How Clean' Must A Cavity Be Before Restoration?: E.A.M. Kidd

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Caries Res 2004;38:305–313

DOI: 10.1159/000077770

How ‘Clean’ Must a Cavity Be

before Restoration?
E.A.M. Kidd
Guy’s, King’s and St. Thomas’ Dental Institute, London, UK

Key Words Caries the Process, Caries the Lesion

Caries removal W Cavity preparation W Stepwise
excavation The disease dental caries is a dynamic process taking
place in dental plaque, the microbial deposit (biofilm) on
the tooth surface, which results in a disturbance of the
Abstract equilibrium between tooth substance and the overlying
The metabolic activity in dental plaque, the biofilm at the biofilm. Over time, there may be a net loss of mineral,
tooth surface, is the driving force behind any loss of min- leading to dissolution of the dental hard tissues and possi-
eral from the tooth or cavity surface. The symptoms of bly a carious lesion that can be seen [Baelum and Fejers-
the process (the lesion) reflect this activity and can be kov, 2003].
modified by altering the biofilm, most conveniently by In this definition of the caries process, it is the meta-
disturbing it by brushing with a fluoride-containing bolic activity in the biofilm that is the all-important driv-
toothpaste. The role of operative dentistry in caries man- ing force. The demineralization of the enamel and dentine
agement is to restore the integrity of the tooth surface so beneath may be seen as a reflection of the dynamic events
that the patient can clean. Thus, the question, ‘how clean taking place in the biofilm. The implication of this defini-
must a cavity be before restoration?’ may be irrelevant. tion is that the symptoms of the process (the lesion) can be
There is little evidence that infected dentine must be modified by alteration of the biofilm; for instance, the
removed prior to sealing the tooth. Leaving infected den- lesion can be modified by regular disturbance of the
tine does not seem to result in caries progression, pul- plaque with a brush and a fluoride-containing toothpaste,
pitis or pulp death. However, some of the bacteria sur- the fluoride controlling the rate of lesion progression [ten
vive. What is their fate and if they are not damaging, why Cate and Featherstone, 1996].
is this? However, at an advanced stage of caries, sometimes a
Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel hole (cavity) in a tooth retains the biofilm and careful
brushing cannot remove it. Now operative dentistry has a
role to play in caries management to restore the integrity
of the tooth so that the patient can clean effectively; but
once the enamel is cavitated, the dentine becomes de-
mineralized and infected and now the essential question
is: what is driving the caries process? Is it the biofilm at

