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Defense Mechanisms of the Respiratory System and Aerosol Production Systems

Article  in  Medicinal chemistry (Shāriqah (United Arab Emirates)) · September 2013

DOI: 10.2174/157340641130900041 · Source: PubMed

9 6,244

9 authors, including:

Paul Zarogoulidis Kaid Darwiche

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki University Hospital Essen


Wolfgang Hohenforst-Schmidt Konstantinos Zarogoulidis

Klinikum Hof aff. University of Erlangen Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


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Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 10, 000-000 1

Defense Mechanisms of the Respiratory System and Aerosol Production


Paul Zarogoulidis1,2*, Kaid Darwiche2, Lonny Yarmus3, Dionysios Spyratos1, Nevena Secen4, Wolfgang
Hohenforst-Schmidt5, Nikolaos Katsikogiannis6, Haidong Huang8, Andreas Gschwendtner7 and Konstantinos

Pulmonary Department, “G. Papanikolaou” General Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki,
Greece; 2University Pulmonary Department-Interventional Unit, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany;
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA; 4Institute for Pulmonary
Diseases of Vojvodina, Clinic for Pulmonary Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Serbia; 4II Medi-
cal Clinic, Hospital of Coburg, University of Wuerzburg, Coburg, Germany; 6Surgery Department (NHS), University
General Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Alexandroupolis, Greece; 7Pathology Department, Clinic of Amberg, Amberg,
Germany; 8Department of Respiratory Diseases, Changhai Hospital/First Affiliated Hospital of the Second Military
Medical University, Shanghai, China

Abstract: Aerosolized therapies have been used in everyday clinical practice for decades. Experimentation with different
delivery systems have led to the creation of aerosolized insulin, antibiotics, gene therapy and chemotherapy. Several of
these therapies are already clinically available while others are being investigated in active clinical trials. The main factors
affecting the efficiency and safety of the aerosolized therapies are the production of the aerosol, distribution/deposition of
the aerosol throughout the lung parenchyma, respiratory defense mechanisms and tissue/pharmaceutical molecule interac-
tions. Current methods of aerosol production and distribution will be presented along with an overview of the respiratory
defense mechanisms. In addition, methods of aerosol evaluation in conjunction with a future perspective of the potential
development of aerosol therapies will be presented.

Keywords: Respiratory system, defense mechanisms, aerosol, dry powder, inhalers.

INTRODUCTION been previously demonstrated that main particles are depos-

ited by sedimentation in the lungs when they present in a
The progressive anatomic branching and tortuosity of the
size of 1-5 μm due to improved laminar airflow [4].
airways in combination with particle size and velocity result
in a greater probability of deposition by impaction. The As a result of these factors, the increase of the particle
larger the particle, smaller airway and higher velocity, the size will directly affect the amount of the drug distribution
more efficient the deposition of particles throughout the air- and deposition within the lung. The main factors affecting
way [1]. The humid environment of the lung (99.5%) is a the augmentation of the initial droplet size are the tonicity
major factor that results in particle size changes. A hygro- and droplet size. After inhalation, the aerosol will then be
scopic aerosol that is delivered from low temperature and absorbed into the systemic circulation, degraded via the drug
humidity, to high temperature and humidity is expected to metabolism or cleared via the airway clearing mechanism.
grow while being inhaled through the airways [2]. The Particles deposited in the larger airways will be removed
growth depends on the initial diameter of the particle. A fine through mucociliary clearance and to a lesser extent will be
particle of <1μm is expected to increase by five-fold, while a absorbed by the airway epithelium into the blood and lym-
>2μm fine particle by two-to-three-fold [3]. Aqueous drop- phatic circulation [5]. The alveolar macrophages have the
lets expand in the warm and humid environment of the air- ability to engulf liposomes and microsphere carriers and
ways from 1-2μm to about 4.5 μm by the time they reach the transport them to the lymphatic circulation [6]. The lung
carina. Aerosolized particles less than 1μm in size diffuse defense mechanism is made up of the ciliated epithelium,
into the alveolar spaces due to random Brownian motion, airway epithelial goblet cells and sub-mucosal glands. The
however their very small size is not an independent factor ciliated epithelium extends from the trachea to the terminal
that independently improves aerosol administration. It has bronchioles, moves the secretions to the upper airway, phar-
ynx and ultimately to the gastrointestinal tract. Airway
epithelial goblet cells and sub-mucosal glands consist of a
*Address correspondence to this author at the Pulmonary Department, “G.
Papanikolaou” General Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thes- two-layer mucus blanket which traps insoluble particles and
saloniki, Greece; Tel: 004915779211742; Fax: 00302130992433; with the help of the beating cilia are moved upwards and
E-mails: and cleared from the airway. Lipophilic molecules pass through

1573-4064/14 $58.00+.00 © 2014 Bentham Science Publishers

2 Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. ?? Zarogoulidis et al.

