Lab Report 5 - Hydrostatic Pressure On Plane Surfaces G2

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Hydrostatic pressure on plane surfaces

I. To determine experimentally the magnitude of the force of pressure (hydrostatic
force) and its point of action (centre of pressure) on a plane surface,
II. To compare the experimental results with the theoretical values.

Hydrostatic pressure is defined as the pressure that is exerted by a fluid at equilibrium
at a given point within the fluid, due to the force of gravity. Hydrostatic pressure increases
in proportion to depth measured from the surface because of the increasing weight of fluid
exerting downward force from above while hydrostatic force gives the meaning of the
resultant force caused by the pressure loading of a liquid acting on submerged surfaces.
The calculation of the hydrostatic force is determined by using F = ρ g h̅ A where it
represents density of liquid, gravitational forces, vertical distance from the liquid surface
to the centroid of the submerged plane and area of the plane surface respectively. The centre
of pressure is also important where it shows a point on the immersed surface at which the
resultant hydrostatic pressure force acts and the formula that must be apply is
𝐼𝐺 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 θ
h* = + h̅ where h* represent the vertical distance from the liquid surface to the

centre of pressure, while 𝐼𝐺 stands for moment of inertia of the plane surface about its
centroid G which has different formula depending on the surface used.

The equipment used in this experiment is comprised of a rectangular transparent water

tank, a fabricated quadrant, a balance arm, an adjustable counter-balance weight, and a
water-level measuring device. The purpose of this experiment is to determine
experimentally the magnitude of the force of pressure (hydrostatic force) and its point of
action (centre of pressure) on a plane surface using the formula stated and to compare the
experimental results with the theoretical values.

Part A: Vertical Plane Surface (α = 0º)

Counterbalancing the water vessel

1. The water vessel is set to an angle of α = 0º using the detent

2. The units are counterbalanced using the rotating slider.
3. The pin is stopped precisely in the middle of the water.
4. Water is then removed is known as the appended weight and the rider is
counterbalanced during the process.


1. The lever arm is set to any position and the lever arm is recorded. (The distance from
the rider to the center of rotation of the water vessel)
2. The appended weight is placed, and the value is recorded.
3. The water is added into the water vessel until the unit is balanced (until the pin is
stopped at the centre of the hole).
4. The level of water in the vessel is recorded
5. Step 3 and 4 is repeated for at least 5 values of the appended weight.

Part B: Inclined plane surface (α ≠ 0º)

1. The steps of counterbalancing of water vessel are repeated for a different angle (α ≠ 0º)
2. Steps for measurements of part A are repeated again.

1. Water vessel
2. Detent
3. Rotating slider
4. Stop pin
5. Water surface
6. Rider
7. Appended weight
8. Angle measurement
6.1 DATA
Part A:  = °
Table 1: The data of Part A.

No. Lever Arm Appended Water level Centre of pressure Hydrostatic

weight Force
L (mm) FG (N) s1 (mm) s2 (mm) s (mm) ℓ (mm) h* (mm) F (N)
1 200 1 0 60 60 180.0 40.0 1.111
2 200 2 0 84 84 172.0 56.0 2.326
3 200 3 0 104 104 165.4 69.4 3.628
4 200 4 0 122 122 161.6 83.6 4.950
5 200 5 0 140 140 159.3 99.5 6.277

Part B:  = °
Table 2: The data of Part B.

No. Lever Arm Appended Water level Centre of pressure Hydrostatic

weight Force
L (mm) FG (N) s1 (mm) s2 (mm) s (mm) ℓ (mm) h* (mm) F (N)
1 200 1 12 72 60 178.7 40.0 1.119
2 200 2 12 94 82 170.9 54.7 2.341
3 200 3 12 114 102 164.2 68.4 3.654
4 200 4 12 132 120 160.7 83.1 4.978
5 200 5 12 148 136 158.8 97.3 6.297

Part A:  = °

Table 3: The theoretical and experimental centre of pressure, h* of Part A.

Theoretical h* (mm) Experimental h* (mm) Percentage Error (%)

76.3 40.0 47.6
68.7 56.0 18.5
67.4 69.4 3.0
72.2 83.6 15.8
78.5 99.5 26.8

Table 4: The theoretical and experimental Hydrostatic Force, F of Part A.

