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David Little
Math 110: Chapters 4 and 5 Review Problems Penn State

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4/6/2020 Math 110: Chapters 4 and 5 Review Problems - Math 110 - Spring 2020, Spring 2020 | WebAssign

1. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 2/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Let f(x) = 5x4 − 40x2 + 35. Find the intervals where f is decreasing.

(-2,0) ∪ (2,∞)

(-∞,-2) ∪ (2,∞)

(-∞,-2) ∪ (0,2)

(0,2) ∪ (2,∞)

(-2,0) ∪ (0,2)

Solution or Explanation

General Procedure for Finding Intervals of Increase and/or Decrease

Intervals of increase and intervals of decrease of f(x) are found by determining the intervals where the derivative of f(x) is positive
and where the derivative of f(x) is negative, respectively. To find these intervals, first compute f'(x) and then determine where it is
equal to zero and where it is discontinuous. These values break up the domain of f(x) into smaller subintervals. Pick one test
number from each subinterval, and plug it into f'(x) to determine the behavior of f(x) on that subinterval. If f'(x) is positive at a
test number, then f(x) is increasing on the corresponding subinterval. If f'(x) is negative at a test number, then f(x) is decreasing
on the corresponding subinterval.

In order to find the intervals of increase and/or decrease, first compute f'(x).

f'(x) = 5·4x3 − 40·2x

= 20x3 − 80x
= 20x(x2 − 4)
= 20x(x − 2)(x + 2)

Next, find where f'(x) = 0 and where f'(x) has any discontinuities. In particular, f'(x) is continuous everywhere and f'(x) = 0 when x
= 0 and when x = ±2. These values break up the domain of f'(x) into four intervals:

(-∞,-2), (-2,0), (0,2), and (2,∞)

Plug one number from each interval into f'(x) to determine the sign of f'(x), and thus the behavior of f(x), on each interval:

f'(−3) = 20(−3)(−3 − 2)(−3 + 2) < 0

f'(−1) = 20(−1)(−1 − 2)(−1 + 2) > 0
f'(1) = 20(1)(1 − 2)(1 + 2) < 0
f'(3) = 20(3)(3 − 2)(3 + 2) > 0

Since f'(−3) < 0, f'(x) < 0 for all x < −2, and therefore f(x) is decreasing on (−∞,−2).

Since f'(−1) > 0, f'(x) > 0 for all −2 < x < 0, and therefore f(x) is increasing on (−2,0).

Since f'(1) < 0, f'(x) < 0 for all 0 < x < 2, and therefore f(x) is decreasing on (0,2).

And finally, since f'(3) > 0, f'(x) > 0 for all x > 2, and therefore f(x) is increasing on (2,∞). 2/36
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2. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Determine the x coordinates of the critical points/numbers for the function f(x) = .
x2 + 10
x =10
− and x 10

x 10

x = 0, x =10
− , and x 10

No critical points


Solution or Explanation

General Procedure for Finding Critical Points/Numbers

The value x = a is called a critical number of f(x) if x = a is in the domain of f(x) and either f'(a) = 0 or f'(a) does not exist.
Therefore, to find critical numbers of f(x), compute its derivative and compare domains. Any value of x that is in the domain of f(x)
but not in the domain of f'(x) is a critical number. Then, set the derivative equal to zero. Any value of x such that f'(x) = 0 is also a
critical number.

Common Mistakes
The most common mistake regarding critical numbers is to not take into account the domain of the original function, f(x).
Remember that a critical number is a number in the domain of f(x) where f'(x) does not exist or is equal to zero. So after finding
values of x where f'(x) does not exist or is equal to zero, remember to double check that x is in the domain of f(x). If x isn't in the
domain of f(x), then it's not a critical number.

First notice that the domain of f(x) = is all real numbers (i.e., (−∞,∞)). Next, compute the derivative of f(x).
x2 + 10

1(x2 + 10) − x·2x

f'(x) =
(x2 + 10)2
x2 + 10 − 2x2
(x2 + 10)2
10 − x2
(x2 + 10)2

Note that f'(x) exists for all x in the domain of f(x) and is equal to zero only when 10 − x2 = 0 (i.e., x = ± 10 ). Therefore, x = ±
10 are the only critical numbers. 3/36
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3. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Find the relative extrema of the function f(x) = 3x5 − 80x3 + 36.

relative maximum at x = −4 and x = 4; relative minimum at x = 0.

relative maximum at x = 4; relative minimum at x = −4.

no relative maximum; relative minimum at x = 0.

relative maximum at x = 0; relative minimum at x = −4 and x = 4.

relative maximum at x = −4; relative minimum at x = 4.

Solution or Explanation 4/36
4/6/2020 Math 110: Chapters 4 and 5 Review Problems - Math 110 - Spring 2020, Spring 2020 | WebAssign

General Procedure for Finding Relative Extrema

Relative extrema of the function f(x) appear at the critical numbers of f(x), however, not all critical numbers correspond to relative
extrema. Therefore, to find the relative extrema of f(x), first find all of the critical numbers of f(x). Then use either the First
Derivative Test or the Second Derivative Test to determine if each critical number corresponds to a relative maximum value, a
relative minimum value, or neither.

To find the critical points of the given function, compute the derivative and find all values of x in the domain of f(x) such that f'(x)
= 0 or f'(x) does not exist. Note that the domain of f(x) = 3x5 − 80x3 + 36 is all real numbers (i.e., (−∞,∞)).

f'(x) = 3·5x4 − 80·3x2

= 15x4 − 240x2
= 15x2(x2 − 16)
= 15x2(x − 4)(x + 4)

Note that f'(x) exists for all x in the domain of f(x) and is equal to zero when x = 0, x = −4, and x = 4. Therefore, the critical
points of f(x) are at x = 0 and x = ±4. It remains to classify each critical point.

