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         Cairo Governorate                                Department : English  
Nozha Directorate of Education                             Grade             : 1st Prep. 
    Nozha Language Schools                    F i r s t   T e r m   
  “Ismailia Road” Branch                 Revision Sheet 2011‐ 2012 

Traveller B 1
New Module ( 1 )

Land mark a building or place that is easily recognized especially

one which you can use to judge where you are .
Series set of events or a group of articles .
Replica An exact copy of something.
Squeeze on to fit into a small place .
Theme park a large permanent area for public entertainment , with
amusing activities U. S . Amusement park.
Region a particular area or part of the world , of the body .
Man- made artificial rather than natural .
Squeezed onto to succeed in getting someone or something into a small
space or object
Site (n) ( c) a place where sth is happening or will happen
** on site inside a factory , office etc.
Marvel at to show or experience great surprise or admiration .
Experience knowledge or skill which is obtained from doing ,
seeing or feeling thing words that go with experience
( have – gain – lack – good – useful – wide – amazing –
great – past .. etc.)
Stranger Someone you don't know.
Combines exist together , or join together .
Hold to have sth especially a position or money , or to control
Festival an organized set of special events , such as musical
performances .
Opportunity ( c or u ) chance
Culture (c or u) the way of life of a particular group of people at

a particular time = subcultures
Foreigner ( c ) a person who comes from another country .
Resort ( c ) a place where many people go for rest , sport or
another stated purpose , seaside / beach .
Habit ( c or u ) sth which you do often and regularly
sometimes without knowing that you are doing it .
Expect to think or believe sth will happen , or someone will
arrive .
Exhibit an object such as a painting that is shown to the public
Traditions(c or u) custom + a belief , principle or way of acting which people in a
to+ infinitive particular society or group have continued to follow for a
long time
Represent indicate – show – mean .
Goodness the quality of being good .
Purity the state of being pure .
associate to connect sth with sth else in your mind .
funeral a ceremony for burying or burning a dead person .
mourn to feel and show great sadness .
carnation a white , pink , or red flower with a pleasant smell .
prosperity the state of being successful , especially with money .
warning sign a physical condition that shows the presence of a disease
defeat the act of losing or not being successful .
achieve to gain sth usually by effort or skill .
beads a very small coloured often round piece of plastic , wood
, glass with a hole through .
recover to become well again after you have been ill .
battle a fight between people or groups of people trying to win
powers or control .
courage bravery .
royalty members of the royal family .
sacred holy , related to God , religion .
ecological related to the environment .
curiosity an eager desire to know or learn about sth satisfies you .

Mood the way you feel at a particular time .
Cherokee Indian people ( tribe ) .
Various different things .
awareness consciousness .
Influence the power to have an effect on people or things that are
able to do this
Symbolize to represent something .
Dependent influenced or decided by something .
Ceremony formal acts , often fixed and traditional performed on
important social or religious occasion .
Fabulous very good , excellent .
Meet up to meet another person in order to do something together
Accent ( c- u ) a particular way of pronouncing words that is
connected with country , area or social class .
Awesome very good ; extremely good .
Zebra crossing a place where road is marked with black and white lines
and people can cross safely because cars must stop.
Figure out to find an answer to sth or to understand sb.

Phrasal verbs

Try on to test sth or to think about an idea in order to decide whether it

works or whether you can use it .
Try out to use sth to discover if it works or if you like it .
Take part to be involved in an activity with other people( take part in sth ).
Take place to talk about sth happening .

American English and British

British American
Cinema Movie theater
Lift Elevator
Autumn Fall
Petrol Gas
Bill Check
Rubbish Garbage
Trousers Pants
Sidewalk Pavement
Holiday Vacation
Mobile phone Cell phone
Grips Chips
Football Soccer
Trainers Sneakers
flat Apartment

verbs + Prepositions :
suffer argue refer
choose fight with listen to
recover from quarrel belong
die agree connect

Negative prefixes & suffixes :
Prefix : a letter or group of letters that you put at the beginning of word to change its
meaning .
Unhappy - misunderstanding – impossible
Suffix : a letter or group of letters that you put a the end of a word to change its
meaning .
Meaningless - careless – harmless .

Choose the correct answer:

1- A large area for public entertainment, with entertaining activities …………
a- theme park b- exhibition
c- site d- festival
2- The ship is an exact ……………… of the original Golden Hind .
a- real b- genuine
c- God made d- replica
3-Andy will ………………. in the exhibition .
a- take part b- take apart
c- take off d- take place
4- The festivals …………….. in Dubai on 11th of December .
a- take place b- take hand
c- take turn d- take part
5- It was the first time , I'd ever …………………. failure .
a- practised b- experienced
c- felt d- drilled
6- My mother asked a ……………….. , who doesn’t live in the neighbourhood, to help
her with her suitcase .
a- foreigner b- alien
c- outsider d- stranger
7- The Olympic Games are ………………….. every four years .
a- applied b- carried
c- squeezed d- held
8- I have a golden ……………….. to go to America now that my sister lives there .
a- circumstance b- moment
c- turn d- opportunity

9- During the exhibition people from many different …………
a-parks b- celebrations
c- habits d- cultures
10- I'm trying to get into the ………………. of hanging up my clothes every night .
a- habit b- tradition
c- custom d- culture
11- The Cannes film ………………….. is held every year around May time .
a- feast b- party
c- festival d- celebration
12- After the death of one of the partners,the two organizations … to form one company .
a- combined b- managed
c- planned d- agreed
13-It was difficult for the citizens to meet the Prime Minister ……….
a- in person b- in contact
c- personal d- personality
14- Don't forget to ……………. the equipment before setting the experiment .
a- try on b- try it
c- try out d- give it a try
15- ………… the shoes to see if they fit .
a- Try on b- Give out a try
c- Try out d- Try it

Re-write the following sentences using words between brackets :

1. The Fashion designer will present his models on 15th May . [ Exhibits ]
2. The film has shown no respect for convention . [ culture ]
3. This stream merges with the river a few miles downstream . [ combine ]
4. Alan invited Jane to join the festivities and have fun . [ festivals ]
5. If somebody invited me to America , I'd jump at the chance . [ an opportunity ]
6. It's considered one of the bad manners to eat with your mouth open .[habit ]

7. They discovered that it wasn't the painting that was stolen ,but an exact copy
[ replica ]
8. Great Britain has many immigrant communities which make it a multicultural
society . [ foreigner ]
9. Sandy moved to a new district , but she felt odd for the first month .
[ stranger ]
10. We'd better go and join the queue if we want to see the film . [ take part ]


Choose the correct answer:

1- Adam ……………. our room twice a month .
a- cleans b- is cleaning
c- will clean d- cleaned
2- First you ………….. the oven to a temperature of 180 c .
a- would heat b- heat
c- heated d- are heating
3- The plane ……………. at four o'clock . We must be at the airport by two o'clock .
a- leaves b- has left
c- left d- is leaving
4- Have you found a house yet ? No , I ……………….. with my aunt at the moment .
a- stay b- am staying
c- stayed d- have stayed
5- The poor man was so disappointed that he ……….. away all his things and went home .
a- pack b- packed
c- packs d- is packing
6- A- I must go to the Library .
B - I ………….. there this afternoon , I'll give you a lift .
a- have been b- went
c- am going d- go

7- …………………. is my favourite sport .
a- Swimming b- Swam
c- Swim d- To Swim
8- We can't go out until the rain ………
a- stopped b- will stop
c- stops d- has stopped
9- Paul suggested ………………. to the Tahrir square to join the demonstraters.
a- go b- to go
c- going d- has gone
10- It ………………. time the government acted more responsibly .
a- is b- being
c- be d- was
11- I ……………… the plants for my neighbours this week .
a- water b- was watering
c- watering d- am watering
12- Gary rarely …………… his car at the weekend .
a- uses b- used
c- is using d- was used
13- The class will start when everyone ……………
a- arrives b- will arrive
c- is arriving d- will have arrived
14- flowers …………………… in spring .
a- blooms b- is blooming
c- bloom d- are blooming
15- The problem ………………… worse and worse all the time .
a- is getting b- was getting
c- will get d- got

Re-write the following sentences using words between brackets :

1. Hany doesn’t break the traffic rules while driving . [ never ]
2. Don't wait for me because I don't come with you . [ correct ]
3. Jane works at a supermarket temporarily. [ this summer ]

4. I watch TV every day. [ right now ]
5. They watch TV in their spare time . [ not ]
6. My head aches. [have]
7. I intend to see the doctor tomorrow at 11 : 00. [seeing]
8. First , she read the paper . Then she had her breakfast . [ after ]
9. I am given a present by my teacher . [ My teacher ]
10. The barber cuts my hair . [ I have ]

Choose the correct answer:

