Project Context: Classroom Management System

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Project Context

Technology is can be the most as the entities, Teachers need to established effective

classroom management system. The assumption here is that while effective classroom systems in

all classrooms, however, such systems need to be highly regarded while teaching pupils.

Effective classroom management systems are crucial in contributing to the general learning of

students in this context that this study seeks to access the effectiveness of the teachers.

A classroom management is the process by which teachers and schools create and

maintain appropriate behavior of students in classroom. Increases meaningful academic learning

and facilitates social and emotional growth.

The manual setup process through the installation of CMS It provides a comprehensive

description of available functions, facilitating interaction between teacher and students in class.

Background of the study

Generally classroom management systems in teaching and learning situations especially

where the students are placed in classroom the kind of organization the teachers undertake while

teaching in the classes can make a difference in how well the students are going to learn a

particular subject. While school subjects require good and effective systems but each subject

may need some specific or additional kinds of organization. Classroom management systems

teachers employ need also to consider students with disabilities. According to Allen (2010)

classroom management is complex set of skills that includes much more than being able to


influence and control student behavior. Overall impression that classroom management is

primarily about discipline term teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom

lessons run smoothly despite behavior by student.

Statement of the problem

This study comes to determine the ideal teaching approach which benefits both the

teacher and students. Specially the study seeks to answer the following questions the major

problem using classroom management system. What type of results does classroom management

system provides data security

General Objectives

The general objectives of this study is to access the effectiveness of teachers’ classroom

management practices in classes of teaching the students.

Specific objectives

 To find out the kind of classroom organization available and favoring the learning

of the subject among the student to learn.

 To find out the kind of teaching and learning strategies the teachers.

 To find out the kind of teaching assistive device available.

 To find out the kind of classroom physical environment.

 To find out the kind of teaching in learning available.

Significance of the study


Findings of this study the value to various educational stakeholder, especially we deem

that the findings of this study is going to be useful specially stakeholders namely; learners,

teaches educationalist and educational researches.

Significance of the study

Classroom management is refers to wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use

to keep students organized, orderly focused attentive when classroom management strategies are

executed effectively teaches minimize the behaviors learning for both individual students and

groups of student.

Admin- very commonly used in speech or on-line to refer to the systems person in charge on a

computer. Common constructions on this include sys admin and site admin (emphasizing the

administrator’s role as a site contact for email and news) or news admin focusing specially on


Learners: we expect that the pupils will be provided with sufficient in efficient classroom

management. Also pupils will provided classes that will support their needs that are well

managed at effective learning.

Teachers: the teachers will improve awareness so as to improve the classroom management

system be effective.

Scope & limitation

Scope of the study

 The system is friendly user.


 The system can record the result students exams quizzes.

 The teacher can add students to the exams and quizzes.

 The students can view the result in their exams and quizzes.

 The teacher can monitor which students have not taken quizzes and exams.

Limitation of the study

 This was limited to study classroom organization, classroom teaching and learning

resources teaching assistance and learning strategies and teachers and students

suggestions for improving classroom management practices for hearing impaired


 The focus was to assess how favorable of effective these variables or factors where

effective in classes where students with. These variables were judged to be adequate for

this study.

Theoretical framework

This study concerned about assessing effectiveness of teachers’ classroom practices in

such classroom organization, classroom environment availability of teaching assistant and

learning strategies and classroom communication may influence effective management practices.

The researchers felt that that of these factors are adequately available classes then suffice to

claim that classroom management practices impaired students are favorable for their learning.


Schema of the study

Teacher’s user of the system Student’s user of the system

 The teachers can create his/her

class  Sign up of his/her account
 After creating a class the  Can view classmates in his/her
teacher the view the students class
for the particular class  Answer practice quizzes
 Upload Download the materials  View evaluation of assignments
for his/her class and quizzes
 Create practice quizzes for  Download downloadable materials
students in a class
 Grade Students assignments  Message a teacher or his/her
 Post announcement classmate
 Create a class calendar of

Definition of terms


1. Admin- very commonly used in speech or on-line to refer to the systems person in

charge on a computer. Common constructions on this include sys admin and site admin

(emphasizing the administrator’s role as a site contact for email and news) or news admin

focusing specially on news.

