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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453

Issue 19, 10/12/18

C&E: National AM982 Methods and Procedures
This document defines the purpose of the National AM982 application and outlines the process surrounding
AM982 utilization for C&E employees with fiber inventory responsibilities.

National C&E Outside Plant Planning and Engineering Employees

Effective Date: 03/11/09

Published : Issue 19, 10/12/18

Expires On: Until Canceled or Superseded

Bob Pineda ATTUID rp8917 Celena Watkins ATTUID cw3189

AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only)

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©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

Table Of Contents
Reason For Current Issue
1. Introduction 1
2. AM982 User Profile Request & Access 1
2.1. User Profile Request 1
2.2. AM982 Access 2
3. AM982 Process Flow 2
4. Roles and Responsibilities 3
4.1. National Planning Responsibilities 3
4.2. National Design Responsibilities 4
4.3. National Construction Responsibilities 6
5. When should AM982 be used to inventory fiber into TIRKS? 6
5.1. What Types of Projects Require AM982 Fiber Inventory? 7
5.2. What Types of Projects WILL NOT flow through AM982 for Fiber Inventory? 8
6. AM982 User Instructions 8
6.1. AM982 System Enhancements, effective 4/20/18 9
6.2. Inventory MIC 9
6.3. Inventory Embedded 11
6.4. AM982 Upload to TIRKS – System Processing 13
6.5. AM982 Upload Successful 13
6.6. AM982 Upload Failure 13
6.7. Open Existing 13
6.8. Remove Existing 14
6.8.1. In Effect Date for Fiber Inventory Removal 19
6.8.2. Cancel Pending Removal of Fiber Inventory 19
6.9. CBLP Lookup 20
6.10. CBLS Lookup 22
6.11. Show News 24
7. ABF Orders & applicable CLLI Code Requirements 24
8. Densification 25
9. ASE service orders over PON Distribution Fiber Cable 26
10. SE Region only - Inventorying existing fibers for AOTS requests 26
11. AM982 Fiber Testing Form 26
12. Fiber Inventory Change Management 27

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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

13. AM982 Support 28

13.1. AM982 Video 28
13.2. AM982 FAQ's 28
13.3. Connectivity Problem 28
13.4. General Support 29
14. Related Documents 29
15. Contact List 30
Revision Log 30
A.1. Network Acronyms Dictionary 35

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©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

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©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

Reason For Current Issue

Issue Number Date Description Published By

19 10/12/18 Section 2 updated cw3189

hyperlink for MyLogins
Access job aid.
Section 8 updated
hyperlink for AM982 for
Densification job aid.
Section 9 updated
hyperlink to ASE over
PON distribution job aid.

To view updated content in a document, look for the green 'NEW/UPDATED' indicators. Use the arrows to navigate to
the previous or next NEW/UPDATED indicators, if they exist. Authors making content changes may choose not to use
the indicator for updates, e.g., spelling corrections.

1. Introduction
As the fiber network and fiber based services continue to expand, accurate and timely fiber inventory is critical.
Inaccuracies or delays in fiber inventory impact downstream departments dependent on the information, resulting in
rework or elongated intervals.

AM982 is the standard application used in all regions for fiber inventory uploads into TIRKS, with 'Inventory MIC'
being the standard process flow used for submitting fiber inventory in all regions. The system can be utilized for
additions, changes, and deletions of fiber cable terminations in the TIRKS database. This document provides
AM982 application information, defines the purpose of the AM982, defines roles and responsibilities, and outlines
process requirements.

2. AM982 User Profile Request & Access

2.1. User Profile Request

Effective June 16, 2017 all ‘NetPro’ applications access migrated to MyLogins from ELP (Engineering Login Portal),
including AM982. If users try to request access via the 'Edit Profile' link in ELP, they will be provided a link to

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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

Follow the steps as listed within the MyLogins Access job aid to request access to AM982.

2.2. AM982 Access

AM982 can be accessed via the Engineering Login Portal (ELP) . The Method and Procedure for the Engineering
Login Portal (ELP) is located in the APEX document ATT-TELCO-002-600-018 .

3. AM982 Process Flow

The AM982 Process Flow is outlined in the Figure below.

Figure 1: AM982 process flow

AM982 fiber inventory can be completed any time after Planning Approval but MUST be completed when a
project is “issued” to Construction (aka at Design Approval in the 12-States or when the job is handed off
to Construction in the 9-States). Delays in the AM982 fiber inventory step negatively impact downstream
departments and have potential to elongate intervals for fiber based projects, such as ASE.