Classify Critical Points Method 1: First Derivative Test:

Recall that the First Derivative Test uses changes in sign of f'(x) to classify critical points of f(x). In particular, if f'(x) changes from
positive to negative at x = a, then f(x) has a relative maximum at x = a. Similarly, if f'(x) changes from negative to positive at x =
a, then f(x) has a relative minimum at x = a. If there is no change in sign of f'(x) at x = a, then f(x) does not have a relative
extreme value at x = a.

Since there are 3 critical points of f(x), we will need to plug in 4 values of x into f'(x), one from each of the following intervals:
(−∞,−4), (−4,0), (0,4), and (4,∞).

f'(−5) = 15(−5)2(−5 − 4)(−5 + 4) > 0

f'(−1) = 15(−1)2(−1 − 4)(−1 + 4) < 0
f'(1) = 15(1)2(1 − 4)(1 + 4) < 0
f'(5) = 15(5)2(5 − 4)(5 + 4) > 0

Since f'(−5) > 0 and f'(−1) < 0, there is a change in sign of f'(x) from positive to negative, and therefore f(x) has a relative
maximum at x = −4.

Since f'(−1) < 0 and f'(1) < 0, there is no change in sign of f'(x), and therefore f(x) does not have a relative extreme value at x =

Since f'(1) < 0 and f'(5) > 0, there is a change in sign of f'(x) from negative to positive, and therefore f(x) has a relative minimum
at x = 4.

Classify Critical Points Method 2: Second Derivative Test:

Recall that the Second Derivative Test uses the sign of the second derivative f''(x) to classify critical points of f(x). In particular, if
f'(a) = 0 and f''(a) > 0, then f(x) has a relative minimum at x = a. If f'(a) = 0 and f''(a) < 0, then f(x) has a relative maximum at x
= a. If both f'(a) and f''(a) are equal to zero, then the Second Derivative Test is inconclusive.

First, compute f''(x).

f''(x) = (15x4 − 240x2)
= 15·4x3 − 240·2x
= 15·2x(2x2 − 16)

Next, evaluate f''(x) at each of the critical points.

f''(−4) = 15·2(−4)(32 − 16) < 0 → f(x) has a relative maximum at x = −4

f''(0) = 15·2(0)(0 − 16) = 0 → Second Derivative Test is inconclusive, use First Derivative Test instead.
f''(4) = 15·2·4(32 − 16) > 0 → f(x) has a relative minimum at x = 4 5/36
4/6/2020 Math 110: Chapters 4 and 5 Review Problems - Math 110 - Spring 2020, Spring 2020 | WebAssign

4. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

4(x2 + 9)
Suppose the second derivative of f(x) is given by f''(x) = . Determine the intervals of concavity of f(x).
(16 − x2)9
f(x) is concave up on (−∞,−3) ∪ (3,∞) and concave down on (−3,3).

f(x) is concave up on (−4,4) and concave down on (−∞,−4) ∪ (4,∞).

f(x) is concave up on (−∞,−4) ∪ (4,∞) and concave down on (−4,4).

f(x) is concave up on (−∞,4) and concave down on (4,∞).

f(x) is concave up on (−3,3) and concave down on (−∞,−3) ∪ (3,∞).

Solution or Explanation

General Procedure for Finding Intervals of Concavity

Intervals of concavity of f(x) are found by determining the intervals where the second derivative of f(x) is positive and where the
second derivative of f(x) is negative. To find these intervals, first compute f''(x) and then determine where it is equal to zero and
where it is discontinuous. These values break up the domain of f(x) into smaller subintervals. Pick one test number from each
subinterval, and plug it into f''(x) to determine the behavior of f(x) on that subinterval. If f''(x) is positive at a test number, then
f(x) is concave up on the corresponding subinterval. If f''(x) is negative at a test number, then f(x) is concave down on the
corresponding subinterval.

To begin, find where f''(x) is equal to zero or where it has discontinuities. Note that f''(x) is never equal to zero since its numerator
is always positive. Furthermore, f''(x) has discontinuities at x = −4 and x = 4 since these values lead to division by zero. These
values break up the domain of f''(x) into three intervals:

(−∞,−4), (−4,4), and (4,∞)

Plug one number from each interval into f''(x) to determine the sign of f''(x), and thus the behavior of f(x), on each interval:

4(25 + 9)
f''(−5) = <0
(16 − 25)9
4(0 + 9)
f''(0) = >0
(16 − 0)9
4(25 + 9)
f''(5) = <0
(16 − 25)9

Since f''(−5) < 0, f''(x) < 0 for all x < −4, and therefore f(x) is concave down on (−∞,−4).

Since f''(0) > 0, f''(x) > 0 for all −4 < x < 4, and therefore f(x) is concave up on (−4,4).

And finally, since f''(5) < 0, f''(x) < 0 for all x > 4, and therefore f(x) is concave down on (4,∞). 6/36
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5. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Determine the x coordinates of the points of inflection for the function f(x) = 3x5 − 30x4 + 90x3 + 23x − 22.

Only x = 3

x = 0 and x = 3

Only x = 1

Only x = 0

x = 1 and x = 3

Solution or Explanation 7/36
4/6/2020 Math 110: Chapters 4 and 5 Review Problems - Math 110 - Spring 2020, Spring 2020 | WebAssign

General Procedure for Finding Inflection Points

The function f(x) has an inflection point at (a,f(a)) if f(x) changes concavity at x = a (i.e., the second derivative changes sign at x
= a). In other words, points of inflection occur at points on the curve where the graph changes concavity (either from concave up
to concave down or from concave down to concave up).

To find the inflection points of f(x), find all of the values of x in the domain of f(x) where the second derivative is equal to zero or
has a discontinuity. These values of x are possible locations of inflection points and break up the domain of f(x) into subintervals.
Plug one number from each subinterval into the second derivative to check for a change in sign of f''(x).

Common Mistakes
The most common mistakes regarding inflection points are to find values of x that make the second derivative, f''(x), equal to zero
but not check to see if x is in the domain of the f(x) and to not check to see if there is a change in sign of the second derivative at
x. Remember, inflection points correspond to points in the domain of f(x) where the function changes concavity. So after finding
values of x where f''(x) is undefined or equal to zero, double check that x is in the domain of f(x) and that there is a change in sign
of f''(x) at x.