the airway epithelium with the method of passive transporta- DEFENSE MECHANISMS
tion. Hydrophylic molecules cross the barrier with extracel-
Upper Respiratory System
lular pathways or endocytosis and exocytosis [7]. Alveolar
macrophages are the predominant lung defense using phago- In the nasalcavity allmicroparticles from >10μm are en-
cytic cells against any inhaled particles. The insoluble drugs trapped by beating cilia as well as a large percentage of par-
are either cleared by the lymphatic circulation or the muco- ticles >5μm. Soluble and irritative aerosol gasses are also
ciliaryescalator [8]. It has been reported that this process can absorbed. The particles entrapped are either exhaled with
take weeks to months, however; in some inhaled solutions, cough or ingested with mucus into the gastrointestinal tract.
the lymphatic drainage occurred within minutes [9-11].
Lower Respiratory System
Soluble drugs are absorbed in the systemic circulation.
The pulmonary epithelium is more resistant to soluble parti- Airways
cles than other organ epithelium linings [12]. Although the The airways are lined with epithelial cells and beating
rate of protein absorption from the alveolar is size dependent cilia. Particles >2μm are trapped within the mucus and with
[12], this is not true for all protein solutions, such as growth the help of cough are exhaled [19]. In order to work prop-
hormone. This observation suggests that a receptor-mediated erly, the cough defense mechanism has to coordinate with
endocytosis correlation exists based on local airway trans- the movement of the beating cilia (pulse movement fre-
porters [8, 13]. In a recent study, epidermal growth factor quency 12-14/sec). Mucus consists of an upperlayer, which
(EGF) was accumulated in a nanoparticle molecule with cis- is thick, and the lower which is more soluble. Several condi-
platin and was delivered as an aerosol with cancer cell lines tions have been identified where the beating cilia do not
demonstrating higher efficiency than the nanoparticles with- work properly such as Young and Kartagener’s syndrome.
out the EGF addition [14]. Other factors affecting proper ciliary function aremicrobes
(mycoplasma), oxidative factors and platelet derived growth
Additional pathways targeted as active transport have factor. The epithelial cells also produce proteins that bind to
been investigated such as the fibroblast growth factor recep- iron (Fe+), anti-oxidative agents and anti-protease (Table 1).
tor (FGFR)[15]. It has been previously observed that endo- Lactoferin has the ability to bind with iron and therefore the
bronchial tumors do not have functional beating cilia; so on microbes that need the iron for their proliferation are con-
the surface of an endobronchial tumor there is no other trolled. Lysozyme destroys the wall of the microbes and fun-
mechanism of clearance other than the mucus produced from gus. In addition, it has the protective role of inhibiting the
the respiratory system and cough [16, 17]. In order to gain oxidative factors produced from inflammation. The airway
the proper function of airway clearance, the structures of the damage can be induced from the microbes as well as from
airway epithelial cells, ciliary structure-activity, depth- several factors that are produced during the phagocytosis.
chemical composition and mucus rheology must be intact Several antiproteases such as; 1-antithrypsin, 2-
and fully functional [5]. However, there is a debate regarding antichymotripsine, 2-macrospharin and elaphin protect the
the efficacy and safety of administering inhaled drugs to airways from the destructive effects of the produced oxida-
patients with underlying airway disease such as cystic fibro- tive factors (Fig. 1).
sis (CF), asthma, bronchiectasis, immotile cilia syndrome
and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (Table Respiratory System Immunity
1). The structures or mucus consistency can bealtered as a There are two main driving immune pathways within the
consequence of these diseases and it would be expected that respiratory system, the endogenous and the specific [20, 21].
the absorption of a delivered drug by inhalation would be The basic difference between the two systems is the method
more inefficient [18]. by which they identify microbes or foreign molecules. The
endogenous system identifies the harmful from the harmless
Table 1. Modulation of Beating Cilia Function substances with the help of hydrocarbs. The purification of
the microbes from the alveoli is performed with the help of
Downregulation cellular and chemical factors that include natural killer cells,
alveolar macrophages, alveolar surfactant and the supple-
Young syndrome ment.
Kartagener syndrome Natural Killer Cells
Mycoplasma The alveolar macrophages interact with microbes and in-
terleukin-12 (IL-12) is produced. Tumor necrosis factor-
(TNF-) interacts with IL-12 and produces interferon-
HaemophilusInfluenzae (IFN-) from the natural killer cells (NK). The early produc-
tion of IFN- enhances the antimicrobial function of the al-
Pseudomonas Aeroginosa veolar macrophages [22].
Interferon –
Alveolar Macrophages
Tumor Necrosis Facror- Macrophage populations are found in the large airways
Interleukin-1 (trachea) in small numbers and in larger numbers in the
smaller airways (alveoli) [23, 24]. Macrophages have the
Defense Mechanisms of the Respiratory System Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. ?? 3