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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

4. Roles and Responsibilities

Task Planning Design Construction

Determine Fiber Inventory X


AM982 Inventory related to X

fiber terminations on MIC

Include AM982 Fiber Test X

form in job package or in-
clude applicable test data
via the workprint(s).

Test fibers and submit ac- X

tual loss measurements
(AML) when required (i.e.,

*Note: Fiber building cable extensions, required by the Fiber to the Business (FTB) initiative, may result in scenar-
ios where the Design Engineer determines the fiber requirements. ATT-TELCO-JA-000-003-251 provides addition-
al guidance.

The AM982 Inventory responsibility currently varies by Region. Every attempt has been made to best identify which
work group should perform the functions from a National standards perspective.

4.1. National Planning Responsibilities

Typically, fiber cable inventory requirements are related to an Engineering Work Order (EWO). As outlined in C&E
Procedures for a Standard Handoff Package from Planning to Design Apex, ATT-TELCO-002-600-056 , the
planner is responsible for determining the overall fiber plan and providing the following details as part of the handoff

• Fiber cable name and fiber cable strands, fiber cable size, estimated loop length, cable type (single or
ribbon), and number of splices proposed on the project.

• All relevant fiber termination information that is known to the planner at the time of the handoff. Relevant
fiber termination information includes: the A and Z CLLI codes of fiber termination points, frame informa-
tion, fiber terminating relay rack, pins, and panel.

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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

• Assist the Design/DLEC teams if changes to fiber cable records are deemed necessary to ensure FPA or
other regional planning tools are updated.

4.2. National Design Responsibilities

• Before building the AM982 fiber inventory, the Design Engineer is responsible for reviewing the MIC
Project Components 'Fiber Placement/Details' entries, provided by the planner in MIC.

• The Design Engineer should update the MIC project components screen, 'Fiber Placement Details', if
changes are needed to the fiber termination information (relay rack, floor, aisle, panel, pins), fiber type
(single or ribbon strand), connector type or loop length. If the Design Engineer believes changes to the
fiber cable name or terminating strand information are needed, the planner should be contacted to make
the corrections. See MIC screen shot examples below.

Figure 2: Example of MIC Fiber Placement/Details Screen (CO)

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

Figure 3: Example of MIC Fiber Placement/Details Screen (Cust Prem)

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

Did you make changes to the fiber counts that are terminated at any of the A or Z CLLI locations? If so,
contact the planner so the appropriate details can be corrected BEFORE proceeding with AM982 Fiber

4.3. National Construction Responsibilities

• Construction is responsible for testing applicable fibers and submitting actual measured loss (AML)
results when required (i.e., CRAN, UVN projects).

5. When should AM982 be used to inventory fiber into TIRKS?

The AM982 application should be used whenever there are additions or changes to the fiber cable network that
involve A and Z CLLI terminations. AM982 is primarily used to facilitate fiber inventory in TIRKS. The system can
also be used to look up, edit, or delete existing fiber inventory in TIRKS.

The AM982 fiber inventory process is always the same, whether you are building spans between network elements
or for fiber based services at customer premise locations. Occasionally, the inventory process is misunderstood and

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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

users think that there are system differences based on “why” the fiber needs to be inventoried. This is not the case.
Users should also be aware that some interval driven fiber based services, primarily ASE, demand that the fiber
inventory be completed by a specific point in the engineering and construction process.

5.1. What Types of Projects Require AM982 Fiber Inventory?

Whenever fiber cable requires TIRKS inventory between A and Z CLLI locations, AM982 should be used.

Below are some examples that typically require fibers to be inventoried in AM982.

• Fiber extensions within the feeder network that connect two network elements such as fiber cable termi-
nations between the CO and a HUT, CEV, or RT

• Fiber cable terminations between an EMUX cabinet and a Fiber X-Connect

• Fiber cable terminations between the CO and FBT at the customer premise

• Fiber cable terminations between the FBT and subsequent LGX panels

• Fiber extensions into customer locations to deliver fiber based services such as ASE

• Fiber extensions from an Optisheath Multiport 'Hardened or Flex' Terminal and customer premise

Q: On an ASE project, the project calls for splicing four fibers, while only two of
them are for the ASE order. Do we inventory all four fibers or only the two fibers
being used for the ASE order? A: If the project calls for committing all four fibers
to that location (Z CLLI) then yes, inventory all four. This will also allow future
services ordered at the location (IE: ABF, ASE, etc.) to flow and to be assigned to
the spare span inventoried in TIRKS (via AM982). The inventory of the four fibers in
this example would also ensure accurate fiber records at the location.