Begin by computing the first derivative:

f'(x) = 3·5x4 − 30·4x3 + 90·3x2 + 23

= 15x4 − 120x3 + 270x2 + 23

Now compute the second derivative:

f''(x) = 15·4x3 − 120·3x2 + 270·2x

= 60x3 − 360x2 + 540x
= 60x(x2 − 6x + 9)
= 60x(x − 3)2

By factoring the second derivative, we can see that f''(x) = 0 when x = 0 and x = 3. These values of x are possible locations of
inflection points. To make sure, we need to verify that there is a change in sign of f''(x).

The values x = 0 and x = 3 break up the domain of f''(x) into three intervals:

(-∞,0), (0,3), and (3,∞)

Plug one number from each interval into f''(x) to determine the sign of f''(x), and thus the behavior of f(x), on each interval:

f''(−1) = 60(−1)(−1 − 3)2 < 0

f''(1) = 60(1)(1 − 3)2 > 0
f''(4) = 60(4)(4 − 3)2 > 0

Since f''(−1) < 0, f''(x) < 0 for all x < 0, and therefore f(x) is concave down on (−∞,0).

Since f''(1) > 0, f''(x) > 0 for all 0 < x < 3, and therefore f(x) is concave up on (0,3).

And finally, since f''(4) > 0, f''(x) > 0 for all x > 3, and therefore f(x) is concave up on (3,∞).

In particular, note that there is no change in sign of f''(x) at x = 3 (i.e., no change in concavity) but there is a change in sign at x =
0. Therefore, the only inflection point occurs at x = 0. 8/36
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6. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

The total monthly revenue R(x) generated from sales of Calculus videos is related to the amount x spent on advertising by

R(x)= 5x3 − 30x2 + 105x + 30

where x is in thousands of dollars and 0≤ x ≤ 6. Which one of the following statements is true?

$1000 is a point of diminishing returns.

$1000 is a point of increasing returns.

There are no points of increasing or diminishing returns.

$2000 is a point of increasing returns.

$2000 is a point of diminishing returns.

Solution or Explanation

General Procedure for Finding a Point of Diminishing/Increasing Returns

Recall that a point of diminishing returns is an inflection point appearing where a function is increasing and the concavity changes
from concave up to concave down. Similarly, a point of increasing returns is an inflection point appearing where a function is
increasing and the concavity changes from concave down to concave up.

To find such a point, use the first derivative to determine where the given function is increasing. Then use the second derivative to
find the inflection points. If an inflection point appears where the function is decreasing, then it is neither a point of diminishing
returns nor a point of increasing returns. If the inflection point appears where the function is increasing, then check the change in
sign of the second derivative to classify as a point of diminishing returns (i.e., second derivative changes from positive to negative)
or a point of increasing returns (i.e., second derivative changes from negative to positive).

Start by computing the first derivative.

R'(x) = (5x3 − 30x2 + 105x + 30)
= 15x2 − 60x + 105
= 15(x2 − 4x + 7)

Now compute the second derivative.

R''(x) = [15(x2 − 4x + 7)]
= 15(2x − 4)
= 30(x − 2)

Note that R''(x) = 0 only when x = 2, which is in the domain of R(x) (i.e., [0,6]).

Furthermore, R'(2) is positive (i.e., R(x) is increasing near x = 2).

And lastly, R''(x) changes from negative to positive at x = 2 (i.e., R(x) changes from concave down to concave up at x = 2).

Therefore, there is a point of increasing returns when $2000 is spent on advertising. 9/36
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7. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

4x6 + 36x5 + 72x4

Determine all vertical and horizontal asymptotes of the function g(x) = .
5x5 + 40x4
Vertical asymptote at x = 0; horizontal asymptote at y = 4/5.

Vertical asymptote at x = −8; no horizontal asymptotes.

Vertical asymptote at x = −8; horizontal asymptote at y = 4/5.

Vertical asymptotes at x = 0 and x = −8; no horizontal asymptotes.

Vertical asymptotes at x = 0 and x = −8; horizontal asymptote at y = 4/5.

Solution or Explanation

General Procedure for Finding Asymptotes of a Rational Function

Horizontal asymptotes of any function f(x) are found by computing the two limits at infinity:

lim f(x) and lim f(x)

x → −∞ x→∞

For rational functions, it is enough to compute only one of the above limits at infinity since both limits have the same behavior.
Either limit can be evaluated by comparing the degree of the numerator to the degree of the denominator.

Vertical asymptotes of a rational function f(x)/g(x) appear at x = a if g(a) = 0 and f(a) ≠ 0. To find these values, factor both
numerator and denominator, and then cancel out any common factors. Each factor of the form (x − a) that remains in the
denominator after cancellation means that x = a is a vertical asymptote.

Common Mistakes
The most common mistake with finding vertical asymptotes is to only set the denominator equal to zero and not pay any attention
to the numerator. Make sure to simplify the function first by factoring both the numerator and denominator. After cancelling out all
of the common factors, any value of x that still makes the denominator equal to zero corresponds to a vertical asymptote.

Horizontal Asymptotes: For rational functions, horizontal asymptotes can be determined by considering the degree of the
numerator and denominator. In particular, since the degree of the numerator (6), is greater than the degree of the denominator
(5), we know that

lim g(x) = ±∞
x → ±∞

and therefore, g(x) does not have any horizontal asymptotes.

Vertical Asymptotes: To determine the vertical asymptotes of a rational function, it is helpful to first simplify the function by
factoring the numerator and denominator.