© 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel Prof. E.A.M. Kidd

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the cavity surface or the infected dentine within the cavi- of the lesion may be cavitated, open and accessible to
ty, or both? If it is only the biofilm that drives the caries plaque removal, by chewing and cleaning. In this area, the
process, the question, ‘how ‘‘clean’’ must a cavity be lesion may progress slowly. However, peripheral parts of
before restoration?’ becomes an irrelevance because what the same cavity may still be protected by undermined
matters is sealing the hole in the tooth so that the biofilm enamel with heavy plaque accumulation. In these areas,
can be removed. And yet, the concept of removing the lesion may progress more rapidly. Thus, it is possible
infected, demineralized tissue and its replacement by a to have slowly and rapidly progressing parts within the
filling material has spawned a profession, a public and same lesion. It is also possible that an entire lesion is rap-
political paymasters who consider that the removal of idly or slowly progressing and the responses of the pulp-
infected tissue and filling teeth is an essential manage- dentine complex to these two speeds of progression vary.
ment of dental caries. As Massler [1967] pointed out a long time ago, it is essen-
The discussion as to how much tissue must be removed tial to differentiate active from arrested lesions if one is to
in order to arrest the caries process is not new. In 1859, make any sense of the biological reactions.
John Tomes [1859] wrote, ‘it is better that a layer of dis- In slowly progressing lesions, increased mineralization
coloured dentine should be allowed to remain for the pro- of the dentine beneath the enamel lesion is normal. For-
tection of the pulp rather than run the risk of sacrificing mation of highly mineralized peritubular dentine corre-
the tooth’, but in 1908, G.V. Black [1908] disagreed claim- sponding to the affected dentinal tubules reduces the
ing ‘... it will often be a question of whether or not the pulp diameter of the tubules. Furthermore, tertiary dentine
will be exposed when all decayed dentine overlaying it is forms at the pulpal end of the affected tubules (reaction-
removed ... it is better to expose the pulp of a tooth than to ary dentine). The more active the lesion, the more irregu-
leave it covered only with softened dentine’. lar the structure of this dentine. Together, these processes
The following discussion will look for evidence to con- serve to protect the pulp against exogenous destructive
firm or refute the current practice of cleaning infected tis- stimuli [Bjørndal and Mjör, 2001].
sue out of the cavity prior to placing a restoration. This In rapidly progressing lesions, there may be destruc-
review of evidence must be preceded by a brief descrip- tion of the odontoblasts and a lack of formation of tertiary
tion of caries pathology. dentine. Now the pulpal tissue will react to the transmis-
sion of microbial products through a permeable dentine.
There will be inflammatory changes in the pulp leading to
Pulpo-Dentinal Reactions in Response to Caries either reversible or irreversible pulpitis, sometimes asso-
ciated with sensitivity or pain. Even though the odonto-
The shape of the enamel lesion is governed by the blasts have been destroyed, new odontoblast-like cells
activity of the bacteria in the overlying biofilm and the may differentiate from the pulp to form tertiary dentine
orientation of the enamel crystals. The corresponding pul- (reparative dentine) if the cariogenic environment is re-
po-dentinal reactions are similarly influenced by the bio- moved or altered [Bjørndal and Mjör, 2001].
film with transmission of the stimulus through the enamel It can be seen from the preceding discussion that the
being in the direction of the prisms [Thylstrup and Qvist, lesion entirely reflects the activity in the biofilm, so it is
1986]. The implication of this is that when acid produc- hardly surprising that modifying the biofilm will modify
tion ceases at the surface, due to regular disturbance or the lesion. How should this understanding of caries pa-
removal of the biofilm, lesion progression arrests [Bjørn- thology influence the operative dentist?
dal, 2002]. The demineralized enamel and dentine re-
main as scars in the tissue. In non-cavitated enamel
lesions, the level of bacterial invasion is very low, if Root Caries
present at all. But once the demineralized enamel crum-
bles and a cavity forms, the biofilm will form in the hole Root caries lesions, accessible to cleaning, are of partic-
and the dentine becomes infected. Once the biofilm is ular relevance to this discussion. The dentine in such
directly on the dentine, the lesion spreads laterally along lesions is infected at a relatively early stage in lesion pro-
the enamel-dentine junction at the edges of the cavity, as gression [Nyvad and Fejerskov, 1990]. Despite this, ac-
well as back through the sound, undermined enamel. tive lesions can be converted to inactive lesions over a
In these deep lesions, there may be large variations and period of months by regular cleaning and fluoride applica-
changes within the lesion environment. The central part tion [Nyvad and Fejerskov, 1986]. Thus, in these lesions,

306 Caries Res 2004;38:305–313 Kidd

Table 1. Chronological overview of studies placing sealants over carious dentine

Study Treatment Period Control Indication of Result and conclusion

caries activity

Jeronimus et al. [1975] occlusal lesions of varying gross observation of many sealants lost; where sealant was intact,
depths on bitewing carious dentine dentine became dry, dark, leathery; decrease
etching, sealant (n = 33) 10 min micro-organisms in micro-organisms in shallow lesions, but
etching, sealant (n = 33) 2 weeks (% positive cultures) persist in deeper lesions
etching, sealant (n = 30) 3 weeks
etching, sealant (n = 25) 4 weeks
Handelman et al. [1976] etching, sealant (n = 60) 0–2 years untreated clinical observation, no increase in radiographic lesion depth;
(n = 29) radiography, large reduction of micro-organisms by com-
micro-organisms parison to controls, increased with time
Going et al. [1978] etching, sealant (n = 46) 5 years untreated clinical observation, sealed teeth caries arrested; on re-entry either
(n = 21) micro-organisms sterile or large reduction in micro-organisms
in comparison to controls, but Streptoccocus
mutans and lactobacilli survived
Mertz-Fairhurst et al. occlusal lesions at 6–12 months untreated lesion depth no increase in lesion depth in test; control
[1979a] DEJ on X-ray; (n = 4) measurements, lesions increased in depth; absence of micro-
etching, sealant (n = 4) micro-organisms organisms in test sealed teeth
Mertz-Fairhurst et al. occlusal lesions at 6–12 months untreated clinical observations, under sealant dentine powdery, dry, white
[1979b] DEJ on X-ray; (n = 6) radiographs with hard, glassy, smooth dentine beneath,
etching, sealant (n = 4) control dentine spongy, soft, yellow; sealed
teeth – no or small increase in depth; control
– increase in depth
Jensen and Handelman etching, sealant (n = 106) 0–12 months unsealed, micro-organisms etching alone reduced micro-organisms by
[1980] unsealed and 75%; in sealed teeth, bacterial counts
etched reduced with time
Handelman et al. [1981] etching, sealant (n = 108) 2–5 years contralateral radiographic lesion decrease in lesion depth provided sealant
routine depth intact
Mertz-Fairhurst et al. etching, sealant (n = 14) 1–17 months unsealed direct lesion depth unsealed lesions got deeper but sealed lesions
[1986] (n = 14) measurements and did not; all but I sealed lesion, no micro-
radiographs; organisms
Weerheijm et al. [1992] teeth already etched micro-organisms: cariogenic micro-organisms found in 50% of
and sealed but occlusal total colony forming teeth despite sealant; dentine soft, moist,
radiolucency in units lactobacilli, dark (not leathery, dry)
dentine (n = 30) mutans streptococci,
non-mutans strepto-
cocci; clinical obser-
vation of dentine