AM982 users have the ability to inventory fiber any time during the C&E process between Planning Appro-
val and Design Approval. AM982 fiber inventory can be completed any time after Planning Approval but
MUST be completed when a project is “issued” to Construction (aka at Design Approval in the 12-States or
when the job is handed off to Construction in the 9-States). Delays in the AM982 fiber inventory step
negatively impact downstream departments and have potential to elongate intervals for fiber based
projects, such as ASE.

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

5.2. What Types of Projects WILL NOT flow through AM982 for Fiber
The AM982 application WILL NOT successfully process the fiber inventory submission when both the 'A LOC' and
the 'Z LOC' do not reside within the same TIRKS system . All AT&T states have their own TIRKS database, except
for two states, as CA and FL have two TIRKS…a North and South TIRKS per state. When a user requires fiber
inventory to be completed between two states, the user should still follow the process of submitting the fiber inven-
tory via AM982. This will ensure that the TIRKS group has all the valid data entered into the “Enter Cable” record
screen to process the request manually. AM982 will respond when it can't decide which TIRKS system to connect
to when a CLLI code is in multiple TIRKS systems (rather than a generic error message), so that user will know that
TIRKS needs to be corrected. (See screen shot below)

Figure 4: Display specific Error Ex.

6. AM982 User Instructions

The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of AM982 functionality.

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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

6.1. AM982 System Enhancements, effective 4/20/18

The AM982 application added multiple enhancements to improve ease of use for the every day user experience, in
April 2018. The enhancements consist of the following:

• Success/failure email notifications – Users will receive an email upon a successful or failed build,
along with the fiber test form.

• Retain last entered information - AM982 will remember the last entries entered on Inventory MIC/
Embedded and Open Existing screens, so information does not have to be re-entered from page to page
when navigating to CBLP Lookup, CBLS Lookup and Remove Cable or between the main screens.

• Retain ‘Bay’ value - AM982 will retain ‘Bay’ values – AM982 will not remove the ‘Bay’ value that come
over from MIC.

• Frame Lookup function - Users will no longer receive “frame look up errors” if they do not have the
JAVA release installed.

• View RDLOC Information - Users can check for an existing frame location on RDLOC.

• Enhance cable remove function – AM982 will remove the AM982 & TIRKS record, so that a separate
ticket is no longer required by the user.

• Validate cables and strands – AM982 will validate if cables and strands are already existing in TIRKS,
so it is known that the fiber build will fail.

• Display specific errors - When AM982 cannot determine which TIRKS system to connect to when a
CLLI is within multiple TIRKS systems.

6.2. Inventory MIC

After logging into AM982, the following screen will be displayed. To inventory fiber, the user will select the 'Inventory
MIC' button. The AM982 Inventory MIC function interfaces with the MIC Project Components ‘Fiber Placement/
Details’ screen. 'Inventory MIC' is the preferred method for fiber inventory as it significantly reduces the
amount of manual input required by the user. Additionally, it ensures records consistency between FIT, MIC,

Figure 5: AM982 Main Menu Screen

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

The AM982 Inventory MIC function interfaces with the MIC Project Components “Fiber Placement/Details screen to
allow a user to easily upload new fiber cable information into TIRKS. The majority of the fiber inventory data is pre-
populated in AM982 when using Inventory MIC. If a new fiber cable is being placed or additional fibers are being
terminated in conjunction with a CFAS/MIC project, the user should ALWAYS use the Inventory MIC menu in

The MIC, ARAMIS/OPTI/EWO, and AM982 systems use data validation processes to ensure the fiber cable inven-
tory is consistent. As part of the validation process, there are system controls in place that control the timing of the
fiber inventory, to avoid the potential for errors in fiber inventory. For all regions, MIC sends the fiber data to AM982
at planning approval.

The user will enter a valid CFAS project number and AM982 will check to ensure the project number exists in MIC.

AM982 will search for any fiber components in MIC associated with the CFAS project number entered.

Next, AM982 will return a page listing every Fiber Component for the MIC project. If there are multiple fiber compo-
nents associated with a MIC project, AM982 will display all of them, however, each component must be uploaded

The enter cable record page will appear after the user selects the inventory cable option associated with appropri-
ate fiber component.

