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Character Description

Name “Nickname” Second-Name Last-Name (Code):

 Physical (Appearance)
◦ Species:
▪ Sub-Species/ Race/ Variant:
◦ Sex (Gender):
◦ Status:
▪ Health:
▪ Age:
 Date of Birth:
 Date of Deceased:
◦ Complexion:
▪ Skin Tone:
▪ Size:
 Height
 Weight
◦ Hair:
▪ Shape
▪ Color
◦ Eyes:
▪ Shape/ Pupil
▪ Color
◦ Clothing:
▪ (Torso, Legs, Feet, etc.)
▪ Accessories: (Gloves, ribbons, etc.)
◦ Markings:
▪ (Scars, Tattoos, etc)
◦ Powers/ Abilities:
▪ Powers of the Body:
 Animal-Mastery
 Body Manipulation
◦ (Shape-shifting, Change Size, take properties, turn into...)
 Body Parts: (wings, claws, etc.)
 Superhuman Ability: (sensory, strength, speed, durability, healing, scream, rotation,
ingestion, etc)
▪ Force Control:
 Meta-Powers (Assume other powers, Dampen other powers, etc)
 Elemental forces:
◦ Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism
◦ Weather, Sound, Radiation, Energy, Teleportation, etc.
◦ Object Manipulation:
▪ (Change Obj. Mass, Obj. Transmutation, Change/ Speed Chemical Reactions,
Speed plant growth, Manipulate Water, etc.)
 Magic
 Powers of the Mind:
◦ Illusions, Affect Probability, Telekinesis, Precognition, etc.
◦ Intelligence
▪ Omni-Language, Evil Genius, etc.
◦ Telepathy
▪ Read thoughts, Influence thoughts, animal communication.
▪ Mastery:
 Performance Arts: (Acrobatics, Puppetry, Impersonation, Illusions, etc)
 Martial Arts:
◦ Karate
◦ Hunter skills
◦ Tactical & Weapons
 Weapon Based:
◦ Marksmanship: (Archery, Guns, Throwing.)
◦ Projectiles: (Spider web, melting-metal eye-beam, etc.)
◦ Powered Prostheses: (Armored Suit, Shock Gauntlets, Flight Harness, etc.)
◦ Enchanted Object: (Lasso of Truth, Hammer [of Thor], Enchanted Crowbar, etc.)
▪ Proficiencies:
 Constitution, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma.
 Skills:
◦ Athletics (Str)
◦ Acrobatics (Dex)
◦ Sleight of Hand (Dex)
◦ Stealth (Dex)
◦ Arcana (Int)
◦ History (Int)
◦ Investigation (Int)
◦ Nature (Int)
◦ Religion (Int)
◦ Animal Handling (Wis)
◦ Insight (Wis)
◦ Medicine (Wis)
◦ Perception (Wis)
◦ Survival (Wis)
◦ Intimidation (Cha)
◦ Performance (Cha)
◦ Persuasion (Cha)
▪ Confrontation Strategy:
 (Run, Fight, Evasion, etc)
▪ Other:
 (Passive, Melee, Magic, Strategy, etc)

 Mental (Psychological)
◦ Story Significance:
▪ Motive:
▪ Intent:
▪ Planning: (steps to get to objective)
▪ Objective/ Wish:
◦ World View:
▪ Values:
 Morality/Ethics:
▪ Aspirations:
 Hopes:
 Dreams:
▪ Beliefs:
 Religion:
◦ Personality:
▪ Myers-Briggs Personality:
▪ Alignment:
 LG-CE (x9/ x25)
 Palladium:
◦ Principled (Good) - LG
◦ Scrupulous (Good) - SM
◦ Unprincipled (Selfish) - RM
◦ Anarchist (Selfish) - CN
◦ Miscreant (Evil) - NE
◦ Aberrant (Evil) - LE
◦ Diabolic (Evil) - CE
▪ Zodiac Sign: (Western and/or Eastern)
 (Fuego) Aries = Dragon (Agua) (Builder)
 (Tierra) Tauro = Snake (Madera) (Alterer)
 (Aire) Geminis = Caballo (Fuego) (Searcher)
 (Agua) Cancer = Cabra (Metal) (Builder)
 (Fuego) Leo = Mono (Agua) (Alterer)
 (Tierra) Virgo = Gallo (Madera) (Searcher)
 (Aire) Libra = Perro (Fuego) (Builder)
 (Agua) Escorpio = Cerdo (Metal) (Alterer)
 (Fuego) Sagitario = Rata (Agua) (Searcher)
 (Tierra) Capricornio = Buey (Madera) (Builder)
 (Aire) Aquarius = Tigre (Fuego) (Alterer)
 (Agua) Piscis = Conejo (Metal) (Searcher)
▪ Other:
 (idk, Hogwartz House or something)
◦ Preferences:
▪ Loves:
▪ Likes:
▪ Dislikes:
▪ Hates:
▪ Fears:
◦ Behavior:
▪ Virtues:
▪ Vices:
▪ Eccentricities:
▪ Embarrassments:
◦ Activities:
▪ Hobbies:
▪ Proficiencies: (good at…)
▪ Recurring activities, Tics, not-jobs, etc.
◦ Biography:
▪ Place of Origin:

