Word Linking & Sentence Stress

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[TEACHERS NoTES | The wedding Type of activity Pronunciation. Individual study and pair work Aim ‘To practise the sound /9/ in connected speech. Task To read out a dialogue, focusing on the sound /o! Preparation Make one copy of the worksheet for each student Timing 40 minutes Procedure 11 Ask the students to imagine that they are setting married. Using the pictures, brainstorm the different things that need to be arranged before the wedding day. 2 Write these words on the board: vicar, best ‘man, groom, caterers, cal of, see to (something), 40 out with, carnations, buttonholes. Check that the meaning is clear, using the pictures, and duill for pronunciation. B Toll the students that they are going to read a conversation between a bride and groom who are finaliaing plans for their wedding. Give cone copy of the worksheet to each student 4 Ask the students to form pairs. Explain that they are going to read the dialogue, focusing in particular on the sound Jal, which is marked in the text on the worksheet. Model and drill example sentences from the dialogue in open class to illustrate this 5) Circulate and monitor the pairs, helping, them with pronunciation. 6 Aska few of the pairs to perform their dialogue for the whole class, using props if they are available, Strong stuclents might like to try to perform the dialogue (or an approximation of it) without looking at the worksheet, Follow up The students could extend the dialogue for homework, performing thir version inthe next lesson The wedding B = Bride; G = Groom B 6 B G: 8 G: zBoeaee Roses 2 carnatans? Sorry, what was that? Roses 9 carnatans? Far tha buttenholes Da we need flowas? Wall, yes. 'd like thom, Flowas 9 vory expensive, yo know Varonica, We've already spent too much Bat it is 9 specel day, John. OK. How about red roses? Red? Nol Lind> Evans had red roses at her wedding, so? Well, didn't ya use to go out with har? Yes, so what? Well | don't want our wedding to be like hers. Yo're not stil jealos of hor, are you? Jealas? Me? Jealos? of course I'm not. Ye did {go out with ha f2 four years, though (there is an uncomfortable silence) e2on0 Have ya booked tha honeymoon yet? No, | havan't booked tha honeymoon. I've been too busy. What about tha catarars? Have yo spoken to thom about tha menu? No, | haven’. ‘and tha man who'll be doing the disco? No. Tho vicar about tho church service? No. Tha phatographa? No The flowas fe tha church? | thought you wa going t@ see to them. \ can't balieve this. Wo not evan married yet ‘and wore arguing already! (here is a pause) G: oe 22 Look Varonica, maybe we shad wait 2 while What? Before we get married. What 2 ya saying, John? ‘'m saying that | think we shad call off tha wedding, Bauoonnetoc ister «20:<2<5 200 Lost in translation Target language: connected speech Activity type: group discussion When to.se: Use this activity after Unit 4.2. Time taken: 30 minutes : Photocopy one worksheet for each student inthe class. Preparat Procedure Put students into pairs and give each student a worksheet. Ask them to translate the phonemic script to make ten statements, reminding students that some sounds, ie. /t/ and Jd}, are sometimes lost and words are connected in speech. Da the first one together asa class. Remind students to look at the phonemes chart in their Students’ Book on page 163. When they have finished, check answers with the whole class. Now ask students to take it in turns to read out a statement and then discuss whether they think itis true or not with their partners. They should say why they agree or disagree with the statements, giving good reasons. Get feedback from one or two pairs about what they agreed and disagreed with, Answers 1.Most people don't save money. 2,You shouldn't give up on your dreams. 3 Borrowing money isn't the right thing to do. 4 Don't be too ambitious in life. '5 People don't spend enough money on keeping healthy. 6 You shouldn't want to be rich. 7 You must believe in yourself to be successful. 8 You shouldn't buy something because its a bargain 9 Don't waste money on designer clothes. 