the operative dentist has no need to cut away the infected Fissure Sealant Studies
dentine in order to arrest the lesion. Subsequently, the
arrested root caries lesion is only superficially colonized Table 1 gives a chronological overview of studies in-
[Beighton et al., 1993] presumably because the soft, vestigating the consequences of placing sealants over car-
infected dentine has been brushed away. ious dentine. All studies, with the exception of Weerheijm
Does this mean that it is not necessary to remove et al. [1992], were prospective and in many there were
infected dentine when preparing coronal cavities to re- unsealed, control, lesions. Caries activity was assessed in a
ceive fillings? Once the restoration is in place, there is no number of ways including clinical observation, lesion
chance for the patient to brush the infected material away. depth measurement, radiographic lesion depth measure-
What is the fate of these micro-organisms, entombed by ment and microbiological sampling. Observation periods
the restorative dentist? Do these lesions remain active or varied from 2 weeks to 5 years.
are they arrested?

Caries Removal Caries Res 2004;38:305–313 307

The disparity of methodologies militates against a sys- vation is positively contraindicated, but the student will
tematic review of the studies, but some uniform themes find that one teacher’s definition of ‘firm and leathery’ is
emerge. Sealed lesions appeared to arrest both clinically another’s ‘rather soft’ interpretation.
and radiographically. Investigations of the fate of the The subjective clinical assessment of carious dentine
sealed bacteria showed a decrease in micro-organisms led Fusayama [1988] to develop a caries dye (acid red in
with time or their complete elimination. There was no propylene glycol) to differentiate clinically ‘infected’ from
pulpitis reported in sealed teeth. On the other hand, ‘affected’ dentine. He reported that the more superficial
lesions progressed where sealants were lost and in un- zone of infected dentine was an irreversibly damaged,
sealed, control teeth. bacterially infected layer that would never remineralize.
The study of Weerheijm et al. [1992] is an interesting The deepest affected dentine was shown to harden as a
outlier. This work was a retrospective examination of result of remineralization [Eidelman et al., 1965]. Fusaya-
sealed teeth where radiographs showed radiolucency in ma’s group suggested the dye staining front coincided
dentine beneath a sealant that was clinically intact. This with the bacterial invasion of the dentine.
methodology precluded microbiological sampling before However, several studies have reported that the dye
the sealant was placed, which is unfortunate because there does not discretely discriminate the bacterially infected
can be no comparison of microbial counts before and after from softened affected tissues [Anderson et al., 1985; Bos-
sealing. Nevertheless, it is worrying that cariogenic micro- ton and Graver, 1989; Kidd et al., 1993]. Consequently,
organisms were found in 50% of the teeth and the dentine its injudicious use may lead to over-preparation of the tis-
was often soft and moist, rather than leathery or dry. This sues, encouraging excess removal at the enamel-dentine
would seem to indicate active lesions. The microbiologi- junction [Kidd et al., 1993] as well as unnecessary remov-
cal examination in this work was more detailed than in al of dentine over the pulpal surface [Yip et al., 1994].
many other studies examining for lactobacilli, mutans Soft dentine is usually wet but sometimes, particularly
streptococci and non-mutans streptococci. Since there when an old restoration has been removed, the dentine
was no preoperative sample, it is impossible to know may appear crumbly and dry. This dry dentine has been
whether sealing had changed the numbers or the distribu- shown to be minimally infected [Kidd et al., 1995] and it
tion of the microflora. may represent residual caries that a previous dentist left
during cavity preparation. This may indicate that there is
no need to remove soft, wet dentine. The process may be
Classical Caries Excavation arrestable by simply sealing it in place.