▪ Childhood:

▪ History:

 Social (Relationships)
◦ Public:
▪ Social Class:
 D&D Class:
◦ Fighter (Everyman)
▪ Arcane Archer (uses Arcane Shot, but it has few shots)
▪ Battle Master (Each maneuver, much like a spell, is a tool tailor-made. More
nuanced than the Champion)
▪ Cavalier (defender, but enemies can outmanouver you)
▪ Champion (simple & effective Crits. Excellent stats)
▪ Echo Knight (creates "echo" to fight in two places at the same time. Depends
heavily on Bonus Action. Simple)
▪ Eldritch Knight (blaster and striker. combat prowess + offensive magic)
▪ Psi Warrior (martial psionics user –semi-magical mechanism–. No decision points,
fixed set of built-in options. Easier than Battle Master or Eldritch Knight)
▪ Purple Dragon Knight / Banneret (charismatic, knightly. Nice support abilities but
tries to make the fighter good at other things and doesn’t go well)
▪ Rune Knight (runs on magic runes. Giant-themed but appealing for a rogue-like)
▪ Samurai (striker. No defence or support)
◦ Rogue (Rebel)
▪ Arcane Trickster (magic-base)
▪ Assassin (offensive, good at Infiltration and killing things)
▪ Inquisitive (good at Insight and Perception but nothing to do afterwards. Wasted
▪ Phantom (pool of Soul Trinkets, turn –mostly– into a ghost)
▪ Mastermind (situational, for roleplaying and intrigue)
▪ Scout (outcompete Ranger)
▪ Soul Knife (reliable psionics-based)
▪ Swashbuckler (reliable damage. Also good moving through combat, evading
enemies, and even forcing them to engage)
▪ Thief (the Vanilla Option)
◦ Wizard (Sage)
▪ Bladesinging (allows melee but still risky)
▪ Chronurgy Magic (smilar to School of Divination, but with less divination spells.
Opens up Duanamancy spells)
▪ Graviturgy Magic (cool concept but situational. Opens up Dunamancy spells)
▪ Order of the Scribes (you're dependent on learning as many spells as you possibly
▪ School of Abjuration (Ward mechanic, focus on defending yourself and your allies)
▪ School of Conjuration (varied but lackluster. Rules only allow you to have one
Summon X spell running at a time)
▪ School of Divination (all about forewarning)
▪ School of Enchantment (decent)
▪ School of Evocation (simple blunt hammer of magic)
▪ School of Illusion (complex, open-ended, and flexible)
▪ School of Necromancy (summon an army of undead)
▪ School of Transmutation (bad, situational at best)
▪ War Magic (defensive. Similar to School of Abjuration)
◦ Sorcerer (Creator)
▪ Aberrant Mind (psionics-themed but really more "Great Old One")
▪ Clockwork Soul (opposite of Wild Magic. Order, no rerolls, numerical minimums,
and straight order and efficiency. Leans heavily on its spell list)
▪ Divine Soul (between divine caster and arcane caster)
 Good (ok), Evil (meh), Law (great), Chaos (ok), Neutral (great).
▪ Draconic Bloodline
 Acid (meh), Cold (ok), Fire (great), Lightning (ok), Poison (ugh no)
▪ Shadow Magic (powerful, versatile, good mix of abilities, best in the dark)
▪ Storm Sorcery (good flavor, risky implementation)
▪ Wild Magic (unpredictable, unreliable, ineffective)
◦ Barbarian (Ruler)
▪ Path of the Ancestral Guardian (Defensive. Not great at offence)
▪ Path of the Battlerager (center around the use of Spiked Armor. Interesting but
▪ Path of the Beast (balance of durability and damage output)
▪ Path of the Berserker (the Vanilla Option. Exhaust easily)
▪ Path of the Storm Herald (malleable)
 Desert (good)
 Sea (situational)
 Tundra (good)
▪ Path of the Totem Warrior (malleable)
 Bear (defender)
 Eagle (striker)
 Elk
 Tiger
 Wolf (w/ other strikers)
▪ Path of the Zealot (surviving and recovering from death easy, but not great at
▪ Path of Wild Magic (chaos and unpredictability, all of the effects are beneficial)
◦ Bard (Jester)
▪ College of Creation (add rider effects, create and animate objects)
▪ College of Eloquence (bard-est bard that ever did bard. emphasizes the Bard's core
▪ College of Glamour (interesting mix abilities. support)
▪ College of Lore (magic and spellcasting-oriented, play to their value as a Jack of All
Trades and Support class)
▪ College of Swords (offense, like Valor but lame)
▪ College of Valor (for melee)
▪ College of Whispers (for roleplaying, situational)
◦ Druid (Lover)
▪ Circle of Dreams (a few utility options and some healing)
▪ Circle of Stars (damage output and healing, and a support mechanic)