Fig. (1). The airways have more than 50 different cell types. The beating cilia move the mucus with microbes and foreign material from the
lower respiratory system to the mouth cavity and with the additional help of cough the phlegm is exhaled. Otherwise the phlegm is swal-
lowed. The macrophages of the airways phagocytose the microbes and foreign materials. The additional immunologic response towards these
two stimulation factors depends from the dendritic cells which are loculated among the airway epithelial cells. Lymphocytes also exist among
the epithelial airway cells and they are equipped with T receptors.

ability to move through the different layers of the airway plement receptor 1 and 2 and scavenger receptors type 1, 2
structures and lung parenchyma. The microbial function of with collagenous structure. The microbe is initially engulfed
the macrophages depends on signal recognition, immigration by the pseudopods of the macrophage and then inserted in-
to the site of the signal) phagocytosis (size of the harmful side the phagosomeand destroyed. The liposacharides that
factor) and secreted mediators. The macrophages recognize exist in the membrane of the microbes are the most powerful
hydrocarbs [25], with the help of receptors. These receptors signals that attract the macrophages. Interferons  and  are
include the Mannose receptor, liposacharide receptor, com- produced from the liposacharides of the microbes and en-
4 Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. ?? Zarogoulidis et al.

Fig. (2). The function of the macrophages depends from the signal. The signal is usually a microbe or a foreign material (molecule). The
macrophages upon their stimulation phagocytose the microbes or the foreign material and produce mediators.

hance the phagocytic capability of the macrophages. Addi- Surfactant

tionally, the growth macrophage-cell stimulating factor Surfactant consists of the protein A (SP-A) and D (SP-D)
(GM-CSF) is a powerful signal that also enhances the and is a member of the collectin family. SP-A and SP-D do
phagocytic function of the macrophages. The macrophages not have the ability to destroy microbes; however, they are
are less effective than monocytessince the alveolar macro- responsible for the enhancement of the macrophage phago-
phages have minimum myeloperoxidase (MPO). Further- cytosis.
more, defensins a peptide whose phagocytic function de-
pends on the macrophages are responsible for the effective Supplement
destruction of both Gram negative and positive microbes, Complement is stimulated by the hydrocarbs on the outer
viruses and fungus (Figs. 2 and 3). membrane of the microbes or the collectins. The production
Defense Mechanisms of the Respiratory System Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. ?? 5

Fig. (3). The macrophage produce mediators when they phagocytose microbes and foreign materials, such as; IL-12; Interleukin-12, TNF-;
Tumor ecrosis Factor-, GM-CSF; Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor. Many cytokines stimulate the macrophages. TNF-
 and L-12, stimulate the production of interferon- from Natural Killer cells.

of C3b and C5a is initiated and finally the complex C5b-C9 efficiently destroying the microbe load due to the high toxic-
is constructed and attached on the surface of the microbes ity and population. Several mediators are produced due to
and destroys their membrane. the toxic agents of the microbes and polymorphonuclear
cells are attracted to assist in the phagocytosis. Cytokines
Inflammatory Reactions and Chemokines attract lymphocytes and polymorphonu-
The airway macrophages are an efficient defense clear cells at the site of the infection. There are four cytoki-
mechanism when the microbial load is in a range where their nes CXC, CC, C and CXXC [26]. The CXC family consists
population can control it. However, there are situations of interleukin-8 (IL-8) and the macrophage inflammatory
where the macrophage population may not be capable of protein-2 (MIP-2). The CC family consists of monocyte
6 Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. ?? Zarogoulidis et al.