The operative tradition is to remove softened dentine

in order to eliminate infected tissue. This approach as- Stepwise Excavation
sumes that both the biofilm and the micro-organisms
within the carious dentine drive the caries process. In fact, Stepwise excavation, described by Bodecker [1939],
it is not possible to eliminate all the micro-organisms differs from the classical excavation of carious lesions
because a few will remain even if all soft dentine is described above. Only part of the soft, dentine caries is
removed [Lager et al., 2003]. removed at the first visit during the acute phase of caries
At the enamel-dentine junction, some schools teach progression. The cavity is restored and re-opened after a
that the area should be stain-free as well as hard, but a few period of weeks. Further excavation is now carried out
bacteria remain whatever approach is adopted and thus it prior to a definitive restoration. The objective of the exer-
seems logical to leave stain in this area as a more conser- cise is to arrest lesion progression and allow the formation
vative approach [Kidd et al., 1996]. of tertiary dentine before final excavation, making pulpal
Over the pulpal surface, contemporary teaching rec- exposure less likely.
ommends that carious dentine that is ‘firm and leathery’ This procedure has been investigated scientifically for
should be left where its removal might expose the pulp more than 30 years. These studies have involved baseline
[Hilton and Summitt, 2000]. A calcium hydroxide liner is investigations of carious dentine and then a re-analysis
placed over the demineralized area of dentine and this after a period of sealing it in the tooth. This work is impor-
medicament has been shown to significantly reduce the tant evidence of the consequences of sealing infected den-
number of remaining bacteria [Leung et al., 1980]. This tine into teeth.
procedure is called indirect pulp capping. Vigorous exca-

308 Caries Res 2004;38:305–313 Kidd

Table 2. Chronological overview of stepwise excavation studies

Study Toothtype, Treatment Control Time to Indication of carious Result and conclusion
lesion depth re-entry activity