1- Tourism has brought ……………. to many parts of Spain .
a- defeat b- prosperity
c- flourish d- success
2- She is still ……………. for her child .
a- mourning b- mourn
c- mourner d- mournful
3- Over 300 mourners attended the ……………..of the Minister.
a-celebration b- battle
c- funeral d- festival
4- Most people ……………… the sun with happiness and joy.
a- associate b- association
c- associated d- associates
5- Adults must save the …………. and innocence of children.
a- pure b- purely
c- purist d- purity
6- Don't cook vegetables for too long , they'll lose all their ………..
a- good b- goodness
c- goods d- goodwill

7- This new report ………………… the current situation in our schools .
a- represents b- symbolizes
c- describes d- substitutes
8- Her style of painting has been ………….. by Japanese art .
a- influence b- influenced
c- influences d- influential
9- I was full of ……………… about their plans .
a- curiosity b- curious
c- inquisitive d- inquiring
10- The destruction of the rain forests is an …………… disaster .
a- ecological b- ecology
c- ecologist d- ecologically
11- The ………………. of the illness are respiratory problems and dizziness .
a- warning signs b-threatening signs
c- warn signs d- endangered signs
12- Napoleon was …………… by the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo .
a- defeat b- defeatism
c- defeated d- defeatist
13- She wore a necklace of brightly coloured wooden ………….
a- balls b- beacons
c- beads d- marbles
14- The aid agency continues the ……………. ignorance and superstition .
a- battle cry b- battle for
c- battlefield d- battle against
15- The government's training policy , he claimed , was ……………. its objectives .
a- achieved b- achieve
c- achieving d- achievement

Phrasal verbs

1- She has been ……… cancer for two years .

a- suffers from b- suffered from
c- suffering from d- suffer from
2- Where does the cooker ………….. the electricity .
a- connect to b- connect between
c- connect with d- connected to
3- It took her a long time to …………. her heart operation .
a- recover from b- recovered
c- recovered from d- recover after
4- You shouldn't take what doesn't ……………
a- belongs to b- belong to
c- belong for d- belong with
5- The Spanish authorities ……………. the British police in finding the terrorists .
a- cooperated with b- cooperated in
c- cooperate with d- cooperate in
6- The two companies have …………… joint ventures for the past several years .
a- cooperated in b- cooperate in
c- cooperating with d- cooperated with
7- If he tells Julie what I said , I'll never …………… him again .
a- speak to b- speak for
c- speak with d- spoke for
8- The lawyer ……………. the criminal at court , he defended him.
a- spoke to b- spoke for
c- spoke with d- spoke to
9- Most people …………. this brand ……….. Good quality .
a- associate – with b- associate- to
c- associated- with d- associate- from
10- ……………. this window and return to the main menu .
a-Escape from b- Escape for
c- Escape to d- Escape with
11- The use of CFCS has been ………….. the depletion of the ozone layer .
a- link to b- link with
c- linked to d- link between
12- Anna and I never …………….. you on this issue .
a- agree with b- agree about
c- agree d- agree on
13- My father and I don't ……………. very much .
a- agree about b- agree on
c- agree with d- agree on / about

Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1-police are connecting the break-in with other recent thefts in the area.
2-During a successful business career , she accumulated a great amount of wealth.
3- The Prime Minister came to the funeral instead of the President.(represent)
4-The English were conquered by the Normans in 1066. (defeat)
5- Such a badly presented exhibition encourages criticism. (invite)
6- The Bible and the Holy Qur’an are books of religion. (sacred)
7- My uncle hopes to study ecology at college. (ecologist)
8- Babies are interested in learning about everything around them.(curios)
12-She was at a loss in the new town, she didn’t know what to do. (helpless)
13-‘Hi’ is a colloquial way of greeting people. (formal)

Choose the correct answer:
1-She (is starting-started-start-starts) her Spanish course two weeks ago .
2- Last week an accident (happening-happens-happen-happened) near our school.
3- In the 20th century , millions of Europeans (emigrates-emigrated-emigrate-emigrating)
to America
4-Do you often exercise now?
No, but I (used-will get used-was used-am used) to exercise a lot when I was at school.
5-Do you like living in the city?
‘well, I (am not used- used- wasn’t used-was used) to it yet, but it’s okay
6- Does your sister travel a lot?
No, but she (didn’t use-used-isn’t used-wasn’t used ) to before she got married.
7-(Do-Did-Does-Don’t) you buy your camera or was it a present.
8-I (had to-has to-have to-having to) visit my aunt in hospital last week.
9-As soon as Margaret (gets-getting-got-has got) off the train she (pulls-pulling-pulled-has
pulled) her coat around her.
10-George(picks-picked-picking-pick) up his bag then , (throws-threw-throw-throwing) it on
his shoulder.
11- Andy stepped into the house and (closed-has closed-close-is closing) the door behind him.
12-Tom’s father (teach-teaches-taught-has taught) him how to drive when he was 17.
13-Jim (throws-threw-throw-has thrown) the ball to Sue who(catches-caught-catch-has
caught) it.
14-I (didn’t go-did go-went-didn’t went) to work yesterday because I (wasn’t –did be-was-
wasn’t) very well.
15- We all (leave- leaving-left-were leaving) the party at 11 o’clock.

*Re-write the following sentences.
1-Dennis gave up smoking two years ago, he no longer smokes. (used to)
2- Frank doesn't mind living alone, he has lived alone for 15 years. (Be used to)
3- When I was child ,I went swimming every day.(go)
4-Ron got tired very quickly. He wasn't in the habit of running. (used)
5-Frank once went to the Middle East. It was too hot for him (be used to)
6-The baby doesn't cry so much now but she cried every night.(used)
7-He used to study hard.(never)
8-Ron didn't use to smoke but now he changed. (does)
9-I travelled alone but I no longer travel alone.
I used--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10-Your friend have been here for an hour.(ago)

Traveller Module (2)

jousting fighting area

spectator a person who watches an activity esp. a
sporting event without taking part.
lining up When people or things line up or are lined up,
they are arranged in a row
Knight a man of high social position trained to fight
as a soldier on a horse.
approach To come near or near to (sth or sb)in space,
time , quality or amount.
gallop (of a horse) to run fast so that all four feet
come off the ground together in each act of
forward movement .
(of a person) To ride a horse that is running in
this way.
knock off To hit , especially forcefully, and cause to
move or fall.
announce to state or make known , especially publicly.
nod to move your head down and then up to show
approval or greeting.
kneel down to go down into, or stay in,a position where
one or both knees are on the ground
armour strong protective covering especially for the
pour from to flow quickly and in large amount.
wounded to cause a cut or a hole in the skin made by a
wealthy rich
fussy not easily satisfied, having very high
standards about particular things.
feared to be frightened of sth or someone.
possession When you have or own sth.
response an answer or reaction.

Phrasal verbs:

turn off to stop the flow of electricity, water etc.

turn on to start the flow of electricity ,water etc.
put off to delay doing sth to move sth to a later time.
put on to dress yourself in sth.
take on to start to employ sb (or)
take sth on to accept responsibility or decide to do sth.
take off to leave the ground and start flying /
take sb off to copy the way sb speaks or behaves in an
amusing way. /
take sth off to remove sth especially clothes.
keep off to not go near or on sth.
keep on to continue doing sth or to repeat an action
many times.

Collocations with say/tell:

say tell
Goodbye the time
So the difference
the truth
a secret
Thank you
No more
a story
The word a lie
The least Tales
sb's fortune


admire to respect and approve of someone or their behaviour , or to find sb

or sth attractive and pleasant to look at.
hero (female heroin) a person who is admired for having done sth very
brave or having achieved sth great.
mythical imaginary or not real.
ordinary not different or special or unexpected in any way ; usual.
extraordinary very unusual , special, unexpected or strange.
impressive if an object or achievement is impressive , you admire or respect it ,
usually because it is of special importance or very large.
incredible impossible , or very difficult , to believe .
tremor a slight shaking movement in a person's body especially because of
nervousness or excitement.
breathe (v) to move air into and out of the lungs.

breath (n) the air that goes into and out of your lungs.
Lift to move sth from a lower to a higher position.
Crawl to move slowly or with difficulty especially (of a person) with the
body stretched out along the ground or on hands and knees.
get off to leave a train , bus or aircraft.
unharmed not hurt or damaged.
bruised emotionally hurt as a result of a bad experience.
astonished surprised.
avalanche along amount of ice , snow and rock , falling quickly down the side
of a mountain.
numb unable to feel , usually for a short time.
dig out to get someone or sth out of somewhere by digging.
unconscious in the state of having lost consciousness , especially as a result of
head injury.
pull out to stop being involved in an activity or agreement.
entire Whole or complete with nothing missing.
desire (v) to want sth especially strongly.
(n)a strong feeling that you want sth
free (v) to allow sb to leave a place or prison where they have been


• As light as a feather • very light.

