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MopeL LV-77 ELECTRONIC MULTIMETER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LEADER ELECTRONICS CORP. CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1 DESCRIPTION 1.1General . 1.2 Specifications. . OPERATING CONTROLS OPERATION 3.1 Preliminary Instructions 3.1.1 Mechanical zero adjustment 3.1.2 Use on AC line . 3.1.3 Battery installation . 3.1.4 Battery renewal .. 3.1.5 AC or battery operation 3.1.6 Check for battery condition . 3.2 DC Voltage Measurements .. . 3.3 AC RMS Voltage Measurements : 3.4 AC Peak-to-Peak Voltage Measurements 3.5 Power Level, dBm, Measurements ..... 3.6 OHMS Measurements e 3.7 Center Zero Application, DC Voltage .. 3.8 Use of Special Probes . : 3.8.1 For RF voltages ....... 3.8.2 For high DC voltages. . 4 MAINTENANCE 4.1 Battery Renewals . 4.1.1 Operating supply, 9volts . 4.1.2 OHMS measuring supply, 1S volts 4.2 Calibration . - 4.2.1 General ..... 4.2.2 DC voltage .. 4.2.3 AC voltage .. en PARTS LIST SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM PRINTED IN JAPAN 1a 2) SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION General. LV-77 is a wide range solid state instrument for measure- ments of DC and AC voltages and DC resistances. Field-effect transistors are used in the DC amplifier for high sensitivity and reliability. For the highest covenience, it can be operated either from the AC line or the built-in batteries. The latter feature makes it possible to use this instrument in the field in tests on car radios and transceivers. The lowest DC voltage range is 0.5 V full scale which is most usful in checking low voltage circuits. For AC line use, a regulated power supply is utilized for the highest operating stability. Specifications. DC VOLTAGE Ranges + 0-0,5-1,5-5-15-50-150-500-1500 V. Accuracy : 43% full scale. Input Impedance: 11 MQ, 1.1 pF at probe tip. AC VOLTAGE Ranges RMS : 0-1,5-5-15-50-150-500-1500 V. PP + 0-4.2-14-42-140-420-1400-4200 V dBm : =20 to +16, calibrated ; usable to +66 dBm (0 dBm = 1 mW or 0.775 V in 600 @). Accuracy + £3% full scale. Input Impedance: 1.17 M®, 100 pF on 1.5 V range. (at probe tip) 1.3 MQ, 100 pF on 5 to 50 V ranges. 2.8MQ, 66 pF on 150 to 1500V ranges. © Frequency Response: (referred to 1 KHz) OHMS Ranges Accuracy Power Supply AC Dc Size and Weight Accessory, furnished £3% : 30 Hz to 2 MHz, and 45%: 20Hz to 3MHz on 50 V or lower ranges. 0.2.2 to 1000 MQ in 7 ranges, 10, 100, 1k, 10k, 1 Mand 10 M@ at midscale, within 3° of arc. 100-120 V, or 200-240 V as specified, 50/60 Hz ; 1.5 VA, approx. Internal, UMG (penlight), Burgess Z or equivalent, 1.5 V cells For OHMS, UMI, Burgess 2, 210 or Lea. 6 ea. equivalent, 1.5 V cell Current consumption, 2 mA at 9 V. NOTE: For the 9 V supply, a unit type battery can be used, namely, 006P, Burgess 2U6, Matsushita KM-7DC (mercu- ry type) or equivalent. 200 (H) x 150 (W) x 120 (D) mm (7-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 4-3/4”), 2.7 kg (6 Ib) DC/AC-OHM Probe, LPB-2 lea. Accessories available on separate order : High voltage DC probe RE probe, 28 V RMS max. LPB-4 LPB-3 (500 MQ) (50 kHz - 200 MHz) SECTION 2 OPERATIONG CONTROLS In order to achieve the maximum usefulness of the LV-77, it is recommended that the user becomes familiar with the functions of the different controls, etc., which are described below. Function SELECTOR With six positions for the following : PWR OFF The AC or DC (internal) power to the instrument is turned off, +DC oe) Polarity settings for the DC voltage ranges. AC For the AC voltage, peak-to-peak volts and dBm measurements. 2 For measurement of DC resistance. BATT CHECK For checking the condition of the inter- nal 9 V battery. RANGE selector With seven positions for setting the common ranges for DC and AC RMS voltages, and an additional position for the DC 0.5 V ; the full scale voltages are marked in black. The seven OHMS ranges are marked in red. 0 ADJuster For setting the electrical zero on the meter, at the left end for the full scale voltage measurements and also the “center-zero” voltage application. 2 ADJuster For setting the pointer on the ® (infinity) mark at the right on the OHMS scale when measuring DC resistances. Indicating meter With scales calibrated for DC and AC RMS volts, AC peak-to-peak volts, OHMS and dBm. ae 3. AC LINE lamp This lamp will glow when the AC line supply is being used, but not for the internal battery supply. Probe cable connector For connection to the connector on the probe cable. SECTION 3 OPERATION Preliminary Instructions. 