Law and Lewis deciduous and access to caries then Ca(OH)2 6–24 clinical observation; 76% clinically (no exposure)
[1961] permanent, + H2O on dentine; amalgam months observation dentine and radiographically (no
deep lesions (n = 66); re-entry at 6 months; on re-entry, radio- pathology) successful
excavation completed (n = 57) graphs
Schouboe and molars with access, carious dentine sam- 69–139 micro-organisms positive cultures in 14 cases,
Macdonald occlusal caries pled; gold plate over dentine, days on re-entry a different flora
[1962] then amalgam (n = 17)
King et al. ? deciduous, only deepest layer decayed, 25–206 observation dentine initial samples of deep, soft
[1965] deep lesions, dentine left; capped with days on re-entry, micro- dentine, infected dentine harder
no pulpitis Ca(OH)2 or ZnO/Eug or organisms on re-entry with Ca(OH)2 and
amalgam; restored amalgam ZnO/Eug but not with amal-
(n = 51) gam; 3/8 teeth exposed after
further caries removal with
amalgam; micro-organisms on
re-entry; Ca(OH)2 teeth 61.4%
sterile; ZnO/Eug teeth 81.8%
sterile; amalgam teeth 0%
sterile but numbers of organisms
Kerkhove et al. deciduous and only deepest layer decayed, 3–12 observation of dentine 92% clinical success; on re-
[1967] permanent, dentine left; 41 teeth Ca(OH)2 months on re-entry, radio- entry dentine dry, hard,
deep lesions and amalgam, 35 teeth ZnO/ opacity relative to brownish yellow; increased
Eug and amalgam control area assessed radio-opacity; very slight time
visually and densi- but not material dependant
Magnusson and deciduous, partial excavation; calcium full excavation 4–6 weeks clinical observation, 15% treatment group pulp
Sundell [1977] deep lesions, hydroxide, zinc oxide and (n = 55) observation dentine exposed, 53% control group
no pulpitis eugenol cement; at re-entry all on re-entry pulp exposed
soft carious dentine excavated
(n = 55)
Weerheijm et al. permanent part of lesion opened to den- as treatment but 7 months clinical observation of poor retention GIC sealant,
[1993] molars, small tine; this filled glass ionomer Delton sealant dentine on re-entry micro-organisms 100 times
visible occlusal cement (GIC); remainder used (n = 4) micro-organisms less in re-entry sample but still
lesions sealed GIC; at re-entry all found in 90% of second samples
caries removed and composite
placed (n = 20)
Leskell et al. permanent, bulk carious dentine exca- all soft caries re- 8–24 weeks clinical observation 17.5% treatment group
[1996] deep, no pulpitis vated; calcium hydroxide, moved, Ca(OH)2, exposed, 40% control group
zinc oxide and eugenol ZnO/Eug cement, exposed
cement; at re-entry all soft then GIC
dentine removed, composite or
excavators or burs amalgam
(n = 57) (n = 57)
Kreulen et al. permanent lesions opened to dentine, as treatment but 6 months clinical observation of dentine darker and harder on
[1997] molars, occlusal filled resin modified glass filled amalgam dentine on re-entry re-entry; substantial decrease in
caries on ionomer (n = 40) (n = 40) micro-organisms total viable count, mutans strep-
radiograph tococci and lactobacilli; more
reduction with resin modified
glass ionomer than amalgam
Weerheijm et al. permanent lesions opened to dentine, as treatment but 2 years micro-organisms 25 patients reviewed; substan-
[1999] molars, occlusal filled resin modified glass filled amalgam tial decrease in total viable
caries on ionomer (n = 33) (n = 33) count, mutans streptococci and
radiograph lactobacilli; more decrease in
glass ionomer than amalgam;
micro-organisms not cultured
in 11 out of 50 cases

Caries Removal Caries Res 2004;38:305–313 309

Table 2 (continued)

Study Toothtype, Treatment Control Time to Indication of carious Result and conclusion
lesion depth re-entry activity

Bjørndal et al. permanent teeth, peripheral excavation and 6–12 clinical observation of no pulpal exposures at final
[1997] no pulpitis, deep excavation ‘cariogenic months dentine on re-entry; excavation; at re-entry dentine
lesions biomass’ and superficial micro-organisms darker, harder, dryer; substantial
demineralized dentine; reduction in colony-forming
calcium hydroxide and units – not time-dependent
temporary filling; at re-entry,
complete excavation (n = 31)
Bjørndal and permanent teeth, peripheral excavation and 2–9 months clinical observation of dentine harder and darker on re-
Thylstrup no pulpitis, deep excavation ‘cariogenic dentine on re-entry; entry; 5 exposures on final
[1998] lesions biomass’ and superficial follow up clinical and excavation (2 sensitive to pres-
demineralized dentine; radiographic sure, 2 inadequate seal): 88 cases
calcium hydroxide and examination 1 year symptomless at 1 year; 1 case
temporary restoration after final restoration lost temporarily and needed root
(n = 94) treatment
Bjørndal and permanent teeth, as above + microbiological 4–6 months clinical observation of dentine harder and darker on re-
Larsen [2000] no pulpitis, deep sampling (n = 9) dentine on re-entry; entry; colony-forming units and
lesions micro-organisms proportion lactobacilli substan-
tially reduced; gram-negative
rods declined; flora dominated
by Actinomyces naeslundii and
various streptococci
Maltz et al. permanent teeth, cavity walls made hard; 6–7 months clinical observation of dentine dryer, harder, darker on
[2002] no pulpitis, deep incomplete caries removal dentine before and re-entry; increase in radio-opaci-
lesions pulpally; calcium hydroxide after re-entry; radio- ty during study period; bacterial
and zinc oxide and eugenol graphic examination; counts decreased significantly
cement microorganisms