• As quite as a mouse • very shy.
• As good as gold • high quality or level.
• As free as gold • high quality or level.
• As free as a bird • to be free and uncontrolled.
• As white as a sheet • very pale face usually because of
illness, shock or fear.
• As hungry as wolf • strong wish or desire for sth.
• As quick as lightning • to be done in a very great speed.
• As busy as a bee • moving about quickly doing
many things.
1- He (keeps on-keeps off-keeps out –keeps) interrupting me.
2-There was a notice saying "(keep off- keeps on -kept on- kept off) the grass".
3-Flying glass (wounds-wounded-cut-wounding) her in the face and neck.
4- Police (put on-take off-put off-keep on) body (armour-suit-jacket-shirt) before confronting
the rioters.
5-He (knelt down-kneels down-kneel up- knelt up) in front of the king in respect.
6-Many people in the audience (shake-nod-nodded-shook) in agreement.
7-The Prime Minister has (announce-announcement-announced-announcer) that public
spending will be increased next yet.
8-He accidentally (knocked - knock -knocks - knocking) the vase (over-off-into-against)
9-The plane (takes on-takes off-took off- took on) at 8:30 am.
10-She (take-took-takes-taken) too much(on-off-of-over) and made herself ill.
11-The firm is (taking off-taking on-taken on- taken off) new staff.
12-We (canter-gallop-cantering-galloped) through the woods.
13-He hopes to be made a (knight-soldier-boss-prince) for his work at the Bank of England.
14-If you look out of the window on the left of the bus , you'll see that we 're now
(approached-approaching-approaches-approachable) the Tower of London.

*Re-write the following sentences.
1- I declared that the winner of the award in Joan Taylor. (announce)
2- This river flows into the English Channel. (pour)
3-The goalkeeper seriously injured himself when he hit the goalpost.(wound)
4-He fell down on his knees begging her to forgive him. (kneel down)
5-The army defeated the rebels after three days of fighting. (knock off)
6-We won't reach Dover before 12. (approach)
7-A crowd of curious onlookers soon gathered to see what was happening.(spectator)
8- Fierce fighting has continued all day on the outskirts of the town. (joust)
9-The officer aligned the cars to check their licenses. (line up)

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Don't put off till

tomorrow what
you can do today

* Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1-My roots are German, I (grew-grown-grows-was growing) up in Germany and
(worked-was working-work-working) there for quite a few years.
2-Aztec Civilization (develop-develops-was developing-developed) in the valley of
Mexico,7,500 feet above the sea level.
3-The Roman mathematics (has-had-having-have) no zero.
4-While he (took-was taking-take-takes) a bath , Archimedes (was discovering-discovered-
discover- discovers) the principles of density and buoyancy.
5-Roger (was meeting-meet-met-had met) his wife in the early 70's, she was acting in the
theatre then.
6-In my youth I (travelled-had travelled-was travelling-travel) the world and I often (slept-
had slept-sleep-was sleeping) under the stars.
7-She (was lying-was lied-lied-lies) in bed when she (heard-was heard- was hearing-hears) a
sudden noise.
8-While Cathy was washing the dishes, she (was dropping-dropped-drops-had dropped) a
9-Kim was looking out of the window when she (saw-was seeing-sees-had seen) Mike.
10-I broke my leg (while-when-before-because) I was playing football.
11-As he (was walking-walked-walks-is walking) he (slipped-was slipping-slips-is slipping)
on a banana skin.
12-She was steering the boat just as he (played-was playing-had played-has played) the guitar.
13-While I (was trying-been trying-was tried-tried) to remain calm, she was laughing at me.
14-I (was getting-got-have got-gets) out of the taxi and (walked-was walking-walks-walk)
into the airport.
15-There (were being-were-had been-been) a lot of people walking for their flights.
16-I (don't understand-didn't understand-hadn't understood-haven't understood) the lesson
because I wasn't paying attention.
17-What were you doing when I (have ring-rang-had rung-was ringing) the doorbell?
18-As soon as I (have got -was getting- got-get) home, I turned on the Tv for the big game.
19-I was walking down the street when it (started-was starting-had started-has started) to rain.
20-(As – before-after-when) they were fighting, we escaped through the back door.

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*Rewrite the following sentences:.

1- I was trying to ring Dave and at the same time he was trying to ring me. (while)
2-Judy was walking down the street when she saw an accident. (as)
3-The lecture started, then , I entered the lecture hall. (when)
4-The dog started barking. I go to the gate. (as soon as)
5- I wasn't paying attention. I got hit by a car. (while)
6-The hall light came on. She was parking her car. (as)
7-She had breakfast. (at 9 o'clock)
8- My secretary's typing is quick. (quickly)
9-Your house isn't as old as mine. (older)
10-I didn't hear you, because my brother was singing loudly. (just as)
11-I read the paper. During that , the telephone rang. (as)
12-I watched TV yesterday at that time, the light went out. (just as )
13-She read a good book yesterday. (not)
14-I was playing the piano when my cousin visited me. (while)
15-I didn't hear the phone because I was having shower. (while)
16-I fell down . I ran in the park. (as)
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Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1-His wife is (called-called out-call-call out) Silvia.
2-I'm not sure what Paul's job is , but I think it (is something-has something-had something-
have something)to do with animals.
3-They are said to be living (of luxury-in luxury- in luxurious-luxury) in Barbados.
4-Can you (guess-guessing-guesses-guessed) my age.
5-He's so (fussy-fustian-fuss-fusty) about the house , everything has to be absolutely perfect.
6-(Responses-Responded-Responding-Respond) to our advertisement have been
7-The (possession-possess-possessed-possessive) of large amounts of money doesn't ensure

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Choose the correct answer between brackets:

1-Paul,(who-which-whose-that) birthday is on Friday, is having a party to night.
2-My office,(which-whom-whose-who) is very big, is on the first floor.
3-That's the woman (whose-who-that-whom) house was burgled last week.
4-Sarah Jones,(who-when-which-whose) I knew at university, is a doctor now.
5-This CD , (which-who-that-when) I bought yesterday, is awful.
6-This is the reason (why or that-that-which-why) I haven't finished.
7-My friend, (who-which-whose-whom) has just moved to Wales, sent me a long letter.
8-London,(where-which-when-whose)the Houses of Parliament are, is the capital of England
9-The woman(who-that-who or that-which) won the lottery gave an interview to the
10-My favourite time of the year is summer,(when-that-where-which) the weather is hot.
11-When did you buy the jacket (which or that-which-that-when) you are wearing?
12-This is the town (that-where-when-which)my favourite singer lives.
13-Where are the children (which-whom-that-whose) ball broke our window?
14-The reason (which-which or that-where-why) John is successful is that he works very

☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

*Rewrite the following sentences:
1-Tom is playing football with a boy. The boy is his cousin. (who)
2- Sam has gone to a party. The party is at his friends house . (which)
3-This is the motorbike. I repaired it myself. (that)
4-You were talking to a girl. She is my niece. (whom)
5-The boy broke the window. He said he was sorry. (who)
6-Bath is the city he lived in when he was young. (where)
7-The best time to go shopping is in the morning. The shops are not very busy then.(when)
8-He lent me some money. That was very kind of him. (which)
9-I lent my jacket to Pam. The jacket is made of leather. (that)
10-Tina lives next door is a wonderful cook. (who)
11-I helped someone with his HW. His name is Alec and he's a classmate of mine.
(whose and who)
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Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1. After a ten-hour siege the gunman agreed to (free-freed-freedom-frees) the hostages.
2. I had been lying awkwardly and my leg had gone (numb-senseless-numbed-
3. There is a strong (desire-feeling-itch-mania) for peace among the people.
4. He'd spent the (entire-entirely-recent-recently) journey asleep.
5. We were swamped by an /a (avalanche-storm-volcano-hurricane) of complaints
6. He (pulled out-pulled up-pulls out-pulls up) of the deal at the last moment.
7. The doctors were (astonished-astonish-astonishment-astonishing) at the speed of her
8. She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked(unconscious-unconsciously-
9. Firefighters helped to (dig in-dig out-dug out- dug in) the people trapped in the
10. I (admiration-admired-admirable-admiring) him for his determination.
11. Start living life here and now instead of waiting for that (myth-mythical-
12. Divorce generally leaves both partners feeling rather (bruised-bruiser-bruising-
13. For the police , the incident didn't seem out of the (ordinary-normal-accepted-
14. He became a national (hero-heroically-heroine-heroic) for his part in the revolution .
15. He told the (extraordinarily-normal-accepted-extraordinary) story of his escape.
16. The child has just learned to (crawling-crawl-crawler-crawled).
17. Could you (lifting-lift-lifted-lifts) your chair a bit. I've got my bag caught under it.
18. Both children escaped (harmed-unharmed-harm-harmfully) from the burning
19. I tripped as I (get off-got off-come out-dig out) the bus.
20. I had to stop running to catch my (breath-breather-breathing-breathe).
21. The instructor told us to (breath-breathe-breathes-breathed) in deeply and then
(breath-breathe-breathes-breathed) out slowly.
22. There are some very (impressive-impress-impressively-impressed) buildings in
the town.
23. The latest missiles can be fired with (incredible-incredibly-believable-reliable)
24. There was a slight (tremor-tremulous-tremendous-tremendously) in her voice.