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

The majority of the fields on the “Inventory MIC – Enter Cable Record” screen are pre-populated from data input on
the MIC project component's 'Fiber Placement/Details screen and cannot be modified in AM982.

Information that is populated from the MIC project components 'Fiber Placement/Details screen in AM982 is
read only & must be updated in MIC if edits are needed. This ensures the fiber information remains consis-
tent between systems.

The Project Manager identified in MIC, typically the Design Engineer, will receive two email notifications if the
AM982 is not completed by the project service date. The first is sent 15 days prior to the service date and the
second is sent 5 days prior to the service date.

The Inventory MIC Job Aid provides step by step screen shots for submitting fiber inventory via AM982, including
step by step directions for building a frame, when required, for both the A & Z LOC. The AM982 Definitions Job Aid
provides definitions for the Relay Rack & Bay, Panel, Mated Connectors, EML, etc.

For additional information regarding MIC Fiber Component inputs, please refer to ATT-TELCO-002-600-014 , Section 4.5.5.

6.3. Inventory Embedded

After logging into AM982, the following screen will be displayed. To inventory fiber, the user will select the 'Inventory
Embedded' button.

Figure 6: AM982 Main Menu Screen

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

The Inventory Embedded menu in AM982 is used to inventory new or existing fiber cables and should only be used
when a CFAS/MIC project is not required.

The user should enter their ATTUID in the Project Number field and select “Validate”.

AM982 will then display a screen that prompts the user to enter the A and Z CLLI’s involved in the fiber inventory.
After validating the A and Z CLLI’s with TIRKS and FIT in the 13-States or EWO (engineering work order) in the 9
states, AM982 will display a list of available fiber cable names.

Utilizing the drop down, the user will select the appropriate fiber cable name and then manually input the first and
last fiber strands. After the user selects “Validate”, the enter Cable Record page is displayed.

The only difference between Inventory Embedded and Inventory MIC options in AM982 is that none of the data from
the MIC project components “Fiber Placement/Details' screen is pre-populated in Inventory Embedded.

Manually input the details related to the fiber inventory.

The Inventory Embedded Job Aid provides step by step screen shots for submitting fiber inventory via AM982,
including step by step directions for building a frame, when required, for both the A & Z LOC. The AM982 Defini-
tions Job Aid provides definitions for the Relay Rack & Bay, Panel, Mated Connectors, EML, etc.

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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

6.4. AM982 Upload to TIRKS – System Processing

AM982 will complete the backend processing activities after the user completes the required inputs and instructs
the system to “Upload TIRKS.” The user is free to move on to other activities while AM982 is processing and can
check the AM982 processing window for status on uploads in progress.

6.5. AM982 Upload Successful

The AM982 processing window positively reports that the upload was successful. The system will also send an
email notification communicating a successful upload, along with a copy of the AM982 Fiber Test Form in excel
format.. The AM982 Fiber Inventory Complete date is captured in MIC and is also available for other systems to
record the fiber inventory process step as “complete” (i.e. ASEdb). Additional details have been added to the Inven-
tory MIC/Embedded job aids.

6.6. AM982 Upload Failure

The AM982 processing window will display a status of AM982 fallout. The system will also send an email notifica-
tion communicating the failure, including the next steps to fixing the issue & a detailed description of the error with
the TIRKS screen. The user should attempt to resolve the errors and upload AM982 again. Additional details have
been added to the Inventory MIC/Embedded job aids.

If the AM982 upload continues to fail, the user should submit a USH Ticket for AM982. AM982 support will attempt
to resolve the fallout condition and engage TIG/CPC as necessary for assistance.

6.7. Open Existing

Utilize the Open Existing menu to modify details related to an existing AM982 record. The A and Z location, cable
name, and fiber strand range are required inputs. The following details cannot be modified in this menu: A or Z
CLLI, Fiber Cable, Fiber Strands.

AM982 will "remember” the last data entered on Inventory Embedded/MIC and Open Existing screen, so
that the user does not have to re-enter when navigating to CBLP/CBLS Lookup and Remove Cable screens
or between the main screens.

Figure 7: Open Existing cable record screen

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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

Next, the 'Enter Cable Record' screen will appear. Modify details as required and submit.

Figure 8: Enter Cable Record Screen

6.8. Remove Existing

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

The remove existing menu can be used to remove SPARE fiber inventory from TIRKS. The remove existing option
can be used whether an AM982 record exists or not.