▪ Circle of Wildfire (Wildfire Spirit, a “built-in pet” ≠ Beastmaster animal companion,
also focus in fire-based blasting and healing)
▪ Circle of the Land (emphasize spellcasting)
▪ Circle of the Moon (Wild Shape as a combat form)
▪ Circle of the Shepherd (support, summon creatures)
▪ Circle of Spores (offensive options w/ splash of undead)
◦ Ranger (Explorer)
▪ Beast Master
 Beast Master with Ranger's Companion (v1. Sucks)
◦ Lack of viable companion options (select animal with published stat block)
and the frankly awful action economy.
 Beast Master with Primal Companion (v2. Kinda cool)
◦ Pick from one of three generic beasts and you can describe it however you
like, you're using the same stat block.
▪ Beast of the Land: Simple and iconic.
▪ Beast of the Sea: Only viable in aquatic campaigns
▪ Beast of the Sky: Less hit points but with the ability to remain perpetually
out of melee reach.
 Ranger's Companion
◦ Good: Flying Snake, Pony, Pteranodon, Wolf.
◦ Kinda Ok: Blood Hawk, Giant Badger, Giant Frog, Giant Poisonous Snake,
Giant Wolf Spider
◦ Avoid: Boar, Dimetrodon, Giant Centipede, Giant Crab, Giant Rat, Giant
Weasel, Panther, Velociraptor, Vulture.
◦ NO: Baboon, Badger, Bat, Cat, Crab, Cranium Rat, Deer, Eagle, Frog, Giant
Fire Beetle, Goat, Hawk, Hyena, Jackal, Lizard, Mastiff, Mule, Octopus,
Owl, Poisonous Snake, Quipper, Raven, Scorpion, Sea Horse, Spider,
Stirge, Weasel
▪ Fey Wanderer (ok but take up Charisma, lean heavily on your spellcasting)
▪ Gloom Stalker (stealthy, very powerful in dark)
▪ Horizon Walker (damage output, travel between planes, teleport-and-hit tactics)
▪ Hunter (ok. Offensive but most defensive)
▪ Monster Slayer (better Hunter but lacks maleability)
▪ Swarm Keeper (cosmetic appearance, swarms of living creatures)
◦ Warlock (Magician)
▪ The Archfey
 Illusion, deception, enchantment
 Your patron is a lord or lady of the fey, who holds secrets that were forgotten
before the mortal races were born. Their motivations are often inscrutable,
sometimes whimsical, and might involve a striving for greater magical power or
the settling of age-old grudges.
▪ The Celestial
 Some cleric spells, some radiant/fire damage, but overall dissapointing.
 Your patron is a powerful being of the Upper Planes.
 Can cause changes to your behavior and beliefs. You might find yourself driven
to annihilate the undead, to defeat fiends, and to protect the innocent.
▪ The Fathomless
 Water oriented.
 A pact with the deeps. An entity of the ocean, the Elemental Plane of Water, or
another otherworldly sea.
 Is it merely using you to learn about terrestrial realms, or does it want you to
open cosmic floodgates and drown the world?
▪ The Fiend
 blaster, mostly offensive, some good defense
 You have made a pact with a fiend, a being whose aims are evil, they desire the
corruption or destruction of all things, ultimately including you.
▪ The Genie
 spellcasting-focused.
 You have made a pact with a genie, most are arrogant and wield power that
rivals that of lesser deities. They delight in turning the table on mortals, who
often bind genies into servitude, and readily enter into pacts that expand their
▪ The Great Old One/ "GooLock"
 Mix of options, appear crazy. Feels like an Enchanter Wizard.
 Your patron is a mysterious entity whose nature is utterly foreign to the fabric of
reality, It might be unaware of your existence or entirely indifferent to you, but
the secrets you have learned allow you to draw your magic from it.
▪ The Hexblade
 Great to go into melee
 Made your pact with a mysterious entity from the Shadowfell – a force that
manifests in sentient magic weapons carved from the stuff of shadow.
 Because the Raven Queen is known to have forged the first, many speculate
that she and the force are one.
▪ The Undying
 situational and reactionary abilities
 Death holds no sway over your patron, who has unlocked the secrets of
everlasting life.
▪ The Undead
 Resides in the dark corners. You may seek to gain knowledge from your
patron’s, while it may see you as a pawn.
▪ The Kraken
 Pact with a kraken, known to control the rain and storms.
▪ The Ghost in the Machine
 Bargain for power granted by an entity that you believe to be completely digital.
▪ The Lurker in the Deep
 Pact with an entity that lurks somewhere deep in the ocean, or even on the
Elemental Plane of Water.