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1-He looks white and pale, he is ill. (sheet)
2- She works hard and never takes rest. (busy-bee)
3-There was a slight tremble in her voice as she recalled her husband.(tremor)

4-You eat an unbelievable amount of food. (incredible)
5-That was an impressive performance from such a young tennis player.(extraordinary)
6-I deeply respect David for what he has achieved. (Admire)
7-The---------------------- island of Atlantis. (myth)
8-This group of chemicals is known to be harmless to people with asthma.(unharmed)
9-I felt such a sense of freedom, up in the hills alone. (free verb)
10-we'd like to wish you lots of luck. (lucky)
11-He pulled with all his ---------------- but the rock would not move. (strong)
12-Adams survived a terrible train crash and walked away the only survivor.
(a cat with nine lives)
13-Danny is a ---------------------- boy who saved his little sister.(courage)
14-The United Kingdom was a ------------ country in the past (power)
15-The bag is too light ,it's ------------------------------ (as feather)
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Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1-I can swim (well-good-better-best), but I can ski even (well-better-good-best).
2-Honey is (sweet-sweeter-sweetest-more sweeter) than sugar.
3-(The harder-The hardest-The more harder-The hard) he works, (The most successful-
The more successful-The successful -The success) he becomes.
4- I felt very ill last week, but I'm slightly (well-better-the best- good) now.
5-I saw (pretty-the more pretty-the prettiest-prettier) vase I've ever seen.
6-Gold is (the most expensive-expensive-more expensive-the expensive) than silver.
7-(The older-Older-The oldest-The oldest) he gets , (The tallest-The taller-Taller-Tall)
he grows.
8-My new house is (much bigger-more bigger-the biggest-the bigger) than my old one.
9-The weather is getting ( warmer and warmer-warm and warm and warm-the warmest
and warmest-warmer and warmest)

10-(Many-More and more-The most and most-Many and many) people are opening their
own businesses these days.
11-Cars are getting (cheaper and cheaper-cheap and cheap-cheapest and cheapest-the
most cheap) as the years go by.
12-She is (as tall as –as taller as-as tallest as-as tall) I am.
13-He is known (as-such-so-such as) the father of modern medicine.
14-Do (so-such as-as-such as) I told you.
15-The new bed is (comfortable- much comfortable than-more comfortable- the most
comfortable) than my old one.
16-Colin is not (strong-strongest-stronger-as strong) as Martin.
17-Claire is (faster-fast-fastest-the fastest) runner in the team.
18-That was (the best-better-good-best) party I have ever been to.
19-He swims (like-as-such-so) a fish.
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Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1-We can't afford such an expensive holiday. (as-as)
2-He could find a cheaper computer than this one. (the)
3-The weather was getting worse, so we decided not to go out. (and)
4-The journey was less tiring than I thought it would be. (as)
5-This is the worst book I have ever read. (than)
6-None of my colleagues are more hard working than Betty. (most)
7-They don't live as far away as I thought. (than)
8-Danny's briefcase is similar to yours. (same)
9-He supported the local football team with great enthusiasm. (enthusiastically)
10-That dress isn’t very cheap I can't afford to buy it . (expensive) -

11-I like living near the city. It's a lot suitable. (convenient)
12-The children got noisy . The teacher got angry. (The noisier)
13-We worked hard. We earned lots of money. (The harder)
14-If a car is new , it is valuable. (The newer)
15-Over the years , the trees grew very tall. (taller)
16-Nada is more beautiful than Noha. (as------as)
17-His writing isn't clear. (clearly)
18-He is a good speaker of English. (well)
19-I think no city more beautiful than my city. (the)
20-Nada is more beautiful than my sister. (not as---------as)

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Module 3
☺ New vocabulary :
Book worm sb who likes reading a lot .

Constantly happens all the time .

Intention a plan about what you will do .
Surf the net spend your time visiting the website .
Come across find by chance .
Interests hobbies .
Sporty sb who practices sport .
Athletic strong in body with plenty of muscle .
Willing ready to agree .
Adrenalin a hormone produced by the body when you're scared , excite. so the
heart beats faster and prepares the body to react to danger .
Admit to sate or agree to the truth .
Windsurfing [ water sport ] a sport in which you sail across water by standing on
a board and holding onto a large sail .
Scuba diving the sport of swimming under water with special breathing equipment
I am really into I am interested in .
Tend to do sth usually or often .
Out and about active doing the thing you usually do .
Hang out to spend a lot of time , in a place or with someone .
Local related to the area you live .
Every once in a sometimes but not often .
Put on show .
Rehearse to practice a play , a poem , a piece of music to show it to the public
Rewarding making you feel satisfied bec. You did sth important.
Stimulating to excite the body or the mind .
Creative producing new and original ideas and things .
Competitive related to , based on , or decided by competition .

Socializing to spend time with other people in a friendly way .
Challenging to call someone , to compete against one , esp. in a fight , match .

Anxiety a feeling of worry about something that is

happening or might happen in the future .
Appearance an occasion when someone appears in public or they
way a person or a thing looks like .
Duty [ responsibility ] something that you have to do
because it is a part of your job .
Knowledge understanding of or information about a subject
which a person gets by experience or study and
which is either in person's mind or known by people
generally .
Organization a group of people work together in a structured way
for a shared purpose .
Qualification an official record showing that have finished a
training course or have the necessary skills
Responsibility something that is your job or duty to do it .
Typical showing all the characteristics that you would
usually expect from a particular group of things .
Genuine real and exactly what it appears to be .
Location exact place .
Videotaping to record a film , television programme or event on
videotape .

Phrasal verbs

Where are we off to ? where are we going ?

What's up with you ? What's wrong ?
Grab a bite eat something .
Puckish a little hungry .
Chill out relax .
hold on wait .
I'm in I agree .
Care about
Take into consideration
Make use of
Prepare for

Verb Noun
Prepare Preparation
Do Make
Improve Improvement well money
Locate Location business noise
Advertise Advertisement my best decision
Develop Development
a favour an excuse
Discuss Discussion
Educate Education shopping mistake
Organize Organization homewok plans
Arrange Arrangement
invite invitation

Words easily confused

Salary a fixed amount of money agreed every years as pay for an

employee .
Income money that is earned from doing work or received from
investment .
Gesture a movement of the hands , to express a certain meaning .
Expression the quality of showing or performing with feeling
Upset worried , feeling unhappy about something .
Nervous afraid , worried .
Literate able to read or write
Ambitions having a strong wish to be successful .

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Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1. He never [ tells – makes – says – admits ] his mistakes .
2. Are you [ willing – unwilling – anxious – interested ] to help ?
3. John [ is to – tends to – wants – loves ] talk quickly .
4. Since I joined the group , I've taken [ place – part – out – by ] in three films .
5. In summer we're into [ visiting – going – hanging – taking ] at the local mall where
my friends go to the cinema or to a café .
6. My mum likes reading so much , she is a [ freelance – book worm – good reader –
reader ] .
7. I've just come [ along – apart – across – away ] an old friend I haven't seen for years
8. Rising demand tends to push prices up ,and falling demand pushes them [ out –
down – over – through ] .
9. My cousin said he has no [ wish – intention – desire – need ] of changing .
10. The doctor says she should be [ out and about – in and out – out for – out with it ] in
a few day's time .
11. The musicians [ trained – stayed – rehearsed – asked ] for the concert .
12. [ On – At – In – Of ] the weekends , I usually go somewhere to relax .
13. She is strong, healthy and good at sports , she looks very [ fit – slim – athlete –
athletic ] .

14. My parents are [ constant – constancy – constantly – never ] complaining that I get
out much .
15. He's a member of a local theatre , he is a [ hero – athletic – thespian – director ]
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Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1-Tom always buys books to read them he's really [ a book fair- book butterfly-
bookworm- puckish ].
2-Sara has no [ intend- intention- decide- invention ] of changing her career.
3-I like [ serving-windsurfing-surfing-looking ] the net every now and then.
4-Ann likes going out a lot. She tends to be [in and out- out and about- into and outside-
out and into ].
5-It is produced when you're frightened, [chlorophyll-colour – adrenalin-poster ] makes
your heart beat faster.
6- Like many people [ my birth- my date- my age- my old ] I like going out to cafes.
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Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1-That girl is always reading. [ bookworm ]
2-That book has been sold in large numbers. [ best ]
3-Tom is interested in surfing the net. [ into ]
4-Volunteering to help the orphans makes him feel proud of himself. [rewarding ]
5-I'm not planning to change my career. [intention ].
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Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1-What time is the film [of- on- in- at ] tonight?
2-At the weekend we like to chill [in – of – into- out] in the park.
3-I am so hungry. Let’ s grab [a bit- a bite- a part- a beat]..
4-He must be [ amazed-delighted-exhausted-delicious ]. He has been working all day.
5-Hold [ out-of-in-on] please. I will be ready in a few minutes.
6-Your face is so pale. What is [of-on-up- down ] with you ?
7-I need some butter for the cake. I am [out-of-off-outside ] to the supermarket.
8- Sue is very[ childish- furious-puckish - huge ]. She is buying something to eat.
9-Granny was [ amazing-exhausted-delighted-boring] as all the family attended her party.
10-A: Are you coming with us to the concert?
B:I am [out-into-in-of ] .I have heard it is a fantastic show.