4x6 + 36x5 + 72x4

g(x) =
5x5 + 40x4
4x4(x2 + 9x + 18)
5x4(x + 8)
4x4(x + 6)(x + 3)
5x4(x + 8)
4(x + 6)(x + 3)
= if x ≠ 0
5(x + 8)

The vertical asymptotes of g(x) correspond to the values of x that make the simplified denominator equal to 0. In this case, the
only vertical asymptote of g(x) appears at x = −8. 10/36
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8. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Which one of the following graphs corresponds to the function f(x) = ?
x2 − 25 11/36
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Solution or Explanation 12/36
4/6/2020 Math 110: Chapters 4 and 5 Review Problems - Math 110 - Spring 2020, Spring 2020 | WebAssign

General Procedure for Graphing a Function

When drawing the graph of y = f(x), one should consider each of the following items:

Intervals of Increase/Decrease
Relative Extrema
Intervals of Concavity
Inflection Points

When selecting the graph of y = f(x) from a list of choices, one need not consider each of the above items in complete detail. Focus
on the calculations that can be done relatively easily, and try to determine the graph based on that information. For example,
domain, intercepts, and asymptotes, should each be quick computations. See if any of the choices can be eliminated based on this
information. Next, compute the first derivative. If intervals of increase/decrease can be determined quickly, then use that
additional information to eliminate any choices. If not, go ahead and compute the second derivative and use intervals of concavity
to identify the correct graph.

Consider the function

f(x) =
x2 − 25

First notice that since f(x) is a rational function, its domain consists of all values of x such that its denominator, x2 − 25, is not
equal to zero (i.e., x ≠ ±5). This means that the domain of f(x) is (−∞,−5) ∪ (−5,5) ∪ (5,∞).

The y-intercept appears at f(0) = 4/25 and f(x) does not have an x-intercept (i.e., f(x) is never equal to zero).

Furthermore, the lines x = −5 and x = 5 are vertical asymptotes (since the numerator is not equal to zero when x =
1000s:plusminus>5, but the denominator is equal to zero). The line y = 0 is a horizontal asymptote since

lim =0
x→∞ x2 − 25

Next, compute the first derivative of f(x).

f'(x) = −4(x2 − 25)−1
= 4(x2 − 25)−2 2x
(x2 − 25)2

Notice that f'(x) > 0 whenever x > 0 and f'(x) < 0 whenever x < 0. In other words, f(x) is increasing for x > 0 and decreasing for x
< 0.

Of the given graphs, only one goes through the point (0,4/25), has vertical asymptotes at x = ±5, a horizontal asymptote at y = 0,
and is increasing for x > 0 and decreasing for x < 0. 13/36
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9. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 3/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

12 x
Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum values of the function f(x) = − + 3 on the interval [−3,6].
9−x 3
Absolute maximum value is 5; absolute minimum value is 4.

Absolute maximum value is 10; absolute minimum value is −4.

Absolute maximum value is 10; absolute minimum value is 4.

Absolute maximum value is 5; absolute minimum value is −4.

Absolute maximum value is 10; absolute minimum value is 5.

Solution or Explanation 14/36
4/6/2020 Math 110: Chapters 4 and 5 Review Problems - Math 110 - Spring 2020, Spring 2020 | WebAssign

General Procedure for Finding Absolute Extrema of a Continuous Function on a Closed Interval
To find the absolute extrema of a continuous function f(x) on a closed interval [a,b], use the following three step process.

1. Find all of the critical numbers of f(x) on the interval (a,b).

2. Evaluate f(x) at x = a, x = b, as well as all of the critical numbers found in the previous step. Make sure to avoid plugging in
any value of x that is not on the interval [a,b].
3. The largest value found in the previous step is the absolute maximum value and the smallest value found is the absolute
minimum value of f(x) on [a,b].

Common Mistakes
The most common mistake regarding this method is to find all critical numbers of f(x), but to not ignore the critical numbers that
aren't in the interval [a,b]. Keep in mind that we are only looking for extreme values of f(x) where x is on the interval [a,b], so any
critical number that is not on this interval should be ignored.

12 x
To find the critical numbers of f(x) = − + 3, start by computing its derivative.
9−x 3

d 12 x
f'(x) = − +3
dx 9−x 3
d 1
= 12(9−x)−1 − x + 3
dx 3
−2 1
= 12(−1)(9−x) (−1) −
12 1
= −
(9−x)2 3
3·12 − (9−x)2
36 − (9−x)2

Recall that in general, the critical points of f(x) correspond to values in the domain of f(x) where f'(x) is equal to zero or where f'(x)
does not exist. For our problem, f'(x) exists for all real numbers except x = 9 and is equal to zero when 36 − (9−x)2 = 0.

36 − (9−x)2 = 0 → 36 = (9−x)2
→ ±6 = 9−x
→ x=9±6
→ x = 15, x = 3

Note that x = 9 is not in the domain of f(x) and x = 15 is not on the given interval (−3,6). The only critical point of f(x) on the
interval (−3,6) appears at x = 3.

Now evaluate f(x) at the critical number x = 3 as well as at the endpoints x = −3 and x = 6.

12 −3
f(−3) = − +3=5
9−(−3) 3
12 3
f(3) = − +3=4
9−(3) 3
12 6
f(6) = − +3=5
9−(6) 3

Of the three values found, 4 is the smallest and therefore the absolute minimum value and 5 is the largest and therefore the
absolute maximum value. 15/36
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10. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

A billboard designer has decided that a sign should have 5-ft margins at the top and bottom and 1-ft margins on the left and right
sides. Furthermore, the billboard should have a total area of 12500 ft2 (including the margins). If x denotes the width (in feet) of
the billboard, find the value of x that maximizes the area of the printed region of the billboard.





11. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 2/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

The demand equation for video games is given by

x = 320 − 10p

where x is the number of video games and p is in dollars. Find the value of p that maximizes the total revenue.




$16 16/36
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12. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

If = 40, solve for t.
1 + 5e−0.2t
t = 5ln(1/5)

t = 2ln(0.2)

t = 2ln(5)

t = 2ln(1/5)

t = 5ln(5)

Solution or Explanation
We can solve for t in the following manner. First, multiply both sides of the given equation by 1 + 5e−0.2t

80 = 40(1 + 5e−0.2t)

Next, divide both sides by 40.

2 = 1 + 5e−0.2t

Next, subtract 1 from both sides.

1 = 5e−0.2t

Next, divide both sides by 5.