chemo attractant proteins -1, 2, 3 (MCP 1, 2, 3), RANTES cytosis of the microbe by producing cytokines such as; IL-2,
and MIP-1 and MIP-1. The CXXC consists of fractalkine IL-4, TNF- and IFN-. TNF- and IFN- have a synergistic
and C family from lemphotacin [27, 28]. The CXC family is effect towards the antimicrobial capacity of macrophages for
responsible for the production of IL-8, TNF- and MIP-2. tuberculosis. TNF- has also a synergistic effect with GM-
These factors are closely related to favorable outcomes in the CSF towards the control of tuberculosis. In addition, these
control of respiratory infections. Lower levels of these fac- cytokines act as a signal by which the monocytes and lym-
tors indicate a prolonged infection [27]. phocytes are attracted to the microbes and create granuloma
in order to contain the infection. Tuberculosis microbes con-
Specific Immune Reactions tinue to hibernate within the phagosome after ingestion.
There are two systems responsible for the immune re- Their destruction depends on whether the phagosome will be
sponse towards microbes antibodies and cellular immunity; connected with a lysosome [34]. At each point Nitric Oxide
both of which are controlled by B and T lymphocytes. The assists in the destruction of tuberculosis bacillus within the
receptors from B-lymphocytes recognize proteins or hydro- macrophages.
carbons. The T lymphocytes recognize peptides. After the Viral infections of the respiratory system are controlled
infections have been controlled, clones from the antigen with CD8+ cells which exist between the epithelial cells
which induces the infection circulate creating lymphocytes which recognizes the viral gene that acts as an antigen.
which are specific to the circulating antigen. Initially these
lymphocytes are observed in small populations, however; Immune Responses in the Lower Airways
they have the ability to act fast upon the recolonization of the
known antigen giving the immune system the time to pro- When an antigen reaches the lower respiratory airways
duce more specific lymphocytes. The T lymphocytes are also and bypasses all the non-immune/specific defense mecha-
stimulated by cytokines such as IL-2. The dendritic cells nisms, lymphnodes are activated and produce antibodies.
which can be found between alveolar barriers and interstitial The antibody forming cells (AFC) are produced in the lym-
tissue act as a scouter for the T lymphocytes. The alveolar phnodes and pass through the systematic and lymphatic cir-
macrophages down-regulate the function of the T lympho- culation to reach the lung parenchyma [35]. The AFC cells
cytes. Although a powerful action against the microbes and can also move through vessel walls and diffuse into the
harmful molecules is necessary, there are many cytokines blood circulation. The diffusion is increased with inflamma-
and chemokines produced throughout this process that are tion; therefore more AFCs are attracted locally to the site of
harmful for the lung parenchyma. Therefore if GM-CSF and infection/inflammation. The antigens produce locally mem-
TNF-are overproduced due to large microbe load, the al- ory cells with the additional help of the dendritic cells and
veolar macrophages do not inhibit any more action of T therefore locally there is the ability for the antibodies to be
lymphocytes. T lymphocyte population will be attracted to produced faster. The antibodies are produced with a much
the site of the infection [29-31]. smaller population of antigens. Moreover, the B line memory
cells have the ability to produce antibodies within the inter-
T-Helper-1 cells are responsible for the production of IL- stitial tissue. When the B cells are activated, they can pro-
2, IFN-, TNF- and GM-CSF, while TH-2 is responsible duce over 1000 plasmatocytes and more than 30.000 immu-
for IL-4, IL-5 IL-6 and IL-10 [32]. The modification of the noglobulins [36] (Fig. 4).
TH cells to TH1 requires IL-12 and TNF-, while TH-2 need
sIL-4. Mast cells and eosinophils produce IL-4 due to spe- Immunoglobulins of the Respiratory System
cific antigens. TH-2 cells population is down-regulated by
IFN- which is produced by TH-1. The IL-10 and IL-4 Immunoglobulins usually can be found in the respiratory
which are produced by TH-2, down-regulate the population tract [37]. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples reveal the
of TH-1. presence of IgG, IgM and IgA. The IgA are diminished from
the upper to the lower respiratory tracts, while the IgG are
Infectious Factors and Immune Response inversely increased. IgA and IgG are included in the defense
An investigation regarding specific microbes and viruses mechanisms of the respiratory tract. IgA assists as a defense
has been performed in animal models. It has been observed mechanism against viruses and prevents microbes from at-
that mice with a lack of CD4+ T cells had infection spread- taching to the respiratory wall. IgG assists in preventing mi-
ing outside the lung parenchyma when infected with Crypto- crobes from attaching to the bronchial walls and the macro-
coccus neoformans. Moreover, these mice had a low number phages to phagocytose the microbes.
of CD8+ cells and disrupted airway clearance. The CD8+ Significant Properties Required for Efficient Inhaled
cells either phagocytose the microbe or destroy the infected Solution
cells of the respiratory system. Furthermore, they augment
the phagocytic function of monocytes by producing cytoki- The physical properties that influence the efficiency and
nes. Other infectious organisms such as Candida Albicans, safety of inhaled solutions can be summarized as follows:
Blastomyces Dermatitis and Histoplasma Capsulatum; al- a) Viscosity: A liquid's viscosity depends on the size and
though they are phagocytosed, they continue to be repro- shape of its particles and the attractions between the par-
duced within the macrophages, therefore the produced cyto- ticles, Zero viscosity is observed only at very low tem-
kines form CD8+ cells are necessary to augment their peratures in superfluids.
phagocytic ability [33].
b) Ionic Strength is responsible for the dissociation or the
Tuberculosis has also been investigated in a mouse solubility of different salts within a solution
model. The CD4+ cells and CD8+ cells assist in the phago-
Defense Mechanisms of the Respiratory System Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. ?? 7

Fig. (4). The proliferation and differentiation of B-Cells is taking part in the hilar lymph nodes. Dendritic cells inside the lymph nodes assist
in the maturation of the B-cells in order to produce antibodies. B-cells migrate to bone marrow and lung parenchyma where they will convert
to plasmatocytes which produce antibodies. The antibodies assists in the phagocytic process of the microbes and enhance in the recognition
of the microbes from the antigens that are produced during the phagocytic process.

c) Particle size (1-3μm) for alveolar deposition g) Osmolarity which is per volume of solvent and is an
important factor related tot he safety of the alveoli as a
d) Optimal ventilator parameters respiratory rate and tidal
low osmolarity might destroy the alveolar structure. If
the osmolarityis not within normal values, bronchocon-
e) Site residence time to allow for efficient absorption from striction can occur which reduced the efficenxy of drug
local transporters and connection with antibodies absorption [38, 39].
f) Site of deposition in the airways(different site, different H) Shape (>20μm in one axis prevents the phagocytosis
transporters and gene expression) from the macrophages and induces cough)
8 Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. ?? Zarogoulidis et al.

