrate on micro-columns for additional purification
the efficacy of Re-Os isotopes in metallogenic (R. A. Creaser, pers. commun., 1995).
studies. The Re remained in solution in the first flask
of the first distillation. The Re-rich solution
was dried-down and the cake redissolved in a
0.1M HNO 3 solution, which then was loaded on
Analytical Techniques
a 1-ml anion column (AG-1 X8, 200-400 mesh).
Approximately 1-g samples of bornite, chal- The procedure was similar to that described by
copyrite, pyrite, and sphalerite were digested Morgan et al. (1991) and Morgan and Walker
overnight in a Carius tube at 240°C in a 1:2 (1989), except that their first-stage Re-column
solution of HCl:HNO 3 . The Carius tube solu­ chemistry used H 2 SO 4 instead of HNO 3 . This
tion was treated in a two-stage distillation pro­ procedure was repeated using 0.1-ml anion
cedure similar to that described by Shirey and resin.
Walker (1995) but also modified for sulfides to The samples were loaded on platinum fila­
ensure complete oxidation of Os to a volatile ments and analyzed by negative thermal-ioniza-
species when present in a sulfur-rich solution. tion mass spectrometry (NTIMS) on a VG 54
This is critical for achieving equilibrium of the mass spectrometer (Chesley and Ruiz, 1997).
spike during the digestion process and for mobi­ Total Re blanks ranged from 14 to 36 pg; total
lizing the Os during the distillation stages. The Os blanks were 4 pg. The technique employed
oxidation was accomplished by using 30 ml of here yielded total Re and Os contents from 50
15M HNO 3 and 11 ml of H 2 O 2 rather than pg to 1 ng to be analyzed by NTIMS, with errors
H 2 SO 4 -H 2 O 2 in the first distillation stage. The of 0.5 to 1% in most cases.
second distillation stage was the same as that of
Shirey and Walker (1995), in which Os is
trapped either in HBr or in a 3:1 mixture of 10M Geologic Setting
HCl:ethanol. The Os accumulated in the second The basement where base-metal porphyry
trap was heated at 70°C overnight in a sealed and manto-type deposits occur in northern
Savillex beaker to ensure that the Os was in the Chile is a collage of sedimentary, igneous, and

nietamorphic rocks that were accreted along the Zentilli et al., 1997). Although large intrusive
Chilean margin from the late Proterozoic to centers are not spatially associated with these
Late Cretaceous (Davidson and Mpodozis, deposits, minor dioritic intrusions are common.
1991; Sillitoe, 1991). A convergent setting has Much of the sulfide mineralization in the
existed since the Precambrian, but stresses in manto-type deposits is present as finely dis­
the continental lithosphere have shifted from seminated grains and as open-space fillings in
compressive to extensional in character, the vugs or stockwork veinlets. Hypogene mineral­
latter case being attributed to a steeper angle of ization typically involves a chalcocite, born­
subduction of the oceanic plate (Mariana-type ite, and chalcopyrite, with ubiquitous specu­
subduction) (Davidson and Mpodozis, 1991). lante. A typically Na-rich alteration assem­
Magmatic arcs have migrated eastward since the blage consisting of albite-quartz-chlorite or
Upper Jurassic and are the settings in which the sericite and calcite accompanies manto-type
major base-metal porphyry deposits formed. mineralization.
Most of the deposits are associated with fast,
oblique plate-convergence velocities that are
Downloaded by [Brown University] at 03:20 27 April 2013

believed to have existed from the Paleocene to Results and Discussion

the early Oligocene (Pardo Casas and Molnar,
In this study we analyzed sulfides from El
1987; Davidson and Mpodozis, 1991). With
Teniente, La Disputada, and Andacollo, exam­
respect to country rocks, the Chilean deposits
ples of base-metal porphyry deposits, and from
are dominantly emplaced in igneous rocks of
the El Soldado deposit, which is an important
Mesozoic and Paleozoic age, unrelated to the
example of manto-type mineralization. The por­
porphyry magmatism. However, the deposits
phyry base metals selected are examples of the
sampled here are emplaced mostly in Creta­
youngest (El Teniente and La Disputada) and
ceous and Tertiary igneous rocks.
oldest (Andacollo) base-metal porphyry miner­
The porphyry deposits are set within intru­ alization in Chile. Analysis of sulfides from
sive complexes. The main copper mineral in these deposits permits the evaluation of secular
base-metal porphyry deposits is chalcopyrite, Os-isotopic ratios of porphyry mineralization
which commonly is accompanied by lesser over time. The young age of the sulfides from El
bornite. Another important economic mineral Teniente and Disputada also requires minimal
is m o l y b d e n i t e , and gold is a c o m m o n Re corrections, reducing uncertainties in the
byproduct. The evolution of these deposits is initial 187 Os/ 188 Os ratios that may arise because
complex and includes protracted hypogene and of analytical errors. This makes it possible to
subsequent supergene enrichment. Hypogene evaluate the Os-isotopic evolution of the miner­
mineralization is accompanied by K-silicate, alizing fluids, and to determine the distribution
sericitic, or advanced argillic alteration. The coefficients of Re and Os between different
magmatism associated with the mineralization phases and h y d r o t h e r m a l fluids. The
is associated with subduction (Sawkins, 1990). TEN-11-95 samples (Table 1) represent a series
However, mineralization occurs at specific time of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, bornite, and pyrite
intervals (Sillitoe, 1988) within the more gen­ separates of a single hand specimen. The
eral magmatism associated with subduction. In TEN-2-95 series are bornite and chalcopyrite
Chile and Peru, large porphyry base-metal from a different hand sample, and TEN-4-95
deposits of the main Cordillera were formed and TEN-8-95 are from other hand samples.
during the periods of 65 to 51 Ma, 41 to 31 Ma, The Re contents of these separates range from
and 16 to 5 Ma (Ambrus, 1979; Sillitoe, 1981, 0.05 to 0.18 ppb and the Os contents range from
1988; Clark et al., 1983; Warnaars et al., 1985; 0.04 to 1 ppb. The separates have a large range
Cuadra, 1986; Zentilli et al., 1994). One impor­ in values (Table 1), suggesting that crystallo-
tant deposit in the coastal region, Andacollo, graphic constraints do not control the distribu­
was formed at ~100 Ma. tion of these elements since the sulfide
The manto-type deposits are high grade separates appear to be cogenetic. The pyrite
(~1.5% Cu) and occur in volcanic and volcano- sample from Disputada has a higher concentra­
sedimentary sequences of Middle-Late Juras­ tion of Re than any sample from El Teniente,
sic, Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, and but the Os concentration is similar to those of
Early Tertiary time (Munizaga et al., 1995; El Teniente (Fig. 3).