 You serve as this creature’s eyes and ears
▪ The Raven Queen
 Raven Queen, a mysterious being who rules the Shadowfell from a palace of
ice; She watches over the world, anticipating each creature’s death and
ensuring that it meets its end at the proscribed time and place.
 Bids her agents to defeat those who seek to cheat death through undeath or
other imitations of immortality. She hates intelligent undead and expects her
followers to strike them down, whereas mindless undead such as skeletons and
zombies are little more than stumbling automatons in her eyes.
▪ The Seeker
 Your patron (any deity or other powerful entity dedicated to knowledge or
forgotten lore) is an inscrutable being who travels the Astral Plane in search of
knowledge and secrets.
 In return for your patron’s gifts, you wander the world seeking lore that you can
share with the Seeker.
◦ Monk (Innocent)
▪ Way of Mercy
 "plague doctor". Ki to heal and harm
 Manipulate the life force of others to bring aid to those in need, wandering
physicians to the poor and hurt.
 To those beyond their help, they bring a swift end as an act of mercy.
 Usually don robes with deep cowls, and they often conceal their faces with
masks, presenting themselves as the faceless bringers of life and death.
▪ Way of Shadow
 rogue-y flavour
 Value stealth and subterfuge.
 Might be called ninjas or shadowdancers, and they serve as spies and
▪ Way of the Astral Self
 10min combat buff "punch ghost"
 Believes their body is an illusion and see their ki as a representation of their
true form, an astral self.
▪ Way of the Drunken Master
 hit-and-run tactics
 Move with the jerky, unpredictable movements of a drunkard, concealing a
carefully executed dance of blocks, parries, advances, attacks, and retreats.
 Present what seems like an incompetent combatant who proves frustrating to
▪ Way of the Four Elements
 malleable but few ok options
 Harness the elements.
 Some dedicate themselves to a single element, but others weave the elements
 Many tattoo their bodies with representations of their ki powers, commonly
imagined as coiling dragons, but also as phoenixes, fish, plants, mountains, and
cresting waves.
▪ Way of the Long Death
 tanky, but not utility or offensive
 obsessed with the meaning and mechanics of dying.
▪ Way of the Open Hand
 the Vanilla Option
 Ultimate masters of martial arts combat, whether armed or unarmed.
 Push and trip their opponents, manipulate ki to heal damage to their bodies,
and practice advanced meditation that can protect them from harm.
▪ Way of the Kensei
 can use whips but not abilities
 train relentlessly with their weapons, to the point that the weapon becomes like
an extension of the body.
 Whatever the weapon, the kensei views it as a tool used to express the beauty
and precision of the martial arts.
▪ Way of the Sun Soul
 tries to melee capacity + ranged blaster. Fails
 Channel their own life energy into searing bolts of light.
▪ Ascendant Dragon
 Revere the power and grandeur of dragons.
 They alter their own ki to resonate with draconic might, channeling it to augment
their prowess in battle, soar through the air, and to bolster their allies.
▪ Cobalt Soul
 Driven by the pursuit of knowledge
 Give one’s self to the quest for unveiling life’s mysteries, bringing light to the
secrets of the dark, and guarding the most powerful and dangerous of truths
from those who would seek to perverse the sanctity of civilization.
 Embodiment of the phrase “know your enemy.”
▪ Living Weapon
 pursues physical perfection
 traditions are drawn from cultures of shapeshifters and creatures who fight with
tooth and claw
◦ The Forged Heart
◦ The Nightmare Shroud
◦ The Traveler’s Blade
◦ The Weretouched techniques
▪ Tranquility
 See violence as a last resort, If pushed, though, they are capable warriors
 Diplomats and also skilled in the healing arts.
◦ Paladin (Hero)
▪ Some devote themselves not to a god but to a cause or a source of divine power
▪ Oath of the Ancients (paladin druid, restrain & inhibits)
 Kindle the Light [of hope]
 Shelter the Light
 Preserve Your Own Light
 Be the Light [for all who live in despair]
▪ Oath of Conquest (crowd control and offensive options)
 Douse the Flame of Hope [of your enemies]
 Rule with an Iron Fist
 Strength Above All
▪ Oath of the Crown (defender)
 Law
 Loyalty
 Courage
 Responsibility