2. Attendance-the number of people present at an event, meeting, the act of being present.

3. Assignment- a position, post or office to which one is assign

4. Computer – a device that can be instructed to carry out an arbitrary set of arithmetic or

logical operations.

5. Classroom management- refers to a actions taken to create and maintain a learning

environment conductive to successful instruction (arranging the physical environment,

establishing rules and procedures, maintaining pupils’ attention to lessons in activities

and engagement in activities.) Brophy (2006)

6. Classcode – also called classification codes or works comp classification codes, are three

or four-digit codes that insurance companies use to estimate rates. Codes are based on the

risks associated with each type of work an employee performs.

7. Database- a usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid search and

retrieval as by computer

8. Examination- an exercise designed to examine progress or test qualification or


9. Email add- an identifies an email box to which message are delivered. While early

messaging systems used a variety of formats for addressing, today, addresses follow a set

of specific rules originally standardized by the internet engineering tasks force in the

1980s, and update by RFC 5332 and FRC 6854.


10. Grades- a number or letter that indicates how a student performed in a class or on a test

11. Information- knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or


12. Internet– a vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide

13. Learning- Refers to as a change in capability of a person to perform a skill, it must be

inferred from a relatively permanent improvement in performance as a result of

experience (Magill 2004)

14. Technology-a machine piece of equipment method, that is created by technology

15. Online- a connected to a computer a computer network or the internet, done over the


16. .System- Any formulated, regular, or special method or plan of procedure.

17. Student- a person engaged in study one who is devoted to learning a pupil, a scholar

especially one who attends a school, or who seeks knowledge from professional teachers

or from books,

18. Teacher- a person or thing that teaches something especially a person whose job is to

teach students about certain subjects

19. Quizzes- a set of question about a particular subject that people try to answer as a game

or competition

20. Update- to change something more by including the most recent information



Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies which are found useful in

the development if this study.

Classroom management system is the orchestration of the learning environment of a group of

individuals within a classroom is developed beyond a set of educational techniques to

become a complex process in which an environment is constructed in an ongoing reciprocal

manner. This process included dialogue between teachers and students. Reflection on past and

current experiences and looking at how one’s behavior affected others in the environment

(Adler ,1996) CMS can also be a behavioral management where it is used to control and shape

students behavior to conform school rules. Yet consequences, rewards and punishments were

used to guide students and conform to the rules chosen by the school teacher (Schneider, 1997).

Local Literature

According to abadines (2012, as a teacher, you are perpetually pressed for time. You

have a syllabus to cover under a tight schedule. Many school events and activities can affect

instruction time. There are even weather disturbances that threaten the instruction time you have

planned really well for. With a few tweaks in your routine and teaching strategy, you can

maximize instruction time and learning in your classes.

One of the purposes of classroom management is to maximize instruction time and learning. The

more you can get your students to focus on the material at the hand, the more learning will

happen in the classroom. A lot instruction time can be stolen when the class is not under a proper

system. Students going off toilet any time, getting kids to settle down before lesson, or silly

talking and playing can take precious minutes every lesson time and these adds up to hours


throughout the schools year. Get a solid plan in place so that there are minimal distractions

during your class. Brain based science tells us that students learn better in a happy and positive

environment. Know your students well develop a positive relationship with them. Praise them

catch them doing well. Give positive and recognition for deserving behavior and achievements.

By doing so, they will be motivated to learn and behave well under your leadership.


Foreign Literature

Classroom management system is a term used by teachers to describe the process of

ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. The term

also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of

teaching for many teachers; indeed experiencing problems in this area causes some to leave

teaching altogether. In the 1981 the US National Educational Associated reported that 36% of

teachers said they would probably not go into teaching if they have to decide Again. A major

reason was “negative student attitudes and discipline”, (Wolfgang and Glickman)

According to Moskowitz & Hayman (1976) once a teacher loses control of their classroom, it

becomes increasingly more diificult for them to regain that control (Moskowitz & Hayman,

1976. P. 283). Also research from Berliner (1988) and Brophy & Good (1986) shows that the

time teacher has to take to correct misbehavior caused by poor classroom management skills

results in a lower rate of academic engagement in the classroom (Berliner, 1988.p. 310, Brophy

& Good,1986.p.335) from the student’s perspective, effective classroom management involves

clear communication of behavioral and academic expectatios, as well as a cooperative learning

environment (allen.1986).

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