Theoretical Hydrostatic Force, F (N) Experimental Hydrostatic Force, F (N) Percentage Error (%)
1.324 1.111 16.1
2.967 2.326 21.6
3.979 3.628 8.8
5.475 4.950 9.6
7.210 6.277 12.9

Part B:  = °

Table 5: The theoretical and experimental centre of pressure, h* of Part B.

Theoretical h* (mm) Experimental h* (mm) Percentage Error (%)

70.9 40.0 43.6
63.43 54.7 2.0
65.1 68.4 5.1
70.2 83.1 18.4
76.0 97.3 28.0
Table 6: The theoretical and experimental Hydrostatic Force, F of Part B.

Theoretical Hydrostatic Force, F (N) Experimental Hydrostatic Force, F (N) Percentage Error (%)
1.324 1.119 15.5
2.474 2.341 5.4
3.827 3.654 4.5
5.297 4.798 9.4
6.804 6.297 7.5


6.3.1 Experimental
i. Water level, s (mm)
s = s2 - s1
s = 60 mm – 0 mm
s = 60 mm
ii. Centre of Pressure, ℓ(mm)
Triangular Profile of Pressure Distribution:
ℓ=200 -
3 cos 
60 𝑚𝑚
ℓ=200 -
3 cos 0°
ℓ=180.0 mm
Trapezoidal Profile of Pressure Distribution:
ℓ=150 + 𝑠
12( −50)
cos 

ℓ=150 + 104 𝑚𝑚
12( −50)
cos 0°

ℓ=165.4 mm
iii. Centre of pressure, h* (mm)
Triangular Profile of Pressure Distribution:
h* =
2(60 𝑚𝑚)
h* =
h* = 40 mm
Trapezoidal Profile of Pressure Distribution:
h* = (ℓ-200)cos  + s
h* = (165.4-200)cos ° + 104
h* = 69.4 mm
iv. Hydrostatic force, F (N)
F = 𝐹𝐺

200 𝑚𝑚
F= (1 𝑁)
180 𝑚𝑚
F = 1.111 N

6.3.2 Theoretical

i. Moment of inertia, IG

(IG)x =

(IG)x =

(IG)x = 6.25 x 106

ii. Vertical Distance from the liquid Surface to the centroid, ̅h (m)

h̅ =

0.06 𝑚
h̅ =

h̅ = 0.03 m

iii. Submerged area of the plane surface, A (m2)


A = 0.06 m x 0.075 m

A = 0.0045 m2
iv. Hydrostatic force, F (N)

F = ρgh̅A

F = (1000 kg/m3)(9.81 m/s2)(0.03 m)(0.0045m2)

F = 1.324 N

iv. Centre of pressure, h* (mm)

𝐼𝐺 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 θ
h* = + h̅
h̅ A

(6.25×106 )𝑠𝑖𝑛2 90
h* = + 30

h* = 76.3

6.3.3 Percentage error

|Experimental value−Theoretical value|

Percentage error = × 100
|Theoretical value|

Percentage error = × 100

Percentage error = 3.0%


7.1 Muhammad Raziq NurHaiqal B Rosman (2020372811)

The purpose of this experiment is to determine experimentally the magnitude of the force of
hydrostatic pressure and its center of pressure on a plane surface and compare the experimental
values with the theoretical values. Hydrostatic pressure is known as the pressure that is exerted
by a fluid at equilibrium at a given point within the fluid due to the force of gravity. Hydrostatic
pressure increases in proportion to depth measured from the surface because of the increasing
weight of fluid exerting downward force from above.

Based on this experiment the hydrostatic pressure and its center of pressure on plane
surface is determined using a water vessel and its appended weight. From the experiment, there
are difference from the theoretical values and experimented values. In Table 3, the theoretical
and experimental values for the centre of pressure, h* of Part A are shown. The first reading
between theoretical value and experimental values are huge of difference, 76.3 mm, and 40.0
mm. The followings readings are as shown in table 3 and are considerably acceptable with the
values of 18.5%, 3.0%, 15.8% and 26.8%. According to table 4, The calculated percentage
error is calculated from the experimental values and theoretical values, with the values of
16.1%, 21.6%, 8.8%, 9.6% and 12.9%.