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1-Mum is going to the supermarket to buy fruits. (off)
2-I am hungry .Why don't we eat something? (a bite )
3-We always enjoy relaxing by the sea. ( chill)
4-Please wait. I will call Ann. ( hold)
5-I agree. I will come with you. ( in)
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Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1. Jill is on holiday . He [ is gone – has gone – has been – goes ] to Italy .
2. Everything is going well . We [ didn't have – don't have – haven't had – had ] any
problems so far .
3. Sarah has last her passport again . It's the second time this [ has happened –
happens – happened – is happing ] .
4. You're out of breath . [ Are you running – Have you run – Have you been running –
Did you run ] ?
5. Where's the book I gave you ? What [ have you done – have you been doing- are
you doing – you are doing ] with it ?
6. [ Do you know – Have you known – have you been knowing – Did you know ] each
other for a long time ? ' yes , since we were at school .'
7. Sally has been working here [ for six months – since six months – six months ago –
six months ] .

8. It's two years [ that I don't see – that I haven't seen –since I didn't see – since I last
saw ] Jane
9. It [ stopped – has stopped – was stopped – is ] raining for a while , but now it's
raining again .
10. My mother [ grew – grew up – has grown up – had grown up ] in Scotland .
11. [ Have you eaten –Had you eaten – Did you eater you eating ] a lot of sweets when
you were a child ?
12. The man sitting next to me the plane was very nervous . He [ hasn't flown – didn't
fly – wasn't flying-hadn’t flown ] before .
13. I [ played – was playing – was used to play – used to play ] tennis a lot , but I don't
play very often now .
14. The story [ might – can – could – may ] be true , but I don't think it is .
15. What was the problem ? Why [ had you to – did you have to – must you – you had
to ] leave early ?
16. " Do you know where [ Tom has gone – has Tom gone– has gone Tom– Tom
went] ?" ' No , he didn't say .'
17. Did you use to take [ place – side – part – corner ] in competitions when you were
young ?
18. I'd rather [ going – to go – went – go ] to the cinema tonight .
19. You'd better [ told – telling – to tell – tell ] me everything you know about this .
20. I don't know what [ to do – do - doing – did ] .
21. I need [ going – to go – go – goes ] out tonight .
22. You [ may – mustn't – can – couldn't ] run in the corridors . It's dangerous .
23. " You [ must – needn't – mustn't – need ] to be late for work ."
24. Jim [ mustn't – has to – can – could ] lose some weight . His doctor said so .
25. I [ have to – needn't – must – ought to ] go to the bank today . I have enough money
26. You [ Can't – shall – should – will ] do your H. W before you watch T.V .
27. [ Must – May – Will – Ought ] you collect the children from school , please ?
28. I [ might – could – must – can ] swim before I was able to walk .
29. We didn't go out last night . We [ can go – could have gone – might go-could go ]
to the cinema but we decided to stay at home .
30. [ We're looking forward to- We've been looking forward to – We look forward to –
We've looked forward to ] this holiday for ages.

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Choose the correct answer between brackets:

1-You look ill. You had better ( to see-see-saw-seeing) a doctor.
2-In New Hampshire you (needn't-don't have to-have to- mustn't) pick up seaweed from
the beach. It's illegal.
3-You ( must-mustn't-have to- don't have to) put a stamp on this letter .It says FREEPOST
on it.
4- I'd ( like-better-rather- prefer) stay at home than go out.
5-My train is at 6:00.I ( mustn't-needn't-have-shouldn't) to leave now.
6-I ( must-don't have-needn't-have to )go to the doctor .I 'm feeling much better.
7- We still have milk in the fridge. You ( need- don't have- needn't-mustn't) buy more.
8- Children ( must- have to- need- mustn't) wear uniforms at schools .It's the rule.
9- It's forbidden to park here .So You ( don't have to- needn't- mustn't- must )leave your
car here.
10- A:Do you like coffee?
B:I'd rather ( to not- not to – to –not ) drink it.
11-We have not been invited to the party, so we ( don't have to- couldn't- might-
shouldn't ) go.
12-She 's a terrible player .You ( 'd rather- 'd better- won't- don't have to ) play with her..
13-I'm not deaf. You ( must- aren't allowed- have to- don't have to ) shout.

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1-Smoking is banned in this area . (mustn't)
2- It's inadvisable to waste your time in doing these things. ('d better)
3-It's necessary for her to wash the dishes. (She)
4-It is not necessary for him to drive us to the station. (He)
5-I don't want to go out. I prefer to stay at home. (rather)

6- I would prefer to wake up early. ('d rather….late)
7-She doesn't have to bring money with her. (needn't)
8-You should sleep early .You've got a lot of work tomorrow. (better not )
9-It's a law to pay a fine if you don't follow the traffic rules. (have )
10-It's not important for her to study this chapter. It's cancelled. (doesn't)
11. I want to walk , I don't want to go by car . [I'd rather ]
12. You had no choice but to sign the contract . [better ]
13. Every body is obliged to pay Taxes . [have ]
14. It's forbidden to copy files without the manger’s permission[mustn't]
15. It wasn't for him lie about his age . [ must ]
16. It wasn't necessary for Ann to cook dinner , but she did . [ need ]
17. It wasn't necessary for her to give me a lift , but she did . [ have ]
18. It isn't necessary for mother to cook tonight . [ have ]
19. You aren't allowed to eat and drink in classrooms . [ must ]
20. They are obliged to go to a meeting every week . [ have to ]
21. I was born in this city and still live here . [ been ]
22. The last time I watched T.V was a week ago . [ for ]

23. When did he start working for this company ? [ been ]
24. Let's not go to a café as I had some coffee earlier . [ already ]
25. It's ages since he had a holiday . [for ]
26. Mary talks on the phone , so she hasn't done any work. [ all the morning ]
27. How long ago did Sarah start writing poetry ? [ been ]
28. Why are you so tired ? [ been ]
29. The last time I drove my car was 2 days ago . [ for ]
30. When did Reem start cooking . [ has ]
31. Let's not make a cake . I made one yesterday . [ already ]
32. Rachel travelled to U. S . A . she still lives there . [ has ]
33. Bill has been working at the pet shop for 7 months . [ How ]
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- One's …….. is so important especially in work as the way you look affects others .
a- knowledge b- body language
c- anxiety d- appearance
2- It's normal to feel nervous before …………. especially if you are entering the world of
work for the first time .
a- an exam b- an interview
c- an appointment d- a meeting
3- Before having exams . I suffer from my feeling of stress and …….. till I finish .
a- calmness b- quietness
c- softness d- anxiety

4-The key to a successful job interview is preparation . This is an advice you should take
……… consideration the next time you go for a job interview
a- for b- by
c- with d- into
5-A good teacher should do a full ………… of the subject he is going to teach before
entering the class ……….
a- preparation b- consideration
c- qualification d- explanation
6- You should make use of the internet as well as magazines and news papers in order to
gather information about the company or ………… you are applying to .
a- elections b- finals
c- responsibility c- organization
7- A person applying for a job must know some things about specific job …………..
including general responsibilities and duties .
a- location b- site
c- position d- knowledge
8- As a father I have lots of ……………. towards my family .
a- burdens b- responsibilities
c- activities d- potentials
9- It is helpful to prepare …………… the interview itself by answering typical interview
questions .
a- to b- in
c- by d-for
10- On your first interview avoid taking about money so don't ask about ……….. that you
will get from a job .
a- payment b- fee
c- fare d- salary
11- If you ask about money . The interviewer may think that you only care about the
benefits and that your interest in the company isn't ………
a- unreal b- uncertain
c- genuine d- unclear
12- Preparation for an interview is important including choosing what to wear so it is
important to select something ……….
a- inconvenient b- unsuitable
c- appropriate d- resistible
13- If your clothing is clean and well ……… the interviewer will think that you are a
neat and organized person .
a- cleaned b- cleared
c- met d- pressed
14- The place where an interview is held is called ………
a- location b- position
c- promotion d- area
15- You must trust yourself and your abilities so remember to stay calm and reflect an
image of self ……..
a- knowledge b- confidence
c- selfishness d- cooperation
16- The first question that the interviewer will ask you when you apply for a job is about
your …. And certificates .
a- duties b- responsibilities
c- graduation d- qualifications
17-Alex………… and left the party early . He received a phone call that his father was ill .
a- made a mistake b- made a decision
c- did a favour d- made an excuse
18- Everyone …. mistakes , the important thing is to learn from them …………
a- does b- did
c- makes d- made
19- Would you …. me a favour and buy me a chocolate bar on your way home ?
a- make b- makes
c- do d- does
20- I ……….. my best and exerted all my efforts but I found no appreciation .
a- make b- made
c- do d- did
21- The company offered me a good ……….., a car and other benefits .
a- salary b- income
c- fee d- fare
22- Mr. John has a problem . He can't afford all his family's demands as his ……….. is
less than their needs .
a- salary b- income
c- fee d- fare