1/5 = e−0.2t

Next, take the natural logarithm of both sides.

ln(1/5) = −0.2t

And lastly, divide both sides by −0.2.

t = −
= −5ln(1/5)
= 5ln(5) since −ln(A) = ln(1/A) for all A > 0 17/36
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13. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

If $4,000 is invested at 6% compounded continuously, what will be the accumulated amount after 4 years?






Solution or Explanation
Since interest is compounded continuously, use the Continuous Compound Interest Formula to compute the accumulated amount:

A = Pert


A is the accumulated amount at the end of t years

P is the principal investment (P = $4,000)
r is the annual interest rate (r = 0.06)
t is the term (in years) of the investment (t = 4)

14. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Find the interest rate r needed for an investment of $4,000 to grow to $32,000 in 4 years if interest is compounded monthly.
r = 12(848 + 1)

r = 848 − 1

r = 81/48 + 1

r = 12(81/48 − 1)

r = 848 + 1 18/36
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15. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

How long will it take for $4,000 to grow to $8,000 if the investment earns an interest rate of 4% per year compounded




Solution or Explanation
Recall the Compound Interest Formula:

r mt
A=P 1+


A is the accumulated amount at the end of t years (A = $8,000)

P is the principal investment (P = $4,000)
r is the nominal interest rate (r = 0.04)
m is the number of conversion periods per year (m = 2)
t is the term (in years) of the investment


0.04 2t
8000 = 4000 1 +
= 4000(1 + 0.02)2t
= 4000(1.02)2t

Divide both sides by 4000.

2 = (1.02)2t

Take the natural logarithm of both sides and simplify the right-hand side.

ln(2) = ln(1.02)2t
= 2t·ln(1.02)

And finally, divide both sides by 2ln(1.02).

2ln(1.02) 19/36
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16. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

You have $5,000 in the bank comfortably earning 12% interest compounded quarterly. Your cousin needs $5,000 to buy a new car.
In order to get the same total return, what interest rate r should you request from her if the money you lend her is to be
compounded continuously?

r = 4eln(1.03)

r = (1.03)4

r = 4ln(1.03)

r = 4ln(1.12)

r = e4ln(1.03)

Solution or Explanation
The problem suggests that you have two different ways to invest your money: either leave it in the bank earning 12% interest
compounded quarterly or give it to your cousin and let her repay you with interest (compounded continuously) in t years. (Note
that the problem doesn't state when your cousin will repay the loan, however we will see in the following calculations, that the
value of t does not affect the interest rate.) The problem then is to find the interest rate, r, you should charge your cousin so that
you get the same total return regardless of how your money is invested.

If you leave your money in the bank for t years, then the future value of your investment is

0.12 4t
5000 1 + = 5000(1.03)4t.

If you let your cousin borrow your money compounded continuously for t years, then the future value of your investment (i.e., how
much your cousin owes you in t years) is


where r is the unknown interest rate.

Now set the two quantities equal to each other and solve for r.

5000(1.03)4t = 5000ert

Divide both sides by 5000.

(1.03)4t = ert

Take the natural logarithm of both sides.

ln((1.03)4t) = ln(ert)

Simplify using properties of logarithms.

4tln(1.03) = rt

And finally, divide both sides by t.

4ln(1.03) = r 20/36
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17. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Find the effective interest rate corresponding to a nominal interest rate of 36% compounded monthly.

reff = (1.36)12 + 1

reff = (1.36)0.36·12 − 1

reff = (1.03)0.36·12 − 1

reff = (1.36)12 − 1

reff = (1.03)12 − 1

Solution or Explanation
Recall the Effective Interest Rate Formula:

r m
reff = 1 + −1


reff is the effective rate of interest

r is the nominal interest rate (r = 0.36)
m is the number of conversion periods per year (m = 12)

18. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

A favorite aunt wishes to establish a trust fund for her nephew's math education. How much should she set aside now if she wants
$90,000, 4 years from now, and interest is compounded continuously at 5%?






Solution or Explanation
Recall the Present Value Formula for Continuous Compound Interest:

P = Ae−rt


P is the present value (i.e., principal investment)

A is the future value (i.e., accumulated amount) at the end of t years (A = $90,000)
r is the annual interest rate (r = 0.05)
t is the term (in years) of the investment (t = 4) 21/36
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19. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Compute the derivative of f(x) = .
(4 + 9e3x)2
(4 + 9e3x)1
(4 + 9e3x)3

(4 + 9e3x)1

(4 + 9e3x)3

(4 + 9e3x)3

Solution or Explanation
d 5
f'(x) =
dx (4 + 9e3x)2
= 5(4 + 9e3x)−2
= 5(−2)(4 + 9e3x)−3 (4 + 9e3x)
= 5(−2)(4 + 9e3x)−3 (9·3e3x)
5(−2) (9·3e3x)
(4 + 9e3x)3
(4 + 9e3x)3 22/36
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20. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Find the derivative of f(x) = ln .
(2x − 3)5

2x − 3

5(2x − 3)

(2x − 3)5


2x − 3

(2x − 3)5

Solution or Explanation

General Procedure for Differentiating a Logarithmic Function

Before differentiating a function involving logarithms, use the following properties of logarithms to simplify the function.

ln(AB) = ln(A) + ln(B) for all A,B > 0

ln(A/B) = ln(A) − ln(B) for all A,B > 0
ln(AB) = B·ln(A) for all A > 0 and for all B

Before computing its derivative, rewrite f(x) in the following manner:

ln = ln((2x − 3)−5)
(2x − 3)5
= −5ln(2x − 3) since ln(AB) = B·ln(A)

Now compute the derivative.

f'(x) = −5· · d (2x − 3)
2x − 3 dx
= −5· ·2
2x − 3
= −
2x − 3 23/36
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21. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 2/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve y = x8ln(x5) at the point (1,0).


