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TEACHERS NOTES | Phonetics guessing Type of activity Key Vocabulary and pronunciation. Group work 1 i TEAM 2 @ CAPITAL Aim 3 WALL To practise the recognition of sounds and phonetic 4 PLEASED symbols 5 o: FATHER/AUNT 6 2: (SURFBOARD Task 7 © MESSAGE bey 8 a: PARTNER Vocabulary guessing teal Preparation eee 1s MONTH Make one copy of the worksheet for each group. tee are Timing 1301 LIFT 14 4 COME 40-60 minutes 15 HOOLIGANS 46 © FRIEND Procedure 7 4 UNCLE 1. Divide the students into groups of four to six. 18 » WOULD 2 Give one copy of the worksheet to each 19 © HEAVY ‘group. Tell students they will also need dice 299, JUMP or a coin, Distribute counters if available 21 u CHILDHOOD 3 Explain that each box has the definition of a 2 e SWEPT ‘word that they must guess. This word 23 > COFFEE contains the sound that appears in brackets. 24 WORDS 4 The first player fips a coin. Ifitis heads, the 95. READLINES player moves one square, if itis tails, they 2% > JOB move two squares. 27a: CHURCH If players guess a word correctly, they stay ong MARRY that square. If they are wrong, they go back to 99, AUXILIARY the previous square. 30s: CHURCH When a player lands on a square which has previously been guessed, they must thinkof Fo ilow up another word with the same sound. 5 Circulate, checking that students have given a correct answer. Students write the words they have guessed and group them according to the vowel sounds they have in common. @ = a EPAAAA ABAD AA AAA AAA A Ad A A A dA A AAA A group of people who play together against another Ico Coa You leave one ‘on someone's ete answering 2 machine e TACO ue Part of the year. CRC es Rca) LTRs ote} Prenat TR G Ce The period of your life that comes before adolescence. Your mother's brother. em os oe People go there to pray. St = your living VVVVV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV Between the ceiling and the Rd AUF Used You ask for ‘one when you don't hove a car and you don't feel like walking rene you use for invitations. You can have it black or white. eects Cui x Dhdddbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbda BCT CSR iol LNT Rei well. A relative. You spent much of your time here when you were a boy/girl Senn cra Te Brn and you don't ran VVVVVVVVVVVVVY They behave fei aol in a violent ‘go’ way, especially n at football matches. SRS Lee oe laitt r eer Some people only read these in a newspaper. Aros Pee een) ANU Verb that goes with another verb and shows tense or voice, or is used to make questions. 2 Some people Cen cere LALA DAD DADADDADAAAADAAAAAAAAAAAADAAAAAAAAAL Point: Minimum level: Game type: Approximate time: Phonetic crossword words and phonetic transcriptions intermediate a word puzzle for students working individually (or in pairs) 15 minutes Preparation Make a copy ofthe puzle for each member ofthe class. You may also want to make a copy on an OHP transparency ora lage pce of paper. There ae two puzales. Conducting the game 1 Give each student a word puzzle. (The puzzle could also be done in pairs.) Leave students to complete the puzzle. 2 When students have finished, check answers together. (Use your OHP transparency or large piece of paper if you have copied the puzzle.) 