3.1.1 Mechanical zero adjustment. Check the 0 (zero) setting of the pointer at the left end of the scales. If not on the 0 marking, set the screw at center below the meter window for this condition. 3.1.2 Use on ACline. ~ Remove the cord from the compartment at the back of the cabinet and insert the plug in the AC outlet. Make certain that the rated voltage for the instrument is used. 3.1.3 Battery installation. When installing the batteries for the first time, this is done as follows 1. Disnnect the AC plug from the AC line if connected. 2. Open the rear cover by pulling the black nylon button. 3. Take out the molded battery holder and install therein six UM3 (1.5 V cells) as furnished, observing the proper polarities, and taking care not to pull the leads too tightly. It is very important that the polarities are correct. 4. Place the holder in the compartment and fasten the cover. 3.1.4 Battery renewal. A. For renewing the batteries, the same procedure as given above in Sect. 3.1.3 is followed. In place of the six 1.5 V cells, a 9 V battery unit can be used. The conventional type, 006 P, Burgess 2U6 or the newer mercury type such as Matsushita KM-7D/C, or equivalent are suggested. When the unit type is used, the battery snap connector is removed from the holder and put on the new battery. The unit is then placed at the middle section in the compartment. Do not forget to replace the empty holer. 3.1.5 AC or battery operation. A. B. When using the AC line power, the battery supply is cut out automatically. If the AC plug is disconnected, the batteries will be put in circuit without any discontinuity in measure- ments. When the battery voltage has become low through prolonged use, it may be necessary to set the 0 ADJ control for the electrical zero. In this case, set the SELECTOR at BATT CHECK to check the battery condition. 3.1.6 Check for battery condition. The Battery condition can be checked by setting the SELECTOR at BATT CHECK and noting the posi- tion which should be within the BATT OK marking, in red, at the lower part of the scale plate. NOTE : Always set the SELECTOR at PWR OFF when not in use. ‘This sill conserve the battery. Since solid state circuitry is employed, the instru- ment will operate as soon as the SELECTOR is set * for its function. 3.2. DC Voltage Measurements. 1. Connect the probe cable connector to the panel connector. 2. Switch settings : Probe switch at DC. SELECTOR at +DC or —DC, depending on the voltage polarity with respect to chassis or ground. RANGE at the desired voltage range. If the voltage is of unknown magnitude, set at a high range and work down until the reading is reasonably up on the scale for accuracy, say over 30% of full scale. 3. Short the probe tip and check the 0 setting. Adjust the 0 ADJ control if necessary. 4. Connect the clip of the probe cable to the ground side. Connect the probe tip to the test point where the voltage is to be measured. 5. Read the appropriate scale and apply the scale multiplier for the voltage. The scales and multipliers for the defferent DC voltage ranges are given in the chart below. RANGE, SCALE V per VOLTS DC — BIVEION 1500 0-15 100 50 500 0-50 10 10 150 0-15 10 5 50 0-50 1 1 15 0-15 1 0.5 5 0-50 0.1 OL 1.5 0-15 0.1 0.05 0.5 0-50 0.01 0.01 3.3. AC RMS Voltage Measurements. 1. Connect the probe cable connector to the panel connector. 2. Switch settings : Probe switch at AC-OHM. SELECTOR at AC. RANGE at the desired voltage range. If the voltage is of unknown magnitude, set at high range and work down until the reading is reasonably up on the scale for accuracy, say over 30% of full scale. 3. Short the probe tip and check the 0 setting. Adjust the 0 ADJ control if necessary. 4. Connect the clop of the probe cable to the ground side. Connect the probe tip to the test point where the voltage is to be measured. 5. Read the appropriate scale and apply the scale multiplier for the voltage. The scales and multipliers for the different AC voltage are given in the chart below. egies 3.4 Ie will be noted that there are two separate scales for AC voltages in the low range, namely, 0 - 1.5 and 0-5 V. RANGE SCALE V per MULTIPLIER V RMS RMS DIVISION 1500 0-15 100 50 500 | 0-50 10 10 150 0-15 BLACK 10 5 50 0-50 1 15 0-15 1 0.5 5 | 9-5 Green ' i 1.5 -15 1 0.05 6. The scales are calibrated in the RMS values with respect to the peak of sinusoidal AC voltages. Any deviation from this waveshape will introduce errors. AC Peak-to-Peak Voltage Measurements. The basic control settings and connections are the same as for the AC RMS voltage measurements given in Sect. 3.3, the only difference is in the reading of the separate scales marked in red below the DC RMS graduations on the arcs. The scales and multipliers for the different peark-to-peak voltage ranges are given in the chart below. 