y = 5x − 5

y = −x + 1

y = 8x − 8

y = 45x − 45

Solution or Explanation
In order to write down the equation of a tangent line, we need to know a point on the line and the slope of the line. We were given
the point (1,0), so it remains to find the slope of the tangent line. To find this, we first compute the derivative, y', and then plug in
x = 1. Before we compute the derivative, notice that we can use properties of logarithms to rewrite the function as

y = x8·5ln(x) = 5x8ln(x)

since ln(xm) = m·ln(x) for all m and for all x > 0. Now computing the derivative, we obtain the following:

y' = 5·8x7ln(x) + 5x8
= 40x7ln(x) + 5x7

Now plug in x = 1.

y'(1) = 40ln(1) + 5
= 5 since ln(1) = 0

We now know that the slope of the tangent line is 5. Using the point-slope equation of a line (i.e., y − b = m(x − a) where m is the
slope of the line that goes through the point (a,b)), the equation of the tangent line is given by the following.

y − 0 = 5(x − 1)
= 5x − 5 24/36
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22. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

If the unit selling price p(x) and the quantity supplied x of a certain product is given by p(x) = x5e11x + 4, find the marginal
revenue function R'(x).

(6 + x)x5e11x + 4

(6 + 11x)x5e11x + 4

(5 + x)x4e11x + 4

(5 + 11x)x4e11x

(5 + x)x4e11x

Solution or Explanation
Recall that revenue is equal to the number of units sold times the price per unit. Therefore

R(x) = x·p
= x·(x5e11x + 4)
= x6e11x + 4x

and the marginal revenue function, R'(x), is given by

R'(x) = 6x5e11x + x6e11x·11 + 4

= (6 + 11x)x5e11x + 4 25/36
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23. 0/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 2/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Given the demand equation x = 90e−p/38, where p represents the price in dollars and x the number of units, determine the value
of p where the elasticity of demand is unitary.






Solution or Explanation
Recall that elasticity is given by
E(p) = −
where x = f(p) is the demand function (quantity demanded as a function of price). In this case, we are given that

f(p) = 90e−p/38


f'(p) = 90e−p/38 (−p/38)
= 90e−p/38 (−1/38)
= −90e−p/38/38


E(p) = −
= −
= p/38

And finally, elasticity of demand is unitary when E(p) = 1, which occurs when p = 38. 26/36
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24. 0/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Let exy − x5 = y8. Find .
5x4 − yexy
xexy − 8y7

yexy − 5x4
xexy − 8y7

xexy − 8y7
5x4 − yexy

5x4 − xexy
yexy − 8y7

xexy − 5x4
yexy − 8y7

Solution or Explanation
Use implicit differentiation to compute the derivative of both sides of exy − x5 = y8. Make sure to use the product rule to
differentiate xy since we are treating y as a function of x.

exy(y + xy') − 5x4 = 8y7y'

Distribute the factor of exy.

yexy + xy'exy − 5x4 = 8y7y'

Group all terms that have a factor of y' on the left, and all other terms on the right.

xy'exy − 8y7y' = 5x4 − yexy

Now factor out y' on the left side of the equation.

(xexy − 8y7)y' = 5x4 − yexy

And finally, divide both sides by xexy − 8y7 to solve for y'.

5x4 − yexy
y' =
xexy − 8y7 27/36
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25. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Let f(x) = 9x2e4x. Find the intervals where f is increasing.




(−∞,−1/2) ∪ (0,∞)

(−∞,0) ∪ (1/2,∞)

Solution or Explanation

General Procedure for Finding Intervals of Increase and/or Decrease

Intervals of increase and intervals of decrease of f(x) are found by determining the intervals where the derivative of f(x) is positive
and where the derivative of f(x) is negative, respectively. To find these intervals, first compute f'(x) and then determine where it is
equal to zero and where it is discontinuous. These values break up the domain of f(x) into smaller subintervals. Pick one test
number from each subinterval, and plug it into f'(x) to determine the behavior of f(x) on that subinterval. If f'(x) is positive at a
test number, then f(x) is increasing on the corresponding subinterval. If f'(x) is negative at a test number, then f(x) is decreasing
on the corresponding subinterval.

In order to find the intervals of increase and/or decrease, first compute f'(x).

f'(x) = 9·2xe4x + 9x2e4x4

= 18xe4x[1 + 2x]

Next, find where f'(x) = 0 and where f'(x) has any discontinuities. In particular, f'(x) is continuous everywhere and f'(x) = 0 when x
= 0 and when x = −1/2. Note that the factor e4x is always positive. These values break up the domain of f'(x) into three intervals:

(−∞,−1/2), (−1/2,0), and (0,∞)

Plug one number from each interval into f'(x) to determine the sign of f'(x), and thus the behavior of f(x), on each interval:

f'(−1) = 18(−1)e−4[1 − 2] > 0

f'(−1/4) = 18(−1/4)e−1[1 − 1/2] < 0
f'(1) = 18(1)e4[1 + 2] > 0

Since f'(−1) > 0, f'(x) > 0 for all x < −1/2, and therefore f(x) is increasing on (−∞,−1/2).

Since f'(−1/4) < 0, f'(x) < 0 for all −1/2 < x < 0, and therefore f(x) is decreasing on (−1/2,0).

And finally, since f'(1) > 0, f'(x) > 0 for all x > 0, and therefore f(x) is increasing on (0,∞). 28/36
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26. 0/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Determine the x coordinates of the critical points/numbers for the function f(x) = 5e3x .
2x − 4

x = 2, x = 7/3

x = 2, x = 3

x = 0, x = 2

x = 7/3

Solution or Explanation

General Procedure for Finding Critical Points/Numbers

The value x = a is called a critical number of f(x) if x = a is in the domain of f(x) and either f'(a) = 0 or f'(a) does not exist.
Therefore, to find critical numbers of f(x), compute its derivative and compare domains. Any value of x that is in the domain of f(x)
but not in the domain of f'(x) is a critical number. Then, set the derivative equal to zero. Any value of x such that f'(x) = 0 is also a
critical number.

First notice that the domain of f(x) = 5e3x is all positive real numbers except x = 2 (i.e., (−∞,2) ∪ (2,∞)). Next, compute the
2x − 4
derivative of f(x).