I) Particle charge is important for solution stability-and secretion which divert the aerosol to non-obstructed areas of
efficient local delivery the lung and prevent the administered drug from being ab-
J) pH(< 6.5 not applicable for the respiratory system). A
pH <3.5 is considered toxic for the epithelium in con- Inflammation itself can increase the clearance of the de-
trast with the gastrointestinal tract. livered formulations through the macrophages. This becomes
an issue when an antibiotic treatment is administered to con-
Deposition Mechanisms trol a local infection [54-56]. However, other aerosol thera-
There are 3 main mechanisms of deposition: inertial im- pies, such as inhaled insulin showed an administration depo-
paction, gravitational sedimentation and brownian diffusion. sition that was efficient and safe, but nevertheless a more
The first mechanism affects particles >5μm. Particles >5μm frequent check of the blood glucose was advised [52]. It was
tend to keep their trajectory and when sudden gas flow observed that the combinationof bronchodilation therapy and
change occurs they deviate from their initial course and im- inhaled corticosteroids assisted in the increase of forced ex-
pact on airway walls. The gravitational sedimentation affects piratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and reduction of local
particles with size between 1-8μm and is the dominant airway inflammation making the absorption of the inhaled
mechanism in small airways and alveoli region. It also de- compound more efficient, especially in the obstructive dis-
pends on the time the particle resides in the airways and al- ease pattern [56-58].
veoli in relation to the particle size as the higher the particle Bronchial-Lymphatic Circulation
size, the more is affected. In addition, particles tend to ex-
pand while moving from the upper airways to the lower air- The lung is the most well vascularized organ which is
way as they come in contact with the humidity of the respira- most pronounced in the alveolar region and respiratory bron-
tory airways. Again this mechanism increases its influence chioles [59]. The bronchial circulation distributes aerosol-
while the particle is moving from the upper to the lower air- ized drugs to regions outside the lung parenchyma. It was
ways. The Brownian diffusion occurs with <0.5μm and is the found in an animal model that induced broncho constriction
main mechanism of deposition in the alveoli region. The increased the blood flow and the same was observed in hu-
smaller the particles, the more random trafficking is ob- man patients by 1%-30% [59]. Inhaled drug administration
served from the multiple collisions between the molecules in previous studies revealed that the administered com-
[40]. pounds had high concentrations observed in the regional
mesothoracic lymph nodes [10, 11].
The larger the particles are, the more obvious the gravita-
tional sedimentation and the inertial impaction act in the AEROSOL DELIVERY SYSTEMS
same way. For particles about 1μm, the three factors will
The development of an efficient inhalant agent for loco-
affect deposition together in the same level. The deposition
regional therapy depends, not only on the molecular formu-
mechanism of inertial effect depend on both particle diame-
lation, but also on a well-designed inhalation delivery sys-
ter and mass density as well as the inflow velocity of the gas
(breath intensity) [41].
Methods of Enhancing the Aerosol Inhalation Nebulizers and Enhancement Method
Nebulizers have been used for several respiratory dis-
The main method for enhancing the aerosol deposition in
eases. As described above, the most important physical
an animal model was found to be the addition of 5% CO2
properties regarding the molecule formulation for a drug to
[42-48]. The addition of CO2 while nebulizing, has the abil-
be nebulized are viscosity, pH, ionic strength, osmolarity,
ity to lower the respiratory rateand increase vital capacity
and surface tension [60]. There are several types of nebuliz-
(deep breaths) [49]. Another option would be the nebuliza-
tion of the drug formulation in Heliox which is a low density ers currently used in the market that each has its own advan-
tages and disadvantages. The two basic types are the jet
gas mixture that has the ability to reduce flow resistance and
nebulizers and the ultrasonic nebulizers. The jet nebulizer is
allow more aerosol to be deposited in the alveoli region [50].
based on the Bernoulli principle and it uses gas (air or oxy-
The intensity of breath not only improves the inhalation of
gen) to produce aerosol droplets. The ultrasonic nebulizers
aerosols, but also improves deposition in the respiratory
use a piezoelectric crystal vibrating at a high frequency (1-3
MHz) and generate small aerosol droplets. The higher the
Deposition in Lung Disease frequency, the smaller the produced droplets [60]. These
nebulizers can aerosolize most drug solutions and provide
There are several inhaled therapies used in everyday
large drug doses with no necessary patient-apparatus coordi-
clinical practice including antibiotic administration and in-
nation and no education regarding their usage. Although they
haled insulin [51-53]. Although these therapies are used, it
are inexpensive the compressors used to supply the gas are
was unclear if a patient with an underlying respiratory dis-
not. In addition, they are time consuming and drug consum-
ease absorbs the same amount of the administered compoun- ing. In many cases more than 50% of the nebulized drug is
das a healthy person. It is well known and previously dis-
lost and only approximately 10% of the drug placed in the
cussed that several respiratory diseases alter the lung paren-
drug reservoir is deposited to the lungs [61].
chyma [18]. Moreover, several manifestations of an exacer-
bation such as broncho constriction (airway narrowing) and Recent technological advantages in the field have over-
local inflammation alter the aerosol distribution and absorp- come technical obstacles and enhanced the drug deposition.
tion. There are several alterations that occur to cause turbu- The aerogens aerosol generator can determine the aerosol
lent flow including bifurcation angles and increased mucus particle size and flow rate through the flow hole, making it
Defense Mechanisms of the Respiratory System Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. ?? 9