▪ Oath of Devotion (the Vanilla Option)
 Honesty
 Courage
 Compassion
 Honor
 Duty
▪ Oath of Glory (spell list too reliant on Concentration)
 Actions over Words
 Challenges Are but Tests
 Hone the Body
 Discipline the Soul
▪ Oath of Redemption (emphasizes nonviolent options)
 Peace
 Innocence
 Patience
 Wisdom
▪ Oath of the Watchers (limited to extraplanar threats)
 Vigilance
 Loyalty
 Discipline
▪ Oath of Vengeance (striker)
 Fight the Greater Evil
 No Mercy for the Wicked
 By Any Means Necessary
 Restitution
▪ Oathbreaker
 Broken their oaths to pursue some dark ambition or serve an evil power.
 Not great at mingling w/ others
 Control Undead
▪ Oath of the Open Sea
 No Greater Life than a Life Lived Free
 Trust the Skies [and Nature]
 Adapt like the Water
 Explore the Uncharted
▪ Oath of Treachery
 Forsworn other oaths or care only for their own power and survival.
 No tenets, for it lacks any substance: they owe allegiance to no one.
 Their concern is power and safety, especially if both can be obtained at the
expense of others.
◦ Cleric (Caregiver)
▪ Arcana Domain (cleric-wizard. great utilities and support options, and some
excellent offensive options)
▪ Death Domain (striker. lacks support or utility options)
▪ Forge Domain (defender, front lines in combat. Great spell list, unique utility and
support options)
▪ Grave Domain (spellcasting-focused with a little bit of healing and a little bit of
damage. Balance offensive and healing)
▪ Knowledge Domain (dissapointing Spell List. good for gathering information)
▪ Life Domain (healing. Can also melee –heavy armor–)
▪ Light Domain (controller and striker. damage to single targets and areas. Radiant &
fire spells)
▪ Nature Domain (lackluster spell list)
▪ Order Domain (powerful. For suppor or leading. Heavy armor)
▪ Peace Domain (too Over Powered)
▪ Tempest Domain (striker. Durable + damage. Several crowd control and area
control options)
▪ Trickery Domain (great spell list, meh class abilities)
▪ Twilight Domain (protects allies. buffs, utilities, and defensive options. Offence is an
▪ War Domain (cleric-paladin mix. front-line martial prowess slightly more than
▪ Solidarity (First virtue of Amonkhet's society. Instilling in every initiate the virtue of
solidarity. Forges each group of children into a crop of acolytes with just one
purpose: to be judged worthy of a glorious afterlife. Instills in each crop the ability to
unite in a single action in pursuit of that purpose, fond of poetic imagery to
communicate it’s ideals.)
▪ Strength (Third virtue of Amonkhet's society. Strength can’t be taught. It must be
built through practice and training. Rhonas demonstrates his teachings by his
example, rather than by giving his students any kind of academic instruction. He
welcomes the people to stand by and watch him as he storms into the desert to
battle the greatest horrors. He encourages them to observe his indomitable
strength, for though they will never equal it, they can aspire to mimicry. He invites
them to scrutinize every move and practice what they see.
▪ Ambition (Clerics of Ambition act as cunning viziers who subtly plant the seeds that
flower into the ambition their gods desire. Through insinuation, they remind
acolytes, initiates, and veterans alike that achieving one’s place (in life or the
afterlife) at the expense of others is not shameful, but is proof of determination and
drive. Nothing is more important than that drive, they suggest – not the bonds of a
family, not friendship or love. Not even devotion to a deity.)
▪ Zeal (Fifth and final virtue of Amonkhet's society. The God-Pharaoh expects those
he welcomes into the afterlife to desire it above all other pleasures and
achievements, and for them to show their dedication, passion, and fervor through
their actions)
▪ Blood (understanding of the natural life force within one’s own physical body, the
power of sacrifice, the balance of life and death, and the spirit’s anchor within the
mortal shell)
▪ Mind (blends divine devotion and psychic power)
▪ City (concerned with the citizenry, commerce, traffic, architecture. The center of
modern life is a sense and spirit of community)
▪ Protection (shield the weak from the strong)
▪ Unity (sense of oneness shines at the heart of healthy communities. The gods of
unity deepen such bonds and delight in their strength.)