Table 2 gives a chronological overview of stepwise Some teeth appear sterile, but in most some micro-organ-
excavation studies. The majority of these studies have no isms survive. Two studies [Bjørndal and Larsen, 2000;
control. Most have been done on permanent teeth with Maltz et al., 2002] suggest that the cultivable flora is
deep lesions. The amount of carious dentine removed at altered on re-entry to a less cariogenic flora. (4) There is a
the initial excavation varies from access to caries only, to possibility that there may be an effect from the dental
removing the bulk of the carious dentine. material on the outcome, but very few studies have
The restorative materials are also very variable. They addressed this in a controlled manner.
include calcium hydroxide, zinc oxide and eugenol, amal-
gam, glass ionomer cement and composite resin. Times to
re-entry are also very variable, the shortest being 3 weeks, Why Re-Enter?
the longest 2 years.
Caries activity has been assessed clinically, radio- The studies in table 2 seem to show that the depth of
graphically and often by microbiological examination at the first excavation is not relevant to the level of infection
initial entry and on re-entry. With such differing method- of the soft, dry dentine that is found on re-entry. The final
ologies, a systematic review is not possible but some excavation allows the dentist to be sure there is no expo-
themes emerge. (1) The clinical success rate appears high. sure and removes the remaining infected dentine. The
Exposure is usually avoided using the stepwise technique logic here is that the carious process may continue, albeit
and symptoms rarely arise between excavations. Control slowly, in this infected tissue.
lesions are often exposed by conventional excavation. However, perhaps there is no need to re-enter and
(2) Some studies report the dentine is altered on re-entry, indeed this is the basis of the indirect pulp capping tech-
being dryer, harder and darker. (3) Microbiological moni- nique [Hilton and Summitt, 2000], although most of the
toring indicates substantial reductions in cultivable flora. demineralized tissues is removed in this procedure. In

310 Caries Res 2004;38:305–313 Kidd

Table 3. Randomized controlled clinical trials of ‘complete’ versus ‘incomplete’ caries removal

Study Tooth type, Treatment Control Observation Results and conclusions

lesion depth period

Magnusson and Sundell deciduous, deep but cavity washed microbioci- all softened dentine re-entry: 4–6 weeks treatment: 2 cases pulpitis
[1977] no pulpitis dal solution; partial exca- excavated regardless in treatment group between visits, dentine
vation, calcium hydroxide, of risk of exposure ‘altered’ on re-entry; 15%
zinc oxide and eugenol ce- (n = 55) pulps exposed; control: 53%
ment; at re-entry, all soft pulps exposed
carious dentine excavated
(n = 55)
Leskell et al. [1996] permanent, deep but bulk carious tissue exca- all softened dentine re- re-entry: 8–24 weeks treatment: 17.5% pulps
no pulpitis vated, calcium hydroxide, moved; if no exposure, in treatment group exposed; easy to distinguish
zinc oxide and eugenol calcium hydroxide, ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ dentine on
cement; at re-entry all soft zinc oxide and eugenol re-entry; control: 40% pulps
dentine removed with cement, glass ionomer exposed
excavator or burs (n = 57) cement; in some teeth
composite or amalgam
on top of this (n = 70)
Mertz-Fairhurst et al. permanent; occlusal DEJ not made caries free; complete caries no re-entry; no exposure during caries
[1998] lesions no deeper than moist, soft, infected den- removal; amalgam + 10-year follow-up removal; treatment: 85 teeth
halfway into dentine on tine left at DEJ and over sealant group (n = 77); reviewed at 10 years, caries
radiograph pulp; restored bonded, conventional amalgam apparently arrested, 1 lesion
sealed, composite group (n = 79) ‘caved in’; control: some
(n = 156) conventional amalgam rest
failed with new caries at
Ribeiro et al. [1999] deciduous, no pulpitis, DEJ made caries free with caries removal with no re-entry: followed treatment: all restorations
no exposure expected round bur but moist, soft, slow round bur guided for 1 year; assessed retained; excellent marginal
infected dentine left over by caries dye; all dye on radiograph and integrity after 1 year; on ra-
pulp; restored dentine stained dentine histology diograph: 46% regressed,
bonding agent and removed; restored 25% progressed, 29% un-
composite (n = 24) dentine bonding agent changed; adhesive system
and composite formed altered hybrid layer
(n = 24) histologically; control: pul-
pal necrosis in 1 tooth, all
other restorations retained;
excellent marginal integrity,
adhesive system formed hy-
brid layer