Before attempting to remove fiber inventory, verify the related fiber strands are shown as “spare” in TIRKS with no
circuits assigned.

User inputs needed to remove fiber inventory are outlined in Figure 6. NOTE: The fiber cable name and associ-
ated strands must match TIRKS exactly to ensure they are removed successfully.


Fiber cable/strands were originally inventoried as F05, 1-12

Fiber cable/strands are currently shown in TIRKS as F05, 00001-00012

Format that should be used in AM982 to ensure successful removal: F05,00001-00012

Figure 9: AM982 Remove Cable Screen

NOTE: AM982 will "remember” the last data entered on Inventory Embedded/MIC and Open Existing screen,
so that the user does not have to re-enter when navigating to CBLP/CBLS Lookup and Remove Cable
screens or between the main screens.

AM982 has been enhanced to determine if the cable and strands specified for the Remove Cable function have
working circuits assigned, so that it will be known that the remove will fail. AM982 WILL NOT attempt a cable

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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

remove from TIRKS if there are working circuits on the record (CKTID/CLO shown on CBLS). The following CBLS
Error message will be displayed to indicate that working circuits need to be removed in TIRKS prior to removal.

Figure 10: Remove cable Error

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

If there are no working circuits, the system will ask you if you’re sure you want to remove the span.

Figure 11: remove cable

Select OK, if you’re sure you want to remove. Click Cancel if you decide you don’t want to remove them.

The processing window will display while the record is being removed from TIRKS.

Figure 12: remove cable 3

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

The system provides notification that the record was removed successfully.

Figure 13: remove cable 4

The remove cable function was enhanced to remove the AM982 database record (in addition to the TIRKS record),
so that the user no longer has to wait for AM982 support to delete it.

6.8.1. In Effect Date for Fiber Inventory Removal

The “In-Effect Date” is optional. If left blank, the system will default to the current date and the fiber inventory will be
immediately removed from TIRKS. The user also has the option of inputting a future date in the Remove In Effect
Date field. If a future date is input the fiber inventory will be marked as PR (Pending Remove) in TIRKS. The user
will then be sent an email notification 5 days prior to the in effect date, notifying the user the cable will be removed
from TIRKS in 5 days. The user has the option of changing the in effect date prior to that date.

6.8.2. Cancel Pending Removal of Fiber Inventory

The user can also cancel the pending remove from the Remove Existing menu. User inputs needed to cancel
pending fiber inventory removal are outlined in Figure 6.

Select the Cancel Pending button to complete the removal inputs. The Fiber Inventory Removal cannot be dated in
the future. As soon as the cancel pending button is selected, the system initiates the process of removing the fiber
inventory from TIRKS.

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

If the record in TIRKS is in a fallout status the system will not perform the activity in TIRKS and will send the Cancel
Pending record to the TIG/CPC. The TIG/CPC has the responsibility for completing the activity in TIRKS and
completing the record in AM982 by depressing the TIG/CPC Complete button on the Enter Cable Record page.

Note: If the fiber strand range (first fiber number – last fiber number) doesn’t match the range inventoried in TIRKS
the record will fallout to the TIG/CPC for resolution.

The TIG/CPC is responsible for manually removing the record and completing the AM982 record.

6.9. CBLP Lookup

The CBLP Lookup allows the user to find all fiber cables inventoried in TIRKS between the A and Z CLLI locations
input. If there are multiple pages of data in TIRKS the subsequent pages will be concatenated. The sample screen
below illustrates a search between HLLDMIMN and HTPOMIHR.

AM982 will "remember” the last data entered on Inventory Embedded/MIC and Open Existing screen, so
that the user does not have to re-enter when navigating to CBLP/CBLS Lookup and Remove Cable screens
or between the main screens.

Figure 14: CBLP Lookup

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Figure 15: CBLP Lookup Processing Screen

The sample screen below illustrates that the F10, 229-230 & 924–925 are inventoried between HLLDMIMN and

Figure 16: CBLP Lookup Results

If the user wants to see additional details related to the fiber inventory, such as the inventory date and status, utilize
the CBLS Lookup, outlined in the CBLS Lookup section page.

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6.10. CBLS Lookup

The CBLS Lookup allows the user to retrieve all cable spans inventoried in TIRKS between the A CLLI and Z CLLI
locations input. The A and Z CLLI locations are mandatory inputs. Fiber cable name and strands are optional. The
sample screen below illustrates a search between HLLDMIMN and HTPOMIHR.