5e3x·3·(2x − 4) − 5e3x·2
f'(x) =
(2x − 4)2
5e3x[3(2x − 4) − 2]
(2x − 4)2
5e3x(3·2x − 3·4 − 2)
(2x − 4)2
5e3x(6x − 14)
(2x − 4)2

Note that f'(x) exists for all x except when 2x − 4 = 0 (i.e., x = 2) and is only equal to zero when 6x − 14 = 0 (i.e., x = 7/3) since
e3x is never equal to zero. However, only x = 7/3 is a critical number since x = 2 is not in the domain of f(x). 29/36
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27. 0/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Find the x coordinates of the relative extrema of the function f(x) = .
no relative maximum; relative minimum at x = 1/2.

relative maximum at x = 0; relative minimum at x = 1/2.

relative maximum at x = 1/2; no relative minimum.

relative maximum at x = −1/2; relative minimum at x = 0.

relative maximum at x = 1/2; relative minimum at x = 0.

Solution or Explanation

General Procedure for Finding Relative Extrema

Relative extrema of the function f(x) appear at the critical numbers of f(x), however, not all critical numbers correspond to relative
extrema. Therefore, to find the relative extrema of f(x), first find all of the critical numbers of f(x). Then use either the First
Derivative Test or the Second Derivative Test to determine if each critical number corresponds to a relative maximum value, a
relative minimum value, or neither.

To find the critical points, compute the derivative and find all values of x in the domain of f(x) such that f'(x) = 0 or f'(x) does not
exist. Note that the domain of f(x) = is all real numbers (i.e., (−∞,∞)) since e6x is never equal to zero.

3x2e6x − x3e6x6
f'(x) =
x2e6x[3 − 6x]
x2(3 − 6x)

Note that f'(x) exists for all x in the domain of f(x) and is equal to zero when x = 0 and when x = 1/2. Therefore, the critical points
of f(x) occur at x = 0 and x = 1/2. It remains to classify each critical point.

Classify Critical Points using the First Derivative Test

Recall that the First Derivative Test uses changes in sign of f'(x) to classify critical points of f(x). In particular, if f'(x) changes from
positive to negative at x = a, then f(x) has a relative maximum at x = a. Similarly, if f'(x) changes from negative to positive at x =
a, then f(x) has a relative minimum at x = a. If there is no change in sign of f'(x) at x = a, then f(x) does not have a relative
extreme value at x = a.

Since there are 2 critical points of f(x), we will need to plug in 3 values of x into f'(x), one from each of the following intervals:
(−∞,0), (0,1/2), and (1/2,∞).

1(3 + 6)
f'(−1) = >0
(1/4)2(3 − 3/2)
f'(1/4) = >0
(1)2(3 − 6)
f'(1) = <0

Since f'(−1) > 0 and f'(1/4) > 0, there is no change in sign of f'(x), and therefore f(x) does not have a relative extreme value at x
= 0.

Since f'(1/4) > 0 and f'(1) < 0, there is a change in sign of f'(x) from positive to negative, and therefore f(x) has a relative
maximum at x = 1/2. 30/36
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28. 0/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Let f(x) = xe11x. Determine the intervals of concavity of f(x).

f(x) is concave up on (−∞,−2/11) and concave down on (−2/11,∞).

f(x) is concave up on (−∞,−2/11) ∪ (0,∞) and concave down on (−2/11,0).

f(x) is concave up on (−2/11,∞) and concave down on (−∞,−2/11).

f(x) is concave up on (−2/11,0) and concave down on (−∞,−2/11) ∪ (0,∞).

f(x) is concave up on (0,∞) and concave down on (−∞,0).

Solution or Explanation
In order to find the intervals of concavity, first compute the second derivative of f(x) = xe11x.

f'(x) = e11x + xe11x11

= e11x(1 + 11x)

f''(x) = e11x11(1 + 11x) + e11x11

= 11e11x[(1 + 11x) + 1]
= 11e11x(2 + 11x)

Next, find where f''(x) = 0 and where f''(x) has any discontinuities. In particular, f''(x) is continuous everywhere and f''(x) = 0
when x = −2/11. This value breaks up the domain of f''(x) into two intervals:

(−∞,−2/11) and (−2/11,∞)

Plug one number from each interval into f'(x) to determine the sign of f''(x), and thus the behavior of f(x), on each interval:

f''(−1) = 11e−11(2 − 11) < 0

f''(0) = 11e0(2) > 0

Since f''(−1) < 0, f''(x) < 0 for all x < −2/11, and therefore f(x) is concave down on (−∞,−2/11).

And since f''(0) > 0, f''(x) > 0 for all −2/11 < x , and therefore f(x) is concave up on (−2/11,∞). 31/36
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29. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Determine the x coordinates of the points of inflection for the function f(x) = e−50x .

x = 1/10

x = −1/10 and x = 1/10


No inflection points

x = −1/10, x = 0, and x = 1/10

Solution or Explanation
Recall that points of inflection occur at points on the curve where the graph changes concavity (either from concave up to concave
down or from concave down to concave up). In other words, we are looking for values in the domain of f(x) where the second
derivative changes sign.

We begin by computing the first derivative of f(x) = e−50x :

f'(x) = e−50x2(−50·2x)
= −100xe−50x2

Now compute the second derivative:

f''(x) = −100e−50x2 − 100xe−50x2(−50·2x)

= −100e−50x2 + 100xe−50x2(100x)
= 1002x2e−50x2 − 100e−50x2
= 100e−50x2(100x2 − 1)

Notice that f''(x) = 0 when x = ±1/10. These values of x are possible locations of inflection points. To make sure, we need to verify
that there is a change in sign of f''(x).

The values x = ±1/10 break up the domain of f''(x) into three intervals:

(-∞,-1/10), (-1/10,1/10), and (1/10,∞)

Plug one number from each interval into f''(x) to determine the sign of f''(x), and thus the behavior of f(x), on each interval:

f''(−1) = 100e−50(100 − 1) > 0

f''(0) = 100e0(−1) < 0
f''(1) = 100e−50(100 − 1) > 0

Since f''(−1) > 0, f''(x) > 0 for all x < −1/10, and therefore f(x) is concave up on (−∞,−1/10).