35 PEAK-TO-PEAK | RANGE | SCALE |MULTI|P-P V PER VOLTAGE, MAX.| SETTING] PP |PLIER | DIVISION 4200 1500 | 0-42 100 100 1400 500 | 0-140 10 20 420 150 | 0-42 10 10 140 50 | 0-140 1 2 42 15 | 0-42 1 1 14* 5 | @-140) 0.1 0.2 4.2 1.5 | (0- 42) On on * i Seales are not printed for the 14 and 4.2 P-P voltage ranges ; therefore it is necessary to convert from scales on the 0 - 40 and 0 - 42 P-P V ranges respective- ly. The procedure is to read the indicated RMS value on the 5 or 1.5 V RMS scales and to read off the P-P voltage corresponding to the 50 and 15 V RMS values and multiplying by 0.1. Alternatively, the RMS voltage can be multiplied by 2.83 (= 22) for the result in P-P volts. Power Level, dBm, Measurements. Power levels, referred to 1 mW (0.775 V) in a 600 @ load, or line can be measured in the same manner as given in Sect. 3.3 for the AC RMS voltage measurements. Two dBm scales, ~20 to +6 and on the lower portion of the arcs of the 1.5 and 5 V RMS ranges, respectively. For these two ranges, the dBm can be read off directly. 10 to +16, are calibrated On the 15.V RMS and higher ranges, it is necessary to convert the voltage readings to dBm on one of the low voltage scales, For the dBm determination at these higher voltage ranges, the procedure is as follows. 1. The AC RMS voltage is measured. 2. The dBm scale marking to be used will depend on the voltage range as shown in the chart below, which also gives the dBm factor to be added. RANGE | USE dBm MARKING, ADD dBm RANGE VRMS_ | ON LOW V RMS SCALE | dBm 15 0-15 | 20 | Oto +26 50 0-5 20 | #10 t0 436 150 0-15 40 | +2010 +46 500 0-5 40 | +30 to +56 1500 0-18 60 | +40 to +66 3. Examples : CONVERSION RANGE MEASURED] TO dBm ON | coreg dBin V RMS LOW V SCALE IN () 15V 178 0(1.5V) | 20 (=0+20) s0V 35 13.3(5V) | 33.3 (=13.3 + 20) 249 3.6 OHMS Measurements. di: cs Connect the probe cable connector to the panel connector. Switch settings : Probe switch at AC-OHM. SELECTOR at 2 (OHM) RANGE at desired resistance range. Short the probe tip and check the 0 setting on the meter. Adjust the 0 ADJ control if necessary. Open the probe tip connection and adjust the 2 ADJ control to set the pointer at the ee (inf.) mark at the right end of the OHMS scale, printed in red. Repeat the adjustments in “3” and “4” toe or three times ; this is to achieve accuracy in the measurements. Connect the ground clip and the probe tip across the resistor or circuit under measurement. The value of the resistance is the scale indication multipled by the RANGE marking. In order that measurements may be made on the relatively spread out portion of the scale, the following RANGE selector settings are recommended. RANGE RESISTANCE TO BE MEASURED RX10 to 202 RX100 to 200 2 RX1k to 2000 & (2 kQ) RX10k to 20 kQ RX100k to 200 kQ RX1M to 2MQ RX10M over 2MQ. ‘cag aT Remarks on measurements. A Always disconnect the power supply across the resistor or device under test. When the component is wired in a circuit, make certain that one or both terminals are disconnected. Check up on the sche- matic to see that no other resistor is in parallel. In measuring very low resistances of the order of 1 ohm at the RX10 setting, it is necessary to take into account the resistance of the leads (approx. 0.05 2), contact resistance, etc., which may affect the results. When the probe tip shorting test, with adjustment of the 0 ADJ control, fails to set the pointer at the 0 ohm marking, the “internal 1.5 V battery must be renewed, see Sect. 4, for directions. Center Zero Application, DC Voltages. ‘The instrument can be used as a high impedance center zero DC voltmeter but with one-half the full scale ranges in both directions. It will be found useful in the tuning adjustments of the detector circuit in FM receivers, as a sensitive balance indicator in DC bridges and in other uses. ‘The control settings are the same as in the +DC voltage measurements with the following exceptions : A. ‘The 0 ADJ control is adjusted to set the pointer on the vertical line between the — and + markings at the lower center on the scale plate, The voltage polarity with respect to 0 volt will depend on the direction of the deflection. ‘The full scale range will be halved. The actual voltage is the reading in volts depends on the RANGE setting and the scale used. ‘The following figures (= one-half full scale) must be subtracted from the readings, 0.25, 0.75, 2.5, 7.5, 25 V, etc, to obtain the voltages.

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