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MAPEH – MUSIC 4th Grading Week 3

Name : _____________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 3 : Single Melodic or Simultaneous Occurrence of

Multiple Melodic Lines
Objectives: At the end of this lesson the students will be able to:
a. Distinguish accurately between single musical lines which
occur simultaneously.
b. Demonstrate the concept of texture.

Get Started :
Sing a song “ Are you sleeping , Brother John “ in your version.

Did you know

 Unison – means singing its melody together until the song ends.

 Round – means a piece of music in which one group first sings a line
or several lines of the song.
 Single Melodic Lines - are melodies sung with no accompaniment.

 Multiple Melodic lines - Two or more melodies that are sung or

played together.
 Melodic Lines - becomes thick or thin depending on how
individuals sing or sung a song.

Activity # 1

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

____________1. Unison means singing a song’s melody together.

____________2. Rock means singing s song’s repeatedly. ]

____________3. Multiple melodic lines are two or more melodies that are sung

played together.

____________4. Singing a song in unison means singing its melody alone.

____________5. A song sit si rit sit is an example of single melodic lines.


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