8 Drill the pronunciation of the words. Key The Completed crosswords should look lke this: Crossword 1 Ielele [3 ig ale ale 7 1 (hJs: a] Crossword 2 EI} 3 h]b|r ler afolm liso SGicie Phonetic crossword Crossword 1 Complete this crossword with phonetic spelings of these verbs. Use the symbols from the sounds menu. Two of the verbs have been Sounds menu written for you. Ip! park t 7 fl face pu a\! su time \earn eeg- ra) 05 ke Is/ see ick ma paid ki drink sing B ‘mn! most take /n/ ame meet Write oi bring r hy here A\ oe live taught sau 1: Ir! tide hi sit hurt elld fist seat ght /o:/ sport iw Jai! bird Jol good Jer! face look Jaa! line Crossword 2 . Complete this crossword with phonetic symbols from the sounds menu, al 7] Sounds menu When it is finished you will see that ‘ea’ can be pronounced in many i ciferent ways. ‘pl pen /b/ bed Across Down a N ery ‘ty teacl a pear 1 heard id! dog bleave 2 bread b Agi church Is! soon cbreak 3 read /k/ keep fe 2 3 8] /hy hat dreach 4 cheap Mv ive dea 5 speaks fc} gun ® : ut id 4] Jw/ west f east 6 sea Je! egg fis $08 g dear 7 wear 7 rT . /s:/ bitd Jia! here h pea 8 seat feo! hait 9 h Jex! say Point: Minimum level: Game type: Approximate time: Phonetic code awareness of sounds intermediate a search puzzle for students working individually (or in pairs) 15 minutes Preparation ‘Make a copy of the puzzle for each member of the class. You may also want to copy the puzzle ‘onto the board or an OHP transparency. Presentation ‘Write on the board juice tain page 1 2 12 Explain that the numbers refer to sounds; 1 refers to a sound which is common to juice and page and 2 refers toa sound wich is common to rain and page. Ask students to identity those sounds (1 =the first consonant in juice, 2 = the vowel sound in rai). Ht students are familiar ‘with phonetic script, they could use the symbols (1 = /d3/, lev). Conducting the game 1 Explain that the three fragments of writing in the puzzle contain a secret message from one ‘py to another. To find the message, students must break the code ‘2 The code is based on the sounds in the words; each number refers to a sound in the word above. Ia number occurs under one word and no other, it means thatthe sound occurs in that word and no other 3 By putting the sounds that the numbers refer to together in numerical order, you get the secret message. I students are familar with phonetic serpt, this will be useful since they willbe able to write a symbol for each number. 4 Leave the class to complete the puzzle, glving clues for students who are strugating Key 1 meet you (1 = /m/,2=/i/, 9 =/t/, 4 =/il, 5 = fu) 2 airport (1 =/eal,2= /p/,3=Io/,4=/t)) 3 five thinty (1 =//, 2 =/aul, 3 =/v/,4 = 101, 5 = /x/,6 = hi, 9 s ae =. Sv L 03 suzeeT 4T eTOFEq YITeS 9YyQ UT g L zh £ 1 $ s swizom Aue puTJ ZeASU TTTM patq ATree eyL @ z cA 3 v v m7 ‘aNOVAd INY Sia NI Xiy AHL JISWL OL LHINO Nod, 2) Isbq oN} Ul 9SIT [TIM uoow Moyioh 04} uoos yng Bunofi si }u31U OYyLo Sado enbetot no teey BE «20%¢« 24 sveting 0/1 fur Phonemic crossword Target language: sounds and spelling /o/ />:/ /au/ Activity type: crossword When to use: Use this activity after Lesson 8.2. Time taken: 25 minutes Photocopy and cut up one worksheet for each pair of students in the class. Prepar Procedure Give a blank crossword to all students. Divide students into two groups. Give one half of the class the Student A worksheet and the other half the Student 8 worksheet. Ask students to work with someone from the same group and translate the phonemic script to complete either the across or down sections of their crosswords. Paira Student A with a Student 8. Each student now takes it in turns to define the words in his/her crossword so that his/her partner can guess the word and complete the second half of his/her crossword. ‘Answers Across: 5 cottage 7 always 9 fought 10 tropical 12 score 14 goggles 16 organic 18 drawing 19 law 20 snowcapped Down: 1 confident 2 rope 3 romantic 4 mortality 6 global 8 waterfall 11 coast 13 solar 45 daughter 17 conflict Phonemic crossword Student A Student B ‘Across clues Down clues. 