stepwise excavation, on the other hand, soft, wet dentine is Two of these selected deep lesions in deciduous [Mag-
left in place. Is it now necessary to re-enter? After all, if the nusson and Sundell, 1977] or permanent [Leskell et al.,
caries process is driven by the activity in the biofilm, the 1996] teeth where exposure seemed likely following con-
process should be arrested simply by sealing the cavity. ventional caries removal. Both studies strongly support a
The persistence of a few micro-organisms may be irrele- stepwise approach (using calcium hydroxide after initial
vant. Perhaps they are just opportunistic squatters adapt- excavation) if pulp exposure is to be avoided. In these
ed to the new environment in which they find themselves. cases, conventional caries removal was deleterious; both
studies re-entered.
The other two studies in table 3 selected less advanced
Randomized Controlled Clinical Trails lesions and did not re-enter to remove the remaining soft
dentine in the treatment groups. Both studies sealed
Are there deleterious consequences after incomplete incompletely excavated cavities with dentine bonding
caries removal? Only randomized controlled clinical trials agents and composite resins. The work of Ribeiro et al.
will answer this question and table 3 documents 4 such [1999] on deciduous teeth concluded that the clinical per-
studies. formance of the restorations was not adversely affected by

Caries Removal Caries Res 2004;38:305–313 311

the incomplete caries removal after 1 year. The study by the pulp react to their presence in the short and long
Mertz-Fairhurst et al. [1998] was remarkable for a 10-year terms? In view of the numerous studies that show the pulp
follow-up of occlusal restorations placed over moist, soft, can be compromised by leakage of bacteria around resto-
infected dentine left both at the enamel-dentine junction rations [Bergenholtz et al., 1982], it is remarkable that
and over the pulp. Lesion progression was arrested and their presence does not result in pulpitis and pulp death. It
there were no more clinical failures in this group than in is probably highly relevant that the studies relating bacte-
control groups with conventional caries removal. rial leakage around restorations to pulp pathology are
done on caries-free teeth. Thus, cavity preparation will
open up millions of tubules, each one a pathway to the
What Does the Evidence Tell Us about Our pulp. There is a dearth of research that relates the activity
Current Operative Approach? of a carious lesion to the histological changes in the
underlying pulp. Is it really necessary to extract a tooth to
This review makes uncomfortable reading for those of examine pulpal pathology? There seems a need to find a
us teaching operative dentistry. There is no clear evidence way of monitoring what is going on in vivo.
that it is deleterious to leave infected dentine, even if it is The stepwise excavation studies in table 2 show many
soft and wet, prior to sealing the cavity. Indeed, this cau- disparate methodologies. Randomized, controlled clinical
tious approach may be preferable to vigorous excavation trials should be designed to compare: the results of the
because fewer pulps will be exposed and sealing the den- stepwise technique in shallow and deep lesions; superfi-
tine from the oral environment encourages arrest of lesion cial caries removal with a deeper excavation; the rele-
progression. The reparative processes of tubular sclerosis vance of the medicament (e.g. calcium hydroxide, zinc
and tertiary dentine are encouraged, thus reducing the oxide and eugenol) and the filling material (amalgam,
permeability of the remaining dentine. The residual mi- composite, glass ionomer cement) to the outcome, and the
cro-organisms are now in a very different environment. relevance of the time before re-entry to the clinical and
They are entombed by the seal of the restoration on one microbiological outcome. In addition, this methodology
side and the reduced permeability of the remaining den- might examine techniques designed to kill bacteria in
tine on the other. The apparent irrelevance of the infected infected dentine such as ozone treatment [Baysan et al.,
dentine is biologically logical if it is accepted that the car- 2000] photo-activated disinfection [Burns et al., 1995;
ies process is driven by the biofilm and its reflection is the Williams et al., 2003]. Would these techniques help, hin-
lesion in the dental hard tissues. der or be irrelevant to the clinical outcome?
Further long-term, randomized, controlled clinical
trails will be important, but those who have attempted
Further Research such work must look at the 10-year results of Mertz-Fair-
hurst et al. [1998] with admiration. The problem in clini-
One of the most intriguing aspects of this review is the cal trials is usually an unacceptable loss of patients, but
fate of the residual micro-organisms. How do they sur- they seemed able to recall many of their patients. Stable
vive? Is their survival time dependant? Do they change, populations will be required for these essential long-term
either phenotypically or genotypically? Do they continue studies.
to demineralize the dentine, albeit very slowly? How does


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