AM982 will "remember” the last data entered on Inventory Embedded/MIC and Open Existing screen, so
that the user does not have to re-enter when navigating to CBLP/CBLS Lookup and Remove Cable screens
or between the main screens.

Figure 17: CBLS Lookup

Figure 18: CBLS Lookup Processing Screen

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The sample screen below illustrates that the F10, 229-230 are inventoried between HLLDMIMN and HTPOMIHR,
as IE (In-effect) date of 9/19/13, with the applicable working circuits shown.

Figure 19: CBLS Lookup 3

The sample screen below illustrates that the F10, 924–925 are inventoried between HLLDMIMN and HTPOMIHR,
as IE (In-effect) date of 10/31/13, with no working circuits.

Figure 20: CBLS Lookup 5

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6.11. Show News

Contains any news the system administrator has published related to AM982.

7. ABF Orders & applicable CLLI Code Requirements

The use of old style “U” CLLI codes (7th character = U; 8th character = #) for fiber inventory has been identified as a
problem that prevents the auto assignment of fibers for ABF/FBS orders. The ABF/FBS fiber assignment logic
utilizes the base 8 character CLLI (Building CLLI) of the customer building location and the base 8 character of the
remote EMT location. These CLLIs are used to check for spare fibers within TIRKS whose terminations align with
the two CLLIs. As long as the fibers are inventoried against CLLI codes (8 or 11 character) that are derived from the
base 8 character of the end locations, the fiber assignment logic should be able to locate spare facilities. “U” codes
do not fit the base 8 convention and prevent the system from being able to correlate a terminated fiber with the
building and EMT locations.

All fiber inventory going forward should utilize 8 character derived CLLI codes and the “U” codes should no longer
be used.

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Issue 19, 10/12/18

U(n)(x)(x) Other Network This network support site code has been used to identify location pair gain terminals,
(x) Support Site fiber terminals, and other type locations not described in any of the other sections.
Locations The “U” code is no longer used and will be found in embedded inventory only. The
decision to discontinue using the “U” codes was a corporate decision supported by
TIRKS. Using an 8 character CLLI code for remote terminal sites allows additional
equipment to be identified at that site by building on the 8 character code.

“U” codes cannot be used for FTTN /FTTX projects. Request a new CLLI code
for all FTTN sites with existing “U” codes.

These U type codes have become an issue for the SE Region primarily. DO
NOT inventory to the U type CLLI in TIRKS. Inventory to either the external
EMT CLLI or the base 8 building CLLI. Please use the following links for
further clarification.

OSP 22 State C&E Guidelines for Planning & Designing ASE Orders (Fiber Invento-
ry Requirements Section - Section 3.3)

Common Language (CLLI) Code Guidelines for Outside Plant Planning and
Engineering (Network Support - Section 4.6)

8. Densification
Accurate frame and relay rack inputs are important for several downstream applications and work groups. Relay
rack nomenclature varies with fiber handoff type (i.e. aerial, pedestal, manhole, etc). Use the quick reference table
below to understand the right inputs. The AM982 for Densification job aid provides detailed screen shots if you are
unfamiliar with the steps within the application & covers selecting the appropriate frame type, relay rack, and bay
when completing AM982 for the Z location.

Handoff Location Fiber Location AM982 Frame Type Selec- AM982 Relay Rack Input

Aerial LG500 or Optisheath Multi- FTE 01FTE1.01

port "Hardened" Terminal

Manhole/Handhole Optisheath Multiport "Flex" FTE 00FTE1.01

Terminal or a FOSC closure

Charles Ped Optisheath Multiport "Hard- FTE 01FTE1.01

ened" Terminal


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C&E OSP Wireline Planning, Design, and Construction for Wireless Antenna Attachments (Densification (CRAN),
CDNB, DAS, and Small Cell)

9. ASE service orders over PON Distribution Fiber Cable

When completing fiber inventory for ASE service that is being provisioned on a PON distribution fiber, the fiber
inventory process consists of the additional step of ensuring that within MIC, the user selects the 'Uplod to Granite'
tab and change the fiber strands for the ASE to a status of “Reserved”. The Designing ASE service orders over
PON Distribution Fiber Cable job aid provides step by step guidance for handling ASE services that are being
provisioned on a PON distribution fiber.