▪ Social Status:
 Name:
◦ (Meaning/ Significance)
◦ Title:
 Feats/ Accomplishments:
 Social Recognition:
▪ Economical Status:
▪ Languages:
 Accent:
 Speech particulars:
▪ Job:
 Boss:
 Coworkers:
 Subordinates:
◦ Groups:
▪ Organizations, Factions, Alliances, etc.

▪ Friends:

▪ Allies:

▪ Rivals:

▪ Enemies:

◦ Private:
▪ Spouse:
 Mate:
 Civil Status:
 Sentimental Situation:
 Sexual Orientation:
▪ Family:
 Ancestors:

 Parents:

 Siblings:

 Children:

 Descendants:

 Other:

 Source:
◦ Origin of the Character:
◦ Inspiration:
◦ Changes Made: (Similarities/ Differences with the original/ inspiration, etc)
Giriko “Mad Wolf” Butz (ChainSaw)

 Physical (Appearance)
◦ Species: Demon
▪ Lycan Wolrof (Werewolf)
▪ Woodly Variety (brown pelt).
◦ Status: Alive
◦ Age: (Middle Age)
▪ Date of Birth: (?)
▪ Date of Death: (?)
◦ Size: Medium
▪ Height:
▪ Weight:
◦ Hair:
▪ Shape: Short & Spiky. 3 saw-like fringes of hair.
▪ Color: Light cold-brown.
◦ Eyes:
▪ Shape/ Pupil: Round Pupils
▪ Color: Light brown (same color as hair)
◦ Clothing:
▪ Cream shirt
▪ Brown belt
▪ Old blue jeans
▪ Dark-brown Boots.
▪ Accessories:
 Silver right-ear ring
 Silver nose-bridge piercing
 Dark-brown long-sleeved Alchemy Gloves
◦ Markings:
▪ Pointy Shark Teeth
◦ Powers/ Abilities:
▪ Powers of the Body:
 Animal-Mastery:
◦ Turn into a Mammal – Canid – Wolf (light brown pelt)
◦ Turn into a mid werewolf transformation with partial similar characteristics.
 Body Manipulation:
◦ Turn into a giant sentient Chainsaw.
◦ Partial Chainsaw transformation: Saw-chains appear in torso for damage deflect or in
feet for speed enhancement.
 Super-human Ability:
◦ Strong Senses: Smell (Werewolf)
◦ High Endurance
◦ Good sound transmission (howling)
◦ Fast Healing, Fast Ingestion, Fast Rotation (Chainsaw)
▪ Force Control:
▪ Object Manipulation:
 Change Obj. Mass, Obj. Transmutation, Change/ Speed Chemical Reactions,
Speed plant growth, Manipulate Water, etc.
◦ Magic
 Powers of the Mind:
◦ Illusions, Affect Probability, Telekinesis, Precognition, etc.
◦ Intelligence
▪ Omni-Language, Evil Genius, etc.
▪ Mastery:
 [Performance] Arts:
◦ Acrobatics
◦ Alchemy
◦ Golem Creation
 Martial Arts:
◦ Hunter skills
◦ Tactical & Weapons
 Weapon Based:
◦ Powered Prostheses: (Armored Suit, Shock Gauntlets, Flight Harness, etc.)
◦ Proficiencies:
▪ High DEX
▪ High CON
▪ Skills:
 Athletics (Str) *
 Acrobatics (Dex) *
 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
 Stealth (Dex)
 Arcana (Int)
 History (Int)
 Investigation (Int)
 Nature (Int)
 Religion (Int)
 Animal Handling (Wis)
 Insight (Wis)
 Medicine (Wis)
 Perception (Wis)
 Survival (Wis) *
 Intimidation (Cha) *
 Performance (Cha)
 Persuasion (Cha)

