Simplified Lesson Plan Template (Final Examination)

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Name: Balduman, Hannah Vanessa R.

Course and Year: BSED-English4B

What is remedial instruction?

Remedial instruction is for students who have fallen behind in their academics.

Instruction will start right away if the teacher learns that the student has difficulties catching up

on studies. A teacher will also take an innitiative in offering remedial classes. On the other hand,

remedial instruction is employed in an intervention program to target basic abilities like phonics,

reading, writing, and number awareness with the goal of bringing the student's ability to an age-

appropriate level (to'remediate' the problem before it becomes worse) (Green, n.d.).

The Nature of Remedial Instruction

The nature of remedial instruction is to help students catch up with their classmates and

circumvent further academic difficulties.

Objectives of Remedial Instruction

It focuses on providing extra guidance to students who have fallen behind in the rest of

the subjects for various reasons. Each student's competence or ability is the focus of remedial


Principles of Remedial Instruction

 The reading process must be made compelling for the student.

 Remedial instruction must be coherent.

 It is essential to consider the child's primary worth.

 The children's reading curriculum must be motivating.

Processes of Remedial Instruction

Teachers lead each student through the educational process using various tactics,

such as extra practice or explanation, repeating knowledge, and devoting more time to

working on abilities. A student with a poor reading level, for example, might receive one-on-

one remediation.

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