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Alma Mae C.

Educ. 106 Facilitating Learning
Module I: Understanding Learning and Knowledge Acquisition

1. Describe the five major categories of learning according to Gagne.a
A. Verbal Information- it is taught using imagery, and mnemonic strategies that helps students make
connections with the information and remembers it more easily.

B. Intellectual skills- it outlines how to follow procedures to get things done.

- there are five different levels of learning within the intellectual skill categpry:
discrimination, concrete concept, defined concept, rule and problem solving.

C. Cognitive strategies- learning strategies include rehearsal, elaboration and organizing.

D. Motor skills- physical actions that are assessed in complex performances such as skiing, dancing or
even writing with a pencil.

E. Attitudes- it is often challenging to measure attitude, as each individual must declare their own

2. How is knowledge acquired, represented and organized?

Knowledge is acquired through the learners ability to understand and comprehend new
ideas, learning, perceptions and even meaning when concepts are presented and or feed to them. It is
also being represented when this learning is given meaning and also by semantic network that draws
connections between and among concepts and definitely will be organized based on the meaning such
that semantically related thoughts and ideas are related or interconnected.

3. How will the various theories of learning help you (as a teacher) facilitate the learning process among
Like many others, these various theories served as my springboard to facilitate the
learning process among students. Having these theories makes the learning- teaching relationship
smooth since this will mark the proper way in dealing with diverse learners. With these theories, there
will be a clear direction of a great understanding and comprehension.
Although there are number of definitions of learning, most psychologist and educators agree that
learning is the process by which behaviors either modified or changed through experience or training.
Agree or disagree?
I really do agree that learning is the process by which behavior either modified or changed
through training or experience. Like the constructivist line of thinking which is letting the learner learn
by “doing” and through this experiences they have to undertake, it would greatly impact the way they
gain learning. Letting the learners experience or be trained in a certain context will definitely give them
the opportunity to explore and acquire new things.
Alma Mae C. Bangelan
Educ. 106 Facilitating Learning
Module 2

Research on 3 specific strategies grounded in Constructivism.
Problem- based learning- learners acquire knowledge by devising a solution to a problem
Cooperative learning- students work together in small groups to maximize their own and each
other’s learning.
Reciprocal teaching/ learning-allow pairs of students to teach each other.
1. What are the elements of Constructivism Views of Learning?
A. Situation
B. Groupings
C. Bridges
D. Exhibits
E. Reflections
F. Productive assessments

2. Pick up 3 principles of Teaching-Learning and explain briefly.

A. Learners often are not aware of what they know- students are frequently not consciously
aware of reasons for their actions. They just innately know why they do things in certain way.

B. Learners may not discover experts conclusions- because students will see what they want to
see, it is important for teachers to carefully present ideas, skills, attitudes etc. To students to
which they want them to have access.
C. Learners like the ideas- students are very reluctant to give their favored ideas.
Think about these questions, how would you respond to each? How would a constructivist?
1. Who would control students learning? Is it left to the students alone?

I will let my students control their learning. I will let Let his students learn on his own and be there as well
them explore and be engaged in any open possibilities to facilitate and guide the students as they learn.
of learning and at the same time I will be there to
guide and facilitate their learning process to see to it
that they are in the right track of gaining learning.
I will not leave the students in the learning process The constructivist do not leave his students alone but
since this part would be crucial for them and they need he will actually be their in the learning process
someone who will facilitate and guide them. facilitating.

2. Can others help students arrive at meaning and understanding?

Yes, definitely. Students helping each other learn mimics humans' innate learning process, a process for which
we are genetically and environmentally engineered.  This is enough of an explanation, and a powerful one, to help your
students understand why peer learning is suitable in the college classroom: their brains are built to learn via

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