 Mental (Psychological)
◦ Story Significance:
▪ Motive
▪ Plan
▪ Objective
◦ World View:
▪ Myers-Briggs Personality:
▪ Alignment:
 (x9) Chaotic Evil
 (x25) Chaotic Immoral
▪ Zodiac Sign:
▪ Beliefs:
 Religion:
 Hopes:
 Dreams:
◦ Personality:
▪ Likes:
▪ Dislikes:
▪ Fears: Small Spaces (Claustrophobia)
▪ Embarrassed by:
◦ Activities:
▪ Hobbies:
▪ Recurring activities (Tics, not-jobs, etc).
◦ Biography:
▪ Place of Origin: Czech Republic
▪ Childhood:
▪ History:

 Social (Relationships)
◦ Public:
▪ D&D Class:
 Barbarian – Path of the Berserker (high DPS but exhaustion prone)
 Artificer – Battle Smith (creates golems)
▪ Social Class: Middle Class
▪ Economical Status:
▪ Name:
 “Giriko” is a possible misspelling of “gear”, like the gears in saws and other mechanical
▪ Languages:
 Human (english?, german?, japanese?)
 Common (lightner demon)
 Abyssal (darkner demon).
▪ Job:
 Mercenary Soldier
◦ Boss: (?)
◦ Coworkers: […]
◦ Subordinates: (?)
 Terrorist (Under-cover)
◦ Boss: Arachnne
◦ Coworkers: Mosquito
◦ Subordinates: (?)
 Engineer
◦ Boss: Metallicana Kurogane
◦ Coworkers: […]
◦ Subordinates: […]
◦ Groups:
▪ Friends: Gilbert Beilschdmit, & Kamjin Kravshera
▪ Allies:
▪ Rivals: Justin Law (mate), Elizabetha “Liz” Hedervary.
▪ Enemies:
▪ Other Groups:
◦ Private:
▪ Family:
 Ancestors:
 Parents:
◦ Unnamed mother, Lullaby (foster mother), Kazuo Souda (foster father).
 Siblings:
◦ Larry Vincent Butz (twin brother), Gajeel Kurogane (foster brother), Erik Cobra (foster
brother), Koruru Souda (adoptee sister), Kazuichi Souda (adoptee brother).
 Mate:
◦ Lowen/Leaf(?) & Justin Law
 Children:
◦ (?) Butz, Leo Butz, Tesha Butz, Clementine Law, Tino “Finland” [Vanaimoien], Gear
Butz, Bumblebee “Bee”, (?) Law, Pamoon Law, Greed Butz, Raimund “Ray” Law,
Shane Law, etc.
 Descendants:
◦ Sol, Peter, Weed, etc.
 Other:

 Source:
◦ Origin of the Character:
▪ Soul Eater (manga series & anime series)
◦ Inspiration:
▪ “Soul Eater” – Villain character “Giriko”
◦ Changes Made:

Name “Nickname” Second-Name Last-Name (Code)

APARIENCIA Species: Hair:

Distictive Markings:
Variant: Eyes:

Health Status: Sex/ Gender:

Edad: Skin Tone:

Poderes/ Habilidades:
Clothes & Accesories: Complexion/ Size:



Alignment: Personality (Myers-Briggs): Aspiraciones:

Zodiac Sign: Virtues: Valores:

Insegurities: Defects: Creencias:

Likes: Place of Origin: MIND


Dislikes: Languages:

Fears: Accent:

Hobbies: Hábitos:

Socio-economic State: Feats: RELATIONSHIP

Social Class: Social Recognition:

Class (D&D): Name: Civil State:

Sexual Orientation:

Friends: Job: Ancestrers:

Allies: Superiores: Parents

Rivals: Compañeros:

Enemies: Subordinados:

Grupos/Facciones: Other Relatives:

ORIGEN: Character Inspiration: Made Changes:

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