10. SE Region only - Inventorying existing fibers for AOTS requests

Older fibers within the SE region were inventoried in PLANET and not TIRKS, which causes a problem with AOTS
requests, as the AOTS process calls for PCI Wizard to pull Granite/Tirks data from T.H.I.S (The Hierarchical Infor-
mation System). Engineers should ensure that the fibers on their associated project are inventoried within TIRKS,
prior is issuing their project. If the fibers are not in TIRKS, the engineer should work with their local planner to gather
the fiber details and submit them to the SECEAM982 Group email,, for assistance with getting the
fibers inventoried in TIRKS.

11. AM982 Fiber Testing Form

The AM982 test form is generated when a user inventories fiber cable into TIRKS. The AM982 test form is auto-
populated with applicable testing information after the AM982 process is completed. The form can be uploaded into
MIC (12-States) or JMS (9-States) and distributed as part of the work package to construction to provide the
required testing information. If the completed AM982 test form is not provided within the work package, the required
testing information (CLLI, Address & EML) must be identified on the work print(s).

Effective May 2016 the AM982 Fiber Test form will no longer be the national standard test form used by construc-
tion. Additional details surrounding the National Construction process can be found in: C&E Construction : Optical
Fiber Characterization Testing.

With the AM982 enhancements from April 2018, users will now receive the AM982 test form via email, in an excel

Figure 21: AM982 Test Form Example (Entire Form not Shown)

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GPON fibers are inventoried via Granite, therefore an AM982 is not required for those project types.

12. Fiber Inventory Change Management

In the event AM982 fiber inventory is uploaded to TIRKS and a change occurs, care should be taken to ensure that
fiber inventory records are updated in TIRKS. Changes can be deemed necessary due to unforeseen plant condi-
tions, records discrepancies, or a change in loop fiber allocation requirements. Changes can be requested by either
planning, design, or construction employees. Regardless of “who” requests or initiates the change, the planner
should always be consulted so FPA can be updated. Employees responsible for fiber inventory should also ensure:

• The old fiber spans (cable name and count between A and Z CLLI locations) initially inventoried into
TIRKS via AM982 are REMOVED from TIRKS using the Remove function in AM982

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• The new fiber spans (cable name and count between A and Z CLLI locations) are inventoried in TIRKS
via AM982.

13. AM982 Support

13.1. AM982 Video

Utilize the link to watch a 25 minute video for additional instructions related to looking up, adding, changing, or
removing fiber inventory records in TIRKS via AM982.

AM982 Instructional Video

13.2. AM982 FAQ's

Utilize the link to review FAQ's for AM982 .

13.3. Connectivity Problem

AM982 will tell the user if there is a TIRKS connection problem (rather than a generic error screen), so that the user
will know why they are unable to use the application. The error screen will state that it is unable to connect to the
TIRKS system. The error screen will identify if it is application or TIRKS issue & advise the user to try again in 15
mins. If problem persists, submit AM982 USH ticket.

Figure 22: Connectivity Problem screen shot Ex.

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13.4. General Support

For AM982 system support, submit a USH Ticket

Select: Create a trouble ticket, “A”, “AM982”.

14. Related Documents

ATT-TELCO-002-600-014 – MIC for 22-State OSP Planning and Engineering

ATT-TELCO-002-600-056 – 22-State Procedures for a Standard Handoff from OSP Planning to Design

ATT-TELCO-JA-000-002-203 – 22-State Methods and Procedures for the Loop EMUX

ATT-TELCO-JA-000-003-251 – Fiber Building Extensions

ATT-TELCO-620-000-031 – 22-State Optical Fiber Characterization Testing

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ATT-TELCO-JA-000-002-664 – OSP 22-State Guidelines for Planning and Designing ASE Orders

ATT-TELCO-002-600-625 - C&E: Engineering: National OSP Design Engineering Guidelines for GPON Areas

15. Contact List



Bob Pineda rp8917 951-359-2700 AM982 Application Support

Celena Watkins cw3189 419-902–6045 OSP Design Support

Matt Murphy mm6121 734-996-5349 OSP Planning Support

Lili Rivera lr1148 972-222-0011 OSP Planning Support

Kendall Lightsey kl9607 678–845–6847 OSP Construction Support

Revision Log

Issue Number Date Description Published By

19 10/12/18 Section 2 updated cw3189

hyperlink for MyLogins
Access job aid.
Section 8 updated
hyperlink for AM982 for
Densification job aid.
Section 9 updated
hyperlink to ASE over
PON distribution job aid.

18 06/21/18 Section 10 added - SE cw3189

Region only - Inventory-
ing existing fibers for
AOTS requests.

