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The DiSC assessments helped me realize a great deal about myself and how I had

changed over the past year and a half. Even though my main goal is personal development, I was

surprised at the degree to which my personal dimensions shifted. I plan to use my results to my

advantage when searching for and participating in a leadership position in the near future.

My first assessment showed that I was high in the conscientiousness dimension with

influence being the next most prominent trait. Upon reading my report, I remember strongly

identifying with my results and feeling like they were really accurate. Those who are high in

conscientiousness are able to adapt well to those around them - as well as the environments in

which they work. This is something I really related to at the time, as well as something I still

relate to. This degree of adaptability is something I am proud of as leaders are always expected

to be able to adjust their plans of action in order to adhere to a constantly changing environment.

At the time, I felt that this trait manifested in the respect that I was going very far out of my way

to not step on others’ toes to the point where I felt I could not express myself. Now, I feel more

confident in taking up space and speaking my mind as I realize this is what it takes to be an

effective leader.

Another trait of people who have a high conscientiousness dimension is that they thrive

on structure while at work. This is something I continue to strive for. However, after having

taken this first assessment, this was more of a black and white concept for me. Having an

excessive need for structure at work can be a deterrent for the necessary variety that comes with

working a corporate job. I believe that I have gotten better at finding a balance between having

that innate desire for structure versus the fundamental need for variety as it relates to a position

in leadership.
My second assessment detailed a number of noticeable changes within my approach to

work. I now am considered to be higher in influence with conscientiousness coming in second.

As one can see, my two strongest traits have switched. This came as a surprise to me considering

one of the things I used to (and sometimes still) really struggle with is self-confidence. After

interpreting my report, I believe that my confidence increasing was the key factor to the

differences between my first and second DiSC assessment.

As mentioned before, those who are high in conscientiousness adapt to their

environments, while those high in influence are the ones who have the tools to shape their

environments as well as those around them. This isn’t to say that one DiSC profile is objectively

better than another as all profiles compliment each other. But, as someone who is very sensitive

to my environment and those within it, I am glad to have shifted categories so that I can hone my

skills when interacting with people first and my environment second.

I’ve realized that another key reason why my profile has changed this drastically is that

I’ve learned that many of the restraints of modern employment are often arbitrary and based on

control rather than accessibility. I think I speak for many people when I say that I was frustrated

knowing that my organization could have had many people work from home from the start. This

was shown to me very clearly as the pandemic ushered in the normalcy of a work from home

environment. I’ve learned that I am someone that requires a great deal of freedom in order to

thrive in a work setting - this is exactly what a remote job has offered to me. This trait is one of

the main characteristics of someone who is high in influence.

To sum it up, my transformation from the first assessment to the second was exactly what

I wanted to see despite not having the expectation for such a change. This information is bound

to help me on my journey to becoming the best leader that I can be moving forward.

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