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Rubric Assessment of Story Telling

Name : Judge:
Institution :
No Category Criteria Score
20−18 : Knows the story well; has obviously practiced telling the story; uses no notes; speaks with confidence
Knows the Story 17−14 : Knows the story pretty well; some practice; may use notes; fairly confident
(20) 13−10 : Knows some of the story; has not practiced; relies on notes; appears uncomfortable
9−7 : Does not know story; reads from notes
15−13 : Always speaks loudly, slowly, and clearly, Correct pronunciation; explains unfamiliar words
12−9 : Usually speaks loudly, slowly, and clearly, Correct pronunciation; does not explain unfamiliar words
2 8−6 : May speak too softly or too rapidly; mumbles occasionally; Incorrect pronunciation of some words; does not explain unfamiliar words
5−3 : Speaks too softly or too rapidly; mumbles; Incorrect pronunciation; does not know what unfamiliar words mean

3 Acting 20−18: Consistently motivates and assists others

(20) 17−14: Quick to volunteer and assist others
13−10 : Generally works well with others
9−7 : Seldom works well with others
4 Duration 5 : Story lasts 5 to 10 minutes
(5) 4 : Story lasts less than 5 or more than 10
3 : Story lasts less than 4 or more than 8
2−1 : Story lasts less than 3 or more than 9
5 Eye Contact 10−9 : Eye contact with camera at exact time time (except for brief glances at notes)
(10) 8−6 : Eye contact with camera less than 80% of the time
5−3 : Eye contact with camera less than 75% of the time
2 : Little or no eye contact
6 Pacing 10−9 : Story told at the appropriate pace, depending on the story line
(10) 8−6 : Story told well, but some parts may be rushed or dragged in some parts
5−3 : Story rushed or dragged in several parts
2 : Story told at one pace; no excitement
7 Properties 10−9 : Outstanding use of props; props are appropriate
(10) 8−6 : Good use of props; props are appropriate
5−3 : Uses props some of the time; some props not appropriate or are distracting
2 : Poor use of props; uses no props or inappropriate props
8 Audio Quality 10−9 : Audio quality is clear and audible throughout the presentation. If music is used, it enhances the piece and matches the
(10) perfomance
8−6 : Audio quality is clear and audible throughout most (80 – 90%) of the presentation. If music is used, it somewhat matches the
5−3 : Audio quality is clear and audible throughout some (70–80%) of presentation. If music is used, it does not add much to the
2 : Audio quality needs more attention. If music is used, it is distracting, too loud, and/or inappropriate to the narrative.
Final Score

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