23- Jane had a happy ……… on her face when she heard the news ……
a- expression b- gesture
c- movement d- tendency
24- I asked my servant to get me a book from my bedroom , I was astonished when she got
in she shouted . I hurried and she made a …. towards the desk . There was mouse .
a- expression b- gesture
c- movement d- tendency
25- She is on quite a good …………………… in her present job .
a- income b- fee
c- money d- salary
26- More help is needed for people on low ……….
a- incomes b- sums
c- salaries d- money
27- We invited our neighbours to dinner as a/an …………… of friendship .
a- expression b- signal
c- gesture d- movement
28- A government should permit the free …………… of political opinion .
a- expression b- gesture
c- signal d- movement
29- Don't get ………… about the dress , There is only a little stain on it .
a- upset b- nervous
c- afraid d- ambitious
30- He was ……….. before the plane journey .
a- upset b- afraid
c- nervous d- ambitious
31- John has a match in the finals that's why he feels so ………………
a- clean b- clear
c- nervous d- upset
32- Please take all my suggestions ………………. consideration .
a- into b- in
c- under d- to
33- He has helped patients suffering from …………… , depression , and eating disorders .
a- anxious b- worried
c- anxiety d- annoy
34- The …………….of the agency is to act in the best interests of the child .
a- job b- duty
c- work d- tax
Underline the correct verb :
1. I couldn't [ do – make ] my H. W last night .
2. When do you [ take – do ] your next exam ?
3. Did he [ do – make ] many mistakes ?
4. I don't often[make – do ] the housework .
5. Did you [ make – take ] many photos ?
6. I think I've [ done – made ] lot of progress .
7. I want to [ do – make ] a course in English .
8. We must [ take – make ] a decision soon .
9. He is [ doing – making ] research in chemistry .
10. They [ did – made ] a lot of noise during the party .
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
Rewrite the following sentences using words between brackets :
1. Adam put an …………. on his car to sell it . [ advertise ]
2. The recent ………… in medical research have given many people a lot of hope .
[develop ]
3. Julia has made all the …………. for her holiday . [ arrange ]
4. Emmy sent me an ……………... for her wedding . [ invite ]
5. I was lost so I asked the police about ………. to the museum . [ direct ]
6. The headmaster and the teachers had ………… about the manager's last decision .
[ discuss ]
7. It's very important to make sure that your CV is including the latest information and
free of mistakes . [ up ]
8. You must know the exact place of your interview . [ location ]
9. Preparation for an interview includes choosing what to wear . It is important to
select something suitable . [ appropriate ]
10. You can save yourself the feeling of worry by doing a few simple things like
exercising . [ anxiety ]
11. You got me the feeling that your interest in work isn't real and that you care only
about your benefits . [ genuine ]

12. Axel made a movement of hand to refer to the books on the table .
[ gesture ]
13. I can't buy a new flat as the money I earn and I receive from my father is not enough
[ income ]
14. I showed the interviewer the official records of my study and my training courses
that are a must for having the job . [ qualifications ]
15. I decided to make up with my friend who I broke up with after a discussion
[make ]
16. I didn't get upset with John who annoyed me . I considered his state after the death
of his father . [ take ]
17. I exerted a great effort in my project . [ best ]
18. Endy asked his manager to give him a permission to leave work early .
His wife was ill . [ excuse ]
19. As I enjoy my rights as a citizen in my country I should bear my duties .
[ responsibilities ]
20. I've arranged to travel to Paris next year . [ a plan ]
21. It was wrong of you to cheat in the exam . [ ought ]
22. May I make a telephone call ? [Could ]
23. It is necessary to buy skiing equipment if you want to take lessons . [have]
24. I'm sure Ted isn't older than me because he went to school with my younger brother
[ can't ]
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺


Choose the correct answer between brackets:

1-surely that [ mustn't- can't- might- won't ] be the correct answer.
2-I'm not sure but you [ will- would- can- could ] be right.
3-This [must be- can be- can't be- may be ] our school bus. It’s too early.
4-I heard the ten o'clock news an hour ago ,so it [ may- might- could- must ] be after
half past ten now.
5-You paid 25 pounds for this CD .You [ must- can't – can- will ] be crazy,
6-She [ must- can't- might- should ] know. It's a secret.
7-I'm not sure what it is .It [ must- can't- might- ought] be some kind of animal.
8- Everyone passes that exam. It [ must- can't- can- might ] be very difficult.
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Rewrite the following sentences using words between brackets :
1- I am not sure that she will buy that car . [ may ].
2-This is unlikely to be my car as my car is green. [ can't ]
3- I am sure that woman isn't Martin's mother as she is too young. [ be ]
4-I’m sure the cat is in the house somewhere. [ must ]
5-It’s certain that Tamer isn't over forty. [ be ]
6- It is likely to rain tomorrow. [ could ]
7-It's impossible that he is unkind. [ must ]
8-I’ m sure he has a fortune. [ must ]
9- I 'm sure that he is affluent. [ Can't ]

Module 4

☯Words related to the environment:

Canyon A large valley with very steep sides and usually a river flowing
along the bottom
Ecosystem All the living things in an area and the way they affect each other
and the environment
Jungle forest A tropical forest in which trees and plants grow closely
Floods A large amount of water covering an area ,to cover with water.
An oasis A place in a desert where there is water and there fore plants and
trees and sometimes a village or a town. (oases).
Paradise A place or condition of great happiness where everything is
exactly as you would like it to be
Species types of plants or animals
Volunteer A person who does something especially helping other people
willingly and without being forced or paid to do it
Images Pictures
agency organization A business which represents one group of people
when dealing with another group
Community the people living in one particular .

Based on Built on
Logging The action of cutting down trees.
Generation All the people of about the same age within a society or within a
Global related to the whole world

Miss out to fail to include someone or something that should be included.

Youth the period of your life when you are young

Basin the area of land from which streams run into a river, lake or sea
ecology The study of the relation between animals, plants and people.
habitat Place where animals live.
fund a sum of money saved, collected or provided for a particular

climate the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place

aware knowing or realizing sth

giant much larger than other things
die out to disappear no longer exist
in existence when someone exists
Fossil fuel fuels such as gas, coal and oil, which were formed underground
from plants and animal remains millions of years ago
prey an animal hunted or eaten by another animal
weasel a small mammal with reddish brown fur and a long body, which
can kill other small animals such as mice and birds for food

predator an animal kills and eats other animals

remaining left when other things or people have gone
breed to keep animals to produce young animals or to have babies
toad an animal like a large frog has brownish color
exotic unusual and exciting
feature a typical quality or an important part of something

Phrases and phrasal verb

-according to as stated by
-Big deal said when you don't think that what someone has said
or done is important or special
-For all I care when someone is not worried
-For starters used to say that something is the first in a list of things
-hopeless case without hope
-So what when something isn't important
-Give in Agree to finally agree to what someone wants after
refusing for a period of time
-Give up to stop trying .
-put an end to To finish, end
-Show off to behave in a way which is intended to attract
attention or admiration.

New Vocabulary

-alternative something that is different from something else, especially

from what is usual, and offering the possibility of choice
-disturb to interrupt what someone is doing
-fuss A show of anger, worry, lack of satisfaction or excitement
-obvious clear, easy to see, recognize or understand

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Choose the correct answer:
1- Dr. Aisha Abdurrahman held an important post through her (office – hospital – agency
– personality) .
2- Finding a solution to the housing problem is one of the greatest (evidences – clues –
pictures – challenges) faced by architects today.
3- There's a large (common – commit – crowd – community)of homeless people living in
this area after the earthquake.
4- It's our duty to preserve the planet for future (community – generation – generality –
5- (World – Global – Nature – Need) warming is one of the most serious problems facing
us nowadays.
6- Oh, I'm sorry Tina, I have (missed you in – missed you up – missed you out – missed
you for), what would you like to drink?
7- He looks like a man who's found the secret to eternal (use – usage – youth -community)
8- when we retire, we're going to move to a warmer (challenge – crowd – clue – climate) .
9- (According to – Accordingly – According – Accord) to the latest statistics, there is an
increase in the rate of pollution due to cutting down trees.
10- It is not really a (big moment– big deal – big idea – big run) to win at athletics as long
as you are well-trained.
11-A: Why did you decide not to go to the concert?
B: Well, (for a moment – for a minute – for starter – for beginners) the tickets were
ridiculously expensive.
12- When he first went for treatment at the hospital he seemed to be a (hopeless – helpless
–hope – hopeless case).
13- (So if – So why – So who – So what) if we didn't win the match ! We did our best and
enjoyed it.
14- He nagged me so much for a new bike, that eventually I (gave out – gave in – gave
down – gave)
15- You'll never guess the meaning or the answer ,do you (give out – give up – give in –
give down).
16- She only bought that sports car to (show – show off – appear – pretend) and prove that
she could afford one.
17- There is no(announcement – audience – reason – alternative) the people of the
damaged area will either desert the place or stay in tents.