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Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies, except under written agreement.
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AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

17 05/01/18 Section 5.2 new section cw3189

added to provide direc-
tion when inventorying
fibers between two states
or separate TIRKS
Section 6.1 updated to
summarize AM982
system enhancements
effective 4/20/18.
Section 6.2 updated
'Inventory MIC' job aid to
reflect system enhance-
Section 6.3 updated
'Inventory Embedded' job
aid to reflect system
Section 6.5 updated as
AM982 will now generate
an email upon successful
send with the AM982 test
Section 6.6 updated as
AM982 will now generate
an email upon failure to
send, along with a
detailed description of
the error.
Section 6.7 , Section
6.9 , & Section 6.10
updated to as AM982 will
remember the last data
entered from a variety of
Section 6.8 updated as
AM982 will now deter-
mine if cable/strands
specified for removal
have working circuits.
Section 10 updated as
AM982 will now generate
an email with an excel
version of the test form.
Section 12.3 new
section added as AM982
will now provide a
connectivity problem

AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only)

Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies, except under written agreement.
©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

notification versus a
generic error to help
users determine why
they can't use the

16 12/07/17 Removed embedded job cw3189

aid from Section 12 with
supporting screen shot
details and added that
information to all applica-
ble sections within the
apex, including but not
limited too, Inventory
MIC, Inventory Embed-
ded, Get Frame, Open
Existing, Remove Exist-
ing, & CBLP & CBLS
Lookup functionality.
Updated all sections to
denote that 'Inventory
MIC' is the primary
choice for submitting
fiber inventory within
AM982 for all regions.
Revised overall flow of
apex to provide an easier
flow. Added a link in
Section 9 to the 'Design-
ing ASE service orders
over PON cable job' aid
to assist with properly
completing the fiber
inventory for those

15 09/15/17 Updated Section 4.2 cw3189

MyLogins access job aid
for AM982.

14 07/18/17 Section 6.1.3 updated cw3189

referral to USH to appro-
priate section within

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Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies, except under written agreement.
©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

13 07/11/17 Updated Authors & cw3189

Contact list. Updated
Section 4.2 - User Profile
Request , as all NetPro
App access has been
moved to MyLogins.
Updated Section 6.2.3 to
properly refer user to
section 12.2 of

12 03/09/17 Section 6.1 - Updated cw3189

“Inventory MIC- Enter
Cable Record Screen”
link. Section 12 -
Updated “AM982 screen-
shot details” job aid.

11 03/08/17 Section 4.1 - corrected cw3189

broken link to ELP.
Section 8 - New section
for Densification related
projects, which contains
a job aid for completing
AM982 for these specific

10 05/31/16 Updated note in section cw3189

6.1, revised Section 8 -
AM982 Fiber Testing
Form, revised Section 9 -
Process flow, & revised
AM982 screenshot
details linked document
in Section 11.1 to reflect
that the AM982 fiber test
form is no longer the
national standard testing

AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only)

Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies, except under written agreement.
©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

9 05/18/16 Added Section 7 - ABF cw3189

Flow Through - stating
“U” codes cannot be
used for FTTN /FTTX

8 12/09/15 Elaborated on note in cw3189

Section 7, as GPON
fibers are inventoried via
Granite, therefore an
AM982 is not required for
those project types.

7 11/17/15 Updated note in section cw3189

7 to reflect the SE region
now using AM982 for all
project types requiring
TIRKS inventory.

6 10/30/15 Updated Author cw3189

5 11/12/14 Multiple updates to pk3146

reflect 11/2014 MIC/
AM982 Enhancements
(12-State now has ability
to complete fiber invento-
ry anytime after Planning
Approval). Updated Job
Aid. Minor changes to
process flow.

4 09/23/14 Minor corrections and pk3146

document contact

3 10/25/13 Added section 5 to pk3146

further reinforce that
AM982 Fiber Inventory

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Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies, except under written agreement.
©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
AT&T Practice ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-453
Issue 19, 10/12/18

should be completed
when the job is issued
from Design to Const.,
additional emphasis
added throughout
document, Added
Section 9-Fiber Inventory
Change Management,
Updated Section 10.1
with new AM982 task
examples and video
demonstration. General
updates made to refer-
ence 9-State SE deploy-
ment currently in

2 06/18/13 pk3146


A.1. Network Acronyms Dictionary

Refer to ATT-000-000-020, Network Acronyms Dictionary.

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Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies, except under written agreement.
©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.

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