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1.1.1 Communication Protocol

By default, the PIN-Pad is configured to communicate at 19200, 8, N 1.

The PC application should open the related COM port to send service request packets to
If the connection is USB type, the Verifone USB PIN-Pad driver must be previously
installed and will provide a COM port (usually COM9) behaving as a standard serial
COM port.
The packets to be sent and received thru the serial channel will have to respect the
following protocol:

<STX><message bytes><ETX>{LRC}

 <STX> is the 02h ASCII character;
 <ETX> is the 03h ASCII character;
 {LRC} is a calculated check-value, corresponding to an XOR of all message
bytes, excluding the STX and including the ETX;

Upon a message reception the PIN-Pad will answer with a <ACK> - 06h character – if
the message is ok and accepted or <NAK> - 15h character – if not.

When a response packet is received from the PIN-Pad, the PC must also send an
<ACK> or <NAK>, depending on the message verification results (LRC –verification),
accepting or refusing the packet.

1.1.2 Packet Z2: Display a String

This packet presents messages at the PINPad’s display (up to 32 bytes).

The messages can only have ASCII printable characters. Any control characters (00-
1Fh) will be ignored.

Packet format :
Data Elements Characteristics Comments
<STX> 1H Start of Text, Value: 02h
Packet type 2AN Value: Z2
<SUB> 1H 1Ah, Optional (clear display)
[] 0-32AN Message : ASCII string
<ETX> 1H End of Text, Value: 03h
{LRC} 1H Error Check
Maximum: 38 characters
Minimum: 6 characters

Sample Packets:


Directs the PIN-Pad device to add the message THX to the end of the currently
displayed message.


Directs the PIN-Pad device to clear the current display then display the message PLZ

Communication protocol :
Master Device PIN-Pad
<STX>Z2<SUB>[sssssssssssssss]<ETX> 
ACK if LRC okay
 NAK if LRC incorrect
(EOT after 3 NAKs)
Clear display
Display [ssssssssssssss]

1.1.3 Packet Q4: Activate/Deactivate the Cardreader

Upon power up, the PIN Pad card reader defaults to the disabled state.
The master device may use the Q4 message to toggle the PIN Pad card reader between
its enabled/disabled state. This message packet tells the PIN Pad to allow/disallow data
entry from its cardreader.

Note: This message does not affect the PIN Pad display.

Packet format :
Data Elements Characteristics Comments
<STX> 1H Start of Text, Value: 02h
Packet type 2AN Value: Q4
Card Reader Status 1A Range:
'0' = Activate
'1' = Deactivate
<ETX> 1H End of Text, Value: 03h
{LRC} 1H Error Check
Maximum: 6 characters
Minimum: 6 characters

This Sample Packet Activates the PIN Pad Cardreader:

This Sample Packet Deactivates the PIN Pad Cardreader:

Communication protocol:
Master Device PIN-Pad
<STX>Q4[f]<ETX>{LRC} 
ACK if LRC okay
 NAK if LRC incorrect
(EOT after 3 NAKs)
Card Reader

1.1.4 Packet 81: Card Image Response

This message packet sends the card information, obtained from the PIN Pad card
reader, to the master device.

The order of the track’s data bellow was adopted for compatibility with existing SC552

Packet format :
Data Elements Characteristics Comments
<STX> 1H Start of Text, Value: 02h
Packet type 2AN Value: 81
Message type delimiter 1A Value: (.),2Eh

[track2 data] 0-40N Card Image Information (track

2) or “*” (0x2A) meaning that
an ICC card has been
Field Separator 1H Value: 1Ch
[track1 data] 0-79AN Card Image Information (track
Field Separator 1H Value: 1Ch
[track3 data] 0-107N Card Image Information (track
Field Separator 1H Value: 1Ch
[track2 status] 2N track 2 status – optional

Field Separator 1H Value: 1Ch


[track1 status] 2N track 1 status – optional

Field Separator 1H Value: 1Ch

[track3 status] 2N track 3 status – optional

Field Separator 1H Value: 1Ch

<ETX> 1H End of Text, Value: 03h
{LRC} 1H Error Check
Maximum: ? characters
Minimum: ? characters

Sample Packet:


Communication protocol:
Master Device PIN-Pad
Card Swipe
 <STX>81.[track 2]<FS>[track 1]<FS>
[track 3]<FS> <ETX>{LRC}
ACK if LRC okay
NAK if LRC incorrect 
(EOT after 3 NAKs)

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