TABLE 1. Re- and Os-Isotopic Composition of Sulfides from Chile

Sample name1 Total Os, ppb Total Re, ppb ( 87 Os/ 188 Os)m Re/ 188 Os ( 187 Os/ l88 Os)i

El Teniente
TEN11-95-cpy (27) 0.082 0.116 0.19383 7.80499 0.19318
ΤΕΝ11-95-cpy (17) 0.874 0.053 0.19624 0.31783 0.19621
TEN11-95-cpy (607) 0.153 0.085 0.18081 2.71784 0.18058
TEN11-95-sphal (606) 0.044 0.078 0.18752 9.46598 0.18674
TEN-2-95-bornite (19) 0.087 0.061 0.22286 3.76793 0.22255
TEN2-95-bornite (604) 0.042 0.180 0.17286 21.79200 0.17104
TEN8-95-cpy (605) 1.051 0.062 0.34794 0.30200 0.34792
TENll-95-pyrite(610) 0.176 0.094 0.88458 2.93663 0.88433

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Andacollol-pyrite (26) 0.016 6.190 6.87525 3578.21652 0.90897

Andacollol -pyrite (606) 0.915 5.617 1.17208 37.06557 1.11027
Andacollo2-pyrite (608) 1.732 4.921 0.19110 15.16400 0.16582
Andacollo3-pyrite (608) 1.982 99.990 0.70457 290.29114 0.22054
Andacollo3-pyrite (610) 0.224 56.319 3.06995 1923.29100 -0.13693

El Soldado-cpy (605) 65.355 15.409 3.95264 1.72300 3.94977

Disputada1-pyrite (731) 6.110 0.249 0. 17668 0.20300 0.17666

Numbers in parentheses indicate numbers of samples collected.

Samples from Andacollo are more enriched deposits studied here, is much more radiogenic
in Re than those of El Teniente (5 to 100 ppb), than that of the base-metal porphyry deposits
but are unremarkable in Os (0.016 to 2 ppb). As (Fig. 4). The initial Os-isotopic ratio of 3.9
at El Teniente, the sulfides exhibit variable Re shows that the Os (and by inference the other
and Os concentrations, and pyrite separates ore-forming metals for this deposit) has a
have a very large range of 187 Re/ 188 Os ratios. crustal component greater than that of the
The heterogeneities in Re and Os contents may
porphyry deposits. This is not entirely surpris­
be explained by a "nugget effect," because Re
ing, since the deposit is not as intimately associ­
and Os might be concentrated in micro-phases
that are not equally distributed, or by a fluid ated with large magmatic systems as is the case
with rapidly evolving Re and Os concentrations. with base-metal porphyry deposits.
This can be turned to an advantage during the There has been considerable debate on the
use of sulfides for Re-Os geochronology origin of manto-type deposits (Carter, 1960;
because large variations in Re/Os ratios are Ruiz and Ericksen, 1962; Losert, 1974; Lortie
obtained from separates from the same mineral and Clark, 1974; Camus, 1980; Espinoza and
phase, as shown in Figure 3. Palacios, 1982; Sato, 1984; Holmgren, 1985;
The l87 Os/ 188 Os ratios of the sulfides from Sillitoe, 1988; Munizaga et al., 1995). The pres­
porphyry base-metal deposits range from 0.18 ence of some calc-silicates has been used to
to 0.88. In all cases, the elevated 187 Os/ 188 Os argue that mantos are distal skarns. The pres­
ratios of the samples indicate a crustal compo­ ence of oil droplets has been the basis for the
nent of Os, since the mantle has a 187 Os/ 188 Os contention that the fluids are associated with
ratio of approximately 0.13 (Fig. 2), which is
organics (Zentilli et al., 1994, 1997), and the
one to two orders of magnitude greater than the
ubiquitous presence of sodic alteration has
crust (Ivanov et al., 1972; Luck and Allègre,
1991). The variations in the Os-isotopic ratios been used to argue for fluids modified by inter­
of the sulfides indicate that the hydrothermal actions with evaporites. Although Os reservoirs
fluids that precipitated the ore acquired the Os in the crust are imperfectly understood, black
from different reservoirs. shale is one crustal reservoir with high Re/Os
The initial 187 Os/ 188 Os ratio of pyrite from El ratios that can account for the high 187 Os/ 188 Os
Soldado, which is the example of manto-type ratios of the El Soldado sulfides. This inter-

tion to IGCP Project No. 342, on the Age and

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