very useful when specific parameters have to be used in sev- A very important section of the nebulization administra-
eral clinical applications. They are portable, use batteries, are tion is the part where the aerosol is actually delivered to the
relatively quiet and the remaining solution (residual volume) nose and mouth cavity. This transition is being accomplished
is minimal. Finally, they require a shorter time for nebuliza- through a specialized facemask with an inspiration and expi-
tion and the range of nebulization is from 0.3 to 0.6ml. The ration valve. Older systems used facemasks which had two
aerogen`s aerosol generator efficiently aerosolizes proteins holes in order for the aerosol that was not inhaled to leak into
and peptides [62, 63]. In addition, the Aeroneb® portable the environment. The newly introduced inlets with the two
nebulizer system was designed as a hand-held inhaler de- valves actually allow for delivery control with a breath-
signed for hospital and domiciliary use. It has a three- to five actuated administration and higher drug delivery efficiency
fold higher efficiency of delivering drug particles when [52]. In previous studies, it has been observed that by adding
compared to jet and ultrasonic nebulizers [63]. Therefore 5-7% of CO2 in inhaled aerosol, the efficacy of the inhaled
lower nominal doses can be used when this equipment is compound was increased. This was due to the increased
used. The Omron`s technology incorporates a piezoelectric depth of each breath resulting in a 180% increase in tidal
crystal that vibrates at high frequency when electric current volume while the respiratory frequency was reduced. How-
is applied. These are portable, run either with batteries or are ever, if more than 7% of CO2 was added, the patients expe-
rienced dizziness, confusion and sleepiness [49, 67, 68].
current powered and generate fine-particle mist due to a
When used correctly, this additional mode of inhalation can
mesh plate with more than 6000 tapered holes [64]. In addi-
enhance the drug peripheral deposition (Table 2).
tion, the remaining residual volume of the drug in the resid-
ual cup is negligible [65]. Finally, the Touch Spray technol-
Soft Mist Inhalers
ogy utilizes a perforate membrane, vibrating at high frequen-
cies against a body of fluid [66]. This technique can aerolize Soft mist inhalers use the mechanical force of a spring to
a wide range of solutions and molecules as well as control produce a fine aerosol mist. The only one currently available
the particle size and flow rate. Their cost is slightly higher on the market is the respimat Spiriva®. It is cheap, easy to
than conventional jet-nebulizers, but lower than some ultra- use and it has an increased lung deposition to the periphery
sonic and the patients can easily be trained to use them. [69-71]. The delivered dose is independent of the patients

Table 2. Aerosol Delivery Systems Advantages Disadvantages

No patient-apparatus coordination, inexpensive,

Jet-Nebulizers (gas-Brenoulli principal) 50% loss of drug, time consuming
aerosolize any compound, portable

No patient-apparatus coordination, inexpensive,

Ultrasound nebulizers (piezoelectric crystal) 50% loss of drug, time consuming
aerosolize any compound, portable

Portable, quiet, shorter time of aerosol production,

Aerogen`s aerosol generator ability to control the particle size and flow rate, expensive
efficiently aerolises proteins and peptides

hand-held inhaler, three- to five fold higher effi-

® ciency of delivering drug particles when compared
Aeroneb expensive
to jet and ultrasonic nebulizers, remaining residual
volume of the drug in the residual cup is negligible

remaining residual volume of the drug in the resid-

Omron`s technology, piezoelectric crystal ual cup is negligible, ability to control the particle expensive
size and flow rate

ability to control the particle size and flow rate,

TouchSpray technology expensive
aerosolize any compound

The delivered dose is in depended of the patients

Soft Mist Inhaler cheap, easy to use respiratory capacity and lower doses are needed in
comparison to Handihaler devices

The lung deposition varies between 12-40% and

20-25% of the produced cloud is retained within
outpatient inhalation device, single dose and multi- the device, hand-mouth discordination, 50-80%
Metered Dose Inhalers
ple dose inhalation devices, oropharyngeal deposition due to high velocity of
the produced particles, the technique of the patients
still imposed a major factor

need fast and large inhalation efforts (>60 l min-1),

Dry Powder Inhalers breath actuated
efficiency depends from the nature of the powder
10 Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. ?? Zarogoulidis et al.