Since f''(0) < 0, f''(x) < 0 for all −1/10 < x < 1/10, and therefore f(x) is concave down on (−1/10,1/10).

And finally, since f''(1) > 0, f''(x) > 0 for all x > 1/10, and therefore f(x) is concave up on (1/10,∞).

In particular, note that there is a change in concavity of f(x) at both x = −1/10 and at x = 1/10. Therefore, f(x) has an inflection
point at both of these values of x. 32/36
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30. 0/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

(x6 + 3)2(x8 − 5)3

Use logarithmic differentiation to compute the derivative of y = .
(x9 + 8)8
(x6 + 3)2(x8 − 5)3 12x5 24x7 72x8
+ −
(x9 + 8)8 x6 + 3 x8 − 5 x9 + 8

(x6 + 3)2(x8 − 5)3 2 3 8

− +
(x9 + 8)8 x6 + 3 x8 − 5 x9 + 8

(x6 + 3)2(x8 − 5)3 2 3 8

+8 −9
(x9 + 8)8 x6 + 3 x −5 x +8

(x6 + 3)2(x8 − 5)3 6x5 8x7 9x8

+ −
(x9 + 8)8 (x6 + 3)2 (x8 − 5)3 (x9 + 8)8

(x6 + 3)2(x8 − 5)3 12x5 24x7 72x8

− +
(x9 + 8)8 x6 + 3 x8 − 5 x9 + 8

Solution or Explanation 33/36
4/6/2020 Math 110: Chapters 4 and 5 Review Problems - Math 110 - Spring 2020, Spring 2020 | WebAssign

General Procedure of Logarithmic Differentiation

Logarithmic differentiation is a technique used to differentiate f(x) when the usual techniques of differentiation are too
cumbersome to apply or do not apply at all. The general process is based on first taking the natural logarithm of both sides of y =
f(x), resulting in

ln(y) = ln(f(x)),

then simplifying the right-hand side using properties of logarithms, and finally computing the derivative of both sides. The
derivative of the left-hand side is always given by

d y'
ln(y) =
dx y

and the derivative of the right-hand side can be computed using a sum or a product rule, depending on how ln(f(x)) simplifies. This
technique is best suited to differentiating functions that contain a large number of factors or functions of the form g(x)h(x).

(x6 + 3)2(x8 − 5)3

As instructed, use logarithmic differentiation to compute the derivative of y = . To do so, take the natural
(x9 + 8)8
logarithm of both sides and simplify the right-hand side using properties of logarithms.

(x6 + 3)2(x8 − 5)3

ln(y) = ln
(x9 + 8)8
(x8 − 5)3
= ln((x6 + 3)2) + ln since ln(A·B) = ln(A) + ln(B)
(x9 + 8)8
= ln((x6 + 3)2) + ln((x8 − 5)3) − ln((x9 + 8)8) since ln(A/B) = ln(A) − ln(B)
= 2·ln(x6 + 3) + 3·ln(x8 − 5) − 8·ln(x9 + 8) since ln(AB) = B·ln(A)

Now compute the derivative of both sides. On the left-hand side, use implicit differentiation and on the right-hand side, use the
sum rule.

y' 1 1 1
= 2· 6 ·6x5 + 3· 8 ·8x7 − 8· 9 ·9x8
y x +3 x −5 x +8
12x5 24x7 72x8
= + −
x6 + 3 x8 − 5 x9 + 8

(x6 + 3)2(x8 − 5)3

Now multiply both sides by y and then replace y with .
(x9 + 8)8

12x5 24x7 72x8

y' = y + −
x6 + 3 x8 − 5 x9 + 8
(x + 3) (x − 5)3
6 2 8 12x5 24x7 72x8
= + −
(x9 + 8)8 x6 + 3 x8 − 5 x9 + 8 34/36
4/6/2020 Math 110: Chapters 4 and 5 Review Problems - Math 110 - Spring 2020, Spring 2020 | WebAssign

31. 0/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 1/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

If the monthly supply of math action figures t months after initial delivery to market is given by the logistical growth function s(t)
= , find the initial supply of the market.
5 + 20e−0.91t




Solution or Explanation
Method 1: Use the Standard Form of a Logistical Growth Model. Recall the Logistical Growth Model:

1 + Be−kt


A is the carrying capacity (i.e., lim = A)
t→∞ 1 + Be−kt
is the initial value at t = 0
ln B A
, is the point of diminishing returns (i.e., inflection point)
k 2

In order to determine the initial supply of the market, we first write s(t) in its standard form:

3000 3000
5 + 20e−0.91t 5(1 + 4e−0.91t)
1 + 4e−0.91t

3000/5 3000
Therefore the initial supply of the market is = .
1+4 25

Method 2: Compute s(0). Alternatively, the initial supply can be computed as follows:
s(0) =
5 + 20e−0.91·0
5 + 20e0
5 + 20
25 35/36
4/6/2020 Math 110: Chapters 4 and 5 Review Problems - Math 110 - Spring 2020, Spring 2020 | WebAssign

32. 1/1 POINTS PREVIOUS ANSWERS 4/100 Submissions Used MY NOTES

Which one of the following statements is NOT always true?

ln(1/a) = −ln(a) for all a > 0.

ln(a·b) = ln(a) + ln(b) for all a,b > 0.

ln(e4x) + ln(e3x) = 7x for all x.

f(x) is concave up on the interval (a,b) if f''(x) > 0 on (a,b).

The domain of ln(x) + 2 consists of all real numbers except x = ±1.
x −1

Solution or Explanation
1 1
The domain of ln(x) consists of all x > 0. The domain of consist of all x ≠ ±1. Therefore, the domain of ln(x) +
x2 − 1 x2 − 1
consist of all x > 0 except x = 1 (i.e., (0,1) ∪ (1,∞)).

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