5 [kotids/ 4 konfidant/ 7 2 frovp! ° 3. froumeentik/ 20 tropikal/ 4 Ima:telot/ a2 /sko:/ 6 {sloubol/ 14 /gogale/ 8 fousitafosl/ 36 /oxgeemk) a1 [koust/ 38 fdrsp/ 43 [savla/ 19° fo) 15 [dota/ 20° /snovkaapt/ a7 Pkonfukt/ STUDENT A Vowel Sounds Practise the pronunciation of the vowel sounds in the table. Use the models to help you. sound | model fis! tree Al hit fal | far | clock Say these words to your partner. Use the models in the table to help you with the pronunciation, 4. bin! bin 4. ten! ten 7. /gud!_ good 10. /ku:d/ cooed 2. if: fil 5. /bet/ bat 8. /wod/ wad 41. jha:d/ hard 3. /sel/ sell 6. /saks/ sucks 9. /toil/ tall 42. (bain! burn Listen to your partner. Underline the word you hear. 4. hd! lid; led) led 7. Ikod/ cod; Ikud/ could 2. Iwitt) wheat; /wit/ wit 8. flok/ lock; lok) look 3. Jpisk/ peak; pik! pick 9 foo: bore; bus boo 4, Ipen! Ipen! pan 10. max) more; /mu:/_ moo 5. ‘dedi ded! dad 41. fai! far; ffs) fur 6. /meg) Meg; /mag/_ mug 12. /ka:d/ card; /ks:d/_ curd Check your answers with your partner. Say these words aloud to yourself and then write the words in the spaces. Check the spelling with your partner. 4. foom/ 5. fuzz! 6. /gest/ 7. Ibild/ ses 10, Awol 411. /wand. Your partner's answers: friend; duck; floor; laugh; need; wood/would; want; six; word; back; foot. Vowel Sounds STUDENT B Practise the pronunciation of the vowel sounds in the table. Use the models to help you. sound| iv | fv | fel | fel | fav | to | iat | lov | fav | fv | lol model| tree | hit | man | let | far clock | cup | call | boot | girl | look Listen to your partner. Underline the word you hear. 4. foin/ been; — /bin/ bin; 7. Indi god; — /gud/ good 2. ffisl/ feel; fu’ fill; 8. /wod/ wad; fwd! would 3. /sel/ sell; sil’ sill; 9. itoil/ tall; /tu:l/ tool 4.ften) ten; /ten/ tan; 10. /ko:d/ cord; —/kuxd/- coved 5. fbet/ bet; beet! bat; 44. sha:di hard; hard heard 6. /sarks/ sacks; /saks/ sucks; 42. /ban/ bun; /bsin! burn Check your answers with your partner. Say these words to your partner. 1. ed! led 4. /peen/ pan 7. Iknd/ cod 10. [mo:] more 2. wit! wit 5. ded) dead 8. fluk/ look 44. (far) far 3. /pick/ peak 6. mag! mug 9. /bu:/ boo 12. [kad] curd Say these words aloud to yourself and write the words in the spaces. Check the spelling with your partner. 4. Mfrend/ 4. /lasfi 7. Iwont! . 10. /beek! .. 2. idaki 5. /nizd! 8. /siks! 11. fut! 3. fflot/ 6. /wod! .. 9. Iwa:d! . Your partner’s answers: course; flat; mean; bomb; lose; guest; build; heart; hurt; wool; one/won. Description students practise pats of the body and phonetics Lesson link Use this activity after 3d, page 62 Time 15-20 minutes Extra material None @ Divide the class into two teams. Explain that you'll write 20 parts of the body on the board using the phonetic alphabet, sound by sound. As soon as a team thinks it knows what the part of the body is, they should shout out the answer ~ but if they're wrong they lose a point, and the other team gets to guess the word. The team with the most points wins. b Write these parts of the body on the board, one by ‘one and sound by sound, giving the teams time to guess the word if they want to. hend (hand) Joulda (shoulder) fot (foot) weist (waist) pa:m (palm) kidni (kidney) Inn lung) tu:0 (tooth) arbrao_ (eyebrow) stamak (stomach) ha:t (heart) West (chest) Oar (thigh) i (heel) (cheek) fothed (forehead) atlaf (eyelash) nek (neck) nist (wist) tan (tongue)

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