10 All wealthy people must give money to charity. Lost in translation 10 /mauspi:pal daunserv mani/ /ja Sodngivapon ja dri:mz/ /bpravrn mani 1znd—a rar81n ta du:/ /daunbt tu: embrfasin larf/ /pi:pal daunspend tnaf mani on dea hel6/ /ja Sudnwonta bi ritf/ /ja masbtli:vin jaself ta bi saksesfal/ /ja Sudnbar sam@1n brkozitsa ba:gin/ /daunweismani on dizatna klavdz/ /2:| wel6i pi:pal masgiv mani ta tfertti/ Point: Minimum level: Game type: Approximate time: Link maze linking between vowel sounds intermediate a path-finding puzzle for students working individually (or in pairs) 20 minutes Preparation ‘Make 2 copy of the maze for each member of the lass Presentation 1 White te folowing phrases on the Board: Try again! Two apples Four oranges Demonstrate the pronunciation of these three phrases, making sure that the words ae inked together. Point out that the yin try, the win two and the rin four are pronounced, whereas they are not when those words are pronounced separately (Note that te rin fouris pronounced in some accents ) 2 Epain that this is because the second word begins with a vowel, not because ofthe wntten y, wore 3 Write the following phrases on the board to show how these three sounds can intrude between words even where they are not writen: “Te apples Blue eyes Area otice (Note that some peop regard the intrusive ras in area ofice as bad pronunciation ) Conducting the game 1 Give each student a maze. (The game could also be played in pairs.) Explain that the object of the game is to find the correct way out of the maze; the exits from one ofthe outside squares ofthe maze 2 Each square contains a phrase with a linking sound indicated __ 3 Players move from square to square according tothe following rue: AF the inking sound is /,tura let If the inking sound i wv, go straight on If the linking sound is /r/, turn right. Itis very important to note that these directions are relative to the se that you enter the square {om So, tor example, i you are heading ‘east’ and turn right, then you will be heading ‘south. 4 When students have finished, check the answers together Key The covet ote i fons ‘Hello everybody! - Draw a line - We saw a film - | agree - Where are you? Blue eyes - Go to England - Law and order - A few apples - Four and a half - Give me aringAroworqoston-Tov or ase? Toa cote? - We ret ready Go ahead! - Score a goal (exit Q) Making your own versions You could wakd your own vero Ving plses rom your couse. Simply wit the phasen the squares then go rough the maza Yours o Seo where players should come ou ey move correctly. y / & w/ § /r/ a birt oP ord | ty erage aed S Wear enor lla ae Where : * ~ ee ere % “ th everybody! 4 nares are you’ _ _ 8 True_or Never_ Blue. false? again! ) apples ord ais, L oe c Start a en aN M > epee) ae a. REE REG aE), oe Point: Minimum level: Game type: Approximate time: Fishing stress patterns in short phrases intermediate a matching puzzle for students working individually (or in pairs) 15 minutes Preparation Make @ copy of ine puzzle for each member ofthe lass Presentation +4 Choose some short phrases trom your course and write them on the board. Read the phrases ‘aloud to demonstrate ther stress patterns and draw a circle under the stressed syllables. These stressed sylables willbe in the content words as opposed to the grammatical words. Draw a smaller circle under each of the remaining sylables. These syllables willbe the unstressed parts of the content words and the form words. (Note thatthe stress patterns could be diferent it one part of the massage is given a spacial emphasis for some reason.) 2 Ack students to think of some othar phrases and indicate the stress pattern with circles. Conducting the game 1 Give each student a puzzle. (The puzzle could also be done in pairs.) Explain that for each of the phrases around the edge ofthe pond, there is another phrase with the same stress pattern elsewhere, The abject of the game isto draw straight lines joining these matching pars of phrases to discover which fish is caught. 2 Aish is caught i itis completely surrounded by lines. 3 One strategy would be to begin by marking the stress patterns under each ofthe phrases. Key Fish B is caught. The correct matching pairs are: © Look! - Waitt © Begin! - She talked. © Who cares? - Don't stop! @@e Don't worry! - Keep quiet! They've arrived.-| insist. je They've finished. - I've seen it. @2@ Whats the time? - Don't forget! e ye See you later! - Come and see us! | spoke to Jon. - He wants to come. Where was he from? - What do you want? ye She tried to call you. | can't believe it. Making your own versions You can make your own version using phrases from your course. Draw the points and join pat of them up. Choose ane snared area to pac he caught fla Place the rex ofthe eh Ir unenclsed areas. Labe alte fish wih eters of te alphabet Tac the pits a sh Onto a second set of paper and wit he phases by the poms, Make suit you havea matching pi by two pts hat were comected by ane on he st sheet oper Join the dats next to the sentences with matching stress patterns. There is only one pair of sentences for each stress pattem. The eleven slress patterns in the game are: We I've seen it. Don’t forget! (> Keep quiet! Don’t stop. They've @ finished. 2 A e Come and see us! Where was he from? e They've arrived. I spoke to John.

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