As for part B, table 5 shows the theoretical values and experimental values for centre
of pressure, h* with the values to be identical with part A due to its big difference when the
calculated with the percentage error of 43.6%, and the rest not to far off from the theoretical
values with 2.0%, 5.1%, 18.4% and 28.0%. Based on table 6, the values show the for
hydrostatic force, F, with each reading has a percentage error of 15.5%, 5.4%,4.5%,9.4% and

It is distinguishable to notice the difference between the theoretical and experimental

values. This difference is due to random errors and uncertainties during calculations and
conducting the experiment. However, the values are all acceptable and the experiment was a
7.2 Nur Alia Puteri binti Kamaruzzaman (2020110437)

In this experiment, a water vessel and appended weights were used to determine the
magnitude of pressure force and its point of action on a plane surface. From the experiment,
the results were able to be obtained. Both parts for  = ° and  = ° recorded a hydrostatic
force within the range of 1N to 6N. Meanwhile, for the centre of pressure, h*, there were no
huge difference in the readings taken for both part A and B. In Table 3, the theoretical and
experimental values for the centre of pressure, h* of Part A were shown. The first reading had
quite a huge difference where the theoretical value was 76.3 mm, while the experimental values
was 40.0 mm. The first reading has a percentage error of 47.6% which is quite high but still
acceptable. Next, the difference between the next readings are also acceptable with the values
of 18.5%, 3.0%, 15.8% and 26.8%. In Table 4, the theoretical and experimental values for
hydrostatic force, F in part A were shown. The calculated percentage errors of 16.1%, 21.6%,
8.8%, 9.6% and 12.9% shows that the experimental values obtained are not far from the
expected theoretical values. Next, for part B, the theoretical and experimental values for centre
of pressure, h* are shown in Table 5. Similar to part A, the first reading has a quite huge
difference where its calculated percentage error is 43.6%. The next four readings recorded were
not too far from the theoretical readings, where its calculated percentage error is 2.0%, 5.1%,
18.4% and 28.0%. Lastly, in table 6, the hydrostatic force, F for part B were shown. Each of
the readings has a percentage error of 15.5%, 5.4%, 4.5%, 9.4% and 7.5%. The readings that
were taken might be different from the theoretical values due to parallax error during the
experiment. The eye level of the individual that was recording the result might be at an angle
where it could cause the measurement markings to be different from the actual marking. This
simple error can cause readings to be wrong which can result in a failed experiment.
7.3 Nur Ezlyin Amanina Mohamad Jais (2020988421)

From this experiment, we notice the difference between the theoretical value and
experimental value is quite obvious. The lever arm is the constant variable in this experiment
which the value stayed at 200 mm in Part A and Part B. Meanwhile, the appended weight is
assigned from 1 N to 5 N respectively for each part.

Due to random errors and uncertainties during calculation, the experimental value of
the hydrostatic force deviates from theoretical value of hydrostatic force. There are no systemic
failures, since the unit is calibrated twice a year. On the other hand, it explores the possibility
that only random errors occurred during our measurements. The experimental value results
from the counterbalance between the hydrostatic force torque stated earlier and the hanging
mass weight torque. The equation that gives to this experimental force in relation to the depth
and the weight is:

Hydrostatic force, F (N):

F = 𝓵 𝑭𝑮

Meanwhile for theoretical force, we use this formula to calculate the hydrostatic force:

F = ρgh̅A

Device measurements are affected only by random errors, as explained above, which
can be statistically quantified and analyzed. The statistical hypothesis that the residuals, the
deviations of the outcomes from the respective theoretical values obey the standard distribution
is investigated through the results and is thus due only to random errors.

From what I observed in the tabulated data, every first reading of both theoretical value
and experimental value will have a huge difference. Meanwhile next four readings, are not very
obvious. By that, the experimental values are not too far from the theoretical values. Also, the
value of percentage error is not too high which is acceptable in this experiment.
7.4 Nur Farzana Bt Mohd Nazam (2020985647)

Referring to the experiment, the objective is to determine experimentally the magnitude

of the force of pressure and its point of action on a plane surface and to compare the
experimental with the theoretical results.

