Listening: Politics and Society

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2. Listening: politics and society.

Initially, many Greek city states were kingdoms. By the

Archaic period, most had already become ____________.
Inevitably, the domination of a few of families caused
problems in many poleis. In the 500s BC, a new way of
government was invented in Athens. It was ____________.
The term is derived from the greek (dêmos) "people" and
(krátos) "power". Now, many people and not just a few
governed. The problem it is that not all the people could
participate in politics because Greek society was divided into
two groups:
- ____________. They ____________ in politics, enjoyed
many ____________ and paid ____________. Some were
very ____________.

- ____________. Women, ____________ or ____________

were not allowed to take part in politics and had no political
____________ at all. Other city-states founded

Sparta was a notable exception to the rest of Greece

because it was ruled by a ____________, the government of
two hereditary monarchs.

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