Table 3. Highlights


The parameters that have to be included when a new aerosol therapy is investigated are the method of the aerosol delivery, the pharmaceutical bioequiva-
lence to the human respiratory system and proper design of local tissue/pharmaceutical interaction.

Aerosol Delivery Systems

Several apparatus have to be investigated before selecting a method and experiments have to be performed in animals with a respiratory system similar to
human. Several pharmaceuticals might induce emphysema or interstitial disease in small animals such as BALBC mice, while larger animals such as pig or
sheeps, might not present such adverse effects.

Pharmaceutical Local Delivery

A conjugation with a sustain release molecule or a molecule protecting from the defense mechanisms of the respiratory system is also necessary. Passive or
Active transportation of the aerosolized pharmaceuticals has to be clarified before initiating the protocol

Aerosol Therapy

Enhancing the delivery method is warranted and close observation is necessary when the subject has underlying pulmonary disease

respiratory capacity and lower doses are needed in compari- retired from the market due to environmental safety reasons
son to Handihaler devices [70] (Table 2). [75]. The main disadvantages of these inhalers are the hand-
mouth discoordination found in more than 51% [76], 50-
Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs)
80% oropharyngeal deposition due to high velocity of the
Dry powder inhalers were mainly introduced to the mar- produced particles [77] and only 10-20% of the emitted dose
ket to eliminate the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and is deposited to the lung parenchyma. Factors positively af-
resolve the breath-inhalation co-ordination problem of fecting the lung deposition involve increased tidal volume
MDIs. There are two types in the market; the single dose and (TV), slow respiratory frequency, breath holding at the end
the multiple dose inhalation devices. The lung deposition of the inspiration, and particle size (mass median aerody-
varies between 12-40% and 20-25% of the produced cloud is namic diameter MMAD optimal 2.5-3.5μm for reasons pre-
retained within the device [72, 73]. Factors that affect the viously presented in the text). Fast inhalation (>60 l min-1)
lung deposition are high humidity, large temperature and large particle size result in oropharyngeal deposition,
changes, and mode of the inspiratory flow rate that consists ingestion of the produced cloud and exhalation [57, 78].
of the tidal volume and respiratory rate. These factors affect Several actions have been made to improve the administra-
the de-aggregation of the fine drug particles, making the tion disadvantages. Different spacer tubes and valved hold-
produced fine particle cloud inefficient [60]. In contrast to ing chambers with or without mouthpiece extensions have
metered dose inhalers (MDIs), the dry powder inhalers been developed. These additions eliminated the breath-
(DPIs) need fast and large inhalation efforts (>60 l min-1). It actuation coordination problem, produced a finer mass me-
has demonstrated that when increasing this parameter from
dian aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) particle size cloud
35-60 l min-1, the lung deposition is also increased [74]. The
(<25% than before) within the chamber and reduced the cold
de-aggregation of the DPI powder and dispersion deepens on
freon effect [60]. Despite the inefficiencies surrounding drug
shear turbulent forces in order to break up the powder into
delivery, patients with airway obstruction using this modality
fine particles and hence provide improved drug lung deposi-
did have evidence of improved lung deposition [79]. As a
tion. Several efforts have been made to improve the deposi-
tion and minimize the inspiratory effort of the patients. This result, breath-actuated MDIs were introduced in the market
was accomplished with the use of battery-driven propeller and provided improvement in the lung deposition (7.2%-
and by using compressed air to increase the de-aggregation 20.8%), however, it was noted that the technique had major
and dispersion of the powder in a holding chamber. In addi- limitations in clinical efficacy [80]. The deep continuous
tion, breath actuated DPIs have been introduced in the mar- inhalation and slow respiratory rate continue to be the main
ket improving further on lung deposition and making them factors that must be perfectly controlled by the patient for
more efficient for patients with low inspiratory flow rates. maximal lung deposition to be achieved (Table 2).
DPIs that are currently on the market need an inspiratory
flow rate between 30 to 130 l ml-1 to be efficient due to the Bioequivalence and Evaluation Methods for Inhaled
nature of the powder and forces needed to de-aggregate and Drug Formulations
disperse them (Table 2).
There are a variety of different inhalation drug delivery
systems in existence. Each one has the capability to generate
Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) drug aerosol with differences in particle size, respirable drug
Metered dose inhalers are mainly used as an outpatient dosage, lung deposition and distribution [60, 81, 82]. An
inhalation device. They use propellants, such as chloro- appropriate matching of the inhalation drug delivery system
fluorocarbons (CFC) and more recently, hydrofluoroalkanes and molecule formulation should be made in order to in-
(HFAs). Most of the old devices with CFC have now been crease the efficiency of this mode of therapy.
Defense Mechanisms of the Respiratory System Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. ?? 11