There are two parts in this experiment which an angle of  = ° and  = 20° where the
lever arm remains constant. The appended weight that be used in this experiment is 1 N, 2 N,
3 N, 4 N, and 5 N. Based on the percentage error of hydrostatics force of theoretical and
experimental that used in part A,  = ° that has been obtained, the error is 16.1%, 21.6%,
8.8%, 9.6%, 12.9% respectively with the force applied. The value obtained is inconsistent but
acceptable as the percentage error is just the determination of how the possible values may
deviate from the “true” value due to the limitations of the metric device and its use. For the
percentage error of centre pressure, the value is 47.6%, 18.5%, 3.0%, 15.8%, and 26.8%. The
percentage error of 3N weight has a smaller percent error that gives a meaning of the result
obtained is closed to the real value while the 1N appended weight has a bigger value means
that the value obtained were quite a long way off from the true value. These errors are mostly
unavoidable and be improved by being more precise when taking the measurement especially
at the reading water level parts.

For part B  = 20°, the percentage error of hydrostatic force obtained is almost similar
with part A which are 15.5%, 5.4%, 4.5%, 9.4%, and 7.5% respectively with appended weight
applied. What it is means by similar is that the lowest percentage error that obtained in Part A
and B is the same which is the appended weight of 3N. But, the highest value of percentage
error of part A and B are not the same. The percentage error value that obtained for
determination of centre of pressure of plane are 43.6%, 2.0%, 5.1%. 18.4%, and 28.0%. From
this result, the percent error will let you know how badly these unavoidable errors affected your

If this experiment is repeated, the improvement that can be made is that the equipment
used must be checked before the experiment started so that we know the equipment is
functioning well. Other than that, student must also focus when taking the reading so that these
human errors can be minimize.
7.5 Nur Maisarah Binti Khairul Azahan (2020984893)

The experimental and theoretical values for hydrostatic force and centre of pressure
have been compared throughout this experiment for both 0° and 20° angle plane of water
vessel. Table 3 shows the difference in theoretical and experimental values of centre of pressure
for  = 0°. Based on the table 3, the experimental value for 1N of weight is much lower than
theoretical value and it has highest percentage error which is 47.6%. The lowest percentage
error is 3.0% where the experimental value is 69.4 mm while the theoretical value is 67.4 mm.
Other percentage errors are in the range of 15.8% to 26.8%.

Table 4 illustrates the difference in theoretical and experimental values of hydrostatic

force for  = 0°. It shows that 2N of weight has the highest percentage error which is 21.6%
where the experimental value is 2.326 N while the theoretical value is 2.967. The lowest
percentage error is 8.8% where the experimental value is 3.638 N and the theoretical value is
3.979 N. The percentage error for the weight of 1 N, 4N and 5N have 16.1%, 9.6% and 12.9%

The difference in theoretical and experimental values of centre of pressure for  = 20°
is shown in Table 5. It demonstrates that the highest percentage error is 43.6% where the
experimental value is 40.0 mm and the theoretical is 70.9 mm. The 2 N of weight has the lowest
percentage error which is 2.0% where the experimental value is 54.7 mm and the theoretical
value is 63.43 mm.

Table 6 shows the difference in theoretical and experimental values of hydrostatic force
for  = 2 0°. Based on table 6, it states that highest percentage error is 15.5% where the
experimental value is 1.119 N while the theoretical value is 1.324 N. The lowest percentage
error is 4.5% where the experimental value is 3.654 N and the theoretical value is 3.827 N.
Other percentage errors are in the range of 5.4% until 9.4%.

There are some errors that could be happened this experiment which may give effect to
the result obtained. Firstly, parallax error which may occur during taking the reading of the
water level. To avoid this error, the level of eyes must be perpendicular to the reading scale of
water vessel. The next error is random error. To overcome this error, the experiment could be
repeated at least three times and calculated the average value for accurate result.

For this experiment, there are several things that could be improved to obtain a better
and accurate result. One of it is by improving the water vessel’s location or making the scales
on the vessel more visible. This is to ease the reading process when taking readings for the
experiment because the current type is not so visible which causes difficulty when taking
readings. Next, the results for the experiment should be taken from the average value by doing
the experiment for several times for a more accurate result. The readings should also be taken
when the eye level is on the same level as the scale to avoid parallax error which is the simplest
kind of error but can cause total inaccuracy on the results of the experiment.