18- I'm sorry to (interrupt – disturb – approve – shout) you so late, but my little child is
really ill and I need to find a doctor.
19- I don't see what the (idea – issue – fuse – fuss) is about, we have to think logically and
try to solve our problems.
20- They have a small child so for (a lot – how – so – obvious) reasons they need money
as well as shelter.
21- Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the country's (culture – costume – weather –
22- The Amazon (pond – lake – Basin – river) covers about seven million square km.
23- Over a hundred (genders – Pease– pieces – species) of insect are found in this area.
24- The forest has been so heavily (locked – blocked – logged – log) that lots of trees are
in danger of becoming extinct.
25- If you need more information you can go to the Environ mental Research (observation
-foundation – system-protection) site.
26- I have an/a (mental – image – clue – costume) in my mind of how I want my beloved
country to be in the near future.
27- The bridge is a marvellous work of engineering and (structure– construction – talent
– building)
28- I believe our country will turn into a real (paranormal – paradise – paranoia –
paraphrase) if we work hard to reclaim desert land.
29- The health clinic is relying on (patients – candidates – celebrities – volunteers) to run
the office and answer the phone.
30- Her office was an (oasis – oak – oats – oar) of peace and sanity among the
surrounding chaos .
31- Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balanced (ecosystem –
technology – geology – syndrome)
32- Our washing machine broke down yesterday and (washed – occurred – flooded –
swept) the kitchen .
33- The yonomami people live in the south American (Joke – Junk – geology – Jungle)

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets
1- This work costs nothing it's all done by people who has done it willingly without being
Paid [volunteer]
2- The Amazon is home to more than 2,6 million kinds of animals [species]
3- Cutting down trees will have reduced the size of rain forests by 60% [ logging]
4- The Bahamas are everyone's dream of heaven [paradise]
5- The politician's Job is to serve the different groups of people [community]
6- The roads were submerged with water through the storm [flood]
7- I don't see what all this is about, It was really an accident [fuss]
8- I don't know why you are so worried, for me, If he doesn't show up, we'll start with out
him . [care]
9- Are you mad? You can't eat that . [insane]
10- So, I didn't win this competition. No problem, I'll do it again and win next time.
[So what]
11- If you keep thinking of the dark side of this issue, you'll never go through it.

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Choose the correct answer:: future:

1- She [is sure – may be – will – is going to] probably be here tomorrow.
2- We've run out of milk, I [will be – will – should – needn't] go and buy some .
3- I [might – will – should – need to] pay the money, don't worry.
4- [Should – Need – Will – Was] you help me clean my room?
5- My brother [goes – went – is going – going] to study Biology.
6- Look out! You [may – can – are going to – should] trip over that chair.
7- We [will – are going to – may – might] have a party next Saturday, do you want to
8- The sky is getting darker- I think it [is raining – going to rain – is going to rain – may
9- It's possible that in 50 years there [won't – may not – aren't going to – isn't going] be
any tigers in the world
10- I've got an appointment with the doctor. I ['m seeing – will see – going to see – am
going to see] her at 10 o'clock tomorrow
11- People say that in 2020, computers [are going to be – will be – are being – going to be]
really small
12- Take this medicine, and then you ['ll feel – are feeling – are going to feel – going to
feel] a lot better
13- This time next week, I ['ll ski – 'll be skiing – will – can ski] in Austria
14- They [will finish – will have finishing – have finished – will have finished] their
meeting by four o'clock this afternoon
15- I ['ll be lying – will lie – will be lie – can lie] on the beach all day tomorrow
16- She ['ll returned – 'll have returned – have returned – returned] by the time you
17- When we go to Paris we [will climb – will have climbed – going to climb – are
climbing] the Eiffel tower
18- James [will have completed – will have been completing – will complete – is
completing] his studies by the end of this year
19- We are too late to catch the bus it [will go – is going – will have gone – is going to go]
by now.
20- I [will travel – may travel – am going to travel – am travelling] to Paris at 6 o'clock
tomorrow, I've arranged that .

Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets: future:
1- I've got a meeting with Nada tonight. I arranged to meet her at 8 o'clock [meeting]
2- I've missed the bus, so I intend to walk home [going]
3- In 2099. I predict the impossibility of telling the difference between people and robots
[I predict it]
4- My parents have arranged to visit my uncle next week . [visiting]
5- The weather forecast predicts cold next winter. [says it]
6- Hurry up. Don't miss the bus . [or]
7- I have decided to leave for home now. [will]
8- I expect the fame of the young player in the next few year . [I think]
9- We dream of flying in one of those planes and go around the world once we grow up.
10- By 7:00 pm. You can find supper completely ready. [I will]


If conditional

Choose the correct answer:

1- If you are bored [you would do – you will do – do – you do] something else.
2- If you [don't feel – hadn't felt – didn't feel – felt] well, lie down for a while.
3- Ice [will melt – would melt – melts – is melting] if the temperature rises above O0C.
4- I [would talk – will talk – talked – would have talked] to the bank manager if I were
5- Unless we [leave – leaves – will leave – might leave] now, we will be late for school.
6- If he [won't be – might not be – wouldn't be – isn't] careful, he will hurt himself.
7- [If – Unless – Until – As soon as] we hurry up, we'll be late for the film.
8- If I knew the truth, I [tell – would tell – will tell – told] you.
9- If she [invites – invited – would invite – will invite] me to her party, I'd go.
10- If you [come – came – will come – comes] early, you'd see your new boss.
11- If you exercised hard before bedtime, you [sleep – will sleep – would sleep – slept]
12- When you [pressing – will press – press – pressed] the button, the machine starts.

Rewrite the following sentences : If conditional:

1- Joe works at Brown's. He probably knows Annie [If]
2- I can't sleep. I get up and read [If]
3- You take books from my room. Please tell me [If]
4- You're hungry. Why don't you cook some soup [If]
5- We catch the first train. We can be in London by 9 o'clock [If]
6- Children can't go in if they are not with an adult [unless]
7- You can't park here if you don't live in this street [unless]

8- You can't go out. You have to eat breakfast first [until]
9- He doesn't know her. That's why he doesn't speak to her [If]
10- She doesn't have a mobile phone. That's why she can't be contacted [We could]
11- I lost my map. That's why I'm asking for directions now [didn't]
12- We don't visit you very often because you live so far away [would visit]
13- People don't understand him because he doesn't speak very clearly [If]
14- I can't meet you tomorrow evening because I have to work [didn't have]

Choose the correct answer: Nouns – Articles – Determiners

1- Sue was very helpful. She gave me some good [advice – advices – advisable – device].
2- Sorry I'm late. I had [troubles – trouble – terrible – tribute] with the car this morning.
3- It's very difficult to find a [work – job – opportunity – idea] at the moment.
4- Bad news [doesn't – don't – aren't – isn't] make people happy.
5- I had to buy [a – some – any – an] bread because I wanted to make some sandwiches.
6- After spending most of his life travelling around the world, he is now writing a book
about his [experience – experiences – experiments – experts]
7- Have you got [any – some – a – an] camera?
8- Would you like to be [a – an – some – the] actor?
9- Those are [a – an – no article - any] really nice trousers , where did you get them?
10- I'm going shopping. I'm going to get [a – an – some – any] new clothes.
11- Do you enjoy going to [a – an – some - no article] concerts?
12- Could you close [a – an – the – these] door, please?
13- Did [a – an – the - no article] police find [a – an - no article - the] person who stole
your bicycle?
14- This is a nice house. Has it got [the – a – an - no article] garden?
15- [A – An – The - No article] president of the United States is selected every four years.