Different nebulizer models produce various particles eign aerosol particles and destroy them through phagocyto-
sizes based on the residual volume, initial drug volume and sis. Therefore a stealthmolecule covering the outer layer of
flow rate of compressed gas [83-85]. There are no guidelines the drug can be used [94]. Future aerosol drug design should
on various drug formulations regarding the nebulization sys- take under consideration the defense/immunologic response
tem that clinicians should use in order to achieve the optimal of the human respiratory system. Local transporters and
anticipated drug efficiency. Several studies using different genes in every part of the respiratory system should be con-
nebulizer models showed that MMAD plays a crucial role in sidered upon development of a drug formulation [95, 96].
the efficiency of the bronchodilator treatment. Specifically, The respiratory system is a huge vessel (80-100m2) through
large particles (size >7.7μm) deposited only in the upper which the diffusion of several formulations is absorbed al-
respiratory tract make the bronchodilation treatment ineffi- most immediately. Antibiotics are already used in the mar-
cient since most of the 2-receptors are localized in the small ket, new products of inhaled insulin [97] are currently being
airways [86]. In other studies, where the same drug formula- evaluated and new treatment modalities such as inhaled che-
tion with different nebulizer models was evaluated, aerolized motherapy [98-101] and inhaled gene therapy [102-106] are
drug efficiency varied between 30% and <5% of the initial currently being explored.
dose [87, 88]. HFA formulations in the market with salbuta-
mol, salmeterol and fluticasone demonstrated the same effi- CONCLUSION
ciency as the respective CFC formulations [89, 90]. Never-
theless, differences between HFA inhalation devices were The defense mechanisms of the respiratory system should
observed when finer particles were produced. The efficiency always be considered in the design of an experimental aero-
was increased when finer particle aerosol was produced [91, sol therapy. The different mechanisms can either prevent the
92]. particles from being inhaled, or they can destroy the inhaled
particles. The activation of the immune system locally can
Four main methods of aerosol drug evaluation: activate a cascade of cytokine and chemokine production,
A) In vitro particle size distribution: The main disadvantage which in turn can induce severe inflammation. Therefore
is the ambient conditions under which the measurements further studies are needed on the effect of aerosolized thera-
are being done. It has been previously described that the pies on different cells lines in addition to the creation of an
humid environment of the lung expands the molecule efficient delivery system prior to clinical trials on human
(nanocomplexe) which decreases deposition. The lung subjects.
defense mechanisms influence, which exists in the lung
environment, hasnot been evaluated with this method CONFLICT OF INTEREST
[93]; The authors confirm that this article content has no con-
B) Radiolabeled aerosol drug deposition: This method flicts of interest.
should apply to patients with underlying respiratory dis-
C) Pharmacokinetic studies: These studies are not directly Declared none.
correlated to the doses administered since a large
amount of the drug is deposited locally and lung disease ABBREVIATIONS
plays a crucial role since mucociliary secretion is in-
creased in several conditions (e.g COPD, infection). In EGF = Epidermal growth factor
addition, part of the drug is absorbed through the gastro- FGFR = Fibroblast growth factor receptor
intestinal tract. Therefore charcoal should be used to
block the gastrointestinal tract absorption in order to de- CF = Cystic fibrosis
fine the net drug inhaled formulation. COPD = Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
D) Comparative studies, evaluating efficiency and safety: IL-12 = Interleukin-12
Standard methodology for inhalation therapies hasnotyet
TNF- = Tumor necrosis factor-
been applied by the various government agencies.
IFN- = Interferon-
The concepts mentioned above indicate that there is a
need for a standardized algorithm of bioequivalence for in- NK = Natural killer cells
haled therapies as we move from treating respiratory dis-
GM-CSF = Growth macrophage-cell stimulating factor
eases to treating systemic diseases through aerosolized respi-
ratory tract administration. MPO = Myeloperoxidase
IL-8 = Interleukin-8
MIP-2 = Macrophage inflammatory protein-2
Aerosol therapies should be designed to be easy to use
for a variety of patients (Table 2). The pharmaceuticals de- AFC = Antibody forming cells
livered should be designed to deliver a drug formulation lo- FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second
cally based on the time necessary for the drug to act. The
aerosolized formulation should be relatively inert to the res- CFC = Chlorofluorocarbons
piratory system and not induced early or late immunologic DPI = Dry powder inhalers
responses. Macrophages have the ability to attack any for-
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Received: May 03, 2013 Revised: August 16 2013 Accepted: August 30, 2013

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