Hydrostatic forces are the resulting force of a liquid acting on submerged surfaces
caused by pressure loading. In fluid mechanics, the measurement of the hydrostatic force and
the position of the center of pressure are fundamental topics. A position on the immersed
surface at which the resulting hydrostatic pressure force works is the center of pressure. For
their structural nature, the position and magnitude of water pressure force acting on water-
control structures such as dams, levees, and gates, are very significant. For the design of many
parts of hydraulic equipment, hydrostatic force and its line of action are also required. The
design of many engineering systems such as water dams and liquid storage tanks requires
determination of the forces acting on their surfaces using fluid statics.

A plate (such as a gate valve in a dam, the wall of a liquid storage tank or the hull of a
ship at rest) is subjected to fluid pressure distributed over its surface when exposed to a liquid.
On a plane surface, the hydrostatic forces form a system called parallel forces, and we often
need to determine the magnitude of the force and its point of application, which is called the
atmosphere (such as the dry side of the gate), and thus atmospheric pressure acts on both sides
of the plate, yielding a zero resultant. In such cases, it is convenient to subtract atmospheric
pressure and work with the gage pressure only.
In many practical applications, submerged surfaces are not flat like at Glen Canyon
Dam in Utah and Arizona. For a submerged curved surface, the determination of the resultant
hydrostatic force is more involved since it typically requires integration of the pressure forces
that change direction along the curved surface. The concept of the pressure prism in this case
is not much help either because of the complicated shapes involved.



From the experiment conducted, we gained a lot of knowledge about hydrostatic

pressure. We know that hydrostatic pressure is the pressure, due to the force of gravity, that is
exerted by a fluid at equilibrium at a given point within the fluid. Owing to the rising weight
of fluid exerting downward force from above, hydrostatic pressure increases in proportion to
the distance measured from the surface.

If a fluid is inside a vessel, then it is possible to determine the depth of an object put in
that fluid. The deeper in the fluid the object is put, the more pressure it feels. This is because it
is above the weight of the fluid. The denser the fluid above it the more pressure, due to the
fluid's weight, is exerted on the object that is submerged. We can calculate all the properties
desired using the given formulas. We need to know all the things required in order to use the

Fluid statics deals with problems associated with fluids at rest, and it is called
hydrostatics when the fluid is in the form of liquid. The magnitude of the resultant force acting
on a plane surface of a completely submerged plate in a homogenous fluid is equal to the
product of the pressure Pc at the centroid of the surface and the area A of the surface and is
expressed as:

FR= (P0 + ρghc)A = PcA = PavgA

Where hc = yc sin θ is the vertical distance of the centroid from the free surface of the
liquid. Usually, the pressure P0 is ambient pressure, which in most situations cancels out as it
works on both sides of the plate.
The center of pressure is the point of intersection of the line of action of the resultant
force and the surface. The vertical position of the resulting force's line of action is given by:

yp = yc + [𝒚
𝒄 +𝑷𝟎 /(𝝆𝒈 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽)]𝑨

Where Ixx,c is the second moment of area about the x-axis passing through the centroid of the

10.1 Muhammad Raziq NurHaiqal B Rosman (2020372811)

In conclusion, the objective of this experiment which was to determine the magnitude
of the hydrostatic pressure and its point of action on a plane surface and to compare the
experimental and theoretical values was done successfully. The understanding of pressure were
applied to allow this experiment to be a success.

10.2 Nur Alia Puteri binti Kamaruzzaman (2020110437)

The objective of this experiment was to determine the hydrostatic force, F and the centre
of pressure, h* besides to compare the experimental and theoretical values based on the results
obtained from the experiment. It can be concluded that the experiment was done successfully
because the objectives of the experiment were achieved.

10.3 Nur Ezlyin Amanina Mohamad Jais (2020988421)

Using a hydrostatic pressure apparatus, theoretical and experimental hydrostatic
pressure was determined and the magnitude of the force pressure (hydrostatic force) and its
point of action (pressure centre) on the plane surface was calculated using all of the formulas

10.4 Nur Farzana Bt Mohd Nazam (2020985647)

In conclusion, the magnitude of the force of pressure (hydrostatic force) and its point
of action (centre of pressure) on a plane surface and the comparison of the experimental and
theoretical values has been obtained and shown in the results section.

10.5 Nur Maisarah Binti Khairul Azahan (2020984893)

In a conclusion the magnitude of the hydrostatic force centre of pressure on a vertical
and incline plane surface have been determined though the experiment. Next, the comparison
of experimental values and theoretical values are obtained. Hence, the experiment was
successfully conducted.

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