16- [A – An – The - No article] moon goes around [a – an – the - no article] earth every 27
17- Did you see the film on [the - no article - a – an] T. V or at [the – a – an - no article]
18- After [the – a – an - no article] lunch, we went for a walk by [a – an - the - no article]
19- What is [a – an – the - no article] highest mountain in [the – a – an – no article]world?
20- Can you play [a - no article - an – the] guitar?
21- My brother is very ill in [a – an – the - no article] hospital.
22- What time [are – is – has – does] the news on T. V?
23- Where [do – does – has – is] your family live?
24- Would you like [any – some – a – an] chips?
25- Is there [some – any – a – an] orange Juice in the fridge?
26- There were [a lot – any – a lot of – a little] people at the party .
27- There's [a lot – plenty of – any – many] coffee for everyone .
28- I can't drink this tea, there's too [a lot of – many – plenty – much] sugar in it.
29- Don't disturb me, I've got [a lot – many – a few – a lot of] work to do.
30- We didn't take [much – many – a little – a lot] photographs when we were on holiday.
31- She's a very quiet person, she doesn't say [many – a few – much – a little].
32- He doesn't speak [many – few – a lot – much] English only [a little – much – a few –
many] words.
33- The cinema was almost empty. There were very [little – many – few – much] people .
34- Ann has bought [any – an – a – some] new shoes.
35- He's lazy. He never does [some – many – a few – any] work.

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets

1- Your friend arrived at the station with a lot of bags and suitcases . [luggage]
2- I'm going to buy a loaf of bread. [some]
3- All the things I've heard today are depressing . [news]

4- Stella looks after patients in hospital . [She's a]
5- Mary teaches English. [She's]
6- I've never seen such an interesting film . [the]
7- No other restaurant is as expensive as this one. [the]
8- He's a nice person . [are]
9- There's no need to hurry. We've got a lot of time [plenty]
10- I was ill for a long time. [many]
11- There is some money on the table . [a few]
12- There is a little water in the fridge . [few]
13- I drink some coffee in the morning. [a few]
14- There's some apple Juice in the fridge . [are]
15- Very few people disagree with him . [Only one]

☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺


The Merchant Of Venice

1. Shylock made his wealth in an illegal way which affected his relation with Christians.
2. Shylock had his own reasons to hate Antonio. Elaborate.
3. Though Bassanio was of a noble rank, yet he fell in trouble. Explain why?

4. ''I wish to marry a rich young lady whom I love very much'' Comment.
5. Bassanio needed money for an important reason. Express why with reference to the

6. ''I have no money to give you.'' Comment.

7. Although Antonio hated the Jewish, yet he went to his house. Explain.
8. ''Whenever I meet you, you complain about me and my money lending.'' Comment.
9. ''Does a dog have any money to lend?'' Comment.
10. Shylock surprised Antonio when he asked him for money. Explain why?
11. Shylock proved to be an evil man who wanted to take his revenge from Antonio.

12. ''If you don't pay this money by the day I ask, then you shall give me a pound of flesh
13. from the part of your body that I choose.'' Comment.
14. ''Now I see that there is such a thing as a kind Jew.'' Comment.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --

15. Antonio had his own reasons for signing the contract although it was very risky.
16. ''A pound of flesh taken from a man is worth less than a piece of meat.'' Comment.

17. Portia was of a noble rank and her manner was noble as well. Elaborate.
18. ''I'm rich enough not to want a rich husband.'' Comment.

19. Gratiano tried to copy his master in all his actions. Elaborate.
20. ''Then our wedding feast shall be your feast too.'' Comment.
21. Bassanio's joy ended sadly. Explain with reference to the events.
22. ''These are the saddest words I have ever read.'' Comment.
23. What bad news did Bassanio receive from his friend?
24. ''I shall marry you before you leave, so that my money is truly yours.'' Comment.
25. Shylock proved to be very cruel. Elaborate with reference to the events.

26. Portia proved to be a clever woman. Elaborate.
27. ''I beg you to show mercy.'' Comment.
28. ''I can pay you the three thousand ducats and more if you ask for it.'' Comment.

29. ''Once laws are made, they can't be broken.'' Comment.

30. ''Oh wise young judge. How much I admire you.'' Comment.
31. ''Give me your hand. Don't be sad because I have died for you.'' Comment.
32. Although Bassanio loved Portia yet he loved his friend more. Elaborate.

33. ''Your wife wouldn't thank you if she heard this offer.'' Comment.
34. ''I have a wife I love too. But I wish she were in heaven if it meant she had the power to
change this cruel Jew.'' Comment.

35. ''Are the scales ready to weigh the flesh?'' Comment.


36. ''This contract is not for blood.'' Comment.

37. Portia was so clever to turn over the case against Shylock. Elaborate with reference to
the events.
38. ''Give me the money and let me go.'' Comment.

39. ''By the laws of Venice the State could take all your money.'' Comment.
40. The duke wanted to prove to Shylock that Christians were better than Jewish people.
Elaborate with reference to the play.
41. Antonio proved to be better than Shylock. Explain how.

42. ''And if you are sorry for what you have done, the state will not take the other half of
your money.'' Comment.
43. Bassanio offered the lawyer the three thousand ducats that were owed to Shylock but
the lawyer refused. Explain why.
44. ''You speak to me as if I'm a poor man.'' Comment.

45. What trick did Portia play on Bassanio?
46. ''You were wrong to give away your wife's first gift.'' Comment.
47. ''I'm the cause of all these quarrels.'' Comment.
48. The play ended happily, despite all the tragic events. Elaborate with reference to the


1. The three strange figures looked different, explain how?


2. How did the three witches greet Macbeth?

3. How did the three witches greet Banquo?

4. The second prophecy was fulfilled quickly. Elaborate.

5. " Perhaps the third witch will also be right , and one day .I shall be
Scotland’s king."Comment.


6.''But sometimes witches tell us the truth in little things to lead us into evil.'' Comment.

7-The witches prophecy's changed Macbeth's life. Elaborate with reference to the


8-Macbeth's wife was an evil woman who wanted only to be great and powerful.


9-Lady Macbeth's attitude was kind, yet she hid a cruel nature behind it. Elaborate.


10-How did lady Macbeth plan to murder the king?


11-Lady Macbeth decided to kill the king herself. What were her reasons for that.


12-Lady Macbeth couldn't carry out her plan. Express why?

13-Mabeth had his own strong reasons for not killing the king. Elaborate.

14."It will be so easy to kill him. The action of just one short night will make us king and
queen." Comment .

15. Macbeth was terrified while he was on his way to kill the king. Express why?

16. "Sleep no more, Macbeth has murdered sleep" Comment.


17. Lady Macbeth carried out her plan to throw the blame on the king's servants. Elaborate

18. How could Macbeth reach the throne?

19. Being the king of Scotland didn't satisfy Macbeth’s ambition. It made him cruel and
evil. Elaborate with reference to the events.
20. "How shall I complain to him about his late arrival when he comes to my feast?"

21."It's just in your mind like that knife you saw in the air when you went to kill Duncan
" Comment.

22. Macbeth tried to fetch the witches for a certain purpose. Express why?

23."Macbeth, Be careful of Macduff, the lord of Fife." Comment.


24. Describe the second spirit and what was the prophecy?

25."You will be king until Bringham Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill." Comment.

26.Macbeth had his own reasons to go to Macduff's castle to take revenge. Explain with
reference to the events.

27." I want to die then I could sleep well in my grave like Duncan." Comment.

28. Lady Macbeth was punished for her evil deeds. Elaborate.

29. Macbeth was a brave soldier and fighter. Elaborate.


30. "As I watched from the hill, I looked towards Brinham Wood. I think it began to move."

31."If you lie, you shall die hanging from a tree and if you speak the truth, I don't care."

32. How did the wood move?


33.Malcolm was a wise General. Elaborate.


34."A man that is born of a woman can't kill me. " Comment.
35. "The spirit lies." Comment.

36. How was the prophecy of the second spirit fulfilled?
37."A man must never believe the words of witches . They deceive us with words, they
give them different meanings and destroy our hopes."Comment.

38."We shall show you to the people as we show monsters." Comment.


39. Macbeth's end wasn't suitable for his rank and position. Elaborate.

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First Prep.

1) Day Study all the poem by heart

1. What is the main idea of the poem
2. Who wrote the poem?
3. The poet states the various elements that build the earth he spoke about the sun
( air, sea, rain) write the lines to show this .
4. Speak about the structure of the poem
5. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
6. The poem is similar to a song how?
7. What does the poet depend on?

8. Mention the figures of speech in the poem?
9.Why did the poem start each stanza with “I am busy”?
10.Why did the poet depend upon the meter in his poem?
11.Paraphrase the first stanza?
12.Paraphrase the second stanza?
13.Paraphrase the third stanza?
14.Paraphrase the fourth stanza?

Great, Wide, Beautiful
Wonderful, World

by W.B. Rands

(Study all by heart)

1) Who wrote the poem

2) Speak about the structure of the poem?
3) What does the poet emphasize in the first line? How?
4) The poet changed his point of view in the 7th line. Elaborate.
5) Mention the figures of speech mentioned in the poem giving examples.
6) The poet made use of devices of internal music, mention these devices giving

7) Mention the rhyme scheme used by the poet?
8) What is the main idea of the poem?
9) The last 2 lines are different from the previous ones. Elaborate
10) What is the importance of making the last 2 lines longer than the previous ones?

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Best wishes and Good luck


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